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随着时代的飞速发展,高职教师道德修养越来越被社会、家长、学生关注,在分析高职教师道德修养存在的突出问题后,应充分发扬传统文化,以促进高职教师加强道德修养,弘扬高尚的师德风范.  相似文献   

In the light of some recent transformations in higher education, a moral governance of university teachers is starting to emerge, suggesting a decrease of professional autonomy. By drawing on the idea of Gilles Deleuze’s ‘clinical analysis’, the aim of this article is to re-problematize the increasingly common moral image of students’ problems in the light of these recent developments in higher education. The first part of the article focuses on students’ victimization, which is followed by an analysis of the rhetoric and practice of transparency. The third part investigates the relationship between widening participation and the entry of the market model in higher education. The findings suggest that university teachers could benefit from applying a holistic, self-reflective perspective – as a contrast to many policymakers’ reductive individual perception. This perspective enables two practices: (1) the critical ethos concerned with the limits and potentials of professional identity and (2) the political mobilization of university teachers as a profession.  相似文献   

This study investigated to what extent primary school teachers’ perceptions of their students’ ability and effort predict developmental changes in children’s self-concepts of ability in math and reading after controlling for students’ academic performance and general intelligence. Three cohorts (N?=?849) of elementary school children and their teachers were followed for four years. Children’s self-concepts and performance ability in math and reading were measured annually during Waves 2–4. Teachers rated the children’s ability and effort at each of the four waves. Domain-specific differences and developmental changes could be identified in the associations between teachers’ perceptions and children’s ability self-concepts. Teachers’ ability perceptions predicted children’s concurrent and subsequent ability self-concepts in math and reading, whereas teachers’ effort perceptions predicted children’s math ability self-concept only at Wave 4. Analyses with multi-sample procedure showed that these models were similar for boys and girls and for children in different cohort groups.  相似文献   

教师情绪劳动是教师为了实现教育教学目标所作出的情绪上的努力,既可能是教师的真情流露,也可能是教师经过调节后表达出来的情绪。由于隐性压力无处不在,教师可能在情绪劳动中失去了对学生的道德关怀而不自知,表现为不健康的情绪情感教育、“去人性化”的情绪反应和自动化、无意识的消极情绪表达。因此,教师首先应该灵活运用各种情绪调节策略塑造良好的情绪状态,并以关心为情绪劳动的基本准则,同时注重对情绪的监控与反思,如此才能重拾道德关怀,为培养学生学会关心树立典范。  相似文献   

In sub-Saharan Africa, where there is limited financial and human capital, it is important to examine how social relationships may serve to promote or undermine human capital formation. However, little is known about the contributions of social relations to human capital development, especially in terms of academic achievement in Africa. This study examined how variations in key aspects of social relations among teachers; between teachers and students; between principals, teachers, parents and students affect achievement in mathematics among sixth graders in 70 schools in six districts in Kenya. We modeled mathematics achievement as a function of measures of social perception and support while adjusting for school-, classroom- and student level background characteristics. We found that net of teacher subject knowledge and background characteristics, teachers who display commitment to teaching by always correcting homework and keeping students engaged during math lessons had their students performing better. Teacher absenteeism and lack of interest in teaching were negatively associated with performance in math. Lack of parental involvement in the classroom also had negative effects on grades. At the school level, the level of engagement of the principal, measured by supervision of teachers and good interpersonal interactions with parents had positive effects on math achievement. Schools where parents provided material and financial support had better grades, while student delinquency and absenteeism negatively affected grades.  相似文献   

于晶 《教育科学》2012,28(2):27-30
师生关系并不是一个新的话题,但教育界一直没有停止对师生关系的讨论。本文以教师外表形象这一概念为切入点,深入研究教师形象魅力的在师生关系建立中的作用,使教师从中获得一定的教育启示。并且借助形象设计技能,为教师更好地完善自身形象探索路径。  相似文献   

家长和老师是德育工作的基本力量,因此,我们着力创设德育氛围,指导施教方法,努力使家长、老师成为学生健康成长的指导者、引路人。在德育实施过程中,要把做人教育置于德育的突出位置,着力培养学生奋发向上的精神风貌和“自尊、自信、自主、自立”的人文素养。要关注学生的心理健康,增强学生的自信心和抗挫能力。要广泛开展丰富多彩的活动,在活动中促进学生的道德内化。  相似文献   


While parents' role in schools has attracted growing attention in educational research, very few researchers have directed any interest to the role of parents in special education. In this paper, we focus upon the concept of partnership, relating our analyses of interviews with classroom teachers and parents to the notion of partnership as described and explored by different researchers. Our main focus is on how teachers describe and perceive their relation to parents, and how parents experience their relation to the school. Our analysis shows that the relationship between teachers and parents seems to contain some other features than those reflected in the existing literature on parents’ role in education. To extract some of these features based on our data, we construct two roles: parents as ‘implementers’ and parents as ‘clients’, which we believe better captures the distinctive feature of the role of parents in special education. ‘Implementer’ implies parents being given responsibility for following up aims and measures set by the school, with very little possibility to influence how things are being done. ‘Clients’ occur when teachers see parents as part of their child's problem. Both roles place parents in a subordinate and powerless relationship with the school, as a result of a strong inequality of power between parents and schools. This inequality is caused, among other factors, by the socially defined power relationship between laypersons and professionals, and the stigma attached to special education which restrains parents from forming any collective resistance.  相似文献   

师生关系经历了从身份到契约、从道德到法律的演化,传统师生伦理关系正被异化为法律关系,其结果是师生信任的丧失。要重塑和谐师生关系,须明确教师职业的双重性,将师生关系定位为信义关系,通过各种立法模式构建师生信义义务体系,在"教"、"学"相长中使师生双方尽到忠实和勤勉义务。  相似文献   

Recent education policy places a heavy emphasis on parents in relation to students' success at school. This paper explores how parents and teachers account for school success. Using membership categorisation analysis, it interrogates data collected in different interview situations across sites over a period of 20 years. The analysis shows how parents and teachers use talk as moral work to conversationally constitute particular agreed versions of the category ‘parent’. This category is interactively assembled through the use of category-bound attributes that construct deficit discourses of parents that explain student achievement. The analysis demonstrates that parents are complicit with teachers in producing versions of being a good parent wherein they are held responsible for their children's school success and that minimises the responsibility of the school. These findings raise questions both about who is responsible for schooling and about current contradictory policy emphases on parent and teacher responsibility for school success.  相似文献   

通过对我国中、东部地区4省12所中学1865名学生的问卷调查获得第一手资料,建立OLS模型,主要从教师情绪、学生表现和家庭情况这三个维度分析当前影响师生关系的诸多因素,并对农村与城区学校师生关系影响因素进行比较分析,研究发现:我国中学师生关系总体表现良好,老师发脾气会对师生关系有一定负面影响;学生干部更擅长处理与老师的关系,在乎学业成绩的学生比不在乎学业成绩的学生具有更好的师生关系;与漠不关心型家庭的学生相比,民主和专制家庭的学生与老师关系更融洽;与父母一起生活的学生师生关系更和谐等。最后,从“教师有效管理情绪劳动”“不断提升信任力”“学生培养可信赖品质”“家长当好师生信任的‘中间人’”“学校和社会更加关爱留守儿童”等方面提出建议。  相似文献   

教师是教师失"德"行为的主体,其客体包括教育事业、教师同行、学生以及家长,因此师"德"失范也就相应的表现为这五个方面的失"德"。教师失"德"的原因可以概括为社会逐"利"薄"名"、教师的"人性"压迫"神性"以及家校之间"交易"频繁和冲突不断。要解决教师师"德"问题,必须要"引导"教师的思想、"提高"教师的知识素养、"保障"教师的权利以及"规范"教师的行为。  相似文献   

如何培养学生学习数学的兴趣   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了培养学生学习数学兴趣的方法:重视新课导入,激发兴趣;建立师生感情,增进学生对数学教师的信任;严格要求,巩固兴趣,培养学生积极主动。  相似文献   

This study investigated how support from other organisations compliments or reinforces the activities of teachers and parents in order to optimise the development and improvement of students in inclusive classrooms in Thailand. The objectives of this study include: (1) investigating the changes in teachers and parents who joined a municipal Human Resource Development (HRD) program in Khon Kaen Municipality; (2) evaluating the success of the program against its expected results; and (3) analysing the results and proposing improvements to the program to benefit students with disabilities. In order to examine the overall outcomes of the program for the concerned parties, qualitative survey‐based research involving questionnaires, interviews and focus group discussions, employed with school administrators, teachers and parents, was used. The major findings are that school administrators and teachers paid more attention to students with a diversity of needs after joining the program, although participating parents’ acceptance of students with disabilities was low. The program evaluation revealed that participating teachers managed their classrooms better. Lastly, in order to improve the program in the Thai context, more acceptance and awareness must be created among both teachers and parents.  相似文献   

This study investigates attributional beliefs of Singapore secondary students in their English study and how they can be predicted by self-construal, competence and achievement goals. A total of 1,496 students were administered surveys on seven attributions, independent and interdependent self-construals, previous achievement, self-efficacy, mastery approach and avoidance goals and performance approach and avoidance goals. We found that Singapore students attributed academic success mainly to internal regulation (effort, interest and study skills), followed by teachers’ help, ability, parents’ help and tuition classes. Hierarchical regression analyses showed that three predictors (self-construal, competence and achievement goals) explained 4.2–12.3% of the variances in students’ attributional beliefs. In particular, students with interdependent self-construal, high competence or mastery goals tended to attribute academic success to internal regulation (effort, interest and study skills) and support from teachers and parents. Students with low competence, high mastery avoidance goals or high performance goals were more likely to value tuition classes, and those with high performance avoidance goals also tended to ascribe academic success to ability and parent’s help. The findings are discussed in relation to the culture of Singapore.  相似文献   

传统的直接德育教材教学存在教学目的的片面性、教学内容的局限性以及教学方式的灌输性,而校本德育课程教学具有教学目的的整合性、教学内容的宽泛性与教学方式的多样性。通过调查发现,翻转课堂教学模式应用于校本德育课程中,增加了学校德育课程的种类,拓宽了教师德育教学的方式,同时也增强了学生的德育实践体验。虽说其实践探索已取得初步成效,但同时也存在一些问题。文章从学校、教师、家长、学生等几方面出发,就如何更好地将其推广普及,提出相关应用建议。  相似文献   

诚信是中华民族的传统美德,是大学生处理个人与社会、个人与个人之间相互关系的一项基本准则。大学生作为建设社会主义的后备人才,诚信道德将影响其在社会生活中的形象和地位,从而影响社会的道德状况。探讨和研究大学生的诚信道德教育有着深远的意义。  相似文献   

In recent years, students’ test scores have been used to evaluate teachers’ performance. The assumption underlying this practice is that students’ test performance reflects teachers’ instruction. However, this assumption is generally not empirically tested. In this study, we examine the effect of teachers’ instruction on test performance at the item level using a hierarchical differential item functioning approach. The items are from the U.S. TIMSS 2011 4th-grade math test. Specifically, we tested whether students who had received instruction on a given item performed significantly better on that item compared with students who had not received such instruction when their overall math ability was controlled for, whether with or without controlling for student-level and class-level covariates. This study provides preliminary findings regarding why some items show instructional sensitivity and sheds light on how to develop instructionally sensitive items. Implications and directions for further research are also discussed.  相似文献   

问卷调查安徽省53所学校校长、4 010名初三学生,运用两水平多层线性模型,探查影响学生学校适应性的因素。研究发现:(1)学生学校适应性校际差别不大。(2)在学生个体层面,兄弟姐妹数量越少、家长学习期望越大、家长学习参与越多、个体知觉的同学关系与师生关系越积极,学生学校适应性就越好。(3)在学校层面,未发现有影响学生学校适应性的因素。  相似文献   

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