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We analysed stroke phases and arm and leg coordination during front crawl swimming with and without a wet suit. Twelve nationally and internationally ranked French male triathletes performed three swim trials in randomized order using the front crawl stroke with and without a wet suit. All triathletes swam at three different swim velocities, corresponding to the paces appropriate for the 800?m (V800), 100?m (V100) and 50?m (V50) events. The different stroke phases and arm and leg coordination were identified by video analysis. Arm coordination was quantified using a new index of coordination, which expresses the three major modalities of opposition, catch-up and superposition in swimming. At all swim velocities, no significant differences in leg movements with or without the wet suit were noted. However, the wearing of the wet suit was associated with a significantly greater stroke length at the paces appropriate for the 100 and 50?m events (+3.46% and +3.10% at V100 and V50, respectively; P?<0.01); a significantly greater stroke index at all three velocities (+5.18%, +5.21% and +5.91% at V800, V100 and V50, respectively; P?<0.01); a significantly shorter pulling phase (?10.97%; P?<0.05) and lower index of coordination (?21.87%; P?<0.01) at the pace appropriate for the 800?m; and a significantly greater entry and catch phase (+9.81%; P?<0.05) at the pace appropriate for the 100?m. We conclude that the wet suit amplified the coordination mode of the triathletes (i.e. catch-up coordination) without modifying stroke rate, recovery phase or leg movements.  相似文献   

Camera techniques are typically used in the study of human movement. However, as the number of joints and markers involved in a study increases, data extraction and calculation become increasingly tedious and complicated. To overcome this challenge, we propose a method of study that simplifies data extraction and calculation by using an electrogoniometer and dual Euler angles. The contribution of the rotation of each arm segment to produce a racket head’s speed was identified in the context of a badminton smash. The contribution of each segment rotation was computed using dual velocity analysis. A set of orthogonal Cartesian frames was established for computing the anatomical rotational velocities for each of the three segments of the upper arm. Electrogoniometers were attached to the subjects during the execution of the smash to obtain measurements of joint angles throughout the motion. To test the algorithm, the calculated velocity of the racket head was compared to the measured velocity. The calculated velocity was derived from an algorithm, while the measured velocity was obtained from a video image. The results are similar, indicating that the dual velocity method is suitable for determining segmental velocities in such kinematic situations.  相似文献   

通过高速摄影获取部分不同等级女子背越式跳高弧线助跑技术的数据,运用生物力学的研究方法分析她们倒数第三步到起跳时,身体重心的前倾角、后倾角、内倾角、助跑方向角以及它们的变化,支持时间、腾空时间、步频步长、蹬伸离地瞬间水平速度以及它们的变化.进一步找出她们之间技术相同和差别的生物力学特征.  相似文献   

Sporting performance is often investigated through graphical observation of key technical variables that are representative of whole movements. The presence of differences between athletes in such variables has led to terms such as movement signatures being used. These signatures can be multivariate (multiple time-series observed concurrently), and also be composed of variables measured relative to different scales. Analytical techniques from areas of statistics such as Functional Data Analysis (FDA) present a practical alternative for analysing multivariate signatures. When applied to concurrent bivariate time-series multivariate functional principal components analysis (referred to as bivariate fPCA or bfPCA in this paper) has demonstrated preliminary application in biomechanical contexts. Despite this, given the infancy of bfPCA in sports biomechanics there are still necessary considerations for its use with non-conventional or complex bivariate structures. This paper focuses on the application of bfPCA to the force-angle graph in on-water rowing, which is a bivariate structure composed of variables with different units. A normalisation approach is proposed to investigate and standardise differences in variability between the two variables. The results of bfPCA applied to the non-normalised data and normalised data are then compared. Considerations and recommendations for the application of bfPCA in this context are also provided.  相似文献   


The direct effects of cycling on movement and muscle recruitment patterns (neuromuscular control) during running are unknown but critical to success in triathlon. We outline and test a new protocol for investigating the direct influence of cycling on neuromuscular control during running. Leg movement (three-dimensional kinematics) and muscle recruitment (surface electromyography, EMG) were compared between a control run (no prior exercise) and a 30-min transition run that was preceded by 20 min of cycling. We conducted three experiments investigating: (a) the repeatability (between-day reliability) of the protocol; (b) the ability of the protocol to investigate, in highly trained national or international triathletes, the direct influence of cycling on neuromuscular control during running independent of neuromuscular fatigue; and (c) the ability of the protocol to provide a control, or baseline, measure of neuromuscular control (determined using a measure of stability) without causing fatigue. Kinematic and EMG measures of neuromuscular control during running showed moderate to high repeatability: mean coefficients of multiple correlation for repeatability of EMG and kinematics were 0.816 ± 0.014 and 0.911 ± 0.031, respectively. The protocol provided a robust baseline measure of neuromuscular control during running without causing neuromuscular fatigue (coefficients of multiple correlation for stability of EMG and kinematics were 0.827 ± 0.023 and 0.862 ± 0.054), while EMG and force data provided no evidence of fatigue. The protocol outlined here is repeatable and can be used to measure any direct influence of cycling on neuromuscular control during running.  相似文献   

速滑蹬冰阶段踝关节转矩特征初步分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
从动力学角度分析速滑运动员踝关节转矩特征,根据力学和能量守恒的一般规律,探讨踝关节肌群系统运动方程式.通过这些力学分析,从一个侧面为踝关节速度力量训练提供初步的理论依据.  相似文献   

铁人三项虽然包括游泳、骑车和长跑三个项目,但是跑步对总成绩的影响最大,我国男子铁人三项运动员在游泳和骑车赛段中并不逊色于国外的优秀运动员,但是跑步赛段中的差距却很明显。在本次高原训练中迫切需要建立科研与训练相结合的模式,发掘优秀队员的潜能,提高单项成绩,创造我国男子铁人三项最好成绩。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to expand our knowledge and increase our understanding of imagery use by athletes in sport-injury rehabilitation using a qualitative approach. The participants were 10 injured athletes who were receiving physiotherapy at the time they were interviewed. During the interviews, the athletes provided extensive information about their use of imagery during injury rehabilitation and it was clear that they believed imagery served cognitive, motivational and healing purposes in effectively rehabilitating an injury. Cognitive imagery was used to learn and properly perform the rehabilitation exercises. They employed motivational imagery for goal setting (e.g. imagined being fully recovered) and to enhance mental toughness, help maintain concentration and foster a positive attitude. Imagery was used to manage pain. The methods they employed for controlling pain included using imagery to practise dealing with expected pain, using imagery as a distraction, imagining the pain dispersing, and using imagery to block the pain. With respect to what they imaged (i.e. the content of their imagery), they employed both visual and kinaesthetic imagery and their images tended to be positive and accurate. It was concluded that the implementation of imagery alongside physical rehabilitation should enhance the rehabilitation experience and, therefore, facilitate the recovery rates of injured athletes. Moreover, it was recommended that those responsible for the treatment of injured athletes (e.g. medical doctors, physiotherapists) should understand the benefits of imagery in athletic injury rehabilitation, since it is these practitioners who are in the best position to encourage injured athletes to use imagery.  相似文献   

We examined the preferred mode of arm coordination in 14 elite male front-crawl swimmers. Each swimmer performed eight successive swim trials in which target velocity increased from the swimmer's usual 3000-m velocity to his maximal velocity. Actual swim velocity, stroke rate, stroke length and the different arm stroke phases were then calculated from video analysis. Arm coordination was quantified by an index of coordination based on the lag time between the propulsive phases of each arm. The index expressed the three coordination modes in the front crawl: opposition, catch-up and superposition. First, in line with the dynamic approach to movement coordination, the index of coordination could be considered as an order parameter that qualitatively captured arm coordination. Second, two coordination modes were observed: a catch-up pattern (index of coordination?=??8.43%) consisting of a lag time between the propulsive phases of each arm, and a relative opposition pattern (index of coordination?=?0.89%) in which the propulsive phase of one arm ended when the propulsive phase of the other arm began. An abrupt change in the coordination pattern occurred at the critical velocity of 1.8?m?·?s?1, which corresponded to the 100-m pace: the swimmers switched from catch-up to relative opposition. This change in coordination resulted in a reorganization of the arm phases: the duration of the entry and catch phase decreased, while the duration of the pull and push phases increased in relation to the whole stroke. Third, these changes were coupled to increased stroke rate and decreased stroke length, indicating that stroke rate, stroke length, the stroke rate/stroke length ratio, as well as velocity, could be considered as control parameters. The control parameters can be manipulated to facilitate the emergence of specific coordination modes, which is highly relevant to training and learning. By adjusting the control and order parameters within the context of a specific race distance, both coach and swimmer will be able to detect the best adapted pattern for a given race pace and follow how arm coordination changes over the course of training.  相似文献   

We examined the preferred mode of arm coordination in 14 elite male front-crawl swimmers. Each swimmer performed eight successive swim trials in which target velocity increased from the swimmer's usual 3000-m velocity to his maximal velocity. Actual swim velocity, stroke rate, stroke length and the different arm stroke phases were then calculated from video analysis. Arm coordination was quantified by an index of coordination based on the lag time between the propulsive phases of each arm. The index expressed the three coordination modes in the front crawl: opposition, catch-up and superposition. First, in line with the dynamic approach to movement coordination, the index of coordination could be considered as an order parameter that qualitatively captured arm coordination. Second, two coordination modes were observed: a catch-up pattern (index of coordination= -8.43%) consisting of a lag time between the propulsive phases of each arm, and a relative opposition pattern (index of coordination= 0.89%) in which the propulsive phase of one arm ended when the propulsive phase of the other arm began. An abrupt change in the coordination pattern occurred at the critical velocity of 1.8 m. s(-1), which corresponded to the 100-m pace: the swimmers switched from catch-up to relative opposition. This change in coordination resulted in a reorganization of the arm phases: the duration of the entry and catch phase decreased, while the duration of the pull and push phases increased in relation to the whole stroke. Third, these changes were coupled to increased stroke rate and decreased stroke length, indicating that stroke rate, stroke length, the stroke rate/stroke length ratio, as well as velocity, could be considered as control parameters. The control parameters can be manipulated to facilitate the emergence of specific coordination modes, which is highly relevant to training and learning. By adjusting the control and order parameters within the context of a specific race distance, both coach and swimmer will be able to detect the best adapted pattern for a given race pace and follow how arm coordination changes over the course of training.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to investigate spatiotemporal and kinematic changes between the initial acceleration, transition and maximum velocity phases of a sprint. Sagittal plane kinematics from five experienced sprinters performing 50-m maximal sprints were collected using six HD-video cameras. Following manual digitising, spatiotemporal and kinematic variables at touchdown and toe-off were calculated. The start and end of the transition phase were identified using the step-to-step changes in centre of mass height and segment angles. Mean step-to-step changes of spatiotemporal and kinematic variables during each phase were calculated. Firstly, the study showed that if sufficient trials are available, step-to-step changes in shank and trunk angles might provide an appropriate measure to detect sprint phases in applied settings. However, given that changes in centre of mass height represent a more holistic measure, this was used to sub-divide the sprints into separate phases. Secondly, during the initial acceleration phase large step-to-step changes in touchdown kinematics were observed compared to the transition phase. At toe-off, step-to-step kinematic changes were consistent across the initial acceleration and transition phases before plateauing during the maximal velocity phase. These results provide coaches and practitioners with valuable insights into key differences between phases in maximal sprinting.  相似文献   

Asymmetry in gymnastics underpins successful performance and may also have implications as an injury mechanism; therefore, understanding of this concept could be useful for coaches and clinicians. The aim of this study was to examine kinematic and external kinetic asymmetry of the arm segments during the contact phase of a fundamental skill, the forward handspring on floor. Using a repeated single subject design six female National elite gymnasts (age: 19?±?1.5 years, mass: 58.64?±?3.72?kg, height: 1.62?±?0.41?m), each performed 15 forward handsprings, synchronised 3D kinematic and kinetic data were collected. Asymmetry between the lead and non-lead side arms was quantified during each trial. Significant kinetic asymmetry was observed for all gymnasts (p?相似文献   

The combined event is a crucial aspect of the modern pentathlon competition, but little is known about how shooting performance changes through the event. This study aimed to identify (i) how performance-related variables changed within each shooting series and (ii) how performance-related variables changed between each shooting series. Seventeen modern pentathletes completed combined event trials. An optoelectronic shooting system recorded score and pistol movement, and force platforms recorded centre of pressure movement 1 s prior to every shot. Heart rate and blood lactate values were recorded throughout the event. Whilst heart rate and blood lactate significantly increased between series (P < 0.05), there were no accompanying changes in the time period that participants spent aiming at the target, shot score, pistol movement or centre of pressure movement (P > 0.05). Thus, combined event shooting performance following each running phase appears similar to shooting performance following only 20 m of running. This finding has potential implications for the way in which modern pentathletes train for combined event shooting, and highlights the need for modern pentathletes to establish new methods with which to enhance shooting accuracy.  相似文献   

戴晓敏  洪小平 《体育学刊》2005,12(3):120-122
身体动作难度一直都作为艺术体操技术发展的一大突破口.难度是一套动作的主干,是决定成套动作技术价值评分高低的唯一因素.2003年版艺术体操国际评分规则最大突破点就在于,身体动作难度数量的迅速增加,动作类型增多和动作技术复杂化加大,并将其身体动作难度的难易与分值结合,实践再次说明了难度是当今竞技性艺术体操美的前提.  相似文献   

The present study crossed three knowledge of results summarizing techniques (single-trial KR, summary KR, and average KR) with two spacing conditions (KR on every fifth trial-20%- and KR on every trial-100%). Participants (n = 10 per group) performed 80 acquisition trials of a ballistic movement task involving both a temporal and spatial goal, followed by 30 immediate (10 min) and 30 delayed (2 days) no-KR transfer trials. For the spatial goal, performance was less accurate (absolute constant error) for the 20% spacing condition than the 100% condition during acquisition, but more accurate during delayed transfer. No effects were significant for variable error. For the temporal goal, performance was more accurate for the summary and average conditions than the single-trial KR condition; however, this effect was only present within the 20% spacing condition and only during Block 1 of acquisition. A similar effect held for variable error as well, except that the effect persisted for acquisition and transfer. It was concluded that the spacing of KR is more influential in promoting spatial accuracy than the summarizing of KR.  相似文献   

In two studies, we examined the strength of relationship between internal and external visual imagery with kinaesthetic imagery. In Study 1, 56 participants completed the Vividness of Movement Imagery Questionnaire and the Movement Imagery Questionnaire. Pearson's product–moment correlations failed to reveal a significant correlation between external visual imagery and kinaesthetic imagery. However, the correlation between internal visual imagery and kinaesthetic imagery approached significance. In Study 2, the instructional set of the Vividness of Movement Imagery Questionnaire was changed to make the participant the ‘agent’ of the external visual perspective images rather than somebody else. Sixty-four participants completed the two questionnaires. The results indicated a significant correlation between external visual imagery and kinaesthetic imagery (r?=?0.60, P?<0.01). However, the correlation between internal visual imagery and kinaesthetic imagery was non-significant (r?=?0.23, P?>0.01). The results are discussed in relation to who is the agent of the image and the processes that may underlie kinaesthetic imagery. The implications for researchers trying to establish the functional, behavioural and neurological differences within, and across, imagery modalities are considered.  相似文献   

In two studies, we examined the strength of relationship between internal and external visual imagery with kinaesthetic imagery. In Study 1, 56 participants completed the Vividness of Movement Imagery Questionnaire and the Movement Imagery Questionnaire. Pearson's product-moment correlations failed to reveal a significant correlation between external visual imagery and kinaesthetic imagery. However, the correlation between internal visual imagery and kinaesthetic imagery approached significance. In Study 2, the instructional set of the Vividness of Movement Imagery Questionnaire was changed to make the participant the 'agent' of the external visual perspective images rather than somebody else. Sixty-four participants completed the two questionnaires. The results indicated a significant correlation between external visual imagery and kinaesthetic imagery (r = 0.60, P < 0.01). However, the correlation between internal visual imagery and kinaesthetic imagery was non-significant (r = 0.23, P > 0.01). The results are discussed in relation to who is the agent of the image and the processes that may underlie kinaesthetic imagery. The implications for researchers trying to establish the functional, behavioural and neurological differences within, and across, imagery modalities are considered.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, adult and child participants were instructed to imitate a video model performing a bowling action with or without a ball. Participants imitated the action with greater accuracy without a ball and in general adults were more accurate than children. In Experiment 2, adults and children were shown a video or point-light display of the bowling action. There was no difference in movement form between the adult point-light and video groups. In contrast, children were poorer at reproducing the action when viewing point-light compared with video sequences (P < 0.05). The novel point-light display hindered the children's ability to provide conceptual mediation between the presented information and action requirements. In Experiment 3, a child point-light group was provided with perceptual-cognitive training. The perceptual-cognitive training group demonstrated better movement reproduction than a group who viewed the point-light displays with no training (P < 0.05), although there were no differences between participants who received training and those who viewed a video. Children are able to perceive and use relative motion information from a display after some general training, and the effectiveness of demonstrations needs to be judged relative to the task context.  相似文献   

Many field sports involve equipment that restricts one or both arms from moving while running. Arm swing during running has been examined from a biomechanical and physiologic perspective but not from an injury perspective. Moreover, only bilateral arm swing suppression has been studied with respect to running. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of running with one arm restrained on lower extremity mechanics associated with running or sport-related injury. Fifteen healthy participants ran at a self-selected speed with typical arm swing, with one arm restrained and with both arms restrained. Lower extremity kinematics and spatiotemporal measures were analysed for all arm swing conditions. Running with one arm restrained resulted in increased frontal plane knee and hip angles, decreased foot strike angle, and decreased centre of mass vertical displacement compared to typical arm swing or bilateral arm swing restriction. Stride length was decreased and step frequency increased when running with one or both arms restrained. Unilateral arm swing restriction induces changes in lower extremity kinematics that are not similar to running with bilateral arm swing restriction or typical arm swing motion. Running with one arm restrained increases frontal plane mechanics associated with risk of knee injury.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to investigate the energy build-up and dissipation mechanisms associated with using an arm swing in submaximal and maximal vertical jumping and to establish the energy benefit of this arm swing. Twenty adult males were asked to perform a series of submaximal and maximal vertical jumps while using an arm swing. Force, motion and electromyographic data were recorded during each performance and used to compute a range of kinematic and kinetic variables, including ankle, knee, hip, shoulder and elbow joint powers and work done. It was found that the energy benefit of using an arm swing appears to be closely related to the maximum kinetic energy of the arms during their downswing, and increases as jump height increases. As jump height increases, energy in the arms is built up by a greater range of motion at the shoulder and greater effort of the shoulder and elbow muscles but, as jump height approaches maximum, these sources are supplemented by energy supplied by the trunk due to its earlier extension in the movement. The kinetic energy developed by the arms is used to increase their potential energy at take-off but also to store and return energy from the lower limbs and to "pull" on the rest of the body. These latter two mechanisms become more important as jump height increases with the pull being the more important of the two. We conclude that an arm swing contributes to jump performance in submaximal as well as maximal jumping but the energy generation and dissipation sources change as performance approaches maximum.  相似文献   

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