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吴伯萧同志是我们熟悉的老散文作家。抗日战争期间,作者在延安生活、战斗了八年。对延安的一草一木,倍感亲切;对在延安战斗过的老一辈的无产阶级革命家和延安人民,满怀深情。作者曾以延安生活为题材,写过一组散文。《记一辆纺车》、《歌声》便是其中脍炙人口的名篇。《歌声》写于一九六一年。这篇抒情散文,以热情的笔触,描绘了延安军民大唱革命歌曲的动人情景,歌颂了延安军民艰苦奋斗、团结战斗的革命精神和意气风发、斗志昂扬的革命乐观主义,表达了对老一辈无产阶级革命家的热爱。《歌声》是一曲延安革命精神  相似文献   

1940年前后,大批知识分子奔赴革命圣地延安,在集体主义的革命语境下感到个体的无所适从。舒群正是在这样的背景下创作小说《快乐的人》,借一个爱情寓言反映延安知识分子从个人转向集体必经的思想阵痛,又从侧面流露出他们融入大方向的可能。本文从创作的宏观语境、文本的表现形式,并结合作家自身的延安经历解析《快乐的人》的艺术魅力与时代价值。  相似文献   

丁玲延安时期的小说《夜》是其小说创作上的过渡性文本,也是“革命+恋爱”的另类文本。丁玲在文本中秉承自主意识,同时采取回避绕开和突破超越“红色文艺”的叙事策略,由此在作者主体意识与政治意识、主人公男性革命意识的建构与女性意识的解构中凸显、构成矛盾冲突,形成文本张力的纠结和内在平衡,构成小说精巧的景致和浑融的境界。  相似文献   

作为乡村革命的仿像,《暴风骤雨》的文本深层隐含着相互作用的多种意识形态因素,使文本在社会重构、“新人”的重塑、社会心理重组等层面呈现出复杂的话语形态。在革命话语统一叙事的和谐表象下,文本呈现出多处叙述裂隙与深层悖论,赋予《暴风骤雨》复杂的意识形态内涵与丰富的历史和美学意义。  相似文献   

初中语文教材中,以发扬革命传统为主题的篇目占有较大比例。就诗歌而言,第二册中贺敬之的《回延安》和第四册中郭小川的《青纱帐──甘蔗林》则是较为突出的,主题十分鲜明,感染力十分强烈,可以说是革命传统的两首热情的颂歌。《回延安》通过诗人回延安的见闻感受。抒发了对革命圣地延安,对延安人民深厚的热爱之情。诗人是在延安母亲的怀抱里成长起来的,今天延安的面貌正在迅速地发生着可喜  相似文献   

吴伯箫同志在六一年和六二年,陆续写了一组反映抗战时期延安生活的优美散文:《记一辆纺车》、《菜园小记》、《窑洞风景》、《歌声》。前三篇是侧重从物质生活方面写延安,《歌声》是从精神生活方面写延安。关于写作这组散文的动因,作者自己说过:“四篇都是想体现一点延安的革命传统和作风”。他还说:“《歌声》,是从唱歌谈起,以唱歌结束的。不过歌声只是一条线,用它串起来的大致是三项内容:共产主义的远大理想;毛主席教导的青年的奋斗方向;为实现理想、达到方向应当遵守的纪律和注意事项。”十分清楚,《歌声》这篇抒情散文,作者命意于延安军民所爱唱的“歌声”,热情讴歌延安光荣的革命传统和革命作风,抒写作者自己“作为一个亲身接受过毛主席的教育、延安教育”的革命者的真切感受,  相似文献   

中国当下的小说创作展开形式实验革命,打造出叙事与语言的狂欢场景,但在叙事策略上过度用力,诋毁了文本的分寸感,陷入语言游戏的漩涡,消解了文本的意义向度。文章将糅合叙述者、叙述语言、叙述内容等几个方面来阐述阎连科《坚硬如水》这一典型实验文本的叙述特征。  相似文献   

鲁迅小说《伤逝》有说不尽的话题,不论是叙述文本自身的结构、作者采用的独特的叙事视角,还是叙述者的每一次评论,都给读者理解文本带上了许多值得思索的问题。在叙事学理论不断发展的当下,本文试图运用叙事学理论解读《伤逝》,并结合作者的经历,体会鲁迅小说中别具一格的复杂性和深刻性。  相似文献   

在电影《让子弹飞》中,导演姜文以寓言的方式对20世纪的中国革命进行了风格化的叙述与阐释。通过细读电影文本,本文认为,《让子弹飞》中最核心的问题意识是告别革命与继续革命的歧路彷徨,正是在这一点上,姜文以其独特的电影语言凸显和延续了20世纪中国革命者共同的执著与焦虑。  相似文献   

一、教学目的的确定(一)《我歌唱延安》是一篇报告文学。它从多方面向读者“报告”和展示了延安这个抗日革命根据地的崭新风貌,和在这座革命圣城中紧张而快活地学习、工作、生活着的中国共产党人及抗日军民的革命精神。所以,教学本课时,应注意结合课文内容和学生的思想状况,培养学生更加热爱共产  相似文献   

人文主义是文艺复兴时期的显著特征之一.文艺复兴是欧洲新兴资产阶级在思想文化领域里对黑暗的中世纪进行的公开宣战.通过分析意大利杰出的人文主义作家乔凡尼·薄伽丘的代表作<十日谈>来探讨文艺复兴时期的人文主义思想.  相似文献   

Children's Literature in Education - The framework of visual grammar (Kress and van Leeuwen, 2006, via Serafini, 2014) is used to examine the artwork of Laurie Halse Anderson and Emily...  相似文献   

班主任工作是一个非常快乐而辛苦的工作,如何让自己的工作轻松,孩子们又快乐。在工作中我一切依靠学生,充分相信学生,高度尊重学生,把管理的权力全部交还给学生,让学生在管中学,管中乐。让我们一起来感受班级管理中的点滴,用爱心去实现心灵的教育目标。  相似文献   

This paper examines appointment procedures and selection criteria for the position of vice-chancellor in eight of Australia's nineteen universities which advertised a vacancy during 1984 and 1985. Among issues analysed are: advertisement formalities; information provisions; and selection processes and criteria including initial action taken, composition of selection committees, identification of selection criteria and selection processes employed. Ways of imprroving subsequent appointment procedures and of ensuring legitimacy for appointees are discussed.  相似文献   

The Formation of Identity: The importance of ideals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the formation and composition of what might be termed personal identity a key but often neglected aspect is ideal identity. While comprising aspirations rather than realities, it makes a major contribution to the definition of self-identity. It does this as a result of: (a) clarifying what kind of person the individual wishes to be; and (b) an interrogation of how she sets about achieving her ideal identity, intimating what kind of person she is at a particular moment by virtue of the way in which she strives to achieve her ideal. The article argues for a re-appraisal of the notion of ideals in education and for its reinstatement as a significant feature of education. Indeed, we argue, children cannot avoid ideals--they are presented to them everyday from a wide variety of sources. But these sources or the ideals that they promote are not necessarily good for the child's well-being or for her fellow citizens. Consequently, teachers as moral agents have an important role in assisting children to acquire ideals that do meet such a criterion of goodness in addition to helping them reflect critically on the range of ideals they may encounter in their communities and society.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

The plans of the New Universities for the Humanities had little in common: indeed Warwick was distinguished by having no plan at all, only a very few general guidelines. The success of developments in the Humanities at Warwick and the other New Universities is adumbrated, and it is pointed out that this could not have been due to any prior blueprints. Rather, the open and liberal atmosphere of their foundation and the commitment to that attitude of their founding staff is claimed to be the explanation. While today the circumstances of their foundation could not be reproduced, in spite of present difficulties the distinctive and still vital spirit of the New Universities should be cherished.  相似文献   

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