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The aim of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of conceptual change oriented instruction (CCOI) over traditionally designed chemistry instruction (TDCI) on overcoming 10th grade students’ misconceptions on gases concepts. In addition, the effect of gender difference on students’ understanding of gases concepts was investigated. The subjects of this study consisted of 74 10th grade students from two chemistry classes. One of the classes was assigned as experimental group and the other group was assigned as control group. The experimental group was instructed with CCOI and the control group was instructed by TDCI. Gases Concept Test (GCT) was administered to both groups as pre- and post-tests to measure the students’ conceptual understanding. The results showed that students in the experimental group got higher average scores from Gases Concept Test. Also, a significant difference was found between the performance of females and that of males in terms of understanding gases concepts in favor of males.  相似文献   

分析了物理概念转变的涵义和模型,讨论了学生物理相异构想的来源,并提出了进行概念转变的具体教学策略。  相似文献   

在素质教育中教师要转变教育观念,包括目标观的转变、人才观的转变、施教观的转变。为此,在教学中要强化学生的主体意识,引导学生积极主动地学习,要在传授知识的过程中开发智力、培养能力、提高教师自身的素质。  相似文献   

概念学习一直是科学学习和教学的重要问题。为了帮助学生学习新概念,改变原有的错误概念,研究者和教师开发了各种教学策略。然而有些错误概念仍难于改变。有时,学生可以部分地完成错误概念,但是在教学介入后一段时间,部分的改变也会消失。究其概念难于改变的原因,其中一个就是错误概念不仅仅涉及学生对概念命题本身的理解,更可能要涉及学生对整个物理系统的理解①,近年美国学者Chi等人②③④从概念的本体类别观点出发深入解释为什么有些概念如此强烈地抗拒转变。  相似文献   

In this study, the effect of conceptual-change-texts-oriented instruction to seventh-grade students' understanding of ecological concepts was investigated. Using information collected through interviews and related literature, the Ecology Concept Test was developed and administered to 58 elementary students in two classes of an elementary school before and after the treatment. The experimental group received conceptual-change-texts-oriented instruction and the control group received traditional instruction. Results of independent t test analysis revealed a statistically significant difference between the gain score means of the students in both groups with respect to ecological concepts in favor of experimental group after the treatment.  相似文献   

转变教育观念 更新教育思想   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
教育思想是整个社会的和教育的客观实际及其要求在教育者意识中的反映,它对教育起着定向和指导的作用,在进行高教诸多方面改革的时修,应该把教育思想的改革放在首要的位置上,重点加以考虑,当前主要应该注意改革单纯传播知识的旧观念,树立知识、能力、素质直辖市发展的新思想,转变只注重教学生学会的旧观念,树立教学生会学、培养自学能力和自学习惯的新思想;转变以“教”为中心的旧观念,树立教师为主导,学生为主体的新思想,转变只重视统一要求和同化训练的旧观念,树立在统一要求的前提下,注意因材施教,促进学生个性全面发展的新思想。  相似文献   

第一次鸦片战争后,清朝上下保持一贯的"华夷观念",将鸦片战争的失败合理化为"招抚"夷人的结果,而不顾国力强弱的对比。面对第二次鸦片战争再次战败的结果,统治者被迫接受彼强此弱的现实,调整观念中的"华"、"夷"区隔,对外采取注重信义的"和戎外交"政策。而在观念的最末处,仍保留着一块修护尊严的居所。  相似文献   

Tertiary Education and Management - My book, CreatingEntrepreneurial Universities, based onmid-1990s research in five Europeanuniversities, set forth five ``pathways oftransformation'' by...  相似文献   

以北京工业大学开展研究生思想政治教育为实例,从分析研究生的特点与需求出发,以教育理念的更新为基础,探讨研究生思想政治教育的现实问题和发展方向,并且提出了推进研究生思想政治教育的创新方法与举措。  相似文献   

新课标理念在教学过程中的改变包括正改变和负改变。新课标本身的特性、教师的趋利性意图及行为、目标对象的阻力、外部环境的复杂性等因素,引发新课标理念在教学过程中的改变。所有相关成员要理性地对待新课标理念在教学过程中的改变,新课标理念的决策者和制定者以及政府部门要采取相应措施,减小改变的幅度,教师和目标对象要尽力规避负改变,积极发挥正改变,从而促进新课标理念在教学过程中的有效落实。  相似文献   

根据我国现阶段的实际,总结了我国政府职能转变过程中的经验、教训,提出了政府职能转变中必须坚持的三大理念及相关原则。  相似文献   

本文论述了建构主义教学理论的基本概念和原则以及这种理论给高职教育带来的影响,反思了传统教学的弊端,就教学中践行建构主义教育观提出了自己的看法.  相似文献   

散文诗是现代诗歌的重要样式之一,但从它的发展历史看,散文诗在取得了许多成绩的同时,也存在诸多尴尬,需要对其特征和发展路向进行重新思考.要促进散文诗的发展,观念的更新是关键,同时要克服同质化倾向,协调“无我”与“唯我”之间的矛盾.而在这些方面,一种被称为“我们”的散文诗主张可以给我们提供一些有益的启示  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of structuring cooperative learning based on conceptual change approach on grade 9 students’ understanding the concepts of mixtures and their motivation, compared with traditional instruction. Among six classes of a high school, two of them were randomly assigned to cooperative learning group where students were instructed by Cooperative Learning based on Conceptual Change (CLCC), the other two classes were randomly assigned to traditional learning group where students were instructed by Cooperative Learning based on Conceptual Change without well-structuring the basics of cooperative learning (CLCC(?)), and the remaining two classes were randomly assigned to control group where students were instructed by Traditional Instruction (TI). Mixtures Concept Test (MCT), motivation section of Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) except goal orientation sub-scales, and Achievement Goal Questionnaire (AGQ) were assigned to the sampled students before treatments are commenced as pretests and after treatments are completed as post-tests. According to post-test scores, there were statistically significant mean differences among the groups exposed to variations of cooperative learning based on conceptual change and traditional instruction with respect to students’ understanding the concepts of mixtures and their motivation. Results drawn upon this study revealed specifically that students exposed to CLCC had better understanding and lower alternative conceptions about the concepts of mixtures, perceived contents related to chemistry more valuable, felt greater control over their own learning, dealt better with sense of worry and emotionality during tests, adapted performance avoidance goals less, and mastery approach goals more than students instructed by CLCC(?) and TI.  相似文献   

普通高中新课程方案将于2004年秋季在山东等四省实施,这是我国自建国以来最大的一次变革。我们需做好理念、管理、师资、设施、教法评价等方面的准备工作,为新课程方案的实施奠定基础。  相似文献   

新一轮语文课程改革要求语文教师尽快转变教学观念。然而,事实上,却有不少教师受传统文化中消极因素的影响,固守落后观念,严重影响了语文新课改的实施,值得我们思考和研究。  相似文献   

生活方式是高校德育研究的范畴和对象, 生活方式养成教育是高校德育的重要内容,是高校德育以人为本理念的具体体现,也是高校德育与时俱进理论品质的重要表现.目前,高校德育在以现代生活方式为内容的养成教育方面存在缺失与遗憾,高校德育工作必须重视学生生活方式养成教育的价值内涵,确立其在德育工作中的重要地位,积极构建科学的高校生活方式养成教育体系,促进大学生这一特殊的成人群体全面健康地发展.  相似文献   

民族地区学校教育取得实效的关键是把握好几个主要问题和环节,其中教育工作者思维观念上的转变至关重要。从思维的创造性、独立性、开放性、多样性等方面加以论述,以期获得关注。  相似文献   

论司马迁史学思想中的变与常   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
司马迁著《史记》,力求“通古今之变”。作为一位古代史家而能重视历史上的变化和发展,他自然地受到了许多近代学者的赞赏。司马迁不仅重视历史上的变,而且重视历史上的常,尤为重要的是,他也重视历史上变与常二者之间的内在关系。  相似文献   

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