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<正>New Promotion My husband, Daniel, had been promoted to a newly created position. He was eager to find out what his official title was, so when his business card finally arrived, I was surprised that he seemed reluctant to show me. After some persuasion, Daniel gave me a card, naming him director of product efficiency.  相似文献   

"Columbus Kristof!" There was an oral History Exam in a university. The professor had put forward three questions to a student, but he failed all of them. In order to give him a chance to pass, the professor asked him another very easy one.  相似文献   

<正>Helping Your Father A clergyman walks down a country lane and sees a young farmer struggling to load hay back onto a cart after it had fallen off.  相似文献   

<正>Airplane RideA farmer and his wife went to a fair. The farmer was fascinated by the airplanes and asked a pilot how much a ride would cost. "$10 for 3 minutes," replied the pilot. "That’s too much," said the farmer.  相似文献   

"It Is Great to Be in Pittburgh." "很荣幸来到Pittburgh." Shortly after my son started college, the president of the university had an assembly for the new students. "Welcome to Johns Hopkins," he  相似文献   

<正>Quitting Time by Denny McCarthy Years of smoking finally caught up with my friend John one morning when he keeled over at work, clutching his heart.He was rushed to a hospital and peppered with questions."Do you smoke?"asked a paramedic."No,"John whispered."I quit.""That's good.When did you quit?""Around 9:30 this morning."  相似文献   

"Don't Call Me." My husband,Phil,and I had stopped by my father's house on the way to a friend's funeral.During the visit,my husband spoke about the man who had died,saying,  相似文献   

<正>Doctors Meeting A group of psychiatrists1 were attending a convention. Four of them decided to leave, and walked out together. One said to the other three,  相似文献   

<正>Royal Attire1 Q: Where does a king keep his armies?A: In his sleeves! A Good Teacher One day, a teacher was attempting to teach the names of animals to a class of 5-year-olds. She held up a picture of a deer, and asked one boy, "Billy, what  相似文献   

<正>Good Bad News An old man visits his doctor and after thorough examination the doctor tells him: "I have good news and bad news, what would you like to hear first?"  相似文献   

MisplacedA pastor I know of uses a standard liturgy1 for funerals. To personalize each service, he enters a find and replace command into his word processor2. The computer then finds the name of the deceased from the previous funeral and replaces it with the name of the deceased for the upcoming one.  相似文献   

McCarty spent almost nothing, living in her old family home,cutting the toes out of shoes if they didn't fit right and bindingher ragged Bible with tape. Over the decades, her savings-mostlydollar bills and change-grew to over $1500000. "More than Icould ever use," McCarty said. So she is giving her money awayto finance scholarships for black students at the University ofSouthern Mississippi, where tuition is about $2400 a yea…  相似文献   

(一)Shopping To Remember Last Sunday I went shopping alone,in a lane1with stands2 on both  相似文献   


教学目标1.了解陶渊明,知道陶渊明诗的特点。2.巩固从主题入手选择材料的构思方法,知道如何把语言写美,为第七讲打下基础。  相似文献   

STVU ,AModelinAsiainits 50 ?WangYibin  STVUbecameamodelofopenuniversityinChinain 4 0years,IpersonallywouldliketoraiseandproposeavisionforSTVUtobeamodelofopenuniversityinAsiaatits 50s.Thisisnotimpossible .However,tomakethevisionareality ,requiresnewthinking,newm…  相似文献   

’98上海远距离开放教育国际研讨会于今年4月15日至17日在上海电视大学召开。本次会议云集国内外百余名专家学者,并收到论文近百篇,其中相当部分具有较高学术价值。为让广大读者了解这次会议,本刊除刊登部分中文文稿全文外,还将在本栏陆续刊登与会专家学者的部分英文文稿摘要。读者若对英文文摘稿产生兴趣并欲了解原文,可来函与编辑部联系。  相似文献   

TheNecessityandCertaintyofDevelopingDistanceEducationbyZhangDeming  OnJanuary 2 4thof2 0 0 0 ,ShanghaiDistanceEducationBlocwasfounded,asaneces sityofthefurtheringofShanghaieducationalreformandthedevelopmentofeducationindus tryforthepurposeofservingeconomicco…  相似文献   

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