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[1]在英国生活20年后,我和妻子决定搬回美国.我们想住在一个小城镇里,小到可以步行去商业区,最后我们定居在新罕布什尔州汉诺威市,一个典型的新英格兰城镇,舒适、安静、布局紧凑.市中心有一块大草坪,四周环绕着达特姆斯大学的古老建筑,一条古色古香的大街和绿树成荫的住宅区.  相似文献   

A learning cycle approach to undergraduate instruction was implemented in a variety of subjects in the liberal arts and sciences. The students in the experimental program were typical representatives of an institution with liberal admissions policies. Significant gains were made in critical thinking and cognitive skill development by the experimental group. Additionally, retention of the experimental group was improved. Gains of this sort have the potential to rekindle hope in college faculties that some of the traditional goals of higher education that center on critical thinking and cognitive skill development need not be abandoned in institutions with liberal admissions policies.  相似文献   

在由联合国教科文组织安排编写的<教育--财富蕴藏其中>一书的序言中有如下发人深省的两句:"教育乃是人类从其自身学到的一切";"教育看来是使人类朝着和平、自由和社会正义迈进的一张必不可少的王牌".这两句话说的是教育同人类的存在与进步是不可分割的,它伴随着人类的产生而产生,发展而发展.专门教育机构--后来被称为"学校"--的出现,显然是教育事业进步到一定程度的重要标志,"校长"作为各教育机构的带头人,逐步成为教育系统中乃至整个社会生活中负有特殊使命的、具有关键意义的群体,大学校长往往是这个群体中更引人注目的代表.  相似文献   

“百名学者评论中国教育”专栏,以教育研究者的角度,就教育理论和实践中的热点、焦点、难点、冰点问题发表各种建设性见解。先期办成开放式的,一事一议,或提出问题,或分析评论,力求形成百家争鸣、百花齐放之势,激活中国之教育学术。待有重点问题时,再分专题讨论。特邀教育界有影响的专家学者参与,以教授和博士为主办成一个高层次论坛。各位同仁可就自己认为教育理论与实践中的重要问题写成评论,每篇2000-3000字为宜,诚请各位同仁在百忙中赐教赐稿。  相似文献   

Two experiments examined the role of analogy inthe development of a situation model of atarget passage. Specifically, we examinedwhether an analogous source text could improvecomprehension and inferencing about causalmechanisms in the target. An ``analogy group'studied a fictional pseudo-scientific passageunder the guidance of an analogous passage(also fictional) which shared causal structureswith the target. A ``statement group' studiedthe target under the guidance of an abstractstatement that characterized the target causalstructures. A ``target-only group' received noadditional material. All groups received tasksthat assessed their representation of thetarget. In Experiment 1 (N = 92) participantswere asked to list the most important objectsand relations in the passage. In Experiment 2(N = 80) participants were directly asked aboutthe target causal structures. In bothexperiments, responses of analogy subjects weremore likely to include given and inferredinformation that comprised the target causalmechanisms. Analogies in which a sourcepassage models causal mechanisms correspondingto those of a target passage appear to promotebetter representation of the details of targetcausal mechanisms, allowing a more fullydeveloped situation model of the target.  相似文献   


Research suggests that a significant reason that a large number of students earn low grades in the fundamental engineering science course Statics is that they may be entering the course with incorrect conceptual knowledge of mathematics and physics. The self-explanation learning approach called collective argumentation helps k-12 students to understand their misconceptions of mathematical principles that often appear abstract to them. This study investigated collective argumentation as an instructional approach that helps engineering students identify and correct their misconceptions of topics taught in Statics. Results suggest that argumentation improves student performance as measured by grades earned on semester exams. Survey and focus group results suggest that students did not understand the argumentation process. Therefore, the students did not like using it as a learning approach.  相似文献   

In Study 1, 10-, 13-, and 16-year-olds were assigned to conditions in which they were instructed to think logically and provided alternative antecedents to the consequents of conditional statements. Providing alternatives improved reasoning on two uncertain logical forms, but decreased logical responding on two certain forms; logic instructions improved reasoning among adolescents. Correlations among inferences and verbal ability were found primarily when task conditions created conflict between automatic and controlled inferences. In Study 2, when the cognitive demands of the logic instructions were reduced, 10-year-olds made more logically correct inferences, but only when a conditional's consequents were strongly associated with alternative antecedents. Discussion focuses on the ability to inhibit invited inferences and the role of automatically activated memories.  相似文献   

With an increased emphasis on problem solving and problem-based learning in the instructional design field, new methods for task analysis and models for designing instruction are needed. An important methodology for both entails the elicitation, analysis, and inclusion of stories as a primary form of instructional support while learning to solve problems. Stories are the most natural and powerful formalism for storing and describing experiential knowledge that is essential to problem solving. The rationale and means for analyzing, organizing, and presenting stories to support problem solving are defined by case-based reasoning. Problems are solved by retrieving similar past experiences in the form of stories and applying the lessons learned from those stories to the new problems. In this paper, after justifying the use of stories as instructional supports, we describe methods for eliciting, indexing, and making stories available as instructional support for learning to solve problems.  相似文献   

根据地表水的检测结果讨论了周口市地表水环境污染的状况,提出了改善措施,为周口市治理水环境污染工作提供了依据。  相似文献   

This study investigated how different forms of tutor action influenced novice students’ performance on the Wason selection task, and how the students perceived the situation. In the control condition, the tutor provided supportive feedback which was minimal in terms of content (CG), in contrast to help in the form of directives (IM) or questions (QM). Based on the findings of studies of tutorial dialogue in the literature, we expected to observe: lower performance for CG (H1) and better performance with QM than IM (H2), a less positive perception of the tutor’s assistance for CG (H3), and that the tutees would differentiate between the IM and QM conditions (H4). These hypotheses were confirmed, with the exception of H2, IM and QM producing similar performances.  相似文献   

Students in a large one-semester nonmajors college biology course were classified into one of three groups (intuitive—I, transitional—T, reflective—R) based upon a pretest of scientific reasoning ability. Laboratory teams of two students each then were formed, such that all possible combinations of reasoning abilities were represented (i.e., I-I, I-T, I-R, T-T, T-R, R-R). Students worked with their assigned partners during each of the course's 14 laboratory sessions. Gains in reasoning ability, laboratory achievement, and course achievement, as well as changes in students' opinions of their motivation, enjoyment of the laboratory, and their own and their partner's reasoning abilities were assessed at the end of the semester. Significant pre- to posttest gains in reasoning ability by the intuitive and transitional students were found, but these gains were not significantly related to the laboratory partner's reasoning ability. Also, course achievement was not significantly related to the laboratory partner's reasoning ability. Students were perceptive of others' reasoning ability; the more able reasoners were generally viewed as being more motivated, having better ideas, and being better at doing science. Additional results also indicated that course enjoyment and motivation was significantly decreased for the transitional students when they were paired with intuitive students. Apparently, for students in transition (i.e., not at an equilibrium state with regard to reasoning level), it is frustrating to work with a less able reasoner. However, some evidence was found to suggest that reflective students may benefit from working with a less able partner.  相似文献   

While a number of scholars have discussed the pervasiveness of the conceptualization of students as customers, to date there has been limited reliable research examining the extent to which students actually view themselves as customers. Using a survey that was administered to a census of entering first-year students at a large public research university (59.8% response rate), this study shows that students do not agree with many of the educational beliefs and planned behaviors associated with a customer orientation. Results of exploratory factor analysis suggested only 28.9% of respondents expressed a customer orientation. These results show that contrary to what has become common sense in postsecondary education, most students at this public university do not express a customer orientation towards their education. Such findings should make scholars and practitioners rethink some of their embedded assumptions with regards to the goals, motivations, and general educational orientations of today's college students.  相似文献   


In this article the authors focus on how features of a computersupported collaborative learning (CSCL) environment can elicit and support domain-specific reasoning and more specifically historical reasoning. The CSCL environment enables students to collaborate on a historical inquiry task and in writing an argumentative essay. In order to support historical reasoning the authors compared two representational tools: a graphical representation (argumentative diagram) and a linear representation (argument list). As it is assumed that an argumentative diagram can support both cognitive and interaction processes, it was expected that using this tool would result in more qualitative historical reasoning, in the chat as well as in the essay. However, the results of this study did not show a significant difference in the amount of historical reasoning between the two conditions. A possible explanation can be found in the way the students make use of the representational tool while executing the task. The tool does not only function as a cognitive tool that can elicit elaborate activities, but also as a tool through which students communicate.  相似文献   

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