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提升教师命题能力,保证试卷质量至关重要。影响试卷质量的众多因素中,难度设计尤显命题人功力。在设计试卷难度结构时,命题者要全面考虑学生的实际学习状况,准确预测学生的答题水平。本文将教师阅读四年级数学试题的难度预估数据与全区实测难度数据对比,研究教师对试题难度的预估与实测的差距,然后基于数据差异反映出的问题,提出了提升教师命题能力的策略。  相似文献   

解题能反映出数学教师的知识水平;讲题,能反映出数学教师的知识水平和表达水平;命题,却能反映出数学教师各方面的综合素质.试题的命制是教师的一项基本功,认真学习命题必将有利于提升教师的数学教学基本功,从而有效促进数学教师的专业发展.  相似文献   

化学实验题,是每年必考的试题,它信度高、区分度好,综合性强,特别是能从试卷上反映出学生的动手能力和平时实验情况,因此,倍受命题者的青睐."得中原者得天下,得实验者得高分".要想在高考中取得化学高分,有必要对化学实验的命题特点进行分析与探究.  相似文献   

<正>每年中考前,命题者会出怎样的试题?会考哪些内容?会以怎样的形式考?这些问题总是教师关注的焦点,大家乐意花大精力研究。虽然通过研究试题猜中考题的概率微乎其微,但通过研究了解命题团队的价值取向和教学导向却是可行的。笔者有幸参与2015年绍兴市中考命题工作,通过21题命制过程中的亲身感受,分析其背后的价值取向,期望能见微知著、窥一斑而知全豹。  相似文献   

所谓“难题”,是指难度系数在0—0.4之间的试题.相关研究指出,难度影响试题的区分度.为更好的实现高考的选拔目的,出现适当比例的“难题”是一种必然.随着命题理论的发展、命题实践能力的不断提升,命题人对试题难度的把握越来越成熟,命题者之所以敢于或者能够把一些问题作为难题,就是掌握了教学过程中一些弱点,把握了一些考生的“命门”,通过分析这些试题,可以帮助我们发现教师的教、学生的学与人才选拔、培养要求之间的一些差距,促进教学反思,从而更好的培养人才,同时适应高考.下面通过浙江省近几年的一些高考试题,分析难题的成因以及相应的对策.  相似文献   

<正>命题工作是整个教学工作中的重要环节,目的在于检测阶段性教学的成效。即通过考生的答题情况来发现教师的教和学生的学的问题,以此来指导下一阶段教与学的调整内容和方向。只有好的试题,才能准确反映出教与学存在的问题,体现出其应有的效度。茫茫题海中,每年的高考试题,无疑是最受人们关注的。但笔者发现有些试题里出现一些争议或瑕疵,表现为试题表述不严谨甚至是试题有错误。  相似文献   

从2004年开始,全国高考11个省市独立命题.高考数学形成了"百花齐放"的局面,各地数学试卷中出现了不少新颖的高质量原创试题.从某种角度看,原创试题的新颖性对考生是一种难度,但能真正考查出考生的学习潜能和个性品质状况;而对命题者来说,更是命题成功与否的一个重要标志.笔者在文[1]中已探讨了原创试题命题的七个方向,下面结合国内外课程标准,再提出原创试题的五个命题方向.  相似文献   

解答阅读题(包括文言阅读),当然主要靠自己的分析、理解,但是借助试题及其选项(备选答案)所提供的信息,对于考生能够理解的能帮助理解自不必说,就是对于考生不能理解的也可能清除障碍、拨云见日,从而帮助考生理解,并进而选出正确答案。因为试题及其选项实际上是命题者分析理解的结果,这对于考生无疑有很大的引导作用,更何况为降低难度,还有命题者有意的暗示呢!所以,认真阅读试题,充分把握并利用  相似文献   

中考试题的编制,不同于一般教学过程中的练习题和考试题的选编,中考命题者必须考虑:该出什么样的试题、如何控制试题的范围和难度等.一道好的中考题,既要依据课程标准(或教学大纲)和教材,体现基础性,还要适当考查学生运用所学的数学知识分析、解决问题的能力,同时要有利于各种程度的学生考出自己的水平.  相似文献   

有些试题,命题者觉得难度偏大,信息量不足,考生难以全面把握住命题者的答题要求,于是就精心设计一些辅助性设问,在设问中命题者对考生的解题思路和方法进行某种引导和暗示。这样既可调节试题的难度,增加试题的层次和区分度,又可使考生答题规范化,便于标准答案的统一。同时还考查了考生对命题者在设问中给予的信息的领悟能力。  相似文献   

his study investigates how trainee teachers perceive their supervising teachers’ supervisory competency. Through a questionnaire that was specifically developed for this study and which contained open-ended questions, student teacher candidates were asked to comment on their supervising teachers’ competency in preparation for supervision, instructional planning and reflection, and collegial supervision and effective mentoring. Data for this study was gathered from 690 student teachers who were in their last year in college pursuing a teaching credential. The results indicated that the student teachers rated their supervising teachers’ competency in supervision as poor to partially competent. Although there is no significant relation found between the gender and fulfillment of supervisory duties, the main significant finding was between supervising teachers’ experience in teaching and completion of the supervisory role. The results showed that the younger or less experienced supervising teachers demonstrated better supervisory skills. Furthermore, our results indicated that although experience is important, it should not be the only criterion for selecting supervising teachers for supervisory duty.  相似文献   

贯彻体育与健康课程标准,如何面向全体学生和关注学生的个体差异与不同需求,是实施过程中值得注意的问题,而建立合理的,科学的评价体系尤为关键。从传统体育课程评价的弊端入手,对《体育与健康课程标准》的特点进行分析,促进评价方式更加完善。  相似文献   

At the request of the production team, a study was carried out on the BBC children's general knowledge programme, Corners, in order to test how suitable and enjoyable the programme was for its intended audience (five to seven year olds). Three age groups of children (six, seven and 11 year olds) were tested on memory and liking for one episode of the programme. Eleven year olds were significantly better at remembering the programme than the younger age groups. But there was also an unexpectedly large significant difference between seven and six year olds. Six year olds found particular difficulty in answering questions based on large numbers. The programme was most popular with seven year olds and least popular with 11 year olds. Popularity of individual items was not associated with superior recall. Results are discussed in terms of their usefulness in guiding production decisions for the next series of Corners, and also in terms of possible developmental factors which could account for the age differences  相似文献   

This exploratory study was designed to investigate the accuracy of high school students' confidence in their answers on classroom tests, how that accuracy varied between different types of questions, and whether having to judge their confidence in test items resulted in an improvement in accuracy over the school year. The study was conducted in a rural high school in a South Eastern state of the US involving 54 students enrolled in three sections of a human anatomy class. For an entire school year the teacher asked students to indicate their confidence in a response's correctness when they answered questions on tests and examinations. Further data included interviews with 25 students and a career goals questionnaire. Having students gauge the correctness of their responses to test questions on class tests over the school year did not result in quantifiable improvements in their accuracy. However, students indicated that reflective use of the language of human anatomy and physiology through reading out loud to themselves, practising writing words and phrases, and verbal questioning and discussion with others helped them to achieve higher academic outcomes. Modelling or discussing effective study strategies with family members were also identified as important factors on the ways students prepared for tests.  相似文献   

论有效教学的实践建构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
有效教学是教育理论研究的一个热点问题,也是人们非常关注的教育实践问题。有效教学的最终目标是什么?有效教学的实践何以可能?有效教学怎样才能够可持续?为了回答这些问题,我们需要对有效教学的相关因素进行系统分析,并从整体上建构一种有效教学的分析框架,以此帮助教师更好地进行教学设计,改进教学实践,开展教学反思。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to enhance our understanding of how college students connect online prior to their first year. Before students ever set foot on a college campus, they are making friends, joining clubs, locating activities, finding roommates and discussing future student activities all through the social network site, Facebook. Anticipatory socialisation theory frames this research to focus on the social, academic and career aspects of the transition. A case study approach and content analysis methodology sought to better understand frequent topics and themes for pre-college students. The primary foci of the pre-college Facebook interactions were connectivity and commonality among new students. An unintended finding was the discovery of crowdsourcing on post-secondary social media sites. Crowdsourcing taps into the collective intelligence of the public to complete tasks that an organisation would normally either perform itself or contract to a third-party provider; hence, outsourcing to a crowd. In this case, the crowd is comprised of pre-college students about to start their first year of post-secondary education.  相似文献   

探讨提高医学生临床语言表达能力和交流技巧的措施,将即将进入临床实习学生随机分为实际组和对照组,通过“由问题找答案、分组表演、观摩电教片”等多种形式的训练,结果显示实验组学生的交流能力明显高于对照组;说明通过现行的培训和练习方式能提高即将进入临床实习的交流能力,并增强了医学生的心理素质,有效的弥补了目前医学教育中的缺陷部分。  相似文献   

The current study examines the mental computation performance owned by students at fifth grade. This study was carried out with 118 fifth graders (11–12-year-olds) studying at 3 randomly selected primary schools that served low and middle socio-economic areas in a city of Turkey. “Mental Computation Test (MCT)” has been used to reach how participants mentally compute. In analysing data, participants’ scores on the test were calculated by using a statistical package and which mental computation level they were in was determined. Sample responses of the some students regarding some questions in the test were presented directly and discussed. Evidence was found that the total percentage of the students at quite low and low level is 7.6 % and at high and quite high level is calculated to be 78.8 %. It was also revealed that the mental computation performances of the students in addition and subtraction are better than multiplication and division. On the other hand, it was found out that the performances of the students in all operations decrease as the number of the digits increases.  相似文献   

专业人才培养方案的制定是衡量一个专业建设的首要环节与核心标准,是教学合理运行的纲领性文件。以辽宁政法职业学院防火管理专业为例,从中医问诊角度,通过合理有效的诊断方法,发现人才培养方案存在的问题,并就如何制定符合职业教育需求,具有专业特色的人才方案,进行了可行性研究。  相似文献   

The new Dutch curriculum for the upper levels of secondary education requires students to use research skills. Students have to conduct a number of small research projects, culminating in the writing of a research paper as a formal part of the new examinations. Although the literature offers abundant advice on how to write a good research paper, comparatively little research seems to have been done on this subject as it relates to the classroom. This article describes some results of a study which examines the problems encountered by students when carrying out research projects and which looks into the difficulties teachers face when coaching students in research skills. These obstacles are particularly apparent in the initial stages of the research process. Problem finding is revealed to be an underdeveloped skill in education. Although teachers score much better than students on a test of research skills, finding an effective way to channel these superior skills into coaching methods that benefit students remains problematic. It is evident that procedural knowledge cannot be seen separately from declarative knowledge. Working together in interdisciplinary teams might help teachers overcome some of these problems.  相似文献   

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