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This article investigates the intertwined constructs of metacognition and self-regulation as they emerge in the works and theories of James, Piaget, and Vygotsky. To coordinate this exploration, we use an interpretive framework based on the relation of subject and object. In this framework, James’s perspective on metacognition and self-regulation is aligned with the Self, Piaget’s with the other and object, and Vygotsky’s with the medium or agency of language. We explore how metacognition and self-regulation function within the realm of human behavior and development as described in the works of each of these theorists. Key questions or issues that emerge for current research are outlined, and the limitations and benefits of each theorist’s perspective vis-à-vis metacognition and self-regulation are discussed.  相似文献   

杨雅霖 《海外英语》2014,(20):285-286
正Cognitive developmental theories deal with the processes ofthinking progress,including memory,attention,problem solvingand decision-making,from childhood through adolescence to adult-hood.In this essay I will compare and contrast the developmentaltheories of Piaget and Vygotsky,both of which play an importantroleintheresearchofcognitive development.Piaget's developmental theory is a cognitive developmentaltheory which is mainly about the nature and development of human  相似文献   

皮亚杰与维果斯基知识建构观的比较   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
皮亚杰的认知建构论与维果斯基的心理发展理论都深刻影响着建构主义理论的形成和发展。本文在分析两种理论的基础上,对两者的知识建构观进行了深入的比较,并进一步阐释了它们对于教育实践活动的指导意义和作用。  相似文献   

维果茨基与皮亚杰的争论代表了发展心理学两条截然不同的发展路线,开创了认知建构主义与社会建构主义两种模式.对两人关于儿童认知发展观的不同与相同之处进行比较探究,旨在为当代认知发展的理论建构与教育实践提供新的契机.  相似文献   

The significance of the work of Piaget and Vygotsky in particular, as well as that of other thinkers, is discussed in this presentation. This ‘after‐dinner’ paper raises questions about the ways in which ideological assumptions and other contextual factors impact upon theory development, just as they impact upon policy and practice. Further it is argued that, thanks to present day communication systems and travel, contemporary thinkers are able to access ‘other ways of seeing’, to share ideas, cross both geographical and interdisciplinary boundaries, and debate the values and dilemmas of pluralism. Lastly, the paper urges early childhood professionals to explore the notion of agreed absolutes relating to the treatment of children throughout the world.  相似文献   

In this article it is demonstrated that topics discussed in contemporary metacognitive research are integral parts of Vygotsky's (1978, 1986) theory of cognitive development. This conclusion is reached through a discussion of Vygotsky's views of self‐regulation, the relationship between self‐awareness and self‐regulation, and the relationship between awareness/regulation on the one hand and cognitive process on the other. The uniqueness of a Vygotskian approach to metacognition is also specified. This uniqueness resides in Vygotsky's focus on the sign system of human language, on the linguistic tools of thought and the central role they play in mediating cognitive performance.  相似文献   

Hans Aebli 《Interchange》1970,1(1):12-24
The relevance for educational theory of Piaget's cognitive and developmental psychology is examined, especially as teaching of concepts and operations is concerned. Piaget's constructivism and his assimilation theory are found to be most useful. His equilibration concept and his one-step model of concept construction, however, limit the applicability of the theory. Related to these traits of Piaget's psychology is the tacit assumption that experiments simply uncover cognitive structures, which are said to build up during the child's spontaneous activities. An alternative conception of developmental processes and of cognitive learning is offered, in which an elaboration concept, language, and social stimulation are central.
Résumé On a examiné la signification pédagogique de la psychologie du développement cognitif de Piaget, particulièrement en ce qui concerne l'enseignement de concepts et d'opérations. Les notions piagétiennes d'assimilation et de constructivisme se révèlent des plus utiles. Cependant, son concept de l'équilibre structural et sa notion de l'élaboration de concepts limitent l'applicabilité de sa théorie. Rattachée à ces aspects de la psychologie de Piaget se trouve l'idée que les expériences ne font que mettre à nu des structures cognitives qui se seraient construites au cours des activités spontanées de l'enfant. Cet article propose une interprétation différente des processus du développement et de l'apprentissage cognitif, où le langage, la construction de concepts, et la stimulation sociale occupent une place centrale.


This article deploys critical sociology to examine institutions of higher learning, worldwide, within a context of a more utopian set of possibilities. The article contests the idea of universities as marketplaces – competition, commercialisation and vocationalisation; the synthetic values of docility, conformity, and image/impression management; the calibration and metrification of all facets of university activity; and the containment of universities as places of dissent and social critique, shackling them instead to the whims of capitalism. As an alternative, the author explores Klein's elements of a social imaginary that involves extirpating the alien interloper neoliberal ideology that has been allowed to invade and colonise universities, and instead allowing indigenous ideologies to emerge from the discourses of those who do academic work. The austerity logic that has so poisoned universities, is replaced by the humanising and democratising practices and voices of those who have been wilfully excluded. Above all, what the author pitches towards is not ‘fixing’ our broken universities, for that would be in Klein's terms ‘fitting into the box’ that has been constructed for universities over the past half-century, but rather an ‘exploding of the box’. Examples from the author's prior community-based research are used to illustrate humanising, transformative possibilities.  相似文献   


In The Moral Development of the Child Piaget proposes a sketch of a developmental account of moral judgments, and the sequence of stages which he there proposes have been widely taken to provide a basis for any adequate developmental account. However, if Piaget's work on cognitive development is taken as providing a standard by which to judge such theories it is doubtful that moral development can be accounted for through the use of the equilibrium concept. The very notion of ‘a moral judgment’ with which Piaget works imposes severe restrictions on the adequacy of the theory, leading him necessarily to ignore important issues. Furthermore, there seems to be no underpinning available to secure the necessary order of the stages, and as a matter of fact some children seem to show evidence of a capacity to make advanced moral judgments at an early age. It is argued, therefore, that the search for developmental structures of this kind should be abandoned.  相似文献   

Past studies have explored the role of student science notebooks in supporting students' developing science understandings. Yet scant research has investigated science notebook use with students who are learning science in a language they are working to master. To explore how student science notebook use is co-constructed in interaction among students and teachers, this study examined plurilingual students' interactions with open-ended science notebooks during an inquiry science unit on condensation and evaporation. Grounded in theoretical views of the notebook as a semiotic social space, multimodal interaction analysis facilitated examination of the ways students drew upon the space afforded by the notebook as they constructed explanations of their understandings. Cross-group comparison of three focal groups led to multiple assertions regarding the use of science notebooks with plurilingual students. First, the notebook supported student-determined paths of resemiotization as students employed multiple communicative resources to express science understandings. Second, notebooks provided spaces for students to draw upon diverse language resources and as a bridge in time across multiple inquiry sessions. Third, representations in notebooks were leveraged by both students and teachers to access and deepen conceptual conversations. Lastly, students' interactions over time revealed multiple epistemological orientations in students' use of the notebook space. These findings point to the benefits of open-ended science notebooks use with plurilingual students, and a consideration of the ways they are used in interaction in science instruction.  相似文献   

The Foundation for Adolescent Development, Inc. (FAD) has been addressing adolescent health and sexuality and development issues since its establishment. It has implemented programs and services that are dedicated in promoting and popularizing the view that sexuality covers the total development of persons. This article focuses on the experiences of the FAD in running the Manila Center for Young Adults. Utilizing a peer education or youth-to-youth approach to provide information, counseling and sexuality issues, this campus-based project reaches out to students of colleges and universities in Metro Manila. The varied experiences in the implementation of the project are reflected in the work areas, including needs assessment research, advocacy, capacity-building, emergence of core group structure, program sustainability mechanism, and evaluation. Such experiences are documented in a book developed and produced by FAD. The book is divided into two parts: part I contains the project concept, the capacity-building framework, and the experiences in implementing the model; part II provides supplements for reference materials.  相似文献   

<正>After transfer from agricultural to the industrial age,western countries such as France has from the folk paper-cut,entered the art form.Only to retain such as the Nordic folk paper-cut.Since the Han Dynasty to Chinese paper-cut,during the presentation of the ancient people rich imagination and superb techniques at the same time,may also carry the inertial frame of traditional imprison innovation.In recent years,with a few artists  相似文献   

This article traces the connection between William James's writings in The Varieties of Religious Experience and Jean Piaget's work on moral development through Piagets early work on religious experience. James characterises religious experience as unlocking deep personal power that can sustain a “strenuous mood”. These ideas impacted the early work of Piaget on religious experience through the influence of Henri Bergson and The´odore Flournoy, both friends of James. The shared depth-psychology approach to religious experience of James and Piaget is important to current debates on spiritual and moral education.  相似文献   

Cultural-historical psychology identifies play as the leading activity in preschool development. Vygotsky's (1967, 1978) seminal work outlined two categories of leading influences: play makes a foundational contribution to the development of semiotic mediation, and it involves active appropriation of social roles and rules and other integral aspects of social organization. Leont'ev's (1981) concept of appropriation and Bakhtin's (1981) concepts of heteroglossia and ideological becoming are used to elaborate and extend Vygotsky's original work, particularly with regard to creativity in preschool play. The paper concludes with a consideration of the pedagogical implications of the cultural-historical view on play, including the use of play to cultivate understanding of the arbitrary nature of signs and the appropriation of the social roles and organizational patterns of society.  相似文献   

Vygotsky measured his ‘zone of proximal development’ in years. To do this, he needed a scheme of age periods, and a set of tasks that could diagnose the next age period without defining it. In this paper, we compare the age periods in his late lectures with Halliday’s categories of logico-semantic expansion as used by three adolescent writer/speakers. We find that the tendency to elaborate and embed clauses grows with expertise, while the tendency to tell stories wanes. We take this as evidence of the development of synoptic-dynamic complementarity in adolescents – and also in the theories of Halliday and Vygotsky.  相似文献   

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