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Most associative theories have assumed that stimulus competition occurs only between conditioned stimuli (CSs) that are trained in compound. The present research investigated the possibility of competition between two CSs that were individually paired to the same unconditioned stimulus (US). We used human subjects in an anticipatory suppression analogue to Pavlovian conditioning. Experiment 1 showed that X+ training followed by A+ training resulted in impaired responding to X. This did not occur when A+ training preceded X+ training. Experiment 2 replicated the basic effect and showed that it did not occur when the Phase 2 training consisted of A? instead of A+ nor when the A+ pairings occurred in a second context. Experiment 3 showed that A+ pairings occurring in a second context could still produce the effect when X was tested in the context in which the A+ pairings had occurred, but not when X was tested in a context different from that used for A+ training. Collectively, these results suggest that individually trained CSs may compete with each other when one of those CSs is more strongly activated by the test context than the other one.  相似文献   

Previous research has demonstrated that discrete cues presented during extinction of a conditioned response (extinction cues) subsequently reduce spontaneous recovery and the renewal effect. In order to assess whether an extinction cue’s effect is due to conditioned inhibition, the effect of pairing an extinction cue with food on the cue’s capacity to modulate spontaneous recovery was investigated in an appetitive conditioning experiment with rats. Conditioned inhibitors paired with the unconditioned stimulus lose their potential to inhibit responding. The food-paired extinction cue did not lose its potential to reduce spontaneous recovery. In fact, it reduced spontaneous recovery more than did an extinction cue that was not paired with food. The results indicate that extinction cues attenuate postextinction recovery of conditioned responding through a mechanism other than conditioned inhibition. The cue’s action appears to be similar to that of serial negative occasion setters. Theories of spontaneous recovery and the relationship of extinction cues to other modulatory stimuli are discussed.  相似文献   

Conditioning of the rabbit’s nictitating membrane response was conducted with a serial compound CSA-CSB-US. In the present experiments, prior training of CSB was pitted against the temporal primacy of CSA. Prior training of CSB was able to only weakly block CR acquisition to the added CSA, but CSA caused a pronounced decline in responding to the pretrained CSB. By the end of training, high levels of responding were sustained only in the final portion of the serial compound in which CSA or its traces coincided with CSB. These results provide support for real-time models as exemplified by Sutton and Barto (1981).  相似文献   

Two conditioned lick suppression experiments with rats used feature-negative training (A-footshock trials intermixed with nonreinforced XA presentations) to analyze the role of the number of XA compound presentations and the temporal relationship of the elements within the compound (simultaneous or serial) as determinants of the resulting behavioral control. Second-order conditioning (i.e., excitatory behavioral control by X) was observed to decline as the number of XA compound trials was increased. This decline was more rapid if X and A were presented simultaneously, as opposed to serially (i.e., X before A; Experiment 1). Conditioned inhibition to X, as assessed by a summation test (Experiment 1) and a retardation test (Experiment 2), increased with the number of XA trials and did so more quickly for simultaneous than for serial pairings of X and A. The results help to clarify previously discrepant findings regarding factors that promote excitation versus inhibition with this protocol.  相似文献   

When people judge the contingency between a target cue and an outcome, they also take into account the contingency between the outcome and other cues with which the target cue co-occurred. Several authors have argued that such cue competition effects are due to higher order reasoning processes. We review the evidence that supports this hypothesis and discuss whether higher order reasoning might also play a role in other learning phenomena.  相似文献   

In the present experiments, we examined the role of within-compound associations in the interaction of the overshadowing procedure with conditioned stimulus (CS) duration, using a conditioned suppression procedure with rats. In Experiment 1, we found that, with elemental reinforced training, conditioned suppression to the target stimulus decreased as CS duration increased (i.e., the CS duration effect), whereas, with compound reinforced training (i.e., the overshadowing procedure), conditioned suppression to the target stimulus increased as CS duration increased. In subsequent experiments, we replicated these findings with sensory preconditioning and demonstrated that extinction of the overshadowing stimulus results in retrospective revaluation with short CSs and in mediated extinction with long CSs. These results highlight the role of the duration of the stimulus in behavioral control. Moreover, these results illuminate one cause (the CS duration) of whether retrospective revaluation or mediated extinction will be observed.  相似文献   

A sensory preconditioning analogue was employed to separate signaling effects from motivational effects observed in appetitive-to-aversive transfer of training. Rabbits received appetitive conditioning (tone-water pairings) of the jaw-movement response, followed by aversive conditioning of the nictitating membrane response, during which water delivery served as the CS for para-orbital shock. When the tone was subsequently presented, only subjects exposed to both sets of pairings demonstrated conditioned jaw movement and nictitating membrane responses. The occurrence of both responses to the tone is inconsistent with the action of reciprocal inhibition between motivational states. The results are interpreted in terms of multiple mediators for transfer-of-training paradigms.  相似文献   

Gough and Tunmer’s (1986) simple view of reading (SVR) proposed that reading comprehension (RC) is a function of language comprehension (LC) and word recognition/decoding. Braze et al. (2007) presented data suggesting an extension of the SVR in which knowledge of vocabulary (V) affected RC over and above the effects of LC. Tunmer and Chapman (2012) found a similar independent contribution of V to RC when the data were analyzed by hierarchical regression. However, additional analysis by factor analysis and structural equation modeling indicated that the effect of V on RC was, in fact, completely captured by LC itself and there was no need to posit a separate direct effect of V on RC. In the present study, we present new data from young adults with sub-optimal reading skill (N = 286). Latent variable and regression analyses support Gough and Tunmer’s original proposal and the conclusions of Tunmer and Chapman that V can be considered a component of LC and not an independent contributor to RC.  相似文献   

运用文献资料分析,观察与数理统计和专家咨询等研究方法,并对格斗对抗性项群中散打运动员的体能定向发展训练方法和手段进行研究分析,找出格斗对抗性项群中散打运动员体能定向发展训练的一般性规律。为我们进行格斗对抗性项群中散打运动员体能定向发展训练方法提供科学的理论依据,为日常教学和训练提供参考。  相似文献   

庄子“行不言之教“的教育思想意指教师以身作则,教学在自由的情境中进行,强调了学习者的自觉领悟,他反对过多的说教,主张一切要顺应自然.“行不言之教“的教育思想对当代教育的启发颇多:培养学生的直觉思维、尊重学生的主体性、创造和谐的课堂氛围、树立“交往“的师生观、教师以身作则和提倡生成性课堂教学.  相似文献   

行政管理的宗旨是服务社会造福人民.行政机关及其工作人员应维护社会秩序,保护公民、法人和其他组织的合法利益,决不应损害其合法权益.但受种种因素的影响,行政不作为现象还时有发生,行政不作为国家应赔偿非常有必要,建立这种制度有利于社会稳定和促进行政机关依法行政.  相似文献   

袁枚的《子不语》中描写了一系列雷神的故事,他们不同于上古时期图腾化的雷神形象,也没有早期自然神崇拜阶段的巨大威力。《子不语》中的雷神更接近于凡人,他们法力并不强大,有缺点,也会犯错。在明清时期,市民阶层壮大,个性意识蓬勃发展,对权威的质疑日渐增长,同时随着自然科学的发展,自然神光辉的弱化是必然的趋势。  相似文献   

Three conditioned lick suppression experiments with rats were performed to assess the influence, following compound training of two stimuli (A and X) with the same outcome (AX-O trials), of extending training of the blocking association (i.e., A-O) on responding to the target stimulus (X) at test. In Experiment 1, backward blocking was attenuated when the blocking association was extensively trained. Experiment 2 showed that forward blocking was also attenuated by extensive further training of the blocking association following the AX-O trials. Experiment 3 contrasted candidate explanations of the results of Experiments 1 and 2 and demonstrated that these results are consistent with the framework of the extended comparator hypothesis (Denniston, Savastano, & Miller, 2001).  相似文献   

本文阐述了高校涉海专业复合型英语人才培养目前存在的共性问题以及必要性,从树立复合型英语人才培养观念、创建复合型师资队伍以及建立涉海专业大学英语课程体系和实践体系等多方面对涉海专业复合型英语人才培养模式的构建进行了探讨。  相似文献   

目前中国人使用英语的广泛性超过了以往,但让外国人都看不懂的中式英语却频频出现,本文从列举种种不规范的英语使用方法出发,分析了问题出现的原因,总结了一些解决此问题的方法,希望能对英语的规范普及有所帮助。  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, four groups of rats received conditioned suppression training in which a tone was reinforced with shock. If the tone had been previously paired with response-independent food, aversive conditioning was slightly facilitated by comparison to control groups preexposed either to the tone randomly associated with food or to the tone and food unpaired. However, by comparison to a control which was not preexposed to the tone, animals receiving prior pairings of the tone and food showed retarded aversive conditioning. Experiment 2 replicated the facilitation in aversive conditioning after the tone had been paired with food relative to the random control condition and demonstrated that this difference occurred even if the tone and background stimuli continued to be associated with response-independent food during aversive conditioning. This result suggests that pairing a stimulus with an appetitive reinforcer reduces the retardation of aversive conditioning produced by stimulus preexposure.  相似文献   

本文针对当今制冷空调技能训练教学过程中出现设备投入大、设备损耗严重、费用高、学员人数多、实训环节易出事故、培训效率低现象,论述了制冷空调仿真系统的原理、‘作用、功能,以及在制冷空调技能训练教学中,如何有效地使用制冷空调仿真系统软件对学生进行制冷空调的基本操作培训,保证了教学质量,使制冷空调实训教学效果得到了显著的提高。  相似文献   

浅议多媒体教学并非一定提升教学质量   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
多媒体教学以其诸多的优势在高校的教学活动中起着越来越重要的作用。但是,实践证明,多媒体教学手段的应用并非一定能提升教学质量。由于这一过程中可能存在的教学内容与教学手段的本末倒置、传统教学手段的完全摈弃、不同课程及每一课程不同内容的特点和要求被忽视以及恰当的教学设计的缺乏等,都使得多媒体教学手段需要不断改进与完善,从而为教学质量的提升而"锦上添花"。  相似文献   

职业技能大赛已经得到了企业、社会以及广大高职院校的广泛关注和重视。技能大赛很大程度上推动了高职院校与企业的深度合作,促进了高职院校对技能型人才的培养,更对高职院校工学结合人才培养模式的改革起到了积极的作用。  相似文献   

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