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随着网络技术的发展及成熟,远程学习逐渐流行。远程学习提供的弹性便捷的学习方式给人们的学习带来了许多方便。本文基于“对外汉语学习可视化教学平台项目”的调研数据,分析对外汉语学习可视化教学平台中的社会性交互功能需求状况。并提出社会性交互在汉语言教学平台中的具体应用策略。  相似文献   

对于面向在职成人的远程教育而言,学习者的学习需求是广义的,涉及知识获取、素质提升、职业发展三大方面。广义的学习需求决定了广义的交互。远程学习广义交互系统包括交互目的、交互主体、交互媒体、学习资源、交互形式、交互策略等六大要素。为了使广义交互能有效实施,应实行交互主体与交互客体融合,交互主体社会化,交互内容多元化,辅助、引导、强制结合,永远在线等交互策略。  相似文献   

网络通信技术的发展给各行各业带来了全新的发展契机,同样也给教育领域注入了一股新鲜活力——远程教育。由于它的便捷、资源丰富等优势,越来越多的人们熟识并接受这种新兴的学习方式。但是,人们发现在远程学习的过程中时常会感到孤独、缺乏沟通和交流,这也是造成远程学习者终止学业的主要原因之一。  相似文献   

随着信息技术的不断发展,社会性交互环境的多样性使交互更加丰富多彩.但由于交互内容、交互对象等的多样性使交互秩序的维持具有一定难度.本文通过对基于网络的社会性交互环境的要素和特征分析,提出了良好交互策略的构建.  相似文献   

远程学习中交互策略对激发和维持学习动机的作用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
远程学习中存在学习者学习动机不足、学习孤独等现象。笔者基于"对外汉语可视化教学管理平台项目"的调研数据,借助ARCS动机设计模型分析了交互策略能激发和维持学习动机的原因,并主要探讨了交互策略在学习动机激发和维持中的作用。  相似文献   

远程教育类虚拟学习社区的社会性交互研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
社会性交互是远程教育中最关键的因素,发现其中的问题和规律,找到提高社会性交互质量的途径对远程教育类虚拟学习社区起着至关重要的作用。以电大在线课程平台为主要媒介,以省开课程"小学科学教学研究"为研究对象,以提高社会性交互质量为核心,从"课程平台中BBS的设计"和"促进远程教育类虚拟学习社区社会性交互的策略"两方面进行了远程教育的改革和探索。  相似文献   

张信和  吴迪 《成人教育》2013,33(1):33-35
社会性交互的有效发生是促进网络远程学习者知识意义重构的重要方式,体现了网络远程学习效果,网络远程教学设计要以远程自主学习的本质为依归。以社会性交互为导向的网络课程设计要注重三方面策略:满足个性需求的学习资源交互设计;激励社会性交互动机的多样化过程性评价设计;创设交互情境。  相似文献   

阐述远程教育中交互的作用和交互的意义,以电大在线为重点,分析远程教育中社会性交互的现状,提出改进策略,并探索社会性交互的进一步研究方向.  相似文献   

社会学视角下的虚拟学习社区中社会性交互研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
该研究旨在从社会学角度研究虚拟学习社区中的交互问题,以河北大学《远程教育学》网络课程为研究对象,利用社会网络分析法对该虚拟学习社区的社会网络进行了分析,揭示出该社区中社会性交互的现状,并提出增强社会性交互的策略,以促进教育领域类虚拟学习社区的发展。  相似文献   

社会性交互联通着远程教育中的人,它影响甚至决定着在线学习的质量和效果。本研究基于比格斯3P教学模型,使用结构模型方程探讨社会性交互层次对在线深度学习的作用与影响。结果显示:深层社会性交互正向显著影响着学习动机、学习策略和学习投入,进而影响学习结果;浅层社会性交互表现乏力。研究还发现,学习策略对在线深度学习及其结果影响显著。  相似文献   

This paper is about the application of learning and instructional strategies in open and distance learning settings. First, a brief comment is made on the nature of open and distance learning and also teaching and learning in such settings. This is followed by a brief discussion of the impacts of particular types of learning and instructional strategics on learning. A framework is presented for applying learning and instructional strategies in open and distance learning contexts, and the translation of this framework into an instructional transaction that offers a generic plan for developing instruction.

This is, therefore, a conceptual paper. It discusses a theoretical framework for applying learning and instructional strategies that is currently being implemented in the design and development of instruction for an on‐line (electronic) teaching‐learning environment. The results of that implementation will be reported at a later date.  相似文献   

Social learning strategies   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In most studies of social learning in animals, no attempt has been made to examine the nature of the strategy adopted by animals when they copy others. Researchers have expended considerable effort in exploring the psychological processes that underlie social learning and amassed extensive data banks recording purported social learning in the field, but the contexts under which animals copy others remain unexplored. Yet, theoretical models used to investigate the adaptive advantages of social learning lead to the conclusion that social learning cannot be indiscriminate and that individuals should adopt strategies that dictate the circumstances under which they copy others and from whom they learn. In this article, I discuss a number of possible strategies that are predicted by theoretical analyses, includingcopy when uncertain,copy the majority, andcopy if better, and consider the empirical evidence in support of each, drawing from both the animal and human social learning literature. Reliance on social learning strategies may be organized hierarchically, their being employed by animals when unlearned and asocially learned strategies prove ineffective but before animals take recourse in innovation.  相似文献   

远程学习者学习特质与学习策略的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对现代远程教育环境下学习者学习特质的研究,是社会科学领域中心理学和教育学的跨学科研究.在运用心理学的基础理论和方法研究成人学习者认知心理和能力特质,利用现代技术的统计方法进行样本数据的采集分析,建立适合终身教育的学习者心理测量量表、测量常模和学习策略知识库(指导手册)的基础上,让学习者掌握自我能力测量的方法,参照学习策略指导,选择适合自己的学习策略,将对学习效果产生有效的推动作用,也是探索现代远程学习环境下教学理念的一个有益探索.  相似文献   

“电话交互”在远程教学中的作用——以数学教学为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文根据笔者自己对远程开放教育数学学习者数千人次的电话交互实践,阐述了电话交互在远程数学教学中的可行性和作用。其重要作用主要体现在六个方面:能有效地弥补其它交互方式的不足和支持服务不够的问题、帮助学习者克服对数学的畏难情绪,建立自信心、促进师生思想和学识及感情的交流,弥补远程学习者在自主学习过程中的情感缺失、对工学矛盾突出的学习者实施个别化教学、对小组学习活动进行指导、与其他交互的有机结合,可提高远程交互效能。  相似文献   

This study examines the relationships between students’ academic levels, the use of motivational regulation strategies, and cognitive learning strategies. A total of 141 undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in online distance courses participated in the study. The findings show that students use different motivational regulation strategies and cognitive learning strategies depending on their academic levels. Additionally, hierarchical regression analyses using two dependent variables (i.e., surface level learning strategy and deep processing level learning strategy) indicate that a surface level learning strategy (i.e., rehearsal) and deep processing level strategies (i.e., elaboration, organization, and critical thinking) are predicted by different sets of motivational regulation strategies after controlling for academic level and age. The results provide distance educators and instructional designers with practical suggestions on how to support undergraduate and graduate students’ motivational needs and further promote their use of cognitive learning strategies in online distance education programs in higher education.  相似文献   

Distance‐learning courses were classified with regard to their use of computer‐mediated interaction and the degree to which such interaction was integrated into the curriculum and the assessment regime. This produced four groups of courses varying according to their use of interaction and integration. The impact of interaction and integration was investigated in terms of their effects on students' performance, their perceptions of academic quality and their approaches to studying. In all three respects, variations within the groups of courses proved to be more important than variations between the groups. Interpretation of these results suggests that the adoption of interactive environments within computer‐mediated learning may not be enough in itself to lead to positive learning outcomes. We found no evidence for this assumption in terms of students' completion rates, pass rates, grades, perceptions of the quality of their courses or approaches to studying. Large variations in the measured indicators were found between courses, and these appeared to be largely independent of the effects of interaction and integration. Courses may differ markedly with regard to how they make use of computer‐mediated interaction and how this is integrated into the curriculum and the assessment regime. A case study approach is suggested as being more likely to identify the impact of specific designs based on computer‐mediated interaction and to bring together the diverse student responses arising from the use of such interaction in their studies.  相似文献   

Open distance students differ in their preparedness for higher education studies. Students who are less self-regulated risk failure and drop out in the challenging milieu of open distance learning. In this study, the differences between the application of self-regulated learning strategies by low and high achievers were explored. A multi-method research design was applied. Quantitative data were statistically analysed by factor analysis (n = 246) and effect sizes. Medium to small effect sizes were found in quantitative data. Qualitative data were collected by means of semi-structured interviews. Low achievers rated their self-regulatory behaviour higher than high achievers, yet qualitative data revealed that high achievers are more self-regulated. The value of this research lies in the identification of low achievers’ use of self-regulated learning, and recognising the need to create awareness of the self-regulated learning skills necessary to support these students.  相似文献   

In distance teaching we are usually concerned with indirect methods of interacting with learners, using for the most part, the written word. Quality of learning in distance education ought therefore to be closely related to the quality of textual materials provided to students. In this paper we examine some ways of facilitating learning at a distance. We begin by noting the current dearth of models for teaching through text and make a plea for diversity and experimentation in this area. Some traditional instructional strategies (including advance organizers, overviews, pretests, objectives and inserted questions) from the dominant approach to distance teaching are examined along with devices in typoraphy and graphics. Guidelines for their use are developed, based on research, everyday rationality, and from an embryonic conceptualization of distance learning.  相似文献   

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