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The objective of this project was to develop and pilot a small-scale professional development program that incorporated substantial group and one-on-one mentoring aimed at preparing rurally based preschool teacher assistants to earn the Child Development Associate (CDA) credential. Using a framework that emphasized the relational, developmental, and contextual elements of mentoring, this qualitative case study examined both the participants’ and mentors’ perceptions of the program. Results of this study revealed overlapping themes across teacher assistants and their mentors, including readiness for the CDA credentialing process, mentoring support/relationship-building, and mutual respect.  相似文献   

自我导向性学习与教师专业发展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
教师专业发展具有个体性、主动性、内在性等特征,而自我导向性学习则能很好地适应教师专业发展的这些特点。文章在介绍自我导向性学习的含义与特点的基础上,对自我导向性学习与教师专业发展的关系以及如何促进教师的自我导向性学习进行了阐述。  相似文献   

The professional development project reported on in this paper, the Beginning Elementary Science Teachers' (BEST) project, was based on the premise that the first years of elementary science teaching can be very important in the development of long-term quality science teaching. Specifically, we report on project experiences that allowed 13 beginning teachers to interact with experienced teachers in a university seminar and during school visits. Results show that these limited mentoring experiences can support the development of professional knowledge and discussion centers on factors that facilitate knowledge growth. Conclusions are presented that compare benefits of these limited mentoring experiences to those reported to be achieved in long-term mentoring programs.  相似文献   

Governments worldwide have invested in teaching standards and performance benchmarks to improve teacher preparation and teacher quality that impacts student achievement. As a means of addressing these imperatives, the Australian government has recently encouraged formal partnerships between tertiary providers, schools and education systems in delivering teacher education and professional development, in particular for mentors. This article documents challenges and initial findings of the first year of a school-university partnership involving an Australian regional university and K-12 teacher-mentors located in rural schools. It describes the design and implementation of a contextualised professional development model, using participatory action research to build teacher capacity for mentoring and foster a culture of collaborative inquiry. The model discussed reflects a systematic approach to constructing knowledge, skills and roles essential to effective mentoring.  相似文献   

While new teacher mentoring has traditionally focused on socio-emotional support and professional socialization, understanding mentors’ role in developing novices’ content teaching is needed given new educational reforms. Few researchers have explored a knowledge/practice base for content-focused mentoring. Therefore, we ask: what do content mentors identify as knowledge/practices needed for subject-specific mentoring? How is subject-specific mentoring enacted? What complexities arise? We found: (a) developing novices’ content teaching is a distinct mentor role; (b) a knowledge/practice base, with mentor’s pedagogical content knowledge and knowledge of content-specific assessment most frequently reported; and (c) enactment of content-focused mentoring reveals promising practices in guiding novices in assessing and developing students’ disciplinary thinking, and tensions between content-focused and socio-emotional mentor roles.  相似文献   

本文立足于对终身学习理论的分析,从社会职能和培养目标的层面探讨终身学习时代高等教育所肩负的重要使命,及建设学习型社会和培养终身学习者的重大责任,并由此讨论这一转变给高校教师带来的专业发展方面的新挑战,提出:教师应当培养自己终身学习的能力;要加强教育、心理学方面的理论学习与实践探讨;要个性化地完善教学环节.  相似文献   

The paper describes characteristics and analyses difficulties of environmental sciences teachers in mentoring their students in an extended inquiry project, which is a mandatory requirement of the environmental sciences matriculation in Israel. The teachers participated in a professional development program that provided both content knowledge and support for conducting inquiry, and enabled the teachers to guide the students in the inquiry project. Teachers who had experience in inquiry identified more skills required for mentoring students' inquiry, and provided a non-directive guidance pattern, whereas inexperienced teachers acknowledged less skills, and tended to present a directive-authoritative approach. Insufficient content and pedagogical content knowledge affected the teachers who closely controlled their students' work.  相似文献   

课堂教学评价与教师专业发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
课堂教学评价是教育改革的重要组成部分之一,有效的课堂教学评价能够促进教师的专业发展和学生的成长。从传统的课堂教学评价存在的问题入手,提出构建促进教师专业发展的课堂教学评价体系,以丰富和深化课堂教学评价的理论与实践。  相似文献   

台州学院土木工程实施“三明治”教学模式,交通土建作为大土木的专业方向,存在学生专业学习时间过短的问题。为了发挥“三明治”教学模式的优势和促进学生专业学习,以加强专业教学和培养学生专业技能为目的,制定并实施了“专业导师制”教学方案,同时形成了一整套评价体系,通过效果评价表明“专业导师制”实施,使交通土建学生专业学习得到有效的加强,保证了三明治教学有效实施。  相似文献   

基于"发展得比较好的教师更能准确地评判影响教师专业发展的因素"的假设,本研究借用网络技术的优势,就当前中小学教师专业发展活动的相关问题,调查了132位拥有"中高"职称的教师。结果发现:一是"典型"的校本教研活动虽然开展的频率高,但教师对其效果的评价却很差;二是我们在强调"典型"的校本教研活动的重要性的同时,忽视了那些"非典型"的、主要由个人自主研修或校外进行知识输入的专业发展活动的作用;三是教师对"听专家报告"和"做课题研究"这两项专业发展活动持有较高水平的认可;四是当前教师参与校本教研活动的积极性存在"小(学)高中(学)低"现象,反映了"越是需要专业知识和技能支持的老师,参加专业发展活动的积极性越低"的尴尬。  相似文献   


The design and delivery of a professionally-oriented, management, doctoral programme introduces new criteria for the selection and training of mentors and supervisors. An internationally dispersed student body of mobile, senior business and academic professionals compounds the problems. This article considers alternative models for delivery and exemplifies course design issues through a development in a major management college. Issues of semi-remote and remote mentoring and supervision are illustrated with examples from a Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) programme, showing the need for disaggregation and reconstitution of the mentoring and supervisory roles and their sensitive application, given the international mobility of most of the students.  相似文献   

当前我国高等教育迅速发展,高等学校英语教师面临巨大挑战,高校教师要想承担起教学重任,必须走专业化发展之路。文章针对当前高校英语教师专业发展的途径和存在的不足,提出建立教师学习档案,培养学习型教师是促进教师专业化发展切实可行的方法。  相似文献   

基于教师专业发展的反思性教学   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
反思性教学是促进教师专业发展的有效途径。在介绍反思性教学相关背景知识的基础上,阐述了反思性教学对教师专业发展的重要意义以及实施反思性教学的一些方法,并具体描述了反思性教学的实施过程,力图把反思性教学的相关理论和实践操作做一较完整的呈现。  相似文献   

幼儿园教师专业认同是教师对自己身为一名幼儿园教师所具有的意义的整体看法。从教师成长的历程来看,教师专业认同是多元的、复杂的、动态发展的。本研究旨在探讨幼儿园教师专业认同对教师专业发展的影响,运用叙事研究法,选取一位幼儿园教师作为研究个案,透过教师专业认同的个案故事,从自我形象、专业准备、工作动机、教学实践、未来展望等方面分析影响幼儿园教师专业发展的因素。  相似文献   

叙事探究是实现教师专业发展的有效方式之一。叙事探究有助于教师深化认识教学经验的意义,有助于其反思能力的提高,有助于其个人实践知识的形成,从而促进其专业发展。然而,叙事探究在事件发展过程中,不可避免地有某些局限性,所叙故事缺乏一定的真实性和理论基础,缺乏叙述者的深刻思考与反思,对"教师成为研究者"存在争议,这些都是教师专业发展中亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   

In this article, I propose collaborative mentorship (CM) as a mentoring approach to support and sustain teachers in diversity and equity education. CM is theorized as a mentoring relationship grounded in critical dialog between mentor and mentee. Drawing on research conducted in a culturally, racially, linguistically, and socially diverse secondary school in Southern Ontario, Canada, this article examines tensions teachers experience with equity and diversity and the knowledge base necessary for such a mentoring approach. As the schools become more diverse, it is vital that teachers seek out new approaches that respond to the changing social contexts. The findings of my research have implications for teacher professional development and teacher training in discovering new ways to support in diverse classrooms.  相似文献   

教学专长与教师专业发展是教师教育的重要组成部分,是教师通过教育教学实践逐步实现的,是发展学校管理活动的本质要求。教学专长与教师专业发展是相辅相成的,相互依存的,通过构建教师个人理论,发展教师群体文化,发展教育专长,实现教学专长与教师专业发展的目的,推动教师教育的发展。  相似文献   

通过调查和分析国内近六年来关于反思性教学与教师专业化发展关系的研究,归纳出研究所取得的成果及不足之处,并提出相关建议。  相似文献   

自我导向学习:农村教师专业发展的有效途径   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
国外教师专业发展理论的日益成熟和我国教师教育实践的日趋完善以及基础教育新课程改革的不断深入,将我国百万教师的专业发展问题提到了前所未有的高度,新农村建设则把农村教师的专业成长问题摆上了议事日程。如何针对农村教师专业发展现状,探寻一种经费省、效果佳的适合农村学校特点和农村教师个性化需要的专业发展范式,成为全体教育工作者急待探索的课题。自我导向学习强调学习者的主动性、独立性和责任感,可资成为有效促进农村教师专业发展的首选途径。  相似文献   

促进教师专业发展的网络学习共同体创建研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
已有的众多研究和实践均表明,网络学习共同体的有效建立和应用能够促进教师的专业发展.本文采用文献分析与实证检验方法,首先分析了教师专业发展和网络学习共同体之间的关系,以及网络学习共同体的成员、工具、主题、资源、活动等必备要素,并提炼出系统性地创建优秀网络学习共同体的实践策略,主要包括清晰界定共同体的主题和目的、建立共同体领导团队、建立共同体成员记录档案、界定共同体成员行为准则、组织策划周期性的学习活动等.最后,文章简要阐述了基于博客平台的网络学习共同体(天河部落)应用上述策略所取得的实践效果,并进行了总结.  相似文献   

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