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英语学习中,我们常遇到“形容词 介词”构成的短语,而同一个形容词和不同的介词搭配时,其含义往往迥然不同,这是应当注意的。请看:1. be good at ... 善于……;擅长于……be good for ... 对……有用;有利于……be good to ... 对……厚道(好);适于……Heisgoodatdrawingflowersandbirds.他擅长画花鸟。Themedicineisgoodforstomach.这种药对治疗胃病有效。AlltheChinesepeopleherearegoodtousAmericans.这儿所有的中国人对我们美国人都很好。2. be famous as ... 因某种身份而著名be famous for ... 因某种原因而著名be famous t…  相似文献   

刘颖  刘鹏 《初中生辅导》2015,(29):24-27
介词是英语词类大家族的成员之一,它经常被人们所忽略,然而它却是英语短语或句子结构的重要组成部分.在一些相同的英语短语中,由于介词的不同,其含义差别很大,现列举如下: 11.be good at,be good to,be good for,be good with (1)be good at意为“擅长”.如: He is good at studying English. 他擅长学英语. (2)be good to意为“对……和善”.如: Our teachers are very good to us. 我们的老师对我们很和蔼.  相似文献   

1.晚饭后散步对你的身体有好处。[误]Taking a walk after supper is good to your health.[正]Taking a walk after supper is good for your health.[析]be good后可接介词to,for或at,但意义不同。be good to表示“对……友好”,相当于be kind to。例如:The teacher is very good to us.(老师待我们很好。)be good for表示  相似文献   

1.他篮球打得好。[误]He is good for basketball.[误]He is good to basketball.[正]He is good at basketball.[析]形容词good可与介词at,to,for等搭配,其意义也就不同。与at搭配,意为“善于”;与  相似文献   

辛文 《初中生必读》2011,(Z1):29-30
英语学习中,我们常遇到"be+形容词+介词"构成的短语。而同一个形容词和不同的介词搭配时,其含义往往迥然不同。请看:1.be good at…善于……,  相似文献   

good和well这两个词都有“好”的意思,但其含义和用法不同。请同学们注意它们的差异。一、good的含义、用法和固定搭配A.good用作形容词时,意为“好”,在句子中通常用作定语或表语。用作定语时,既可表示问好、祝福、称赞、告别,又可表示人的品质、物质的优良等。例如:1.G oodluck to you.祝你好运。2.H e wants to be agoodstudent.他想成为一个好学生。3.The cold dishes taste verygood.冷菜味道很好。B.good常与介词at连用,构成短语be good at,意为“在……方面学得好”,也可以与介词for连用,构成短语be good for...,意为“对……有好…  相似文献   

1.I’m not good at basketball.我不擅长篮球。be good at意为“擅长……”,后可接名词或动名词作介词at的宾语。[例]They are good at_________ A.play the piano B.to play the piano C.playing the piano分析与解答:play为动词,接在介词at后应用其动名词形式,故正确答案为C。[迁移点拨]do well in也可表达“擅长……”这一意思,可与be good at互换。如:Jack does well in reading.杰克擅长阅读。  相似文献   

Ⅰ.The Use of Good1.作为形容词a.=expert 擅长的eg.The boy is good at drawing/mathematics.b.=kind 好意的,友善的eg.The old lady is good to children.c.=benificial 有益的eg.Milk is good for children/your health.ant.harmfuleg.Smoking is harmful to you/your health.  相似文献   

Unit 1 Ⅰ.单元要点本单元主要是学习如何用英语询问他人做某事的方式。-How do you do sth.? -I do sth.by…Ⅱ.重要词组或固定搭配too…to…太……而不能……;not…at all根本不……;be afraid to do sth.害怕做某事;laugh at sb.嘲笑某人;enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事;be good at doing sth.擅长做某事;on one’s way to在……的途中;turn  相似文献   

英语学习中,我们常遇到“形容词+介词”构成的短语。而同一个形容词和不同的介词搭配时,其含义往往迥然不同,这是应当注意的。请看:1.begoodat…擅长……begoodfor…对……有效,对……有用,有益于……,有利于……begoodto…对……厚道(好),适于……Heisgoodatdrawingflowersandbirds.他擅长画花鸟。Themedicineisgoodforstomach.这种药对治疗胃病有效。AlltheChinesepeopleherearegoodtousAmericans.这儿所有的中国人对我们美国人都很好。2.beafraidof…害怕……beafraidfor…替……担心Shewasafraidofmeetingbadpersonsatnight.她害怕晚…  相似文献   

一、be good for,be good to be good for表示“对……有益(好)处”,反义词组为be bad for,意为“对……有害”。例如: This book is very good for the children.这本书对孩子们非常有益。 be good to表示“待……好”,反义词组为bebad to,意为“待……不好”。例如: Miss Zhao is very good to her students. 赵老师待她的学生非常好。  相似文献   

be good at sth.(be good at doing sth.)意为"擅长做某事"。例如:He is good at English.他擅长英语。I'm good at singing.我擅长唱歌。do well in意为"在……方面干得好"。例如:She did better than I in math.她在数学方面比我学得好。  相似文献   

1.I'm not good at basketball.我不擅长打篮球。(Unit 20) be good at...是个固定词组,相当于beexpert at…意为“在某一方面擅长”。其后可直接加名词,或动词-ing形式。如:Jim is good at maths.他的数学很好。Kate is good at singing.凯特擅长唱歌。 2.Pass the ball like this.像这样传球。(Unit 20)  相似文献   

1.玛丽的帽子在床上。误:Mary's hat is in the bed.正:Mary's hat is on the bed.析:in bed指“人(睡,卧、躺)在床上”; on the bed指“(具体某物)在床上”。2.他对我很好。误:He is good for me.正:He is good to me.析:be good for表示“对……有益”;表示“对……厚道,适于”时则应该用be good to。  相似文献   

Don’t take for granted the things closest to your heart.Cling to them as you would cling toyour life,for without them,life is meaningless.Don’t give up when you still have something to give.Nothing is really over until the mo-ment you stop trying.Don’t be afraid to admit that you are less than perfect.It is this fragile thread that binds useach together.Don’t be afraid to encounter risks.It is by taking chances that we learn how to be brave.千万别小看最贴近你内心的东西。用你的一生去坚守…  相似文献   

1.W hat you should do only is good deeds,paying no attention to thefuture.但行好事,莫问前程。2.To help others is to help yourself.与人方便,自己方便。3.If you are good at your contacts with other people,you ll get re-spected by them som e tim e later.善与人交,久而敬之。4.Its a m ust for people to choose neighbors and m ake friends withgood persons.居必择邻,交必良友。5.Its good for people to be bright and yet fond of learning,and notasham ed to ask and learn oftheir inferiors.敏而好学,不耻下问。…  相似文献   

在英语中,介词at是一个异常活跃的功能词.它使用频率高、表现力强、在不同的搭配中,可以表达许多种不同的意思.如:at the bus-stop(在公共汽车站),at work(在工作),at the risk of(冒…危险),at best(充其量),at the sight of(一看见…),run at…(向…扑去),finish at a sitting(一口气干完),sell at a loss(亏本卖),be good at(擅长)等等.用好用活介词at可以使句子简洁明快,语言生动形象,甚至会使人产生联想.然而,正是at的丰富词义和复杂多变的搭配关系给正确掌握和运用它带来很大的难度.本文限于篇幅对它的用法不作全面阐述,只就表示原因或理由这一个侧面作一些粗浅的探讨,以期对读者有所启发、有所帮助.  相似文献   

Reading is really a complex of skills and not a single one. It is very popular these days to try to improve reading skills. One sees many essays m newspapers and elsewhere for courses, materias and equipment designed to improve reading rate and comprehension. Most often the emphasis is on reading rate, not on specific comprehention skills. Most of the time is also spent on increasing reading rate, not on good comprehension. I consider neither of them should be overmphasized at the expense of the other.  相似文献   

余阳 《初中生必读》2008,(12):19-19
看下面的例句,总结afraid的用法:Don't be afraid.Your father will soon be back.别害怕,你爸爸很快就会回来的。The girl is afraid to stay at home by herself.那女孩不敢独自一人待在家里。  相似文献   

A Slip of Paper     
一、故事内容 It's a sunny day. A little lizard walks on the grass. While he is walking, he finds a slip of paper. It says, "The snake is coming!" The lizard is very afraid. He cries. There are three frogs. They are dancing in the pond. They hear the lizard crying and jump to him. They look at the paper and say, "Don't be afraid! Look, this is a slip of paper, not the whole paper! There must be another slip of paper."  相似文献   

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