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论汉语趋向动词“上”和“下”的语法化和语义不对称性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文探讨汉语中两个趋向动词"上"和"下"的语法化和语义的演变,并尝试从认知语义学的角度来说明这两个语义对立的趋向动词所表现出来的语义不对称性.关于"上"和"下"的语法化演变,语料分析的结果表现出这两个趋向动词的语法和语义改变完全遵从语法化演变的原则.语法化演变的脉络提供了类型学上的证据,对趋向动词而言,汉语是由一个动词框架语言发展成一个卫星框架语言.在研究"上"和"下"的语法化的过程中,我们发现,"上"在与宾语结合时,连用的宾语只能解读为目标含义,而非来源含义,然而与"下"连用的宾语则可以是带有目标或来源含义的词.这样的后接宾语限制形成了"上"和"下"在宾语语义角色上的不对称现象.本文在认知语义学的架构下尝试为"上"和"下"这两个趋向动词的语义不对称性提出一个可能的解释.希望本文的研究能对华语教学有所帮助.  相似文献   

“为A而X”格式的语法意义及其制约条件   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"为A而x"的语法意义不仅表示目的义还表示原因义。我们从形式与意义的角度讨论"为A而x"格式的语法意义的制约因素以及成句的制约条件。句式的构成基础是目的与原因的行为价值、量的对等。句式的语义聚焦与偏移主要体现在A、x项的多项并列与紧缩上,这种聚焦与偏移体现了目的表述中不同的形式、语义与语用取向。  相似文献   

杨丹 《现代语文》2013,(5):96-99
《马氏文通》"动字相承"的语法观念及研究方法主要体现在句法形式的突显、特殊句式的观照以及词性及其语法功能的探讨等诸多方面。马建忠充分借鉴西洋语法,不仅注重汉语的句法形式,同时也不忽略语义,这对后来的学者在某些实词、虚词、句式以及篇章的研究上具有启发意义。  相似文献   

"全"是汉语中一个常见的范围副词,主要从语义分析的角度出发,对范围副词"全"的语义指向以及被指对象的语义角色进行了分析,指出范围副词"全"的语义功能与语法功能并不一致,对方位副词"全"的语义指向进行了全面考察。  相似文献   

"果"是古汉语中一个具有多功能语法形式的词语,其多功能性主要体现在句法功能、概念功能、语用功能与通假功能上。从句法功能来看,古汉语中的"果"词性多样,具备名词、动词、形容词、副词、连词五种词性。从概念功能来看,每种词性下的"果"又体现出不同的词义、具备不同的表达作用。从语用功能来看,"果"能够进行"深究""料定""假设""真值确认""补充确认性解说"。从通假功能来看,"果"的通假字至少有五个。古汉语中的"果"集众多功能于一身并非偶然现象,各功能间存在着某种语义关联。语义地图理论是近年来处理语言中多功能语法形式的有效工具,构建"果"的历时动态的概念空间,可以展现"果"语义演变的先后关系。  相似文献   

开封话隶属中原官话,虽然属于北方方言,但毕竟是地域方言,所以有些方言词语在语音、语义及语法等方面与普通话相比还是存在着区别。如开封话中的"得"字就很有特色,不仅表现在语音上,在语义、语法方面也有生动的体现。本文试图探索"得"在单独成词与组合成词后的方言特色,揭示在推及普通话过程中,标准语与方言发展的不平衡性。  相似文献   

本文从"语义、句法、语用"三个层面分析了范围副词"一律"和"一概"的异同点。二者在语义特征上的最大差别为"一概"具有"整体性","一律"不具备"整体的";句法上,"一律"在对其论元角色的选择上限制较弱,而"一概"在对其论元角色的选择上限制较强。这些语义和句法上的差别决定了二者在语用上的差别。  相似文献   

开封话中的“得”   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
开封话隶属中原官话,虽然属于北方方言,但毕竟是地域方言,所以有些方言词语在语音、语义及语法等方面与普通话相比还是存在着区别.如开封话中的"得"字就很有特色,不仅表现在语音上,在语义、语法方面也有生动的体现.本文试图探索"得"在单独成词与组合成词后的方言特色,揭示在推及普通话过程中,标准语与方言发展的不平衡性.  相似文献   

"不A不B"构式是汉语的常见构式,能产性强,使用频率高。本文就汉语"不A不B"构式中的"不作不死"从语法、语义、语用层面进行分析。从语法角度看,"不作不死"的"作"和"死"能够成词,具有相关性;从语义角度看,"不作不死"属于"不A不B"语义关系中的充分条件关系;从语用关系看,"不作不死"倾向于贬义色彩。它以话者的立场来表达某种主观认识,具有主观性。  相似文献   

通过从语义和语法特征方面对汉语的"一"及英语的"one"作一简要实证分析,可以揭示出二者在语义和语法特征及其用法上的异同。  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to compare the toxicity and availability of Fe(II) and Fe(III) to Caco-2 cells. Cellular damage was studied by measuring cell proliferation and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release. The activities of two major antioxidative enzymes [superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx)] and differentiation marker (alkaline phosphatase) were determined after the cells were exposed to different levels of iron salts. The cellular iron concentration was investigated to evaluate iron bioavailability. The results show that iron uptake of the cells treated with Fe(II) is significantly higher than that of the cells treated with Fe(III) (P<0.05). Fe(II) at a concentration >1.5 mmol/L was found to be more effective in reducing cellular viability than Fe(III). LDH release investigation suggests that Fe(II) can reduce stability of the cell membrane. The activities of SOD and GPx of the cells treated with Fe(II) were higher than those of the cells treated with Fe(III), although both of them increased with raising iron supply levels. The results indicate that both Fe(II) and Fe(III) could reduce the cellular antioxidase gene expression at high levels. Project supported by the International Cooperative Project from the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (No. 2006DFA31030), the Bureau of Science and Technology of Zhejiang Province (No. 2006C32019) and HarvestPlus-China (No. 8022), and the Program for Changjiang Scholars and Innovative Research Team in University of China (No. IRT0536)  相似文献   

对S-系的性质(PA)作出了进一步刻画,给出了循环S—系满足条件(PA)的充要条件。  相似文献   

蒙古势力从13世纪初崛起于蒙古草原后,即开始南向进攻金的控制区,随着力量的不断增强而步步进逼.而此时的金朝,由于制度体系的变化、军事能力的衰退和官场习气的败坏等因素的作用,迅速步入衰微阶段.金宣宗贞祐三年(1215年)的中都沦陷和金哀宗天兴二年(1233年)的南京陷落,成为金朝衰亡过程中最后二十余年的重要界碑.  相似文献   

Despite its growing use at the K–12 level, standards-based grading (alignment of grading to course standards) has been comparatively neglected in higher education. College students are often confronted with grading practices that reflect subjective, non-standardized formats incorporating a blend of academic and non-academic components. This case study examined student attitudes and experiences regarding standards-based grading (SBG) principles introduced in an educational technology course in a medium-sized, Midwestern university. The authors found that, while students were initially anxious about the paradigm shift and the additional work it would entail, they nevertheless viewed the model as clearer and more fair. As the study progressed, students reported moving beyond “playing the game” of earning points for a grade and actually engaging more substantively with course content. Based on regular formative feedback, students began to take more ownership of their learning. Ultimately, most participants found SBG more beneficial and defensible—and reflective of their knowledge—than traditional grading practices. To supplement these findings, the authors offer some implementation ideas to assist instructors who may want to begin using SBG in their courses, including reflecting on and clarifying their purpose for grading, ensuring that their grades have meaning (by communicating information that is accurate, meaningful, and relevant to student success), and allowing students multiple chances to demonstrate learning (if the purpose of grading and assessment is to encourage and report mastery).  相似文献   

S_(3307)和PP_(333)对龙眼实生苗生长发育和抗寒力的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本试验研究了两种三唑类植物生长延缓剂S_(3307)和PP_(333)对龙眼实生苗生长发育和抗寒力的影响,结果表明:1mg/L的S_(3307)和10mg/L的PP_(333)浸种、浸根均能促进幼苗根系的生长,显著提高根冠比,幼苗断根移栽时,S_(3307)和PP_(333)均能促进主根断口处萌发侧根,使幼苗迅速恢复生长发育,在低浓度下,S_(3307)的“控上促下”活性明显大于PP_(333),高浓度(S_(3307)>50mg/L,PP_(333)>100mg/L)会严重抑制幼苗生长,适宜浓度的S_(3307)和PP_(333)不仅可以加快龙眼砧木育苗速度,而且能明显提高幼苗对低温的抵抗能力。  相似文献   

刘宋、南齐二朝财政收入以农业税收为大宗,田租、户调大体沿袭东晋,唯户调货币征收比重增加;商业税收项目大体沿袭前代。中央与地方财政关系受政局变动和社会稳定程度影响颇深。由于刘宋、南齐二朝财政状况总体不佳,官员俸禄一般无法正常发放,地方官通过送故钱弥补朝廷俸禄的不足。刘宋、南齐二朝经济状况的走势也反映在货币政策的变化上。  相似文献   

研究了十二烷基三甲基溴化铵(DTAB)-月桂酸钠(SL)组成的表面活性剂双水相(ASTP)的性质及维生素(B12)在其中的分配规律,结果表明,在富含正离子表面活性剂的ASTP(ASTP-C)中,DTAB的上相浓度高于下相,在富含负离子的表面活性剂ASTP(ASTP-A)中,SL的上相浓度高于下相,随着B12浓度的增加,在ASTP-C体系中B12的分配系数(Kd)和萑取率(Y)均增加,但在ASTP-A体系中B12的Kd和Y均减小。  相似文献   

1IntroductionSince a non-noble bulk metallic glassy alloy was dis-covered byInoue ,et al.[1]in 1988 , many stable amor-phous alloy systems with higher glass-forming abilityand lower critical cooling rates have been developed .Among them, Zr-based metallic glassy alloys are in-tenselyinvestigated because of their wider supercooledliquid region and other favorable thermodynamic andmechanical properties .In general ,surface morphologyof amorphous alloy parts is veryi mportant forindustri-al and …  相似文献   

The thermosensitive poly ( N-isopropylacrylamide ) (PNIPAAm) and poly (N-isopropylacrylamide-co-acrylamide) [ poly (NIPAAm-co-AAm) ] hydrogels with different acrylamide molar percentage are prepared by radiation polymerization using Co^60 γ-ray. Their swelling equilibrium data in the media of deionized water, NaCl aqueous solutions and different pH buffer solutions are determined. It appears that lower critical solution temperature (LCST) of the hydrogels will drop with the increase of ionic strength and increase with the rising of acrylamide content, A semi-empirical formula is set up with the experimental results. Moreover, it also indicates that this copolymer is pH-sensitive, which is similar to the homopolymer of PNIPAAm.  相似文献   

Arthur Stinner 《Interchange》2006,37(1-2):19-30
This article traces the development of a contextual approach to the teaching of science (physics) subsequently called the Large Context Problem (LCP) approach. This approach is based on the general observation that learning could be well motivated by a context with one unifying central idea capable of capturing the imagination of the students. The design and the placing of the LCP is followed by a detailed discussion of the contexts of inquiry (as we find it in Newtonian physics) that attempts to give the contextual activities found in the LCP a sound theoretical backing. However, the contextual base must also be informed by the findings of constructivist learning theories as well as the history of science. Moreover, thought experiments (TEs) are considered an important aspect of science (physics) teaching and three kinds of TEs are discussed. All these ideas are summarized for a quick overview in a table called “Levels of investigation for scientific inquiry.”  相似文献   

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