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This article is a glossary of terms one finds in open source integrated library systems (ILSs). The focus of this glossary is on the two major open source ILSs—Evergreen and Koha. These are being used in an increasing number of U.S. and Canadian public libraries as well as other types of libraries. The glossary is an introduction to the terms that those working with these open source library systems use on a day-to-day basis, with links to sources with more information for those new to open source projects.  相似文献   

《四库全书总目》浙本与殿本的优劣问题是四库学的一大公案,文章仔细审查了中华书局《钦定四库全书总目》整理本校记的每一条材料,从三个方面考察了《总目》殿本与浙本之间的总体差异,并用完全归纳法证明:殿本优于浙本。  相似文献   

ProQuest Direct:Web方式的数据库检索系统   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
介绍UMI公司新近推出的Web方式检索系统-ProQuest Direct。侧重论述了该系统的检索功能、用户界面、输出格式以及超链接方式主题词表的作用等。  相似文献   

Statistical Insight is a database that offers the ability to search across multiple sources of data, including the federal government, private organizations, research centers, and international intergovernmental organizations in one search. Two sample searches on the same topic, a basic and an advanced, were conducted to evaluate the database.  相似文献   

Augmented reality is a technology that overlays digital information on objects or places in the real world for the purpose of enhancing the user experience. It is not virtual reality, that is, the technology that creates a totally digital or computer created environment. Augmented reality, with its ability to combine reality and digital information, is being studied and implemented in medicine, marketing, museums, fashion, and numerous other areas. This article presents an overview of augmented reality, discussing what it is, how it works, its current implementations, and its potential impact on libraries.  相似文献   

Academic, public or special librarians interact with a variety of patrons–students, faculty members, community patrons, or other employees–and often need tools to manage their time and responsibilities in the library. Scheduling appointments and events often takes an inordinate amount of time away from their most important work. This paper reviews LibCal, an online calendaring platform, and three of its components: the appointment scheduler, event scheduler, and room booking service. The functionality of each LibCal component will be thoroughly discussed along with its pros and cons based on the author’s experience. After considering these factors, recommendations are made in regards to adoption and use.  相似文献   

文章通过回顾厚数据研究的理论起源和发展,利用WOS和CNKI检索相关文献,梳理国内外厚数据研究现状,剖析和解读研究中的前沿热点和问题,为后续研究提供支持和建议。当前国内外厚数据相关研究主要集中在厚数据定义研究、厚数据应用场景研究和厚数据分析方法研究等方面,未来应继续围绕基础研究问题进行深入探索和改进,并尝试在厚数据融合研究、厚数据方法研究和厚数据应用研究等方面不断进行拓展。  相似文献   

Genetics Home Reference is a free, online resource created and maintained by the National Library of Medicine. It is designed to provide genetic information to a wide variety of audiences, particularly the general public. The site consists of original information and links to other curated resources.  相似文献   

数字人文对多样化研究内容、语言和学者的包容性,使其在近20年得到突飞猛进的壮大,并逐渐涉及人文学、社会学、计算机科学等多个领域。然而,包容的“大帐篷”不仅在一定程度上限制了对数字人文具体学科内容、科研范畴、学者群体和学科历史的理解,也使得学科成长和拓展缺少客观数据和理论的支持,从而无法健康且可持续地发展。文章回顾前人对数字人文所做的学科研究,重点集中在使用计量和统计等方法来揭示数字人文的知识结构、内容演变、合作模式和学者背景等工作上,以期帮助学界从量化的角度认识数字人文的形成、发展和前景。  相似文献   

This article reports the results of a survey conducted in 2015 of librarians who work for small town and rural public libraries throughout the United States. Questions were asked about personnel statistics, budget, community involvement, programs, technology, managerial challenges, and how to solve the organization’s problems. The purpose of this research was to ascertain if conditions have improved for libraries in areas of low population and what managerial challenges these librarians faced. The survey found that financial conditions had improved or will improve in the future and that the most challenging managerial issue was staffing.  相似文献   

It has been a few years since the Guide to Reference was presented in its online format, and its move from a printed publication to a strictly online publication started with great plans and some publicity. This article reviews the background of this valuable resource and how it has evolved, including its migration to an online platform. In addition, this article discusses the Guide's current format and characteristics, as well as contemplating its future.  相似文献   

图书馆核心价值的历史解读   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
图书馆核心价值是图书馆界一直争议的热点问题之一。文章以历史的视角全面梳理了核心价值的探索过程,并对美国图书馆协会核心价值的争论与确立作了详细的阐述。核心价值的确立同样是一个艰难的过程,它受到政治、经济、文化以及图书馆功能定位等多重因素的制约与影响。在核心价值确立的讨论基础上,也对核心价值问题追求中的各种争议作了详细的分析。  相似文献   

Current Contents Connect是美国科学情报研究所(ISI)基于Web的综合性的数据库检索系统,本文对其检索方法和主要特点做了较为详细的介绍。  相似文献   

WinSPIRS:SilverPlatter光盘数据库检索软件   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
WinSPIRS 是SilverPlatter 公司出版的光盘数据库检索软件。它是按照Windows 设计原则设计而成一种功能严密、精巧的检索软件。本文对其功能和检索特点进行了介绍, 以帮助其他更为广大的用户了解这一软件, 并能从Internet 上使用这一软件, 从而获得更多的信息资源。  相似文献   

基于文献调研,从机构库系统软件评价、数字资源管理评价、机构成员态度评价、综合评价以及实践建设宏观评价5个方面对国内外机构库评价研究进行述评。指出机构库系统软件评价研究已取得一定的成绩,而数字资源管理评价、综合评价以及实践建设宏观评价还需要更为深入的研究。  相似文献   

图书馆员社会角色研究述评   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过客观分析图书馆员社会角色研究领域的焦点内容,呈现研究进展,并提出研究中有待解决的几个问题,其主要目的在于为图书馆员做出合理的职业规划提供方向和引导,为研究人员进一步关注图书馆员社会角色问题提供研究参考,为图书馆管理者有效挖掘馆员潜能提供帮助,为图书馆事业“以馆员为本”的科学发展理念提供调研论证。  相似文献   

油印本由于其先天缺陷及传统观念的影响,一直不为收藏家们所重视,被摒弃于大部分版本学著作之外。然而,综观油印技术在中国的发展历程及油印本自身的版本价值、文献价值可以发现,油印本与其他版本类型一样,在中国历史、文化发展中同样发挥过重要作用,理应在版本学中占据一席之地。  相似文献   

在深入阐述标目与检索点概念的基础上,分析AACR2第二部分之不足,并提出《中国文献编目规则》第二部分之修改意见。  相似文献   

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