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Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a prevalent psychiatric illness that often first presents at college. If left untreated, BPD can lead to severe disability or fatality. While multiple evidence-based treatments for BPD exist, most are resource intensive and, therefore, difficult to implement at the typical college mental health center. However, general psychiatric management (GPM) is an evidence-based intervention for BPD that can be flexibly implemented in nonspecialized, resource-constrained environments. This principle-driven alternative to more intensive BPD-focused treatments provides a practical framework for treating college students with BPD. The aim of this article is to provide an introduction to the techniques of GPM within the college mental health setting. With a case vignette, we illustrate how GPM techniques might be brought to bear on such a treatment.  相似文献   

Deficits in mentalizing, particularly within the context of attachment relationships i.e., reflective function (RF), are posited to result from childhood maltreatment and to influence the development of borderline personality disorder (BPD). Whilst a mentalization-based model of BPD provides a theoretical explanation, direct empirical support for this model, in linking childhood maltreatment to borderline pathology remains limited. This study examined the interrrelationships between childhood maltreatment, RF, and borderline pathology in a mixed adolescent sample, consisting of adolescents with BPD (n = 26) and a group of non-clinical adolescents (n = 25). With the aim of directly testing the mentalization-based model of BPD, we additionally investigated the influence of each form of childhood maltreatment within this developmental pathway. Self-report data supported the hypothesized indirect effect of childhood maltreatment on elevated borderline pathology through lowered RF in adolescents. Both emotional abuse and emotional neglect were found to indirectly influence borderline pathology through adolescent RF, however, only emotional abuse indirectly influenced borderline pathology through RF, after all other maltreatment types were controlled for. Findings support the promotion of mentalization, within attachment-related contexts, as an intervention target for adolescents with borderline pathology and as a potential target of prevention for at-risk children and adolescents with histories of childhood maltreatment, especially emotional abuse. Future research should delineate other underlying mechanisms, independent of RF, which may also link the influence of childhood maltreatment, and in particular, emotional abuse, to BPD.  相似文献   

The goals of this study were to evaluate the effects of emotional support from friends and parents at two time points (adolescence and adulthood) on adult depression in a nationally representative sample of survivors of childhood sexual abuse (CSA), and examine whether the associations were moderated by the identity of the perpetrator (parent/caregiver vs. not). Data were taken from Waves I and IV of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health). The study sample included 1,238 Add Health participants with a history of CSA and an equivalently sized comparison group of individuals with no history of CSA. Parental support was measured using four items from each wave that assessed the warmth of participants’ relationships with their parents and their satisfaction with those relationships. Friend support in adolescence was measured using participants’ perceptions of how much their friends cared about them and in adulthood using participants’ self-reported number of close friends. Depression was measured using a 10-item subscale of the CES-D. Logistic regressions showed that support from friends and parents in adulthood were significantly associated with lower odds of adult depression in CSA survivors who reported non-parent/caregiver abuse. Among survivors of parent/caregiver abuse, emotional support was not significantly associated with adult depression regardless of when or by whom it was provided. In conclusion, emotional support in adulthood from friends and parents is associated with reduced odds of adult depression in CSA survivors, but only in cases where the abuse was perpetrated by someone other than a parent or caregiver.  相似文献   

Women who experienced abuse or neglect as children are more likely to have health problems during pregnancy and postpartum, but can be reluctant to seek help due to a lack of trauma-informed services. As part of a larger mixed method study, this component aimed to obtain qualitative data from trauma-exposed new mothers about their health care preferences during the perinatal period with the ultimate goal to design personalized, supportive interventions. Fifty-two trauma-exposed mothers completed a semi-structured interview at seven months postpartum about health care preferences including ideas for programs that promote wellness, thoughts about the influences of being a new mother and possible names for a program serving trauma-exposed mothers. Interviews were transcribed and coded using N-Vivo. Participants described ambivalence about seeking help but also a sincere desire for healing, coupled with hope for the future. This tension was apparent in the discussions highlighting the importance of access to experienced, nonjudgmental, and knowledgeable health and social care staff and volunteers, the wish for both formal, integrated physical and mental health services, and for informal opportunities to meet other trauma-exposed mothers in a non-stigmatizing, child-friendly setting. Finally, positive relationship-building, respect, and safety were identified as key elements of services critical to counteract trauma-related shame and mistrust in others. Services for trauma-exposed mothers should acknowledge the normal ambivalence surrounding seeking help, but promote hope-affirming practices in a family-centered, safe, non-clinical setting that involves children, builds social support, and provides peer interaction. Program names should reflect optimism and healing rather than trauma.  相似文献   

Many studies have reported an effect of childhood maltreatment and parenting behavior with the future development of psychopathic traits. However, there is a limited amount of research on parenting behavior and adult psychopathic traits as possible identifiers of childhood maltreatment. The aim of this study is three-fold (1) identify specific parenting behaviors and adult psychopathic traits that predict forms of childhood maltreatment, (2) explore gender differences, and (3) expand on other studies on psychopathy by focusing on a representative sample of the community. There are significant associations between recalled childhood maltreatment and parenting behavior, and psychopathic traits. Parental rejection was the most recurrent predictor of childhood maltreatment with a significant positive relation to almost all its forms. Paternal overprotection was positively associated with sexual abuse, while the opposite was true for maternal overprotection. Psychopathic traits displayed in adulthood were also strong indicators of childhood maltreatment; females with high levels of boldness were more likely to have experienced sexual abuse in childhood, and those high in disinhibition were more likely to have experienced physical neglect and sexual abuse. While males were generally higher in terms of psychopathic traits, females reported more childhood abuse and negative parental behaviors. These findings provide support for using parenting behavior and psychopathic traits as markers of childhood maltreatment.  相似文献   

在社会主义市场经济发展的过程中,部分人的思想出现混乱和价值扭曲。从思想政治教育与个性心理之间的联系出发,加强个性心理特征、个性心理倾向化研究,揭示两者之间的辩证关系,这是加强思想政治教育,构建和谐社会的一条有效途径。  相似文献   

论教育中人格观的转变   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
人格演进历程可划分为依附人格,独立人格和自由人格三个基本阶段。中国传统教育中的人格观是一种依附性的人格观,当前在教育中实现人格观的转变,确立独立人格观,已成为社会转型和人的转型的需要,成为历史的必然。要实现人格观上的转变,需注意多方面的问题。  相似文献   

Academic success in early childhood teacher education is important because it provides a foundation for occupational development in terms of professional competence, the quality of educational practices, as well as career success. Consequently, identifying factors that can explain differences in academic success is an important research task. Previous research has indicated that the Big Five personality traits can predict academic success in tertiary education even when other predictors have been accounted for. However, there is a lack of research regarding students in early childhood education. Therefore, this study investigated the effects of the Big Five on the academic success of college and university students in Germany who were studying early childhood education. Data from 567 college students and 270 university students were used. Several socio-demographic variables and the school-leaving Grade Point Average (GPA) served as controls. As hypothesised, students with higher conscientiousness also had better college and university GPAs. Furthermore, higher conscientiousness was associated with higher study satisfaction but only for college students. Unexpectedly, neuroticism was not negatively related to study satisfaction. In addition, there were exploratory findings concerning the effects of agreeableness, extraversion, neuroticism and openness. The findings are discussed with respect to implications for research and practice. In particular, the consequences with regard to the preparation of students in early childhood education are discussed.  相似文献   

以《积极人格特质测量量表(VIA-IS)》简版优势调查表为研究工具,对158名大学生进行了问卷调查。调查表明,大学生群体具有良好的积极人格特质,男女生在创造力、判断力、洞察力、宽容、自律、感恩六个维度上存在显著差异,学生干部具有更高的坚持特质和社会智力水平。要进一步培养大学生积极的人格特质,学校应积极开展心理咨询和生活辅导,构建积极的校园环境。  相似文献   

艺术类与非艺术类大学生人格特质的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用Y-G人格测验量表对艺术类大学生与一般大学生的人格特质进行了对比研究.结果表明,两类群体具有很多共同的优秀品质——自信、乐观向上、精力充沛、积极进取;但二者在循环性方面存在显著差异.在循环性、主观性、非合作性等人格特质方面,艺术类女大学生与一般女大学生存在显著差异;两类群体的人格类型均以稳定积极性和混合型居多.因此,对艺术类大学生应注意加强良好的心理素质教育,如合作意识、较高的挫折承受力等.  相似文献   

本文就我国传统教育进行了分析,提出了弘扬个性化教育、培养创造性人格的必要性,论述了个性化教育的内涵及创造性人格的构成要素,同时也提出了教师应该怎样去努力培养创造性人格的一些看法。  相似文献   

人格和认知是现代心理学研究中的两大基本领域,对二者的研究具有不同的历史传统、内容和方法论取向,二者分属不同的心理学分支学科,其理论和研究都很少有交叉。尽管许多心理学家为促进其融合做了相当的努力,但这一过程远没有完成。未来的研究如能从现代认知心理学的取向出发,通过寻求表征人格特质的有效行为指标,则有望促进二者的融合过程。然而,针对人格特质开展的认知实验研究具有脱离传统人格特质研究的生态化的风险,因此有必要同时引入现场研究和纵向追踪研究。  相似文献   

程朱在构建自己的理想人格时,是以“圣人”、“贤人”和“君子”作为他们的理想人格的,从结构上来讲,三者是合一的,从层次上来讲,三者又有实践主体的区别,程朱理想人格在塑造和实现过程中,由于与实践结合得并不紧密,存在着理想人格与现实人格的矛盾;理想人格与个性自由的矛盾,理想人格与“人欲”的矛盾。  相似文献   

德治·育人·人格   总被引:38,自引:0,他引:38  
“以德治国”思想对教育具有极其重大的意义 ,教育的根本在于育人 ,育人首先就是教会学生如何做人 ,而人格又是做人的核心 ,人格最重要的就是对国家、对民族、对人民的高度责任感。古今中外 ,大凡事业有成者 ,其人格一般为高尚者。高等教育肩负着高层次人才培养的重任 ,尤应重视如何做人特别是人格的培养。  相似文献   

国外关于拖延与人格的相关研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
文章主要对近年来国外拖延与人格的相关研究进行了梳理,首先探讨了拖延的概念和研究方法,然后从公正严谨性、神经质等影响拖延的人格特质出发,综述近年来国外关于拖延与人格的一些相关研究,最后对目前的研究现状提出了评述和展望。  相似文献   

大学校长的人格魅力与大学发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学校长的人格魅力 ,是非权力性影响力中最持久、境界最高的一种。作为大学校长 ,其人格的重要内涵包括志存高远的创一流意识 ,坚持真理的大无畏气度 ,自尊、自信、自豪的爱国主义精神和无私奉献的崇高品格。要具有崇高的人格精神 ,应具有较高的哲学素养、深厚的人文底蕴 ,并且必须经过长期实践的锻炼养成  相似文献   

幼儿时期是一个人形成其个性品质的重要时期,同时也是可塑性最强的时期。某种品质一旦形成,就很难更改,因而我们必须讲究科学的方法。为此,本文从环境育人、多种形式的教育活动以及如何维护幼儿心理健康等角度,提出一些合理的建议。  相似文献   

教师的人格特征包括教师为胜任其本职工作所必备的成熟的自我意识、崇高的品德、正确的价值观、良好的性格及创新精神。教师人格的塑造对学生人格的发展、社会的进步具有重要的价值。  相似文献   

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