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Language is closely related to culture. Language expresses and embodies cultural reality, in the meantime, culture exerts enormous influences on language. Therefore, language learning is often culture learning. The author, based on the negligence of culture teaching in English language classes, illustrates the influences of cultural knowledge on reading, translating and intercultural communicating, and proposes suggestions on culture teaching in English language teaching (ELT).  相似文献   

More and more language teachers are finding that the World Wide Web is a treasure chest of authentic language materials and are actively integrating on-line real data and other resources into their classes. This paper mainly focuses on benefits as well as activities of selecting and using Internet material in English classes. It is a good way of motivating students to use English outside the classroom and to make English a part of their daily lives.  相似文献   

How to enlarge the vocabulary and improve the ability in using the words is a common problem for the learners. In this essay, the writer shares the solutions with the language learners, which are simply analyzed from the cultural background and the words association and collocation.  相似文献   

Linda 《新高考》2013,(12):6-6
为避免学生发生意外伤害,许多学校将体育锻炼的时间和锻炼内容尽量简化,大幅降低体育活动的难度,但这又造成学生体质的持续下降。有关人士指出,应从法律上进一步明确学校在学生体育运动伤害中的责任,否则,学校不可能真正贯彻落实有关体育教育的要求。但是在许多家长的眼中,体育课占用时间太多,且体育课的许多项目,如800米、跳高、掷铅球等运动太“折腾孩子”,运动量大且有一定危险性,因此觉得孩子能不参加就不参加。  相似文献   

Introduction Register is one of the cores of Functive Linguistics. It offers three decisive factors in language, that is, Field, Tenor and Mode. This paper plans to say something on the theory of register and analyze a short passage from the point of register. Register analysis as a stage of ESP movement took place mainly in 1960s and early 1970s. The representatives of this stage were Barber, Halliday, Ewer, Latorre and some others. Halliday and Hasan define register as “variation acco…  相似文献   

It is widely admitted that teaching English to a large class has certain disadvantages over a small class. But in many schools even universities in China, large class teaching is still a common practice. English teachers in many universities in China often have a lot of teaching difficulties and problems. Therefore, it is necessary for those teachers to understand the main principles and learn Some basic strategies for large class English teaching in order to improve their teaching. This paper aims to suggest some guidelines for large class EFL teachers.  相似文献   

Introduction English has become an international language in the world. In the 21st century, information and communication and the globalization of the economy enable people all over the world to communicate with  相似文献   

英语作为一门国际性语言,随着中国加入WTO,学好英语是我国吸收发达国家文化、科技精华的必经之路。在中学英语教学过程中,培养学生的兴趣是教师教学的一项重要的任务。兴趣是学习的导师,是智慧的源泉。兴趣可以将学生从“要我学”转变成“我要学”,兴趣是学好英语的最大动力。那么,如何激发学生学习英语的兴趣呢?  相似文献   

This past summer several teachers attended a"Summer Training Program" during which we covered three books:" Educator's English," " Summer Training Program Supplement",and "Student Handbook. "  相似文献   

随着时代的脚步踏入二十一世纪,周围的事物都在日新月异地发生变化。科学和技术领导着社会的发展。如何能够紧扣时代步伐,顺应时代发展,教育出对社会有用的人才?作为一名教育工作者,首先必须意识到素质教育已是当务之急。  相似文献   

Learner autonomy has been a buzzword in foreign Language teaching in recent years. The concern with teaching and learning has shifted from the teachers‘teaching to the students' learning. This paper reports an experiment conducted by the author using tests, questionnaires and interviews in a senior middle school located in Hubei Province. It has proved the promotion of learner autonomy helps to improve students' foreign language proficiency and confidence in learning the language.  相似文献   

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