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考察了儿童使用量词的情况,从句法、语义方面描述了其发展过程,认为儿童量词的习得经历了一个动态调整的过程,推理在量词习得中发挥了重要作用。还讨论了儿童习得量词的特点,一是量词与名词搭配的单一化,二是量词的泛化用法,三是句式顺应同化  相似文献   

This paper describes a study undertaken with a group of parents whose children had been referred to the Knowsley Child Guidance Service. A qualitative methodology was used to analyse in-depth interviews with parents. The results led to practical recommendations for the improvement of service delivery. These recommendations had implications for schools and other services involved with parents/carers and children. The survey also provided a base from which to develop a questionnaire for the continuing evaluation of good practice within the child guidance service.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to discover the interpretations and perspectives of 4 low-income parents who received a free early readiness program for their child. Two interviewees were parents who had a child enrolled the year data was collected, and the other two interviewees were parents whose children had participated previously in the early readiness program. The results of this study show that the early readiness program offered benefits to the parents as well as the child, regardless of enrollment year. The benefits include, but were not limited to, social support for parents, financial assistance, greater understanding of their children, and practical parenting ideas. The findings of this study supported the value of free early readiness programs for low-income parents. The discussion substantiates the findings of this study with previous research and concludes there were several identifiable benefits for the parents.  相似文献   

正常儿童的口头语言能力6岁时已基本形成.语言的发展有效地促进了智力的发展。孤独症儿童的语言发展迟缓,不能正确表达自己的基本要求,要谈不上与人交往。发展孤独症儿童的口语能力,是帮助他们走出困境的重要一步。本就孤独症儿童李某的语言训练方案、训练的目标和方法进行探讨,以寻求促进孤独症儿童语言发展的有效方法。  相似文献   

当前失独者的群体越来越庞大,已经成为一个社会问题,亟待社会各方面的关注,而农村中的失独者由于生活水平等各方面的限制更显得举步维艰.本文探讨要解决农村失独者的家庭困境,需要政府和社会各方面的努力,不仅要给予失独者物质帮助,更要给予他们足够的精神慰藉,以使他们走出痛苦的阴影.  相似文献   

变易理论自20世纪90年代由瑞典著名学者马飞龙教授提出之后,被广泛应用于香港课堂学习研究,作为教学设计和课堂分析的策略。本文介绍变易理论的精髓思想,并结合香港英语科课堂学习研究的经验,探讨该理论对中国中小学英语教学的启示。  相似文献   

毛里求斯是一个多语种国家,当地人使用的主要语言有英语、法语和克里奥尔语以及少量的用于宗教仪式的祖传语言。在毛里求斯,大多数孩子在家里使用克里奥尔语进行日常交流,在学校,从小学一年级就开始学习英语、法语和一种祖传的语言。笔者于2008年11月20日至2009年1月1日历时40天在毛里求斯对当地的六个家庭进行了非正式的观察和访谈。本文将从毛里求斯的语言使用和态度入手,为其提出合适的文化政策和战略建议。本文第一部分描述毛里求斯的人口和语言使用情况。第二部分调查当地人对克里奥尔语被政府纳入教育系统的态度。第三部分是对访谈和观察收集到的数据进行讨论和分析。结论部分提出了语言规划的建议。  相似文献   

研讨对外汉语专业人才培养目标和质量标准,分析当前对外汉语专业教学中普遍存在的问题和学生汉语素养方面的不足,从口语表达、字词积累和阅读写作三方面探讨提高这类人才汉语素养的途径和方法。  相似文献   

变易理论自20世纪90年代由瑞典著名学者马飞龙教授提出之后,被广泛应用于香港课堂学习研究,作为教学设计和课堂分析的策略。本文介绍变易理论的精髓思想,并结合香港英语科课堂学习研究的经验,探讨该理论对中国中小学英语教学的启示。  相似文献   

一岁儿童动词发展的个案研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
儿童的句法习得与他们对动词的理解和习得过程联系紧密,但是早期句法的习得到底是以单个动词为基础还是以天生规则为基础,这个问题研究者并没有达成共识。本文在回顾国内外主要相关研究的基础上,对一名北京女孩1岁4个月到1岁10个月的自发动词,从词序与论旨角色和零论元现象两个方面进行了分析,试图探讨儿童早期句法习得中语言环境和天生规则的作用。  相似文献   

Young children who are gifted or talented share special characteristics that impact on the way they learn and develop. Teachers and parents need to consider the unique needs of each child as they plan ways to nurture and educate these youngsters. Concerns such as uneven development, the need for acceleration and/or enrichment, appropriate socialization and peer interactions, and modification of the curriculum are some of the topics discussed. Suggestions for teachers and parents are included along with a variety of resources.  相似文献   

金融危机背景下,就业形势非常严峻,社会对韩语人才的要求也越来越高。如何实施韩语教学,才能培养出更高水平的韩语专业人才,这是所有韩语一线教师都必须认真思考的问题。  相似文献   

左脑半球的语言中枢是语言习得的必要条件 ,但其语言习得能力在青春期之后却迅速衰退 ;语言习得必须以语言理解为基础 ,思维决定语言并先于语言 ;智力与语言无本质联系 ,但却影响语言控制能力的发展 ,这些内在因素对语言习得是至关重要的。  相似文献   

In Japan, there has been an increased concern about family and community participation in the childs education. Traditionally, the role of parents and community in Japan has been one of support and less one of active involvement in school learning. Since the government commenced education reforms in the last quarter of the 20th century, a more active role for parents and the community in education has been encouraged. These reforms have been inspired by the need to tackle various problems that had arisen, such as the perceived harmful elements of societys preoccupation with academic achievement and the problematic behavior of young people. In this paper, the following issues are examined: (1) education policy and reform measures with regard to parent and community involvement in the childs education; (2) the state of parent and community involvement at the eve of the 20th century.  相似文献   

Halliday(1985/1994)提出的语法隐喻理论为儿童语言习得提供了一个新视角。语法隐喻对儿童意义潜势的发展意义重大,是其语法能力提高的一个重要标志。本文在回顾Halliday有关语法隐喻及其个体发展研究的基础上,着重评述Painter(2003),Torr(2003)和Derew ianka(2003)等采用纵向研究的方法对英语国家儿童母语习得过程中语法隐喻个体发展情况的实证研究,以探讨儿童语法隐喻习得的规律。  相似文献   

语文课堂是师生心灵的一种释放、一种感悟、一种跨越,其学习过程是群体灵魂跃动的轨迹,为燃烧自己的生命之火,乃鸣奏学生的心弦之歌。因此,从放飞孩子心灵,激活语文课堂入手,对如何确保学生健全发展进行概述。  相似文献   

以传统意识形态——传统政治心理——传统国民性格为结构机制和表现形态的传统政治文化在当代中国的延存与弥布,成为障碍政治民主化的首要顽敌。  相似文献   

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