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1.A.W hat蒺s the tim e?B:It蒺s .A:It蒺s tim e forus to go school.B:Ok.Let蒺s .2.A:W hat蒺s itin his hand?B:It蒺s apple.A:Do you like apples芽B:Yes,I like apples very.3.A :Can you play football?B:No熏I .Canyouhelpm e?A : .Play itlike this.B:Letm e have a try.4.A:Can he jum p high?B:Yes,he .A:W hataboutyou?B:Ican蒺t.It蒺s hard.5.A :H ow m any people are therein the river?B:Only .A :Can she swim ?B: 熏she can.6.A:W hat蒺re they in the tree?B:They蒺reabirdanda .A:W hatcolouris th…  相似文献   

卜单项选择(共巧分) ()1.一What does he_?一He 15 tall with short hair·A.look likes B.looks like C.look like ()2.Sandy_dark hair·A.has B.15 C.have ()3._15 this dietion呵?It’5 ten yuan·A.How old B.How mueh C.How many ()4.eome down to Huaxing and see_yourseif. A .in B.for C.on ()5 .They haveT一shirts_red,歹een,and white. A .in B.for C.on ()6·You ean buy shoes A.for only 15 dollars B .at only 15 dollars C .of only 15 dollars ()7·They have_art festival_each year. A.an:in B.a:/C.an…  相似文献   

A:Look,who’5 that?B:It址nk he 15 Bm.A:15 he anEnglishboyoranAmercianboy?B:n七15 an English boy from London.A:HOW old ishe?B:Sorry,1 dsn’t know his age.A:ob,who’5 the boy in the hat?They look the same.B:Re 15 Mike .They are twins.They are at school.A: Thank you .Goodbye!B:Goodbye!一碑郭种An English boy(初一)@林雨…  相似文献   

(A)A:Hell0!B:Hello!W卜dt,5 thjs in English?A:It’5 dPieture.B:L00k ot the piCture,pledse.A:0卜,1t’s the PICture Of our eldssroom.B:YeS,It iS.Whdt row dre y0U jn?A:I,m in ROW Three.B:衬卜dt,5 y0Ur nUmber?A:r m Number Six.And yoU?B:I,m NU而er翔e1VS.A:Cdn y  相似文献   

根据情景对话.从A B CO中选出最佳答案。1,—DOeS Sh6}ike Chinese food? A .She likes B .She doesn,t 11晚 C .Yes,she 15 D .1,ve no idea2.—}h8Vea!ot of Work to do. —___1 can卜elp you. A .Don,t worry 8.Gcod dea C,!think 50 D.!’d!OV6 to3.—一__? —He 15 my friend,Wu Dong. AWho,5 that girl B .Who,5 that boy C .Where 15 Wu Dong D .Who,5 Wu Dong4.—WOuld you like some more milk? D,It,5 only a thing.9.—Exeuse me,where 15 the nearest bus stoP,Plea阳? —l’m sorry 1 don,t know.{ A·Tha…  相似文献   

1.单项选择。选择最佳答案。1 .There_“Chinese take一aw叮s’,in Eng- land. A.are 50 many B.15 50 muoh C .15 50 many D.are名。~山2.You must keep the树ndows_to let elean air in. A .oPened B.oPenC.elosed D.elose3 .PeoPle ean’tlive_air· A .with B.in C.no D.without4 .It took me half an hour_卿homework yesterd叮. A .do B.to do C.doing一D.did5 .Pleaset妞11 her all aboutit诉ben she back tomorrow· A .eomes B.will eome C.eomeD,eame6.He_the bus and foun比aseat. A.got on B.got off C.fookatD.s…  相似文献   

1.What’s this in English?这用英语怎么说?(1)这是一询问“某物用英语怎么说”的常用句式。是一个特殊疑问句,回答时常用“It’s…”结构。其中What’s是What is的缩写形式,It’s是It is的缩写形式。例如:—What’s this?这是什么?—It’s letter A.它是字母A。—What’s that?那是什么?—It’s a hat.它是一顶帽子。(2)其中in English意为“用英语”。类似用法的还有:in Chines“用汉语”;in Japanese“用日语”等等。例如:—What’s this in English?用英语说这是什么?—It’s milk.是牛奶。—What’s that in Chinese?用汉语…  相似文献   

,,.,.,尸.rl/.孚D.AC而犷咋的 一anookB. 9.、.价了:叭︺彻.、八的W!:朽勺!。1.互点词汇检测。A)根据句首及首字母提示,补全单词。1 .It—一th即are at sehool now·2厂rheir n are Jim and Thm.3 .Please sit down·overt4.1—name 15 Kitty.5.Ab—15 on the南er(小河).B)根据句意,在空格上填上一个适当的词,完成 句子。6.1 don’t know her, 1 think she’s7.The丽ns are inthe_脚de了8.1 ean_my books in myb鳍·9.We have four elasses in the and two in the afternoon.10.Jim 15 twelve.He 15 a middle sehooln.单项坡空。选择…  相似文献   

及f名询,冠询,数询,主谓一致,1一What happened last night?一There was a food aeeident.Ten were 111,but no_we玲lost. A .ehild;lives B.ehildren:life C .ehildren;lives D.ehild;life 2.一Whose bedroom 15 it?一It 15_bedroom.Tlie twin sisters like it ve汀mueh. A .Ann and Jan C .Ann’sand Jan B .Ann’5 and Jan’s 3.一How do you like D .Ann and Jan’s _TV play?一Oh,it’s of wonderfbl best TV plays One- It’s olle 1 have eVer Seell. A .a;a;the C .the:a;/ 4.一Did you do well in一Yes.1 got…  相似文献   

测试时间:120分钟总分:100分I.语言知识运用(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)()1.What______you_______when she came in?A.did,do B.are,doing C.were,doing()2.Where was Davy______Linda was looking for him?A.while B.where C.how()3.The woman couldn’t see her son________.She’s very worried.A.anywhere B.somewhere C.nowhere()4.They are talking about something______the telephone.A.in B.on C.at()5.We were very________that Jim didn’t pass the exam.A.surprised B.surprising C.surprise()6.There’s a big …  相似文献   

B.D.An七 yhe annyt卜.a1.皿点词汇检测。A)根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。1 .May 1 look at your shopPingl—?2.一How mueh 15 the fish,please? 一Ten yuan ak_·3 .The book 15 tooe_,1 ean’t buy it.4 .As一15 ealled Priee一low.It has a lot of things in it.5·Af‘一一一ean keep the food fresh(新鲜的).B)找出与句中划线部分意义相同或相近的选项。6 .Do you have旦」旦土三迁friends in your elass? A .many B.mueh C.a Iot D.any7 .Can 1 help you? A .What about B.Wllat ean 1 do for C .Can 1 90 with D.What…  相似文献   

料热 听力部分(20分)1.情景反应。根据你听到的句子选择适当答语。(5 分) 1 .A.They are twoapPles. B .It,5 a wateh. C .It,5 six thirty. 2.A.An right B‘I,tn Xiao Ming· C .He 15 Jim. 3 .A.It,5 me· B .His watehes. C .It,5 mine. 4.A.It’s five· B.It’s fifty. C .It,5 fifleen. 5 .A.Yes, they areours. B .Yes,they are thei玲. C .Yes,they are yours.11.单句理解,选择与你听到的句子意思相近的答 案。(5分) 1.人.Thenew wateh 15 niee. B .1 don,t havea new wateh. C .1 have a new wateh. 2.A.The book…  相似文献   

I一.舀乙满乙.him it B.him to itit to her .D.主t her a niee ear,and eolour 15了Ac,..,,.日‘.二声J,声月产J、卜叫1 .IJ.,月石脚枯5nlCe.A .11s;it’sB .It’s;its C .Its:it’5 D.Its;its6.Jim,“1 eanChinese now.” A .say;speak B.says;speak C .sPeaks;s叮D.speak;s叮 eeL月h几.‘备胜第一部分:课内大考场1.词汇A)用所给词的适当形式填空,使句意完整。1 .Can you draw some_(sheep)on the blaekboard?2.It’5 12:00 now.It’5 time for us 伍ave)luneh·3.一一兰(n ot)open‘he door·4 .His family_(be)all workers.…  相似文献   

选择填空。(20分))l15 he?一Ten.A.WhatBC .HOW oldD .Where()2 .h MingisB .Who home A.at B.in C.on()3 .15 yourfriendathome_atsehooltod盯? A.and B.but C.or()4一What,5 this in En沙sh?一It,5 pen· A.my a B.a nly C.an()5.一How old isPolly?一2. A.h B.He C.ItsD .ofD .whereD .aD .It,s)615 my mum·B .heC .thisD.it)7 .This 15 bag. A.I B.she C.哪D.you)8 .How old your sister? A.are B.is C.am D.be)9.肠ok!TheyareA.~ges tree B.orange treesC.~ges trees D.orange tree)lo.Are those yonr?A.boxe…  相似文献   

、户人﹀﹄岛丫讨﹀八了入丫户丫、了价1.,点词汇检洲。A)根据句意和首字母提示,补全单词。1.仆15 15 ap—of our English teaeher’s family.2.1 ean see 5 flowers on the desk.3.一Where’5 my ball,Mum? 一It’su_your desk.4.1 ean’tf-一一—my bike.Can you see it?5 .Don’t Put bthe brc“)ms here.Put themthe door,Please·B)用括号内词的适当形式填空,使句意完整。一灯1.一What are those over there? 一They are some_(P hoto)of our elassroom and sehool.2.Where are the brooms?1 ean’t find (they)·3.一What 15 t…  相似文献   

1.根据听到的内容,完成下列句子。(5分) l)His father_eomes home by—· 2)How many_are there in your_? 3)It takes two_to 90 to Yan,an by_. 4)The_today 15 niee and—· 5)Mr Green_home for work at seven—·2.听写对话。(8分) A: B: A: B:3.根据听到的内容,完成短文,每空一词。(7分) My_15 Li Ping.1 am in Class 4 Grade 1 .There are 30._in our elass,16_and 14_.Tom and Jim_Ameriean.Tom ean_.Jim ean_kites.Lily and Luey are_.They ean ride_.Mrs Green 15 our English_.our Chinese teaeher 15 Mr Li.are 16…  相似文献   

B:——————.A:————————?B:Yes。1 like apples verv 11luch孓 鞭}、◇公.i^,一、^ √5.A:in the B: A: R-’”. IH()w 111~111}lveople am thereriver?B.一一.Can you help ITleA: .Play jt like this.B:Let me have a [1w.6.A:What’re they in the tree? B:TheyS-e a cat and A:What~30lour is the eat? B: .!《看图对话》答案11 1.h’s s朗’e11=12et’s go 2.j lt’s an apple:Do you likel apples 3.No.I Call’t:Cer—I;tainly 4.he can;It’s too 11a r【{ 5.Onlv one;Yes._}II,r(‘an 6.a bird;li’s bl…  相似文献   

(满分:100分)Ⅰ.听力。(20分)A)听力辨图:根据你所听到的内容,选择相对应的图片。(共5小题,每小题1分)1._____2._____3._____4._____5._____B)情景反应:根据你所听到的句子,选择最佳答案。(共5小题,每小题1分)6.A.It’s on the desk.B.It’s in the chair.C.No,it isn’t.7.A.Yes,it is.B.Yes,they are.C.No,it isn’t8.A.How are you?B.Fine,thank you.C.How do you do?9.A.Here you are.B.It’s an English-Chinese dictionary.C.Oh,here it is.10.A.It’s a backpack.B.Yes,it is.C.They are books.C)对话理解:根据你所听…  相似文献   

1.单项选择。(3o幻()1,Wllat,5 that_English?It,5 apen. A.in B.on C.at D.of()2._you see a eal:under thet汕ie?Yes,1 ean· A.Are B.DO C.CaJI D.Is()3._~the students?Tlley~in the classroom· A.Wliat B.WlloC一Wllose D.Wllere()4.Tliere 15_old eloek on the table._eloek 15 Hack. A .a,The B.the,The C.an,The D.the,A()5 .What_isit?It’sh碰p时two. A.day B.time C.the dai:e D.theti~()6.Here 15扣ur new shoes·Put_on· A.it B.th叮C.them D.their()7._15 yotlr En沙血teacher?The one in a bhie eoat…  相似文献   

never tell:,le我不信A:The Guo,a n defeated the Shenhua!B:Never tell me!A:Here!It,s Printed!B;Well,that,s temPorary·A:国安队战胜了申花队!B:我不信!A:看!都登出来了!B:嗯.这只是暂时的。A:昨天晚上我 将近一点才到家。:怎么回事?我故意气一气我丈夫BAB:你这么做可真傻school ofl、ar‘1 knoeks‘l乏苦的峰炼A:My boss 15 sueh a shrewd businesswoman that everyone adillires her.B:Which university did she『aduate如m?A:She never went to high sehool;She was edueated in the sehool of hard knocks.B:That’s …  相似文献   

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