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This article provides a strong rationale for renewal programs in career guidance and counseling. The rationale is based on the expressed needs of counselors, counselor educators, and supervisors, and the needs of clients, as well as on major position papers of APGA, ACES, and NVGA. The APGA Counselor Renewal and Development Professional Preparation and Standards Committee has clearly stated that counselor renewal is a professional imperative for those who seek to remain effective helpers. The ACES position paper, “Counselor Preparation for Career Development/Career Education”, also clearly points out the need for renewal in career guidance and counseling. In addition to the rationale, the article describes several career-counseling-oriented renewal programs that are currently available for counselors and counselor educators and supervisors who would like to upgrade their skills in this area.  相似文献   

A national survey, reported by ACES regions, examined the differentiation of counselor education programs for the preparation of elementary school counselors. While the study, based on usable questionnaire returns from 225 counselor education programs, provides evidence of many efforts toward program differentiation, there remains a substantial lack of uniformity in preparation background of elementary school counselors graduating from preparation programs across the country.  相似文献   

The article discusses a counselor renewal workshop in sex equity that used a variety of experiential activities including material from the ACES Commission on Sex Equality Concerns. Evaluation of the workshop was done in an unique manner through the use of a questionnaire from the handbook prepared by the ACES Commission and through a pretest/posttest consisting of a worksheet and audiotaped vignettes demonstrating sex bias in counseling situations. The workshop appeared to heighten the awareness of the subtlety of sex-biased communication on the part of the counselors and to stimulate their intentions to monitor and to change appropriately their own counseling behaviors in the future.  相似文献   

ACES sponsored a national survey of state supervisors of guidance and counselor education institutions and of nontraditional institutions offering graduate degrees in guidance and counseling in order to secure information regarding (a) the licensure of guidance counselors, (b) the use of a competency-based approach to the certification of counselors, (c) the manpower needs for persons in guidance and personnel work, and (d) the program characteristics of counselor education institutions. Only a relatively small number of states anticipate becoming involved in the licensure of conselors in the foreseeable future; 53.6 percent of the states expect their certification of counselors to be competency-based within 2 to 5 years, and 76.1 percent of counselor education institutions have decided to make their programs competency-based but progress is slow. There is an oversupply of BA-level guidance persons, school counselors, and doctoral-level persons seeking faculty positions; there is a strong preference for ethnic minorities and women to fill counselor education positions; and abnormally high faculty/graduate ratios were reported for many institutions.  相似文献   

This article reports the major results of a survey of counselor education programs regarding the development of training for community/agency counselors. The data are reported under the headings of Program Demographics, Faculty, Curriculum, and Employability of Graduates. It is concluded that community/agency training programs need considerable attention and development. Also, it is recommended that ACES establish liaisons with other groups that train community/agency counselors.  相似文献   

The authors report results of a survey, conducted in 1986 by the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (ACES) Ethics/Professional Practices Interest Network, of licensing boards in the 10 states that had enacted professional counselor licensure laws by the end of 1984. Data are reported regarding the number of counselors licensed in each state, the nature and extent of ethical violations claimed, dispositions of the complaints by the boards, the applicants' performance on ethics sections of licensure examinations, and the levels of concern expressed by board representatives regarding the ethics preparation and ethical practices of licensees. Implications of findings for counselor educators and supervisors are discussed.  相似文献   

Standards for counselor training have been a topic of concern since the 1930s. More recent accomplishments toward quality in counselor education were the adoption of ACES standards at the 1967 Dallas convention and the special issue of Counselor Education and Supervision, “Up-Grading Guidance Practices” (Hill & Munger 1968). This article concentrates on the career guidance and occupational information aspects of the 1967 ACES Standards. In this context, the degree to which some counselor education programs seem to emulate practices contained in the standards and some suggestions for facilitating such emulation are discussed.  相似文献   

The historical concept of professionalism is questioned as a model for the future of ACES as an organization. Two major issues are raised. The first issue is the lack of clarity of purpose within ACES and counselor education. Counselor Education in ACES and APGA usually refers to school counseling. Questions are raised about the nature of ACES and the structure of APGA. The second issue speaks to the question of the social responsibility and role of a profession. It is suggested that counselor education has strong social responsibilities, including the possibility of opening new career patterns for the poor.  相似文献   

A review of work settings in which counselors are employed suggests that almost all counselors work with a number of reluctant clients. Counselor education, however, is largely directed toward preparing counselors to work with voluntary clients. This article reviews some of the bases of client reluctance, certain motivational principles appropriate to counselor practice, myths associated with counselor preparation, and some suggestions of existing techniques that may be helpful with reluctant clients.  相似文献   

This discussion of continuing professional development for counselor educators and supervisors is based on a study of six professional organizations and their programs of continuing professional development. The study was conducted by ACES's Commission on Professional Development. The commission concluded that most organizations have established offices and committees of members at the national level that administer programs; provide activities directly or sponsor activities conducted by other groups, such as private institutes, universities, and professional organizations; and in some cases offer awards for meeting specific criteria. Recommendations for ACES are to continue conducting specific workshops on selected topics and offer Continuing Education Units for participants, determine the impact of these activities on participants, develop criteria for the ACES Recognition Award in consultation with other organizations that have a similar award, consider sponsoring activities conducted by other groups, and survey the difficulties that a continuing-professional-development program may cause for persons with multiple membership in professional organizations.  相似文献   

This study compared principal and self ratings of performance of guidance functions for practicing counselors who did not have teaching experience. The sample consisted of 43 counselors and their principals from throughout the United States. The ratings indicate better-than-average initial counselor acceptance by administrators, teachers, students, and parents with the degree of acceptance being greater after they had counseled for a while. Principal and self ratings differed significantly on initial acceptance by students and present acceptance by other counselors. Ratings of acceptance by both school psychologists and social workers were below average. There was no significant difference in counselor and principal ratings of counselor understanding of various school procedures and policies or of their ability to perform basic guidance activities. A majority of the principals who had worked with the counselors with non-teaching backgrounds indicated they would recommend the hiring of such a person to their school board.  相似文献   

As the golden anniversary milestone of ACES passes, this article addresses counselor education for the 1990s and beyond, something future leaders and members can reference.  相似文献   

School counseling literature indicates that school counselors experience isolation and frustration and that partnership projects between counselors and counselor educators are potentially valuable. The author describes the school counselor alumni peer consultation group, which provides (a) support and networking opportunities for new counselors and (b) a forum for studying counseling issues and for developing strategies to solve problems. This innovative strategy for professional development and collaboration has implications both for counselor educators and for school counselors.  相似文献   

根据《高校辅导员职业能力标准(暂行)》规定,结合组织学习理论和模式,对高校辅导员职业化、专业化发展进行探究性的层级勾勒,按照初、中、高级辅导员的专业发展进行系统阐述。认为辅导员职业发展深深依托于学校组织管理体系,不同层级的辅导员职业发展水平与高校组织管理的学习水平有直接的关系;深层分析不同层级辅导员行为的内在行为逻辑,可以为辅导员职业化发展搭建必要的实施平台提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Legislation regarding supervisor criteria and the conduct of supervision for counselor licensure applicants in 34 states is summarized and compared with ACES and AACD standards.  相似文献   

Exponential changes in Western and international society and in American and international education afford promise, opportunity, and challenges for tomorrow's counselor. Roles of counselors, counselor supervisors, and counselor educators must reflect and shape the needs and growth of populations in specific countries and throughout the world to afford timely and appropriate responses and intelligent and sensitive proactivity. Leadership in services, teaching, research, credentialing, policy, and law all seem to be areas of potential contribution and growth for the counselors, counselor educators, and counseling supervisors of tomorrow.  相似文献   

Many counselor education programs are faced with the need for program revision due to the adoption of ACES Standards of Preparation, the demands of certification, licensure, and accreditation, and recent trends in the profession and society in general. This article presents a systems approach model for counselor education program development, evaluation, and redefinition in a practical, step-by-step manner to help meet this need.  相似文献   

To help meet the need to educate school counselors in the broader aspects of their work, the application of simulation techniques is suggested. A rationale is provided with discussion centering on the following points: (a) simulation offers an opportunity to provide specific training emphases, and (b) simulation offers a way of providing a wide range of counseling and guidance experiences not easily obtainable under regular practicum conditions. Specific examples of simulation are described, including a case study, a PTA speech, a teachers' meeting, a counselor's day, and a school board presentation. Benefits for counselor education programs which can be realized from simulation experiences also are discussed. Rather than choosing actors to play roles it is suggested that practicing counselors, state department personnel, doctoral students, and counselor education faculty should participate in simulation activities. As role players, they will gain an appreciation of current trends in the education of counselors.  相似文献   

This article outlines ways by which counselor educators may prepare counselors and counselor trainees to be advocates for survivors of partner abuse. Advocacy strategies for counselors and counselor trainees working with survivors of partner abuse are provided, integrating the 5 components of collaboration, context, competence, critical consciousness, and community (E. McWhirter, 1998) within an ecological framework.  相似文献   

This article summarizes the perceptions of counselors and psychologists regarding activities that should be included in a counselor licensing law for private, independent practice.  相似文献   

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