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This study examines the effects of the differences in organizational identities that emerged during a post-merger project that aimed at unifying the laboratory services of a large healthcare center that resulted from the merging of three hospitals by supporting them with a unique information system. We draw on the concepts of organizational identity and sensemaking to analyze the laboratory information system implementation project. Organizational identity is conceptualized as the mental representation that organizational members have of themselves as a social group in terms of practices, norms, and values and how they understand themselves to be different from members of other organizations. Data analysis suggests that divergent organizational identities and team members’ alternative interpretations of others’ practices, norms and organizational symbols, coexist during the post-merger integration phase. These interpretations are reflected in the final functionality of the information system that was different from the planned one.  相似文献   

In this article we highlight temporal effects in information and communication technology-enabled organizational change. Examples of temporal effects are explored in the context of one organization's efforts to implement an enterprise-wide information system. Temporality is presented as having two aspects, with the first being the well-recognized, linear and measured clock time. The second aspect of time is that which is perceived--often as nonlinear--and socially defined. We find that temporal effects arise both in changes to the structure of work and in differences among groups in how time is perceived. Evidence suggests that both specific characteristics of the implementation and of the enterprise systems' technologies further exacerbate these temporal effects. We conclude with suggestions for how to incorporate a temporally reflective perspective into analysis of technology-enabled organizational change and how a temporal perspective provides insight into both the social and technical aspects of the sociotechnical nature of enterprise systems.  相似文献   

Since the early 1990s, Brazilian IT policy has changed substantially from greenhouse protectionism in selected segments of the market to a more liberal regime. This article analyses the impact of liberalization on IT equipment production, diffusion, employment, and foreign trade. There were both benefits and setbacks, depending on the aspect analyzed. Users benefited from greater access to imported equipment, which could eventually contribute to productivity growth in the overall economy.On the negative side, there was a loss of local linkages with internal sources of components, technology, and employment. The article concludes that the future of the Brazilian IT industry does not seem to be in commodity hardware production. Rather, it lies in design- and engineering-intensive applications. Such "production close to use" can spur domestic use as well as create business opportunities for domestically owned companies in markets not dominated by foreign multinationals.  相似文献   

从世界汽车产业发展趋势看我国汽车产业的发展   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
汽车产业是我国的主导产业,对我国国民经济发展具有重要影响。在全球经济一体化和技术进步不断加快的条件下,当前的世界汽车产业呈现出了一系列不同于以往的发展趋势。本文从世界汽车工业的发展趋势入手,在分析我国汽车产业的发展现状的基础上,探讨了我国汽车产业的发展对策。  相似文献   

The role of universities has been evolving over the last 20 years, from a focus on teaching and research towards an enabling, partnership role with industry, government and communities in their proximate geographical spaces. Universities are increasingly linked to place. This paper reports on a case study of a peri‐urban Australian university that has chosen to link its identity with the development of its proximate communities. In doing so, a number of levers of change have been employed, amidst ‘push’ and ‘pull’ factors that have challenged the institutionalisation of change. The strategies employed by university managers have included: industry, government and community participation in university governance; a cooperative education programme; and changes to systems for promotion, performance and recognition. There have been a number of obstacles to change, some of which continue to beset the embedding of a focus on regional and community engagement. Although at a formative stage, this change is already showing promising results. The change levers employed provide some interesting insights for university managers, academic staff and students of organisational change, more generally.  相似文献   

顾宇杰 《科教文汇》2020,(13):62-63
自2016年高考改革以来,已经有三届考生通过新高考进入大学。随着高考体制的不断变革与完善,各学科考试的新颖度与难度也在逐年增加,作为亲历新高考的考生,在此文中一方面是想谈谈近年来高考体制的具体变化;另一方面,则是结合个人在大学学习中的心得,为即将面对高考的考生们提供一些建议,以便考生能更好地适应高中至大学的转变。  相似文献   

自2016年高考改革以来,已经有三届考生通过新高考进入大学。随着高考体制的不断变革与完善,各学科考试的新颖度与难度也在逐年增加,作为亲历新高考的考生,在此文中一方面是想谈谈近年来高考体制的具体变化;另一方面,则是结合个人在大学学习中的心得,为即将面对高考的考生们提供一些建议,以便考生能更好地适应高中至大学的转变。  相似文献   

土地利用变化模型是理解土地变化科学研究的重要组成部分,由Markov转化过程组成的随机模型因其能用少量的数据而实现对土地利用格局的模拟,是土地利用变化模型研究中较合适的一个选择。本文构建了基于GIS技术的随机变化模型,以自然条件约束较大、受人为因素影响较小的贵州省石阡县为例,应用1988年、2001年两期土地利用数据,结合其他辅助数据模拟其土地利用变化格局。文章采用选取样点方式,计算包含土地利用变化在不同影响因子(如海拔、坡度、距道路距离、距河流距离等)的土地利用转移矩阵。再运用该矩阵,以1988年土地利用为基础,模拟2001年的土地利用变化,并与2001年实际土地利用比较,模拟结果较为理想,证明了该模型的可行性。最后模拟了在未来3种不同约束条件下(现状发展、经济优先和生态优先发展模型)的土地利用变化情景,该研究结果能更好的服务于地方土地利用规划编制和政策分析,也为摆脱土地利用变化复杂系统,仅利用少量数据就进行土地利用空间格局模拟研究提供了一个新的方法。  相似文献   

This paper studied the key strategies used by Datang, a local Chinese firm, to promote TD-SCDMA in order to explore an under-researched topic: how could a latecomer promote a technology standard? The findings suggest that Datang faced formidable challenges because of latecomer disadvantage and transitional institutions. The development of innovation capabilities and new technologies is needed but far from sufficient. It is necessary to develop special capabilities to get support from the government and public stakeholders such as scholars. The experience of Datang offers new insights into the development and adoption of technology standards sponsored by latecomers in developing countries.  相似文献   

王羿 《科教文汇》2020,(7):167-168
本研究从结构游戏中教师的介入着手,通过选取上海市一家具有丰富结构游戏经验的市级示范园,从该园每个年级组抽取一个班级,共对带班的6位教师在结构游戏中的介入进行观察,并对这6位教师进行问卷调查和访谈。  相似文献   

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