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郑秀娟 《编辑学报》2023,35(1):17-21
分析了中国学术话语权的现状,认为中文作为国际科技通用语言已经具备充分条件,中文科技期刊有必要也有能力成长为中国在国际学术话语权争取过程中的重要力量。探讨了中文科技期刊增强国际话语权的几个路径:提倡中文优先发表或是双语发表,创建多语种学术平台,充分利用网络空间做好融媒体传播,中英文科技期刊相互呼应、协同发展。  相似文献   

中国经济新闻的话语迷思——以房产新闻为例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
胡春阳  王昀 《新闻大学》2011,(1):99-105
新闻叙事话语本身存在着极大的"合理想象"空间,这种经过"合理想象"而形成、强化的迷思往往被人们当作常识接受.经济新闻以系统化、学科化的"客观"描述把资本的权力化装成科学规律的自然结果.房产新闻顺应了这种逻辑,暗含着发展与投资的迷思.对迷思进行分析、反思与还原虽然看来是不识时宜的但却又是十分必要的.  相似文献   

汉学界一向认为中国古人“字”“词”不分,这几乎是从来的不刊之论。我们认为,中国的古人虽然未能明确提出“字”和“词”两个互相对应的不同概念.然而他们的研究成果却显示出他们至少在心里是明白语言中存在着上述两种不同语言单位的。研究汉字构形单元的意义作用进而掌握汉字构形规律,不止是能够探寻令人用字的俗成之理,甚至可以由此推知先民制字时的约定之据。我们必须将汉字视为一个系统把它们联系起来加以观察。正确认识和重新评价各种构形单元在汉字构形法中的价值和作用,应该成为今后汉语六书学及词汇学研究的主要内容。  相似文献   

Course: Civil discourse, argumentation, debate, persuasion, political communication

Objectives: This unit activity will help students build an understanding of civil discourse and its function in society. Students will: (1) increase their capacity to examine arguments critically, (2) enhance their own ability to self-reflect critically, and (3) improve their ability to engage in civil discourse. This activity will employ inquiry-based learning strategies to apply students’ understanding of civil discourse in a dialogue with the broader campus community by partnering with campus media to develop and publish original opinion-editorial pieces.  相似文献   

中国文献学发展历史轨迹   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
论文首先回顾了中国古典文献学从古代校雠学到20世纪古典文献学的发展历程,接着系统阐述了中国现代文献学发展历史轨迹和现状,最后对中国文献学发展趋势进行了预测。  相似文献   

从文献基本情况、文献内容、综合分析3个方面对近年来文献计量学在中医药研究中的应用进行了分析、综述。其中文献基本情况分析包括引文、作者和基金资助,文献内容分析分别以某种疾病、某类方剂、某种疗法、某种症候和某种中药或中药成分进行分析,综合分析则从机构、期刊等角度进行。  相似文献   

关于审稿的对话   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
钱寿初 《编辑学报》2000,12(4):220-221
编辑:现在请您来一同讨论一下关于生物医学论文审稿的问题.审稿制度在科技界使用很广泛.一般有一个共识:某项科研成果让同一学科领域的科学家来评论其研究工作的原始性、可靠性及其价值最可靠.但这种做法也有许多不足的地方,而且苦于找不到改进的良策[1,2].据说有个由科学家和编辑家组成的组织,叫Locknet[3],正在想法找出如何评价审稿的量化方法,来完善这一制度.  相似文献   

As an important dimension of contentious politics, online political discourse reveals crucial issues related to ideology, power, and identity in times of political struggle. Drawing on Norman Fairclough’s intertextual analysis approach within the paradigm of Critical Discourse Analysis in an online discursive context, this study examines the role of intertextuality in the discursive construction of social movements. It does so by analyzing how different social actors employ discursive tools to construct the pro-democracy Umbrella Movement in their online commentaries. Focusing on discourse, genre, and style, this study demonstrates how online texts draw from different intertextual resources and how they echo the broader nationalist discourse in China. In addition, this paper also uncovers how the circulation and combination of these intertextual resources in an authoritarian context form specific constructions of the Umbrella Movement.  相似文献   

曹雁  肖忠华 《编辑学报》2015,27(2):130-133
基于涵盖12个理工科学科的科技期刊英文摘要语料库,利用语料库方法对163个语言特征的频率进行因子分析,系统比较了中外科技期刊英文摘要的差异.结果显示,2类摘要在副词、第一人称代词、前置性修饰语以及被动语态的使用上存在显著的功能性差异.国内英文摘要多数不善于使用副词加强语气,有意规避第一人称代词,缺少与读者的交互,而过多的前置性修饰语和被动语态无形中增加了阅读困难,与国际学术界提倡的直接简洁的写作风格仍有偏差.我们分析了造成这些差异的可能原因,并对国内科技期刊英文摘要写作提出建议.  相似文献   

Translation as an organizational activity is critical to the effective functioning of many institutions and is becoming ever more commonplace as our society grows increasingly multilingual and culturally diverse. This study examines translation in terms of its influence on organizational members' sensemaking and consequent social and task functions of the institution. An integrated theory of translation provides a foundation for identifying three major categories of problematics involving translation in workplaces: inaccuracies, losses of common sociocultural contexts, and changes to power relationships. Data from a hotel business meeting in which an executive's discourse in English were simultaneously translated into Spanish is analyzed to illustrate the problematics and to derive guidelines for organizations with multilingual workforces.  相似文献   

本文从类书考源、类书结构形式的流变、类书编撰的社会文化背景角度剖析了作为一种文化现象的中国古代类书.  相似文献   

Course: This assignment is a unit activity designed for use in a skills-focused undergraduate public relations, organizational communication, or crisis communication course.

Objective: The goal of this activity is to increase students’ understanding of and ability to apply discourse of renewal in a crisis scenario. Students will work collaboratively to craft responses that affirm an organization’s core values in light of a tragic event.  相似文献   

信息技术时代中文图书采访机制研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
传统采访方式不能全面反映出版动态,重订现象严重,无法反映图书全貌,到馆周期长,到书率低。网络采访无时滞、无地域的限制,安全性高,具有智能化灵活的配送方式,交互性强,便于沟通与及时反馈。现货采购、纲目购书亦为可选的重要补充方式。图书馆应根据自身条件,合理选用中文图书的采访机制。  相似文献   

Research access to mainland China, once severely circumscribed, has expanded tremendously during the post-Mao reform period, with important implications for the study of Chinese mass communication. Fieldwork possibilities mean that scholars are privy to a great deal more of the media circuit – not only to voluminous content that can be systematically sampled, but also to structures, contexts, practices, processes, places, and people involved in production and reception. Drawing on experiences in the field, this article discusses challenges and rewards of studying Chinese journalism from within.  相似文献   

This study examines how the issue of game regulation has been discussed and influenced public perception by exploring ideologically differing media outlets’ distinct uses of frames by analyzing news contents (N = 1,217) and public opinion survey of the national sample of Korean gamers (N = 1,362), who play games currently. The analyses include the influence of media on attitudes toward game regulation, perception of games, and frame adoption, based on the results of news content analysis. The study found that (a) mainstream media was ambivalent about game issues and tended to define gaming and gamers in sensationalistic ways; (b) while the dynamics of media effects on public attitudes toward game regulation are complex, exposure to game-related news content significantly impacted public attitudes; mass media that highlight the negative aspects of games have strong impacts on public perception toward games, which may ultimately affect attitudes toward game regulation.  相似文献   

Scholars have long studied biblical apocalyptic texts and later religious texts in the same genre, considering their distinctive features and their effects. Literary theorists have found apocalyptic strains in secular literature and studied the literary texts as apocalyptic. Studying speeches as apocalyptic illuminates the rhetorical effects of the speeches and underscores the narrative elements of apocalyptic discourse that have been merely taken for granted.  相似文献   

中美两国图书馆联盟与参考咨询服务对比研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论文对中美两国的图书馆联盟及参考咨询服务进行了比较分析,指出中国在图书馆联盟建设和数字化参考咨询等方面的差距,论文最后还对图书馆服务功能的发展趋势进行了展望.  相似文献   

关于中国新闻史研究中强化"本体意识"的历史回顾   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1997年5月,在"中国新闻史学会换届暨98全国新闻史学术研讨会"上,宁树藩先生在题为《新闻史研究的前瞻》的发言中首次明确地提出新闻史研究的"本体意识",曾引发学界关于新闻史研究本体与特性的讨论与反思;2007年3月,《新闻大学》(春季号)的"中国新闻史研究现状笔谈"专栏,五篇讨论稿中有三篇又不约而同地论述到了中国新闻史特性和本体论的问题。宁先生看到《新闻大学》的讨论,感到非常高兴并且很乐意把他新近关于新闻史研究的一些思考,借此讨论而公之于众,以便和全国同行共享。宁老师的观点分为两个部分:一个是他亲笔所撰的关于新闻史研究"本体意识"形成的历史回顾,这既是他本人研究心路的记录,也可以作为中国新闻史教学和研究的简短历史过程看;另一部分是复旦大学信息与传播研究中心和《新闻大学》编辑部委托博士研究生郭丽华对宁先生所作的访谈。现将这两部分内容刊载如下,以供同仁了解和讨论。  相似文献   

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