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Teacher education has struggled to better prepare beginning teachers for an increasingly diverse student population. This research examines the role that cooperating teachers play in developing multicultural/equity pedagogy knowledge and skills among student teachers. Five cooperating teachers working in California, USA, each of whom had extensive and successful experiences teaching multicultural/equity pedagogy curricula, were asked to describe how they encourage their student teachers to engage in the materials and strategies they promote. Generally, the cooperating teachers reported that their most successful student teachers were those who came to understand the difference between expecting high-quality work from their students and sympathizing and identifying with their students’ plight as low-income Latino children. More specifically, they noted that student teachers had difficulty leading instructional conversations in small groups of students.  相似文献   

Coteaching provides opportunities for teachers to collectively share responsibility for student learning. This paper reports on findings from a longitudinal study in which cooperating teachers cotaught science classes with student teachers. Through coteaching with student teachers, teachers expanded their teaching practice and developed new insights about their teaching. Coteaching served as professional development for the cooperating teachers. The experience provided them with renewed energy toward practice, opportunities to develop and implement curriculum, reflection as a catalyst for changing practice, and an expansion of professional roles into new arenas.  相似文献   

This study aims to define the roles of cooperating teachers as mentors in the context of distance-learning teacher education. The participants included 358 cooperating teachers who mentored 4th-year student teachers in a Distance English Language Teacher Training Program in Turkey. To determine the roles that were perceived as mentoring roles by the cooperating teachers in the distance practicum, an inventory of 10 primary mentoring functions was constructed. These functions included five primary mentoring roles: ‘self-trainer’, ‘networker, ‘social supporter’, ‘academic supporter’, and ‘psychological supporter’. The results will contribute to an increased understanding of how cooperating teachers perceive their mentoring roles during distance practicums.  相似文献   

This study examined the complexities of the collaborative relationship between student teachers and cooperating teachers in secondary mathematics from the perspectives of the student teachers. Four cohorts of student teachers (N = 170) in secondary mathematics were surveyed using a questionnaire that measured their perceptions of two dimensions of their student teaching experience: collaboration with their cooperating teachers and the classroom practices of their cooperating teachers. Although analysis of the responses revealed that student teachers were generally satisfied with the amount and quality of the collaboration, two important results were revealed. First, about half of the respondents reported spending less than an hour collaborating weekly with their cooperating teacher in various contexts. Second, certain classroom practices of the cooperating teachers were found to be significantly associated with whether they spent more or less than an hour collaborating with their student teachers, and were significantly correlated in most cases. This explicit linkage suggests that the classroom practices of cooperating teachers may extend to the mentoring approach they take when working with student teachers. Suggestions for teacher education programs and cooperating teacher support are shared.  相似文献   

This study examines the beliefs about effective teaching in student teachers and inservice teachers. We constructed a measurement composed of an adaptation in Spanish of the Gibson and Dembo's (1984. Teacher efficacy: A construct validation. Journal of Educational Psychology, 76, 569–582). Teacher Efficacy Scale and of the items included in Emmer and Hickman's (1991. Teacher efficacy in classroom management and discipline. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 51, 755–765) “classroom management/discipline efficacy” dimension. A total of 339 participants took part in the study. The factor analysis carried out of the results obtained showed three principal factors: classroom management/discipline efficacy, personal teaching efficacy and general teaching efficacy. Analyses which compared efficacy expectancies showed significant differences in the management and discipline dimension in favour of the group of working teachers, whereas an opposite pattern emerged in the general teaching dimension. In addition, there were differences in the management/discipline dimension in terms of the number of years’ experience in the group of inservice teachers. The interpretation of the results is expressed in terms of the Bandura's perceived self-efficacy theory. We also indicate some implications that the analysis of these expectancies may have for the training and professional development of teachers, and we suggest lines for future research.  相似文献   

This study employed ethnographic methods to describe and explain changes to beginning science teachers' (n = 6) practices and beliefs during a year long internship. Teaching practices were strongly influenced by the cooperating teachers. Initially, all six interns attempted to re-enact lessons they witnessed their cooperating teachers teach, including following lesson structures and borrowing representations, anecdotes, and jokes. Later, they independently implemented instruction that emphasized similar strategies as their mentors, regardless of whether or not they were experiencing success. Interns who were successful also shifted their beliefs to match their mentors.  相似文献   

This study investigated student teachers’ efficacy beliefs, collective teacher efficacy beliefs, and perceived cooperating teachers’ efficacy beliefs. These student teacher beliefs were examined with the focus on context, primarily the school setting (i.e., rural, suburban, and urban), to determine whether setting played a role in the development of the student teachers’ efficacy beliefs. The research participants included 102 student teachers. All three setting groups exhibited significant increases in teachers’ sense of efficacy following student teaching. Urban student teachers exhibited significantly lower perceived collective efficacy. Perceived cooperating teachers’ efficacy was predictive of and positively related to the student teachers’ post-TSES scores.  相似文献   

We report on the origins, development and refinement of an online inventory to help cooperating teachers focus on selected dimensions of their practice. The Mentoring Profile Inventory (MPI) helps quantify important features of both the motivating and challenging aspects of mentoring student teachers and provides results to respondents in a graphic, easy-to-understand and immediate feedback report (14 sub-scales and 3 summary charts). Psychometric properties of the MPI are shown to be robust. Results can be used individually or collectively to facilitate cooperating teacher professional development by providing the opportunity for dialog around a set of common issues.  相似文献   


Cooperating teachers are often identified as some of the most important figures in the preparation of new teachers, and the reasons are not difficult to understand. Surprisingly, however, very little research has been conducted to quantify the effects of cooperating teachers on student teachers. This study examines the impact of student teachers' perceived interactions with their cooperating teachers and the influence that interaction has on student teachers' self‐efficacy for teaching. Results indicate a moderate correlation between perceptions of teaching efficacy and cooperating teacher‐student teacher interactions. Differences were found in the frequency of interaction based on the certification level of the student teacher, with elementary level student teachers perceiving a greater amount of interaction with their cooperating teachers. However, no differences based on certification level were detected in perceived efficacy. Student teachers' perceptions of the level of guidance offered by their cooperating teachers provided the most reliable predictor for their efficacy belief.  相似文献   

师范生教师职业技能包括普通话和口语表达技能、书写规范汉字和书面表达技能、教学工作技能、班主任工作技能等四部分。教师职业技能的培养需要长期、系统的训练,文章在新课程改革的指引下,对认知到体验再到实践,分层次、分阶段四年一体培养师范生教师职业技能进行了实践与探索。  相似文献   

儿童的认知世界并无学科之分,在启蒙教育阶段实施综合性养成教育,可以更好帮助儿童从立体的生活世界过渡到具有整体图式的认知世界,全科型卓越教师的提出与素养教育的现实诉求相契合。儿童认知规律和国内外全科教师研究都表明,小学全科型卓越教师的本质内涵不是能胜任全部科目的教学,而是能否遵循儿童认知发展规律,有效整合各学科知识,并具备设计和实施这类整合性课程教学的能力,更好促进儿童品性的发展。但是,目前小学全科型卓越教师的培养在教师教育的课程体系和师资队伍中都还存在若干挑战。可从师资队伍建设、课程与教学改革和增强职业吸引力三个路径入手,探索小学全科型卓越教师的有效培养。  相似文献   

Building resilience in pre-service teachers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article examines the role that professional experiences (practicum) can play in building resilience in pre-service teachers. In particular it focuses on a learning communities model of professional experience with its emphasis on relationships and its attention to the complex and dynamic interactions between individuals and their ‘student teaching’ contexts. This article draws on a number of studies including evaluations of two cohorts of graduate Bachelor of Education (primary) students and a self-study based on the work of two university academics. Jordan's [2006. Relational resilience in girls. In S. Goldstein, & R. Brooks, (Eds.), Handbook of resilience in children. New York: Springer] model of relational resilience – with its characteristics of mutuality, empowerment and the development of courage – is used as a conceptual framework for illuminating some of the emerging insights from our work with the Learning Communities model.  相似文献   

就我国高等教育教学现存的青年教师培养问题进行初步探讨,分析了目前高校青年教师培养工作中存在的普遍问题,分别从如何提高青年教师的业务素质,如何培养青年教师的综合能力以及如何全面提升青年教师的思想道德素质三方面探讨了提高青年教师培养质量的方法。  相似文献   

This study evaluated the impact of a specific program on the training of preservice teachers; the program consisted of alternating periods of “condensed” and autonomous classroom work and training sequences with university supervisors and cooperating teachers in order to prepare for these practical work periods. Borrowing from an original theoretical conceptualization of teacher training and professional development based on the postulates of Wittgenstein's analytical philosophy (In G.E.M. Anscomb and G.H. Von Wright (Eds.). (1996). Remarques philosophiques [Philosophical Investigations]. Oxford: Blackwell.), this study (i) examined the circumstances in which preservice teachers are able to use experiences from training situations for professional growth in the training situations and/or in later classroom situations and (ii) proposes ideas for articulating the training work of university supervisors and cooperating teachers.  相似文献   

我国每年都有大批新手教师步入教学岗位,然而其教学技能却不尽如人意。利用微格教学对新手教师进行培训不仅能帮助新手教师提高教学技能,尽快适应工作环境和教学岗位的需求,而且能促进教师队伍专业化的发展。  相似文献   

A growing body of research in recent years has supported the value of emotional intelligence in both effective teaching and student achievement. This paper presents a pre–post, quasi-experimental design study conducted to evaluate the contributions of a 56-h “Emotional Intelligence” training model. The model has been developed and studied in an attempt to address educators’ growing needs to practice and implement “emotionally intelligent” learning environments. One hundred eighty-six teachers from ten elementary schools in Israel participated in this study. Findings indicated an increase in emotional intelligence and empathic concern from the beginning to the end of the course. Further regression indicated that both expression and regulation of emotions predicted empathy at the end of the course. Participants’ reflective assignments indicated an increase in self introspection, emotional awareness, emotional regulation and understanding others.  相似文献   

跨世纪体育教师的素质及培养   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
跨世纪体育教师肩负着把我国建设成为体育强国的历史重任。其素质必须适应市场经济对体育发展的要求。体育教师的体育素 质、育人能力,治学方法,教学能力、科研能力及知识水平是衡量跨世纪体育教师质量的重要标准  相似文献   

This article describes a qualitative study into student teachers’ learning processes through changes in their interactive cognitions. First, theoretical propositions about the relation between learning to teach, professional development, and practical knowledge are defined. Next, the procedure to grasp interactive cognitions as part of practical knowledge is explained. On three moments during teaching practise, students were video-recorded while teaching and then audio-taped during a stimulated recall interview. Changes in students’ interactive cognitions are understood as indicators for learning and professional development. The results show substantial differences between students. The significance of the findings for teacher education research is illustrated.  相似文献   

This article reports on how a program based on educative supervision supported the supervisory knowledge and practices of three cooperating teachers. The program was planned as a kind of practicum: the cooperating teachers participated in the program while working with a student teacher. The program included activities where the cooperating teachers reflected on their supervisory beliefs and practices in collaboration with each other. The case study method was used, where the case was the designed program. Data analysis indicated some changes in the supervision styles of the participating cooperating teachers toward educative supervision. First, the percent of speech given by the student teachers in the post-lesson conferences increased after the discussion of educative supervision in the program. Secondly, the amount and depth of talks on mathematics pedagogy increased. Thirdly, the cooperating teachers moved away from conveying their feedback directly to the student teachers; they started asking more open-ended questions to have the student teachers reflect on their teaching.  相似文献   

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