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It has been two decades since the first power analysis of a psychological journal and 10 years since the Journal of Research in Science Teaching made its contribution to this debate. One purpose of this article is to investigate what power-related changes, if any, have occurred in science education research over the past decade as a result of the earlier survey. In addition, previous recommendations are expanded and expounded upon within the context of more recent work in this area. The absence of any consistent mode of presenting statistical results, as well as little change with regard to power-related issues are reported. Guidelines for reporting the minimal amount of information demanded for clear and independent evaluation of research results by readers are also proposed.  相似文献   

By analyzing the 64 countries that represent the largest number ofinternational student exchanges, this article describes internationalstudent flows from a macro perspective. The findings indicate that theinternational student exchange network remained relatively stable. TheUnited States and most Western industrialized countries maintained theirposition at the center of the network, while East European and Asiancountries have become more central and the African and Middle Eastcountries have stayed peripheral. The results suggest an academichegemony consistent with world economic and political performance. Alliedwith World System Theory, the higher a country's position in the worldsystem, the more central it is in the international student exchangenetwork.  相似文献   

《高等教育研究》2000-2002年载文统计分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对《高等教育研究》2000-2002年载文的论文发文量、作者、引文等几个方面进行的定量分析,可以使我们加深对《高等教育研究》的办刊特色及其在学术研究中的地位的了解,并由此分析我国高等教育研究学术论文、利用文献的特点和规律。  相似文献   

The present study was a follow‐up to Tsai and Wen’s (2005) earlier research, in which 802 articles published in the International Journal of Science Education, Science Education, and the Journal of Research in Science Teaching from 1998 to 2002 were analysed in terms of author’s nationality, research type, and research topic. In the present study a total of 869 papers published in the three journals from 2003 to 2007 were analysed, and the results were compared with those of Tsai and Wen. Moreover, this study also identified 31 highly‐cited papers published during 1998–2002 and 20 highly‐cited papers published during 2003–2007. The results showed that authors from countries other than the four major English‐speaking countries (i.e., the USA, the UK, Australia, and Canada) published an increasing number of articles in the past decade. During these five years (2003–2007), science educators showed relatively more interest in research topics involving the context of student learning. Besides, science educators have changed some of their research interests during 1998–2007, with a shift in the research topics from student conception learning and conceptual change (1998–2002) to student learning contexts (2003–2007). Moreover, the investigation of highly‐cited papers in the past decade revealed that studies on argumentation have gained significant attention among science educators.  相似文献   

“魏晋史研究”专栏是《许昌师专学报》的重点栏目 ,自 1 985年至 2 0 0 0年已坚持开办 6 0余期 ,发表学术论文 1 6 0篇 ,涉及魏晋南北朝时期的政治、经济、文化诸领域的各个方面 ,在国内外学术界产生了较大影响。该栏目将坚持“质量至上、凸显特色”的原则 ,近期将重点组织发表该时期的政治、经济 ,文化交流、融合及社会生活史方面的研究成果  相似文献   

This paper presents the third study of research trends in science education. In this review, a total of 990 papers published in the International Journal of Science Education, the Journal of Research in Science Teaching, and Science Education from 2008 to 2012 were analyzed. The results indicate that in the recent five years (2008–2012), the top three research topics in the published papers were those regarding the context of students' learning, science teaching, and students' conceptual learning. The changes in the most popular research topics in the past 15 years also evidentially indicate shifts in the journals' preferences and researchers' interest. For example, in 2003–2007, context of students' learning replaced students' conceptual learning, which was the most published research topic from 1998 to 2002. The research topic of students' learning contexts continued to rank the first in 2008–2012. Moreover, there was an increasing trend of research papers regarding science teaching from 1998 to 2012. The analysis of highly cited papers revealed that research topics such as argumentation, inquiry-based learning, and scientific modeling were recently highlighted by science educators. In recent 15 years, productive researchers' publications also focused on the topics about context of students' learning, science teaching, and students' conceptual learning.  相似文献   

Reflecting on 50 years of educational technology research, a content and authorship analysis was conducted of 1777 research article titles and abstracts, published in the British Journal of Educational Technology (BJET) from 1970 to Issue 3, 2018. A text-mining tool (Leximancer) was used to identify key concepts and themes emerging throughout each of the five decades, which were then compared to those found in a previous analysis of Computers & Education, as well as the most cited BJET publications in each decade. The framework of West and Rich (2012) was then used to provide guidance on BJET’s rigour, impact and prestige. Common themes in BJET throughout the past 50 years have included the evolution of teaching and learning in distance education, the emergence of instructional design, misunderstanding between practitioners and learning designers, issues of pre and in-service teacher education and technology uptake by educators and students, including the confidence to do so, the technology skills of educators and students, as well as a lack of institutional support to provide space and time for training and integration to occur. The authorship analysis revealed an encouraging increase in international identity over time, with 60% of articles in BJET published by an author outside of the UK over the past 50 years, and 79% in the past decade. Despite this, contributions from South America, the Middle East and Africa are vastly underrepresented, and authors from these regions need further support from the field. Suggested future research areas include finding alternative models of educator professional development, further exploration of the role of theory and policy, as well as the rise of co-authorship and collaborative research.  相似文献   

自然科学教学中研究性学习的尝试   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在初中自然科学教学中实施研究性学习,应结合实际,实施教育程序中要充分体现课题的开放性,实践性,注重实践与理论联系,充分发挥教师的角色作用。  相似文献   

科研教学法是注重实践型人才培养的应用类学科常用的教学方法之一。文章旨在通过课本授课和科学研究的结合全面提升材料学的教学效果,优化材料学本科生科研和创新教育运行机制,扩大学生专业收益,增强学生科研和创新能力,提高学生的逻辑思维和专业写作水平,培养出更加优秀的材料学专业学生。  相似文献   

本文对《英国教育技术期刊》1970年至2018年第3期刊发的1,777篇研究论文的标题和摘要进行内容分析,反思过去50年教育技术研究。本研究采用Leximancer这种文本挖掘工具分析每一个10年所出现的主要概念和主题,并把它们与《计算机与教育》和《英国教育技术期刊》同期被引率最高的文章的主要概念和主题进行比较。过去50年《英国教育技术期刊》常见主题包括远程教育教与学的发展、教学设计的出现、实践者与学习设计者之间的误解、职前和在职教师教育以及教育工作者和学生接受技术的问题(使用技术的信心、教育工作者和学生的技术技能和机构没有提供培训和融合所需的空间和时间等方面的支持)。本文还针对今后的研究提出建议,包括研究教育工作者专业发展的其他模式和进一步探索理论与政策的作用。  相似文献   

Science education researchers have, with few exceptions, not used the conceptual content of science as an important variable in their research. Writings of two groups-philosophers of science, “are concerned with the influence of the conceptual knowledge shared by an intellectual community on the activities of that community and the psychologists are concerned with the influence of the conceptual knowledge held by an individual on that individual's behavior”, science, are concerned with the influence of the conceptual knowledge shared by an intellectual community on the activities of that community and the psychologists are concerned with the influence of the conceptual knowledge held by an individual on that individual's behavior. Suggestions are offered as to what kinds of science education research could be done in which the conceptual content of science is important.  相似文献   

在科技期刊的编辑出版过程中,加强期刊栏目建设、对稿件进行合理的组织与整合十分重要.介绍了科技期刊栏目设计的原则及特点,剖析《节能》杂志品牌栏目——“热点技术”的栏目设计背景与过程,总结科技期刊栏目设计的注意事项及其发展趋势,为保证科技期刊办刊定位、提高学术质量及编辑水平提供参考借鉴.  相似文献   

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