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To address the shortage of professionals in measurement, it is essential that we make young career‐seekers aware that measurement is an option as a profession. In this paper, we discuss how creating a strong pipeline of students into our field involves personal interactions between faculty representing the graduate programs in measurement and undergraduate students, in addition to the equally important task of educating instructors of undergraduates about our field. We describe advertising strategies that, in our experience, catch and hold the attention of undergraduates, resulting in many of them investigating graduate training in measurement. After attracting students to the field, we must engage them in practice, enabling them to build an identity as a measurement professional. In general, we believe that although it is possible to attract some students via non‐personal advertising strategies (e.g., articles, websites), measurement professionals must personally reach out to young people to connect them with the field.  相似文献   

In this article, we discuss the importance of measurement literacy and some issues encountered in teaching introductory measurement courses. We present results from a survey of introductory measurement instructors, including information about the topics included in such courses and the amount of time spent on each. Topics that were included by the largest percentages of respondents were: validity, reliability, item analysis, item development, norms, standardized scores, classical test theory, instrument interpretation, and the history of testing, each of which was covered by at least 50% of respondents. Respondents were also asked the number of class sessions spent on each topic, and were asked to rate the importance of each. Responses to these questions closely paralleled those regarding the percentages of respondents who included these topics in their courses. We also report suggestions for class activities, arguing that those teaching introductory measurement courses should emphasize the relevance of measurement concepts to students’ lives and future careers. To this end, we provide suggestions for activities that might help to accomplish this goal.  相似文献   

The community of educational measurement researchers and practitioners has made many positive contributions to education, but has also become complacent and lost the public trust. In this article, reasons for the lack of public trust in educational testing are described, and core values for educational measurement are proposed. Reasons for distrust of educational measurement include hypocritical practices that conflict with our professional standards, a biased and selected presentation of the history of testing, and inattention to social problems associated with educational measurement. The five core values proposed to help educational measurement serve education are: (a) everyone is capable of learning; (b) there are no differences in the capacity to learn across groups defined by race, ethnicity, or sex; (c) all educational tests are fallible to some degree; (d) educational tests can provide valuable information to improve student learning and certify competence; and (e) all uses of educational test scores must be sufficiently justified by validity evidence. The importance of these core values for improving the science and practice of educational measurement to benefit society is discussed.  相似文献   

教育测量专业人才培养是深化新时代教育评价改革的关键元素之一。通过总结5位美国教育测量专业知名教授就教育测量专业人才培养展开的讨论,对我国教育测量专业人才培养的建议是:1)高校间联合培养教育测量专业人才;2)注重基础知识传授与实践能力训练;3)发挥教育测量专业组织与专业期刊的作用;4)教育考试机构应加强与教育测量专业组织的沟通。  相似文献   

以就业为导向的金融专业课程设置的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以高职院校金融专业课程体系为研究对象,通过分析其中存在的课程体系设置过于宽泛、课程建设缺少创新、理论与实训、实践课结构不合理、课程难度设置不合理等问题,指出了高职院校金融专业课程设置改革的必要性,并提出了以就业为导向进行设置金融专业课程的具体内容与建议。  相似文献   

Studies have shown increasing Internet use for health information and service facilities. After consulting a convenience sample of new mothers, this study applied select terms and phrases to a widely accepted search engine and investigated its potential for providing resources for new mothers. Results of this quantitative content analysis showed that only four of the 13 phrases used in the search generated 50% or more websites containing content relevant to new mothers. Findings indicate that informational support by way of electronic fact sheets is available using the Google search engine. However, functional support (e.g., social networks, consultation phone details, and mother–infant activities) configured limited data resources using the Google search engine. In addition, because websites can be difficult to navigate, users’ technical proficiency needs to be taken into consideration as well as the sites’ up-to-date information. With Internet technology rapidly expanding, perinatal educators and other perinatal health-care professionals need to be informed about current online resources to help direct consumers to useful online resources and mitigate the often overwhelming and confusing information.  相似文献   

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the digitalization of assessment, creating new challenges for measurement professionals, including big data management, test security, and analyzing new validity evidence. In response to these challenges, Machine Learning (ML) emerges as an increasingly important skill in the toolbox of measurement professionals in this new era. However, most ML tutorials are technical and conceptual-focused. Therefore, this tutorial aims to provide a practical introduction to ML in the context of educational measurement. We also supplement our tutorial with several examples of supervised and unsupervised ML techniques applied to marking a short-answer question. Python codes are available on GitHub. In the end, common misconceptions about ML are discussed.  相似文献   

林业要实现跨越式发展,必须加强林业人才队伍建设。目前这一工作还存在人才总量不足,后备人才流入困难,培训能力有限等突出问题。为此,要从创新林业院校招生、教育培养体系,强化林业行业教育培训工作,构建林业人才终身学习体系入手,全面加强我国林业人才培养工作。  相似文献   

关于培养产业型软件技术人才的教学改革措施   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为企业培养合格有用的软件技术人才是计算机教育界必须解决的问题。目前软件教育中必须克服急功近利的浮澡情绪,以充分发挥学生的创造性潜能、强化实践、灵活适应软件产业发展趋势为目标,培养产业型软件技术人才。  相似文献   

指出财政部会计准则委员会颁布的新《企业会计准则》重新引入并广泛使用了"公允价值"的概念,但由于缺少对公允价值定义和使用上的统一规范,使得公允价值在实务中的运用存在诸多不足。针对公允价值运用上的不足与成因加以探讨,并就建立公允价值计量框架、规范和改进我国公允价值的运用提出建议。  相似文献   

大数据产业的迅猛发展对应用型大数据人才的需求剧增,人才供需缺口持续增大,人才供需不平衡的现象也较为明显,而目前应用型大数据人才培养体系尚不完善.本文首先介绍了应用型大数据人才需求现状、专业建设现状和人才培养面临的问题,进而对应用型大数据人才培养的指导思想、培养目标、培养方式、课程体系、实习实训、师资培养、人才评价、大数...  相似文献   

在省属高校中,非物理类大学物理教学目前面临学时缩减、内容增加、对象多元等问题。基于应用型人才培养目标推动教学内容、教学方法、教学技术的改革,是新世纪物理教学改革的一个突破口;充分认识高等教育的大众化并彰显教学规律的人性化,是提高教学质量和人才培养质量的基础。  相似文献   

构建林学教育新体系培养实用型林业人才   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
林学专业本科教育体系的改革、深化和探讨,是中国林业高等教育面临的新问题。本文从构建专业思想稳定的素质教育体系、符合生产实际的专业教育体系、传统技术与先进技术相结合的专业知识体系三个方面,提出中国林学专业本科人才培养模式的见解。  相似文献   

This paper provides a snapshot of educational measurement professionals—their educational, professional and demographic backgrounds, as well as their workplace settings, job tasks, professional involvement, and compensation practices. Two previous studies have surveyed employers, but this is the first attempt to conduct a comprehensive survey of measurement professionals. Five hundred and forty-two (31.5% response rate) measurement professionals, the vast majority who held a doctorate degree, responded to the survey from January to April 2007. Overall, these individuals were primarily employed in academic settings, research and testing organizations, and educational or governmental agencies. Results were reported across and within work setting, degree, and other demographic and background factors that may influence work, behavior, and compensation in educational measurement and assessment.  相似文献   

要学好IT职业英语有必要了解其词汇和语法特点,并根据这些特点采取适当的学习方法。  相似文献   

工商管理专业应用型本科人才培养措施   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
工商管理专业是与社会经济发展紧密相关的应用性学科,如何由培养学术型、研究型人才向应用型人才转变成了一个非常急迫的问题。本文从工商管理专业的性质出发,在阐明应用型本科人才内涵及其应具备的属性基础上,从改革教学模式、改革教学内容、加强师资队伍建设和强化实践教学等四个方面提出了应用型人才培养的具体途径。  相似文献   

法学教育应培养治国型人才   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
法律人才作为建设法治社会的智力因素至关重要。反思我国目前法律人才的表现尤为欠佳,法律职业功利主义倾向严重,法律人的法律伦理、法律信仰、公平正义观念缺失,司法不公和腐败层出不穷,造成这种现象的原因很多,但法学教育的失败难辞其咎。追本溯源,应当改革目前实用主义的法学教育观,加强法律信仰和伦理教育,拓展法学学生的人文视野,整合现有法学教育资源,集约化而不是粗放经营,建设高质量的法学院品牌,走精英化而非大众化的法学教育之路,以真正培养社会满意的治国型法律人才。  相似文献   

入世与国际商务人才培养   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
高层次的国际商务人才是入世后企业急需的人才,由于原有的高等商科教育体制的种种缺陷,使该类人才的数量和质量都无法满足需要,应该从建立国际化的商务人才培养机制和按照国际惯例推进商科教育改革两个方面来着手,培养大批高素质的国际商务人才。  相似文献   

英语教学如何为专业服务,高职英语教学应该采取什么样的教学方法和教学模式需要不断探讨,本文结合实际情况,提出了一些措施。  相似文献   

Caring is the core value that empowers families and early childhood professionals. This article articulates the meaning and power of caring in the lives of children and families. It also explores family, professional, and community strategies for creating caring and nurturing children and families. In particular, insights that show that caring is learned early and that its impact is life long are discussed and applied to the early childhood professional’s identity.  相似文献   

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