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There is little research on pediatric hospitalists'' use of evidence-based resources. The aim of this study was to determine the electronic resources that pediatric hospitalists prefer.


Using a web-based survey, the authors determined hospitalists'' preferred electronic resources, as well as their attitudes toward lifelong learning, practice, and experience characteristics.


One hundred sixteen hospitalists completed the survey. The most preferred resource for general information, patient handouts, and treatment was UpToDate. Online search engines were ranked second for general information and patient handouts.


Pediatric hospitalists tend to utilize less rigorous electronic resources such as UpToDate and Google. These results can set a platform for discussing the quality of resources that pediatric hospitalists use.  相似文献   

网络信息资源的集成化与标准化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章论述了网络信息资源的定义、网络信息资源集成化模型、网络信息资源与服务集成化的关系及网络信息资源的标准化。  相似文献   

Health professionals and members of the public are often interested in locating exercise information on the World Wide Web (the Web). There is a large amount of information available on the Web; however, the challenge for all people is to identify the high quality information that can be depended upon. Much of the quality exercise information on the Web is hidden within sites of reputable organizations concerned with exercise and health. This article examines several categories of commonly needed exercise related information. For each category, a few high quality sources of exercise information are listed. Combined, these Web sites provide an excellent and extensive body of knowledge for a person who is not experienced with exercise and wants to get started learning, or for a person with a moderate level of experience and knowledge who wants to learn more.  相似文献   

The way research is conducted has changed over time, from simple experiments to computer modeling and simulation, from individuals working in isolated laboratories to global networks of researchers collaborating on a single topic. Often, this new paradigm results in the generation of staggering amounts of data. The intensive use of data and the existence of networks of researchers characterize e-Science. The role of libraries and librarians in e-Science has been a topic of interest for some time now. This column looks at tools, resources, and projects that demonstrate successful collaborations between libraries and researchers in e-Science.  相似文献   

News changes constantly. That change and the abundance of Web-based news resources available complicate finding the news. This paper reviews sixteen different online news sources for their coverage of recent health and medical issues; both general-interest and medical news sites are included. Three health-related news stories were searched in all resources within set time-frames to provide a comparison of coverage. Features and types of resources are described. The use of RSS feeds and weblogs to find news is also discussed with suggestions for using news aggregators to control the flow of information.  相似文献   

Journal searching in non-MEDLINE resources on Internet Web sites   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Internet access to the medical journal literature is absorbing the attention of all relevant parties, i.e., publishers, journal vendors, librarians, commercial providers, government agencies, and end users. Journal content on the Web sites spans the range from advertising and ordering information for the print version, to table of contents and abstracts, to downloadable full text and graphics of articles. The searching parameters for systems other than MEDLINE also differ extensively with a wide variety of features and resulting retrieval. This discussion reviews a selection of providers of medical information (particularly the journal literature) on the Internet, making a comparison of what is available on Web sites and how it can be searched.  相似文献   

本文从中文网络信息资源的现状出发,在分析中文网络信息资源保存流程的基础上,分析了中文网络信息资源权益主体,建议要处理好各权益主体之间的几种关系。  相似文献   


Semantic Web ontology files can be flexibly programmed to delineate metadata relationships in machine-readable formats to create relational pathways for discovering resources both on and off the Internet. There is a global community of Semantic Web developers and users across a broad multi-disciplinary range of interests who create and share extensible open-source ontologies. In this article, the author will explore the functionality of Semantic Web techniques for representing the ontologies of relatedness through kinship that typically underpin Australian Indigenous knowledge systems, and investigate their potentials for meeting persistent demands among leading Australian Indigenous collections creators and users to be able to search and discover their hereditary knowledge resources in ways that reflect and reinforce their enduring cultural values, ways of knowing and rights-management concerns.  相似文献   

本文分析了博客及其管理属性,研究了博客管理属性对网络资源建设的直接推动作用和潜在影响,并进一步探讨了博客管理属性对网络资源建设的启示。  相似文献   

分类主题一体化在网络信息资源组织中的应用   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:17  
本文简述了分类主题一体化的含义 ,分析了分类主题一体化语言四种模式组织网络信息资源的优劣 ,探讨了网络信息资源组织中成功应用的六种分类主题一体化系统。  相似文献   

Health care professionals and consumers often need information about, or targeted to, non-White or non-English speaking populations. Minority health resources sponsored by a variety of organizations are increasingly being made available on the World Wide Web. This information is easily accessible to providers, patients, and families, and community service agencies. The heterogeneity of sponsors, ranging from federal agencies to consumer advocacy and support groups- and their agendas-results in differences of quality, depth of content, and suitability for different information seekers. Taking a conservative approach, this article presents a collection of starting points whose roots are in established agencies, institutions, and organizations already familiar to most health care information professionals.  相似文献   

在风险投资中,股票的价格直接影响到投资者的获利、投资流向及数额。美国的纳斯达克股市被称为风险投资的"晴雨表",其"牵一发而动全身"。 2000年 4月,纳斯达克暴跌,致使风险投资数量剧降,特别是因特网融资,更是今非昔比。许多曾经受到"众星捧月"待遇的网站纷纷陷入困境,有的甚至濒临倒闭。对于曾因网络股迅猛增长而倍感鼓舞的风险投资商而言,他们需要进行重新的投资选择;而对于原先沉浸在对未来的美好憧憬中的网络商来讲,形势不再是"一片大好"。人们不禁要问:风险资本将流向何处,网站将如何发展,"风"究竟会吹向何方 ?  相似文献   

电子政务信息资源网络影响力评价指标体系研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
文章在界定电子政务信息资源的基础上,利用层次分析法和德尔菲法,构建电子政务信息资源的网络影响力评价指标体系,并利用该指标体系对我国34个直辖市、省和特区电子政务门户网站的网络影响力进行了评价。其评价结果与我国互联网发展状况相吻合,从而证实了该网络影响力评价指标体系的合理性。  相似文献   

When the nursing collection at the University of Illinois Library of the Health Sciences was evaluated in 1990 for an accreditation self-study for the National League for Nursing, the evaluation was broadened to study resources, faculty participation in selecting them, and completeness of holdings. To evaluate holdings, lists were checked and conspectus and comparative statistical data were analyzed. Organization and collection development were also described, to document faculty input. User services and on-site and remote access were briefly reviewed to document how resources were made available. The results demonstrated that the library provided an acceptable level of support for nursing studies at the University of Illinois at Chicago.  相似文献   

Web使用挖掘下的Web页面层次分类技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Web使用挖掘研究用户访问行为所体现的行为特征,Web站点结构分析对于Web使用挖掘具有重要意义.本文讨论如何结合Web站点内页面间的超链结构和关键页面分析技术实现对Web站点的链接结构分析,得到清晰的站点拓扑结构和页面层次分类,进而以此为Web页面进行层次编码,和Web用户行为向量的建立方法,为准确表述用户的访问行为提供数据支持;用一种新的方式进一步有效的挖掘用户的行为特征.最后,把它同一些重要的页面分类方法,从算法的计算效率和页面分类的准确率上进行了比较,试验数据的分析表明,该方法在效率和准确率上有一定提高.  相似文献   

With increasingly more useful information becoming available on the World Wide Web and with the Internet becoming accessible to everyone, an organized and annotated review of sites beneficial to midwives is an important tool. In addition to being useful to midwifery professionals, this listing will be helpful to nursing and midwifery educators and students, to pregnant women and their families, and to the reference librarian providing assistance to these individuals. This article provides individuals interested in midwifery with the ability to choose from evaluated Web sites.  相似文献   

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