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一、after用作介词,是“……时间以后”之意,它通常有两种用法。1.表示“从过去某个时间算起若干时间之后”,作时间状语,常表示“一段”时间,此时应用过去时。如:Jim came back to China after two years.两年后Jim回到了中国。He went to London after three months.三个月后他去了伦敦。2.表示某个时间、日期或事件以后,这时的时间状语常表示某一“点”时间,时态可以根据实际情况用过去时或将来时。如:After lunch he went out for a walk.午饭后他出去散步了。He will be back after four o’clock.他将在四点钟以后回来。另外,after…  相似文献   

after,in和later都可以表示“以后”的意思,下面作一简述。一、after用作介词,表示时间时,意为“……以后”。(一)after短语用作时间状语时,通常有下面两种用法:1.表示“从过去某个时间算起若干时间之后”,用作时间状语,谓语动词常用一般过去时。例如:Jack came back to Canada after a few years.几年后杰克回到了加拿大。Han Meimei went on with her work after 3 months.三个月后韩梅梅继续做她的工作。2.表示“某个时间、日期或事件以后”,after短语常常表示某一“点”时间,谓语动词可根据实际情况用一般过去时或过去将来时。例如:A …  相似文献   

1.in用作介词,表示"过多少时间之后",它常常和一般将来时连用,这时的谓语动词所表示的行为往往终止性的。如:I’ll come to see you again in a few days.过几天我还要来看你。还可以表示"在一段时间内"例如:  相似文献   

一、in和after之比较这两个介词都含有“在……时候之后”之意,可是用法上是有区别的。in是“以现在为起点的时间经过”,用于说“未来的事情”,意思是“过了什么时间就”;而after是“以过去为起点的时间经过”,用于说“过去的事情”,意思是“什么时候以后”。如: 1.You may come again in three or four days.  相似文献   

英语中in和after都可以表示时间。意为,“在……以后。”但其用法是有区别的。 1.in译成“在……以后”用于瞬间动词(如:arrive,start,go,begin,leave等)的肯定句中  相似文献   

大家知道,in、ago、after 和 before 是经常用来表示时间关系的。然而,在实际运用时,经常出现类似这样的一些错误或不恰当的情况: 1)我在三天前看见他  相似文献   

在高一(上)Lesson 14,Unit 4有这样三句话:  相似文献   

Adopting a longitudinal approach, this article examines downward occupational mobility (DOM) later in working life and its effects on job satisfaction and perceptions of working conditions of older workers in Europe. The main aim was to test whether the risk that workers will be negatively impacted and marginalized in the labor market due to demotion into lower quality jobs is offset by benefits. Based on an ordinal logistic regression of merged Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe and English Longitudinal Study of Ageing datasets, the study found a positive significant impact of DOM on overall job satisfaction. Moreover, DOM was associated with a statistically significant reduction in workload pressure, although it did increase physical work demand. This article adds to the literature on marginalization of workers with indications that the lower income and status associated with DOM at older ages may have offsetting benefits.  相似文献   

ago和before,in和after是常见的两组同义词,ago和before的意思都是“在……之前”,in和after都可以表示“在……之后”。可是,它们的用法却完全不同,使用时不能混淆。那么这两组词在用法上有什么区别呢?我们知道,每当我们在谈论时间前后时,往往都要以某一时间为参照点。例如:(1)他是在三小时之前回家的。(2)他是在三点钟之前回家的。句(1)中的“在三小时之前”就是以现在作为  相似文献   

ago和before,in和after是常见的两组同义词,ago和before的意思都是“在……之前”,in和after都可以表示“在……之后”。可是,它们的用法却完全不同,使用时不能混淆。那么这两组词在用法上有什么区别呢?我们知道,每当我们在谈论时间前后时,往往都要以某一时间为参照点。例如:(1)他是在三小时之前回家的。(2)他是在三点钟之前回家的。句(1)中的“在三小时之前”就是以现在作为参照点的。而句(2)中的“在三点钟之前”则是以过去的时间为参照点的。这两组同义词的用法区别正是它们所参照的时间不同。  相似文献   

英语中after与in表示“时间”时,均含有“在……以后”之意,但两者的用法却大不相同。同学们在学习时,请务必注意after与in在以下三个方面的区别: 一、与一般将来时连用或者与进行时态表将来的去向动词连用时,after与in都可以表示“在……以后”,但是after常接“时间点”,in则常接“时间段”。例如:  相似文献   

The current investigation was designed to identify emotion states students experience during mathematics activities, and in particular to distinguish emotions contingent on experiences of success and experiences of failure. Students’ task-related emotional responses were recorded following experiences of success and failure while working with an individualised computer-based mathematics learning environment. In addition, relations between these patterns of emotional responses after success and failure experiences and trait-like motivational variables, self-concept of ability, subject value, orientation to learning from errors, goal orientation and causal attributions, were examined. Two separate studies are reported. In Study 1 emotions associated with success and failure experiences in mathematics were investigated in relation to self-concept of ability, subject value and orientation to learning from errors. In Study 2, patterns of emotion following success and failure were examined in relation to students’ goal orientation and their causal attributions for success in school.  相似文献   

The great majority of children living in foster or residential care have been abused and neglected. Mental health problems are common and the nature of these problems may be rooted in early attachment relationships. The carers of 82 children in care in Scotland and 125 children from local schools completed questionnaires on mental health problems including Reactive Attachment Disorder. More than half (53%) of the children in care fulfilled criteria for mental health problems compared with 13% of the control group, and children living in care scored significantly higher for conduct problems, emotional problems (anxiety and depression), hyperactivity, problems with peer relations and Reactive Attachment Disorder. This has important implications for service development for this vulnerable group of children.  相似文献   

在带有形容词或副词最高级的句子中,常常有一个表示比较范围的介词短语作状语,用来表达某人或某物在什么范围内最怎么样,常用的介词是in, of和a- mong。这三个词在用法上有所不同: 1.介词in后面常接表示单位、团体、组织、时间概念等单数名词或代词。He is the best student in our class. 他是我们班上成绩最好的学生。  相似文献   

The first objective of this work is to systematically list the international studies about the inclusion of students with disabilities in physical education (PE) from the teachers' perspective. Sixty studies met our selection criteria and are listed. The second objective is to analyse the content of the literature according to the inductive and thematic approach of Thomas and Harden (2008). Our thematic analysis highlights: a) the factors that influence PE teachers' positive or negative attitudes and predispositions towards the inclusion of students with disabilities and b) the factors that can positively influence the inclusion of students with disabilities in PE classes, according to the teachers' representations. Based on these sets of factors, we propose some adapted PE training content for PE teachers. These training content proposals form the basis of research perspectives.  相似文献   

The American poet and novelist May Sarton has often been cited for her sympathetic portrayal of old age. In this paper, I explore the depictions she gives of old age and her journey through ageing in her journals. These are set in the context of her “official” biography. In doing so, I hope to demonstrate the essential, and understandable, ambivalence toward old age that her life exemplified, both as a writer and as a human being. The tendency within age/cultural studies has been to mirror Sarton’s own preference for a cultural imaginary of old age that portrays it as an inherently enjoyable part of the journey through life. Age’s other, darker side—the experiences of illness, of pain, and suffering—are treated as impositions from without. In this paper, I set against this fictive imaginary of old age her equally real sufferings. This dilemma between the biographical and the autobiographical in later life reflects a much wider dialectic about the contradictory meanings of becoming or growing old. Narrative gerontology is as much party to such dilemmas as are any other approaches to ageing studies: arguably, in May Sarton’s writing life, this takes on an especially acute form.  相似文献   

花香经不起安排,往事不追。——题记一那个细雨纷纷的日子,我拿出一支笔,写下一些很零碎的东西。如果有前世,那么上辈子,我很快乐,我不悲伤,我很简单。泪,落在阳光里,叫做幸福;落在冷风中,叫做疼痛。风,消散了,再来;往事,逝去了,像风一样,不再来。我把这些零碎的东西铺在一张纸  相似文献   

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