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Leonurus japonicus Houtt. [L. heterophyllus Sweet, L. artemisia  (Lour.) S.  Y. Hu]  is one of the most important traditional Chinese medicines used as a remedy for gynaeco- logical disease since ancient times.  A cytological investigation on the species was carried out and the materials for chromosomal examination were collected from 26 localities in 20 provi- noes and autonomous regions of this country.  The number of chromosomes in root tip cell of the species was found to be 20 on the whole (Tab. 1:1), agreeing with those reported by Ma and al.[2] and probably by Chuang and al.[3] as well.      The genus Leonurus L. is variable in its  chromosomes with an aneuploidy of x=9, 10 and 12.  The present authors would propose that the primitive basic number of chromosome in the genus is 9, and thus both 10 and 12 are derived, for: (1) among the 9 species (including 1 sub- species) heretofore cytologically examined, x=9 occurring in 66.7%, x=10 occurring in 22.2%, while x=12 occurring only in 11.1%; (2) in generaclosely related to the genus under considera- tion, such as Panzeria, Galeobdolon and Lamium x=9 being the sole basic number.      But L. japonicus exhibits a mixoploidy of 2n=20 (occurring at the rate of 53.30% of the total amount of cells examined), 2n=18 (30.70%), and 2n=16 (15.99%) in our work. (Table 1).  Since the original basic number of  chromosome of the genus is 9 as proposed above, 2n= 20 would be considered as a derived one and the occurrence of 2n=18 probably suggests an early evolutionary trend of 2n=18→20 of the pecies in question.  相似文献   

1.  The present paper describes the observations of chromosome  numbers  and karyomorphology of 2 species of 2 endemic genera and I endemic species of Chinese Ranunculaceae: Asteropyrum peltatum (Franch.)  Drumm et Hutch. 2n=16, x=8; Kingdonia unifolia Balf. f. et W. W. Sm. 2n=18, x=9 and Calathodes oxycarpa Spra- gue 2n=16, x=8.  The chromosome counts of three ranunculaceous genera are repor- ted for the first time.       2.  The morphylogical, palynological and cytological date in relation to the syste- matic postition of Asteropyrum, Kingdonia and Calathodes within the family Ranun- culaceae are diseussed and resulted in following conclusions:       (1).  On the basis of the basic number x=8 in Asteropyrum, it is further con- firmed that this genus is distinct from the r elated genera such as Isopyrum, Dichocarp- um and other allied taxa.       The comparison of Asteropyrum with Coptis shows that they are identical in short chromosomes, with magnoflorina and benzylisaquinodine type of alkaloides, but dif- ferent from coptis in the chromosome numbers (T-type), pantocolpate pollens, united carpels and the dorsi-ventral type of petioles.  In view of these fundamental morpho- logical and cytological differences, Asterop yrum is better raised to the level of Tribe. However Asteropyrum and Coptis may represent two divaricate evolutional lines of Thalictroideae.       (2).  The systematic position of the genus Kingdonia has been much disputed in the past.  We support the view of Sinnote (1914), namely, the trilacunar in leaf traces “the ancient type”, appeared in the angiosperm line very early, while the uni- lacunar of Kingdonia may be derived from the trilacunar.  On the basis of the chromo- some numbers and morphylogical observation, the present writer accept Tamura’s and Wang’s treatment by keeping Kingdonia in Ranunculaceae instead of raising it to a family rank as has been been done by Forster  (1961).  Kingdonia and  Coptis are similar in having short chromosome with x=9, but with one-seeded fruits; therefore it is suggested that placed into Thalictroideae as an independent tribe, indicating its close relationship with Coptideae.        (3).  Comparing with its allies, Calathodes being with out petals, seems to be more  primitive than Trollius. But Calathodes differs from Trollius with R-type chromosomes in having T-type chromosome with x=8 and subterminal centromere.  Those charac- teristics show that it is very similar to the related genera of Thalictroideae.  But as Kurita already pointed out that most speci es of Ranunculus have usually large long chromosomes but some species have compar ativelly short chromosomes, therefore we regard T-type and R-type chromosomes appear independently in different subfamilies of Ranunculaceae. According to Tamura, G alathodes seems to be  closely related  to Megaleranthis, because of the resemblance in follicles.  But due to lack of cytological data of the latter genus, the relationship between the two genera still is not clear pen- ding further studies. From the fact that the  morphology and  chromosomes  of  the Calathodes differs from that of all other genera of the Helleboroideae, we consider Calathodes may form an independent tribe of its own with a closer relationship withTrollieae.  相似文献   

 The fern genus Diplaziopsis C. Chr. of Index Filicum has long been considered as a monotypic one, with the sole species, D. javanica (B1.) C. Chr. from tropical Asia.  In 1906, H. Christ described a second species, Allantodia cavaleriana Christ (=D. cavale- riana C. Chr.) from Kweichow, West China, but this was since not fully recognized by fern students in general, being often considered as a variety of the first species.  This is certainly a mistake, as is shown by ample herbarium specimens today.  In the recent work on the genus, the writer has found among the herbarium material two additional new species from China, thus bringing the genus up to four species in Asia, mainly from China, where, as it is, the genus has its center of development from the long past.      Phylogenetically, Diplaziopsis C. Chr. represents one of the offshoots from the great stock of diplazioid ferns, of which the genus Diplazium Sw. constitutes the main body of the group and from which our genus differs chiefly in its leaves of a thin texture with reticulated venation, but not so much in its type of indusium as it has generally been emphasized by most botanists in the past, for, as it is, the type of indusium in Di- plaziopsis also prevails in many species of Diplazium, for which C. B. Clarke (Trans. Linn. Soc. ser. 2, Bot. I:495, 1880) created, but really superfluously, a subgenus Pseudal- lantodia, about which the writer will dwell in another paper in the near future.  Suffice it to say here that the indusium in Diplaziopsis as revealed by the species treated here is, indeed, typical of diplazioid ferns, only often, as it happens, with  its  adaxial  edge pressed so tight under the expanding sorus that it is unable to open freely along its upper free edge and, as a result, its thin vaulted back bursts open from the pressure of the ex- panding sorus underneath.      As a result of the present study, following four species of the genus have been re- cognized.      Diplaziopsis javanica (B1.) C. Chr. Ind. Fil. (1905) 227.      Wide spread in tropical Asia, northwardly to Bakbo and the southern part of Yun- nan, China.      D. cavaleriana (Christ) C. Chr. Ind. Fil. Suppl. I (1913) 25.      Ranges from West China through northern part of Fukien of East China to Japan.      D. intermedia Ching, sp. nov.      Endemic in West China:  Mt. Omei, Szechuan, and Kweichow.      D. hainanensis Ching, sp. nov.      In conclusion, it may be pointed out that with the modern plant taxonomy pursued in a more efficient manner than in the past, and especially by the introduction of the cytotaxonomic methods, the so-called “monotypic genera”, as conceived by the orthodox systematists, will continue to prove, to a great extent, to be lack of  enough  scientific ground.  The fact that the “monotypic genus” of Diplaziopsis C. Chr. is now found to be a genus of four well-defined species is once again an instance to illustrate the pointat issue.  相似文献   

海菜花属的分类、地理分布和系统发育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 The genus Ottelia is one of the great genera of Hydrocharidaceae.  About 25 spe- cies distributed in the Palaeotropics, extending from Africa through India and SE. Asia to Korea and Japan, Australia and New Caledonia, 1 species in Brazil; centres of specific devolopment are found in Central Africa and SE Asia.      The present study is mainly based on the materials collected during the field ex- plorations in the lakes of Yunnan and observations on the structure of the spathe and flowers, the variation of leaf of the plants cultivated in Kunming Bot. Garden. Instead of the wings of the spathe used by Dandy, by the characters such as uni-or bisexual flowers, this genus is divided into two subgenera, which by the number of the flowers in spathe and the number of the carpus in ovary again subdivided into 4 sections.  They are as the following:      A. Subg. Ottelia.  Flowers bisexual.      Sect. 1. Ottelia.  Spathe with 1 flower; ovary with 6(—9) carpus.      Sect. 2. Oligolobos (Gagnep.) Dandy. Spathe with many flowers; ovary with 3 car- pus.      B. Subg. Boottia (Wall.) Dandy.  Flowers unisexual; the male spathe with 1-many flowers, the female spathe with many flowers.      Sect. 3. Boottia.  The male spathe with 1 flower; ovary with 9(—15) carpus.      Sect. 4.  Xystrolobos (Gagnep.) H. Li.  The female spathe with (2-) many flow- ers; ovary with 3 or 9 carpus.      The Chinense species of ottelia is in great need for revision.  All of the species in China previousely described under Ottelia Pers, Boottia Wall., Oligolobos Gagnep, and Xystrolobos Gagen. are here combined into 3 species.  They are O. alismoides, O. cor- data, O. acuminata with 4 variaties.      After a study of the geographic distribution and infer relation-ships among the floristic elements it has been proved that Ottelia is certainly an ancient genus, and the primitive types came into being and widely dispersed before the separation of Laurasia from Gondwana.      During a considerable period of time the elements of the genus Ottelia in fresh- water environment of different continents have been separately differentiated and evolv- ed into more or less derived types.  The structure of flowers in all of the asian species shows the following evolutionary tendenoes: 1. In this genus the plants with unisexual flowers have evolved from plants with bisexual flower; 2.  In the groups with bisexual or unisexual flowers the number of stamens and styles reduced to 3-merous, but the number of flowers in spathe increased. So that the subgenus Ottelia is more primitive than the subgenus Bottia; While in the subgenus Ottelia O. alismoides is a more primi- tive than O. balansae and in the subgenus Boottia O. cordata is the most primitive, butO. alata seems to be the most advanced.  相似文献   

  A karyotypical analysis of Anemarrhena asphodeloides Bung. of the monotypic genus Anemarrhena Bung. (Liliaceae) was carried out for the first time. The number of chromo- somes in root-tip cell of the species was found to be 22, agreeing with that reported by Sato[12], although inconsistent in some other respects, such as position of  centromeres, length of chromosomes, and nucleoli, etc. (Table 1 ). According to the terminology defined by Levan et al.[8], the karyotype formula is therefore 2n=22=2sm (SAT)+2sm+18m. Photomicrographs of the chromosome complements and idiogram of the karyotype are given   Fig. 1 and 2).       The karyotype of Anemarrhena asphodeloides shows explicitly to be asymmetrical, with three pairs of long chromosomes and eight pairs of short chromosomes. This specialized feature, when considered together with the rare occurrence of the basic chromosome number of 11 of the genus within the Tribe Asphodeleae of Liliaceae (see Table 1), suggests that the genus Anemarrhena is probably a rather specialized one, which has scarcely any intimate relationship with the other genera of the above tribe. The fact that this specialized karyotype is associated with certain trends of morphological specialization, such as flowers possessing three stamens only, gives support to the above suggestion. But, it is impossible to draw a more precise conclusion without a more thorough and comprehensive investigation of the species in question.  相似文献   

In the work mitotic chromosomes in root-tips of 7 species native to Sichuan Pro- vince were examined and their karyotypes were analysed based on 7-8 cells at mitotic meta- phase, using Levan et al.'s (1964) nomenclature. The list of species and origin of the materials used in this work are provided in the appendix.  The micrographs of mitotic metaphase of all the materials are shown in Plates 1 and 2; the idiograms in Fig. 1, 1-9, and the parameters of chromosomes are provided in Tables 1-9.  All the chromosome countings and karyotypes in this paper are reported for the first time.      Characteristics of the karyotypes may be summarized as follows:      1.  2n=38 are found in all the materials except A. sichuanensis, which has 3 cytotypes, i.e, 2n=38+5B, 2n=38+lB and 2n=38+OB (Plate 2, 1-2, Fig. 1, 5-6).      2.  The karyotypes are of two major types: the karyotype of A. flaviflora falls into 3C in Stebbins's (1958, 197l) classification of karyotypes and those of all the other species into 2C. The two types are also different from each other in the number of large and medium-sized chromosomes pairs and morphology of the first pair of chromosomes (compare Plate 2, 5, Fig. 1, 9 with the other micrographs and idiograms).A. flaviflora with the karyotype 3C also differs from the other species in a series of gross morphological characters: the species is of a yellow and campanulate corolla.      3.  The species with caespitose leaves (A. caespitosa and A. omeiensis) have essentially the same karyotype, which is rather different from those of the species with scattered leaves. There are two pairs of small sm chromosomes (arm ratio ≥1.90) in the former karyotype (Tables 1 and 3), but all the small chromosomes are m or sm with arm ratio <1.80 in the latter karyotypes.  相似文献   

我国悬钩子属植物的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 The genus Rubus is one of the largest genera in the Rosaceae, consisting of more than 750 species in many parts of the world, of which 194 species have been recorded in China.      In the present paper the Rubus is understood in its broad sense, including all the blackberries, dewberries and raspberries, comprising the woody and herbaceous kinds. So it is botanically a polymorphic, variable and very complicated group of plants. The detailed analysis and investigation of the evolutionary trends of the main organs in this genus have indicated the passage from shrubs to herbs in an evolutionary line, although there is no obvious discontinuity of morphological characters in various taxa. From a phylogenetic point of view, the Sect. Idaeobatus Focke is the most primitive group, characterized by its shrub habit armed with sharp prickles, aciculae or setae, stipules attached to the petioles, flowers hermaphrodite and often in terminal or axill- ary inflorescences, very rarely solitary, druplets separated from receptacles. Whereas the herbaceous Sect.  Chamaemorus L. is the most advanced group, which is usually unarmed, rarely with aciculae or setae, stipules free, flowers dieocious, solitary, dru- plets adhering to the receptacles and with high  chromosome numbers  (2n = 56). Basing upon the evolutionary tendency of morphological  features,  chromosome nu- mbers of certain species recorded in literature and the distribution patterns of species, a new systematic arrangement of Chinese Rubus has been suggested by the present authors. Focke in his well-known monograph divided the species of Rubus into  12 subgenera, while in the Flora of China 8 sections of Focke were adapted, but some im- portant revisions have been made in some taxa and Sect. Dalibarda Focke has been reduced to Sect.  Cylactis Focke.  In addition, the arrangement of sections is presented in a reverse order to those of Focke’s system.  The species of Rubus in  China are classified into 8 sections with 24 subsections (tab. 3) as follows: 1. Sect. Idaeobatus, emend. Yü et Lu(11 subsect. 83 sp.); 2. Sect. Lampobatus Focke (1 sp.); 3. Sect. Rubus (1 sp.); 4. Sect. Malachobatus Focke, emend. Yü et Lu (13 subsect. 85 sp.); 5. Sect. Dalibardastrus (Focke)Yü et Lu (10 sp.); 6. Sect. Chaemaebatus Focke (5 sp.); 7. Sect. Cylactis Focke, emend. Yü et Lu (8 sp.); 8. Sect. Chamaemorus Focke (1 sp.).      In respect to the geographical distribution the genus Rubus occurs throughout the world as shown in tab. 2, particularly abundant in the Northern Hemisphere, while the greatest concentration of species appears in North America and E. Asia.  Of the more than 750 species in the world, 470 or more species (64%) distributed in North America.  It is clearly showm that the center of distribution lies in North America at present time.  There are about 200 species recorded in E. Asia, of which the species in China (194) amount to 97% of the total number. By analysis of the distribution of species in China the great majority of them inhabit the southern parts of the Yangtze River where exist the greatest number of species and endemics,  especially in south- western parts of China, namely Yunnan, Sichuan and Guizhou (tab. 3. 4.).  It is in- teresting to note that the centre of distribution of Rubus in China ranges From north- western Yunnan to south-western Sichuan (tab. 5), where the genus also reaches its highest morphological diversity.       In this region the characteristics of floristic elements of Rubus can be summarized as follows: it is very rich in composition, contaning 6 sections and 94 species, about 66% of the total number of Chinese species; there are also various complex groups, including primitive, intermediate and advanced taxa of phylogenetic importance; the proportion of endemic plants is rather high, reaching 61 species, up to 44% of the total endemics in China.  It is noteworthy to note that the most primitive Subsect. Thyrsidaei (Focke) Yü et Lu, consisting of 9 endemic species, distributed in southern slopes of the Mts. Qin Ling and Taihang Shan (Fig. 4). From the above facts we may concluded that the south-western part of China is now not only the center of distribu- tion and differentiation of Rubus in China, but it may also be the center of origin ofthis genus.  相似文献   

万寿竹六个居群的核型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究了在云南境内的万寿竹Disporum cantoniense (Lour.)Merr.从滇东南经滇中到滇西 北不同居群间的核型变异。该种的染色体数目较为稳定,2n=14,没有观察到不同数目的变异。六个 居群的不对称性均属于3B型,但各个居群的核型结构表现出一定的差异,核型间随体位置和数目的不 同以及同源染色体的杂合性是居群间变异的主要特征,这种种内不同居群间核型的变异或许与该种的地理分布及生境有一定的相关性。  相似文献   

研究了国产毛茛属Ranunculus L.11种及其4个近缘属——美花草属Callianthemum C.A.Meyer、   侧金盏花属Adonis L.、碱毛茛属Halerpestes E.Greene、水毛茛属Batrachium S.F.Gray 5种植物的染色体   数目和形态。发现美花草C.pimpinelloides(D.Don)Hook.f.et Thoms.、川滇毛茛R.potaninii Kom.、深   齿毛茛R.popovii var.stracheyanus(Maxim.)W.T. Wang、高原毛茛R.tanguticus(Maxim.)Ovcz.、石龙   芮R.sceleratus L.、西南毛茛R.ficariifolius Lévl.et Vant.、褐鞘毛茛R.sinovaginatus W.T. Wang、三裂碱毛茛H.tricuspis(Maxim.)Hand.-Mazz.和碱毛茛H.sarmentosa (Adams) Kom.9种植物为染色体基数x   =8的四倍体(2n=4x=32);短柱侧金盏花A.brevistyla Franch.、丝叶毛茛R.nematolobus Hand.-Mazz.、   棱喙毛茛R.trigonus Hand.-Mazz.、茴茴蒜R.chinensis Bunge 4种植物为染色体基数x=8的二倍体(2n=   2x=16);毛茛B.japonicus Thunb.、黄毛茛R.laetus Wall.2种植物为染色体基数x=7的二倍体(2n=2x   =14);水毛茛R.bungei (Steud.) L. Liou  有二倍体(2n=2x=16)和三倍体(2n=3x=24)两种细胞型。根  据染色体资料,讨论了上述5属的属间关系和毛茛属中一些种的种间关系。  相似文献   

四川宝兴地区几种豆科植物的染色体   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 Meiosis and/or mitosis of six species  of  Fabaceae  (Leguminosae)  from Baoxing County,  Sichuan,  China,  were investigated.  The voucher specimens are con- served in PE. Eight pairs (n=8) and 10 chiasmata in meiosis of pollen mother cells have been observed in Medicago lupulina L. (Pl. 1,  A-C).  Meiotic observation on pollen mother cells in Lotus tenuis W. et K. shows 6 bivalents (n=6) in MI and 9 chias- mata in diakinesis (Pl. 1,  D-E).  In this species 12 somatic chromosomes (2n=12) in anther wall cells have also been observed. The chromosomal formula may be expressed as 2n=12=8m+2sm+2smSAT (Pl. 1,  F-G). In pollen mother cells of Vicia tetrasperma (L.) Schreb.,  7 bivalents in MI and 7 chromosomes in A II have been observed (Pl. 2, A-B). From A II (Pl. 2,  B,  the inset on the right) the chromosomal formula,  n=7= 2m+2sm+lstSAT+2t,  may be constructed. Only three chromosomes in this karyotype may be found to have counterparts in the one reported by Srivastava (1963),  which shows striking differences between these two karyotypes.  Meiotic MI shows 7 pairs (n=7) in Vicia hirsuta (L.) S. F. Gray. Vicia sativa L. is very variable in its chromosomes. Our observation shows 6 pairs (n=6) in MI and in diakinesis in pollen mother cells. In Vicia villosa Roth,  all the previous chromosome reports are 2n=14 or n=7,  but the result of our work shows that somatic chromosomes are 2n=12 in anther wall cells  (Pl. 3,  D,  E). The karyotype in our material (Pl. 3,  E) is that the longest pair of chro- mosomes are metacentric, the pairs 2-4 are terminal, 5 are metacentric and last pair are submetacentric,  differing vastly from the idiogram (Pl. 3,  F) presented by Yama- moto (1973). Therefore both the chromosome number and structure in our material are greatly different from those in all the previous reports.      The evolutionary trends of chromosomes in the genus Vicia is discussed in the work.  Srivastava (1963) holds that the primitive basic number of chromosome in the genus is 6 and thus both 5 and 7 are derived.  The present author would propose ano- ther possibility that 7 is the original basic number and the other numbers are derived ones.  First,  as shown in Table 1,  x=7 occurs in 47 per cent of species in the genus, but 6 only in 28 per cent.  Secondly,  x=7 is predominant in the perennial and primitive section Cracca.  Thirdly,  in genera related to the genus under consideration,  such as Lens,  Pisum and Lathyrus,  x=7 is also the predominant basic number.  Fourthly,  ac- cording to Raven (1975) 7 is the primitive basic number in the angiosperms and x= 7,  8 and 9 are the predominant in the angiosperms.  相似文献   

本文对浙江产的Disporum sessile, Tricyrtis macropodo,  Scilla rcilloides,Ophiopogon japoni-   cus,Liriope platyphylla和Allium macrostemon的核型作了分析,并报道了Polygonatum odoratum   和Asparagus cochinchinensis 的单倍体染色体数目。其中绝大多数为国产材料的首次记载。  相似文献   

本文报道四川、陕西、河北的百合科黄精族4属6种的染色体数目和核型。Disporum megalant- hum 2n=16=2m(1SAT)+6sm(1SAT)十8st(3SAT)and 2n=16=2m(1SAT)+8sm(3SAT)+6st, 3B型;Disporopsis pernyi 2n=40=23m(2SAT)+15sm(2SAT)十2st+2t(2SAT), 2B型;Disporo- psis aspera 2n=40=30m十8sm(2SAT)+2t(2SAT),2B型;Maianthemum bifolium 2n=36= 20m=10sm十4st十2t(2SAT),2B型;Palygonatum odoratum  2n=20=10m+10sm(3SAT),2B 和2n=20=12m(4SAT)+8sm(2SAT),  2B型;Polygonatum humile 20=20+10m(2SAT)十 6sm(2SAT)+4t,2B型。从染色体角度,并联系形态特征,对Disporum属中分别见于东亚和北美 的两个类群的关系作了讨论。也讨论了Disporopsis种间在核型不对称趋势与形态特化之间可能的关系。  本文还指出Polygonatum odoratum和Polygonatum humile种内核型的多变性。  相似文献   

本文对陕西、四川和河北的Paris 2种,Cardiocrinum giganteum, Smilacina 2种,Allium     2种,  Asparagus 2种,以及Convallaria majalis 的核型作了分析,其中Paris polyphylla var.     latifolia,  Smilacina henryi 和 Allium  ovalifolium 的染色体报道为第一次。  首次发现Perisverticillata 中四倍体细胞宗的存在。本文对Paris的核型、地理分布和分类作了分析讨论。  相似文献   

秦岭地区10种百合科植物核型报道   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对秦岭地区的Polygonatum的2种,Hosta的2种和Smilax discotis,Cardiocrinum giganteum,Asparagus filicintus,Reineckia carnea,Tupistra chinensis,Rohdea japonica做了核型分析。其中有4种的核型为国内首次报道。本义对不同产地的玉竹gonatum odoratum)的核型进行了对比,讨论了其核型进化的可能途径。  相似文献   

本文研究了四川黄精属Polygonatum 8个种的染色体数目和结构,玉竹n=10,   2n=20=4st十6sm十10m;  多花黄精2n=20=6sm十14m;  点花黄精n=16,2n=   32=2t十8st+2sm十20m;滇黄精n=13,2n=26=8st (2SAT)+14sm+4m;互卷黄   精2n=32=6st+8sm+18m (2SAT);  湖北黄精n=15,  2n=30=2t+6st十6sm+   16m(2SAT);黄精2n=24=2t十14st(2SAT)+6sm十2m;卷叶黄精n=28,2n=56=   18st+10sm十28m。     黄精属植物染色体数目和结构的变异类型多样,8种黄精的核型可以区分为3种类型:2   B、3B、2C。核型不对称性的加强与染色体数目的递增有相关性。本文就染色体方面的资料对  前人关于该属分类群的亲缘关系的论述进行了讨论。  相似文献   

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