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目前,英语已成为我国各大高职院校的基础课程之一。优秀的英语书面表达可以让大学生在考试、求职、就业等方面占有极大优势。然而,由于人们对英语的传统观念,即学习英语只是为了能够看懂英语相关材料,在生活中根本用不到,更不要说与老外交流,大多高职学生的英语书面表达能力很差。加上其他的原因,导致我国高职学生的英语基础普遍很差,这也使他们在英语书面表达上平淡无奇。基于此,就英语书面表达中存在的问题,提出了解决的方法。  相似文献   

随着人们对语言和语言能力的认识的进一步加深,语言测试理论也得到相应的发展,交际语言测试逐渐成为测试主流.许多研究者指出,语言测试不仅要考察学生的语言知识,而且还要考察学生运用语言完成任务的能力和得体性.然而,目前的大学英语四、六级考试仍然存在着许多弊端,难以真正测试出考生的语言应用能力,因而建立大学生英语书面信息交流能力测试模式还是很有必要的.  相似文献   

With the proliferation of computer networks and the increased use of Internet‐based applications, many forms of social interactions now take place in an on‐line context through Computer‐Mediated Communication (CMC). Many universities are now reaping the benefits of using CMC applications to collect data on student evaluations of faculty, rather than using paper‐based surveys in Face‐To‐Face (FTF) classroom settings. While the relative merits of CMC versus FTF student evaluations have been researched extensively, there is limited research published about the ways students respond to the questions from either mode of data collection. This paper reports on a research study to analyse the communication differences between student scores from FTF student evaluations and CMC evaluation questions from end of semester evaluations from a university in the Middle East region. In addition to the questions about communication mode differences between two evaluation questions, several demographic variables were measured to determine any interaction effects. The results of our study suggest that the type of communication channel mitigates the responses that students make on CMC evaluations vis‐à‐vis FTF evaluations of faculty. In particular, even though there were significant differences found at the aggregate level between CMC and FTF evaluations, when the course and instructor are controlled for, there were no significant differences reported. In addition, several differences were noted depending on the type and level of the course being studied. Also, we found that students are more likely to express more extreme responses to scale questions in CMC than FTF evaluations. Administrators should consider these potential differences when implementing on‐line evaluation systems.  相似文献   

通信电子线路实验课程普遍被认为教师难教、学生难做的一门课程.本文针对目前课程存在的问题,提出了具体的优化措施,使实验内容和手段能满足学生的需要.  相似文献   

略论陈独秀的语言文字研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈独秀一生与语言文字有不解之缘,其研究特点表现在激进的语言文字观,独特的语言文字研究视角,科学严谨的治学态度。  相似文献   

Confucianism has been identified as the major cultural factor that explains the economic success of the Asian Five Dragons. This paper explores the impact of Confucianism on the organizational communication in these nations, based on the four key principles of Confucian teachings: the hierarchical relationship, the family system, Jen, and the emphasis on education. This study further discusses the influence of these four principles of Confucianism on management behaviors and communication in the organization. Implications of Confucianism influence on organizational communication are also explained.  相似文献   

改进通信电子线路课程设计培养高素质应用型人才   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文结合我校通信工程专业实际,在实施课程设计的教学过程中,对如何提高学生的自主性、探索性和创造性能力,培养高素质应用型人才进行了初步尝试和研究。  相似文献   

随着网络对民族地区社会生活的全面渗透,滇南哈尼族传统文化受到了不同文化形态的冲击、影响和交融,哈尼族语言文字的使用面临新的困境。网络传播所具有优势和特点,为哈尼族语言文字的保护与发展提供了理想的平台,为民族文化的创新发展带来了契机。  相似文献   

This study explored the impact of information technology on internal communication at a tertiary education institution. An employee survey was distributed to determine the current impact of information technology on internal communication, and to explore the possible impact of two further information technology based communication systems. The survey found that despite a preference for face-to-face communication, respondents were better informed, more willing to communicate and exchanged more job-related information since the introduction of e-mail, voice mail and Wordview (policy and academic documents available on the network). The survey explored the possibility of introducing an electronic meeting system with 50% of respondents willing to try such a system. As the majority of respondents spend minimal time travelling and freely give their opinions at meetings, however, it is unlikely that such a system would result in further improvements in internal communication. Survey findings indicate the need for respondents to be better informed about the information available on their computers and how to access the information. The findings also indicate that there may be potential improvements in internal communication if an intranet is established. © 1998 IFIP, published by Chapman & Hall Ltd  相似文献   

路晴晴 《时代教育》2010,(1):276-276
In the process of business communication,there are many factors that determine and influence the communication and results. Cultural factors could become the key to the exchange effect. Cultural factors not only refer to the different cultural backgrounds of the two sides,but also refer to the cultural connotations embodied in the communication. Sorting out the cultural impact of business communication will be undoubtedly a tremendous promotion to conduct commercial exchanges. In this paper,through the anal...  相似文献   

This paper describes the findings of a qualitative evaluation of an early years' intervention, I Can's Early Talk (ET) programme. ET was designed to improve speech, language and communication outcomes for children aged 0–5 by focusing on enhancing practitioners' knowledge and skills. The research focused on children aged 3–4 years and was conducted in 14 Sure Start Children's Centres across England, using a combination of observations and interviews with practitioners, centre managers and local authority staff, along with a questionnaire survey of parents. Findings revealed improvements in practitioners' confidence and practice as a result of participating in the programme. The results also suggest that participating practitioners felt their capacity to understand and reflect on how to support children's speech, language and communication improved, particularly in the children's centres which had been accredited for over six months. ET was also found to offer a balance of support and challenge which consolidated and extended good practice and identified areas for development where practice was less effective. In addition, some of the challenges, which characterised and ultimately enhanced the research process, are described.  相似文献   

Teacher education in the United Kingdom, especially in England, has changed considerably over the past 20 years or so. The main purpose of this article is to analyse the direction and nature of these changes, using primary English work as a focus. The article uses snapshots of the provision in three institutions, each at a different time point, as the basis for the development of a number of themes describing the nature of the changes. It goes on to tackle the major question of whether or not such changes can be described as progress.  相似文献   

人类交际是语言交际和非语言交际的结合。非语言交际是整个交际中不可缺少的组成部分。它在交际中的作用是不可忽视的。[1]萨莫瓦尔说:"在面对面交际中,信息的社交内容只有35%左右时语言行为,其他都是通过非语言行为传递的。"[2]在跨文化交际中,很多人往往重视语言的正确运用,而忽略非语言交际行为的文化差异及其影响,导致文化误解和文化冲突频频发生。实际上非语言交际行为和手段比语言交际行为所起的交际作用更大,它的差异比语言行为的差异所引起的文化冲突还要严重。根据毕继万在《跨文化非语言交际》中将非语言交际粗略地分成四大类:1)体态语;2)副语言;3)客体语;4)环境语,本文试从手势语、眼神交流、体触行为等方面研究体态语在跨文化交际中的应用,减少由此导致的文化差异的干扰,以促进人们之间成功地进行跨文化交际。  相似文献   

从现代保密军事通信的实际出发,介绍两种通信数字技术:频率捷变(FA)和直序(DS)扩频调制技术。  相似文献   

以非语言交际为切入口,阐述了日本人体态语的主要表现形式:面部表情、手势和身势、视线接触、体距和体触等,并分析了其形成的文化背景和原因。同时指出在跨文化交际过程中,不仅要掌握语言交际能力,还要了解对象国的非语言行为,避免由于文化上的冲突导致交际障碍和误解。  相似文献   

本文从言语交际的角度出发,简要论述了模糊语言的含义、类型和特征,详细阐述了其在日常交际中的功能和作用,以及运用不恰当时造成的消极效果。通过研究,本文得出这样的结论:模糊语言的使用不存在绝对的“好”和“坏”的问题,而是要根据具体的语境来决定使用成功与否。  相似文献   

通信电子线路"渗透式"立体化实验教学模式的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了实验项目类型多样化的教学模式中课内学时相对不足、教学效果不好的瓶颈问题,提出以渗透式为手段,通过把多样化实验项目有机融入到课程设计、毕业设计、课外科技活动以及教师科研等环节,构建渗透式立体化层次性实验教学新模式,探索出一条挣脱瓶颈、全面开展实验、项目类型多样化的教学有效途径,激发了学生学习的兴趣和主动性,切实提高了实验教学效果和教学质量。  相似文献   

实验教学改革是一项复杂的系统工程。通过分析传统的电子技术实验平台存在的问题,从编写有高职教育特色的实验大纲和实验指导书、引入虚拟电子技术现代化实验教学手段等方面着手,阐述电子技术实验教学之改革。  相似文献   

比较概括地探讨了电子商务中安全性技术问题.  相似文献   

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