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胫骨结节骨软骨炎为青少年运动爱好的常见和多发的运动创伤性疾病,分析胫骨结节骨软骨炎的X线、B超、CT等影像图的表现及各种影像技术诊断本病的特点、对胫骨结节骨软骨炎的诊断提供筛选原则。  相似文献   

胫骨应力骨析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胫骨应力骨折是运动训练中的常见损伤。文章从流行病学着手分析胫骨应力损伤发生的危险因素,包括内因外因,从而为它的预防治疗提供一个新的思路。采用综合疗法的中医是我们防治胫骨应力损伤发展的方向。  相似文献   

胫骨疲劳性骨膜炎在速滑专业运动员群体中是最常见的运动损伤之一,这与该项目在运动过程中,胫前肌反复受力收缩有关,如治疗和预防不正确、不及时,不仅会严重影响速滑运动员的运动寿命,甚至还会影响今后的日常生活。分析和总结了速滑运动员胫骨疲劳性骨膜炎发生的原因,提出了胫骨部急性损伤的处理等治疗措施,并从合理安排运动负荷、规范技术动作、加强场地管理、合理使用护具及加强自我保护等方面阐明了速滑运动员胫骨疲劳性骨膜炎的预防,以期帮助速滑运动员科学训练并积极配合医务人员,有效地避免和减少胫骨疲劳性骨膜炎的发生及其带来的不良影响。  相似文献   

艺术体操运动员的柔韧性训练   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
通过对国内外有关发展运动员柔韧性素质献的研究,并结合实践经验,归纳出发展艺术体操运动员柔韧性素质的一些观点和方法,对指导艺术体操运动员柔韧性训练有积极的现实意义。  相似文献   

Many athletes use dietary supplements as part of their regular training or competition routine, including about 85% of elite track and field athletes. Supplements commonly used include vitamins, minerals, protein, creatine, and various "ergogenic" compounds. These supplements are often used without a full understanding or evaluation of the potential benefits and risks associated with their use, and without consultation with a sports nutrition professional. A few supplements may be helpful to athletes in specific circumstances, especially where food intake or food choice is restricted. Vitamin and mineral supplements should be used only when a food-based solution is not available. Sports drinks, energy bars, and protein-carbohydrate shakes may all be useful and convenient at specific times. There are well-documented roles for creatine, caffeine, and alkalinizing agents in enhancing performance in high-intensity exercise, although much of the evidence does not relate to specific athletic events. There are potential costs associated with all dietary supplements, including the risk of a positive doping result as a consequence of the presence of prohibited substances that are not declared on the label.  相似文献   

对核心力量训练在备战2008-2012年奥运会、亚运会和全运会实践研究后发现:1)运动员核心力量训练主要由核心稳定性训练、关节养护性训练及核心专门性训练组成;2)核心稳定性是指核心肌群在神经肌肉系统、骨骼韧带系统以及呼吸调节系统的协同作用下,稳定身体姿势和重心、产生和传递上下肢力量的能力;3)关节养护性训练是指针对易伤部位和薄弱环节所进行以伤病防护为主的体能训练理念和方法;4)核心稳定性与关节养护性训练是进行核心专门性力量训练的前提和基础;5)核心专门性力量训练是核心力量训练的本质和关键,是指根据专项动作模式的特殊需求以及运动员体能特点来进行的具有专项针对性核心力量训练,也即运动员的动态稳定性和强大的腰髋收缩力量。  相似文献   

李亚慧 《冰雪运动》2001,(2):55-55,60
通过对速滑教学各技术阶段的示范动作的具体分析,指出如何恰当、准确地运用示范动作,使示范动作充分发挥其作用,从而取得良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

心理训练在体育运动训练中占有极其重要的位置。以冰壶训练为例,阐述心理训练对掌握冰壶动作以及帮助运动员在比赛中稳定情绪,促进技术水平的发挥等方面的重要作用。  相似文献   

对307名少年运动员问卷调查发现,少年运动员的学业可能自我存在结构差异,目前学业可能自我比未来学业可能自我分值高;少年运动员在目前学业可能自我这一维度上存在性别差异,女运动员的得分高于男运动员,男女运动员在未来学业可能自我维度上没有差别;从少年运动员学业可能自我发展趋势来看,从初一到初二分值急剧下降,初二、初三基本稳定在中等的水平;与普通初中生相比,少年运动员的学业可能自我水平较高。  相似文献   

高水平运动员运动损伤的心理反应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
方娅 《体育学刊》2004,11(2):57-60
对竞技项目运动员来说,运动损伤将产生巨大生理及心理的挑战。研究者们已经证实了运动损伤对高水平运动员所产生的一系列心理方面的影响,并且对于运动员的情感冲击提出了不同的理论模式。目前的研究中通过回顾相关运动损伤心理反应的一系列文献,力求挖掘并总结更系统的运动损伤在心理方面所受到的干扰及影响。通过这一总结又将引出更多的可探讨的问题以供将来在损伤后心理过程和整个恢复方面的研究。更重要的是能将这些所能考虑到的因素有效运用到现实的策略中,以帮助运动员更好的恢复和参与今后的比赛、训练。  相似文献   

罗智  龙国强 《体育学刊》2006,13(6):111-114
从指标模型、权重模型与均值模型三维勾画出我国优秀举重运动员的形态模型。结果表明,我国优秀举重运动员各形态指标可分为肌肉质量因子和体型因子两类;权重模型显示出髂宽、髂宽指数和克托莱指数最能反映我国优秀举重运动员的专项形态特征,体现出“倒三角”的体型与发达的肌肉质量符合举重运动员的形态要求。同时,均值模型显示,不同重量级别之间,体型因子各指标的差异不如肌肉质量因子明显。另外,随着重量级别的提高,优秀举重运动员专项形态适合运动员举起更重的杠铃。  相似文献   

论专业运动员队伍的现代化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
现代化的专业运动员应树立现代化的体育思想观念,具有成才的内动力,树立知识化的新观念,具有健康独立的人格和合作精神。为了实现运动员队伍的现代化,教练员和运动员应树立开放的体育观念,明确教育是体育发展的基础,培养信息技术的运用能力,形成良好的文化氛围并注重美育的作用。  相似文献   

Organisational stressors have been found to be prevalent and problematic for sport performers, with research identifying demographic differences in the stressors encountered. Nevertheless, extant sport psychology research on the topic of stress has generally focused on able-bodied athletes; whilst that which has been conducted on performers with a disability has typically recruited relatively small samples to explore a narrow selection of organisational stressors, or examined other components of the stress process. The purpose of the present study was to explore the various organisational stressors that athletes with a disability encounter. The sample comprised 18 elite athletes with a disability (10 male, 8 female) who had a classified disability and experience of competing at a major championships in their sport (e.g., Paralympic Games, World Championships). Participants took part in a semi-structured interview which was analysed by drawing from grounded theory procedures. A total of 316 organisational stressors were identified, which were abstracted into 31 concepts and four, previously conceptualised, exploratory schemes: leadership and personnel issues, cultural and team issues, logistical and environmental issues, and performance and personal issues. This study not only provides the first illustration of the prevalence of organisational stressors for athletes with a disability, but also significantly points to salient similarities and distinct differences between the stress experiences of performers with and without a disability.  相似文献   

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