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21世纪综合型高级药学人才的培养与实践   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1 历史与现状 为了更好地发挥中山大学生物和化学方面的整体优势,发展药学事业,中山大学于1995年9月创建了药学系药学专业,并于当年招收本科生,第一任主任是许实波教授,现药学系主任杨得坡教授。经过六年的建设,新的药学教学与科研创新体系已经形成,生物医药和创新药物的研究与开发正成为中山大学新的科研与教学增长点。该专业通过瞄准国际前沿的新学科建设,参与国家、广东省和广州市重大计划项目,建立了天然药物、中药海洋药物和医药分子生物学等研究技术,培养和造就了一批和国际接轨的青年学科带头人。目前全系教职工18…  相似文献   

本文着重从21世纪体育人才应具备的基本特征,培养方式,课程设置中应注意的方面等,谈了对21世纪体育人才的培养问题。  相似文献   

众所周知 ,2 1世纪是一个在各方面都必然要发生激烈竞争的时代 ,竞争是多方面的 ,有经济上的竞争、军事上的竞争、科技上的竞争、管理上的竞争、人才上的竞争等等 ,其中最重要的是人才的竞争 ,而在人才竞争中 ,道德品质占着尤为重要的地位。道德品质的培养是一切工作的基础。长期以来 ,我国教育一直以应试教育为主 ,应试教育在强调对知识积累的同时 ,常常忽视人的品质的养成 ,忘记了德行的优秀是取得优秀成绩的前提。著名科学家爱因斯坦说过 ,优秀的性格和钢铁般的意志比智慧和博学更加重要 ,智力上的成就在很大程度上依赖于性格上的伟大 ,…  相似文献   

21世纪将是充满竞争的世纪,需要的是高层次创造性人才,本文从六个方面论述了新世纪对人才素质的基本要求,论述了高等学校要培养高层次创造性人才,必须首先转变教育思想,更新教育观念。  相似文献   

随着科学技术的发展,21世纪社会越来越需要创新型英语人才。本文结合英语专业学生的培养模式,在如何培养创新型英语人才方面进行了探讨和研究。  相似文献   

21世纪复合型外语人才的培养规格是高校教育改革的一个新课题。它对外语专业教育的培养模式提出了新的要求。外语专业传统的单科培养模式已经不能适应社会主义市场经济的需要。因此应该向宽口径、应用性、复合性转变,这种复合型又具有两个层次的含义,即外语+某个专业的显性复合和具备政治、业务、人和身心等素质的隐性复合。  相似文献   

培养合作精神,就是让学生充分认识到合作是自己存在和发展的必要前提,进而在实践中实现与他人的积极合作;培养学生的创新意识,就是通过课堂教学和课外活动,培养学生的求知欲、创造需要及思维的独立性和创造性思维。合作是创新的必要条件,创新是成功合作的必然结果,合作与创新将成为基础教育的主流。  相似文献   

骆贤凤 《成人教育》2006,(12):90-91
目前,中国外语翻译水平参差不齐,高素质、复合型的高层次翻译人才依然紧缺。翻译教学改革势在必行。强化汉译外(如汉译英)翻译教学,重视非文学翻译人才的培养,加强商务英语教育,培养翻译人才“终身教育”意识以及提高翻译人才的综合素质是培养21世纪需要的翻译人才的关键所在。  相似文献   

论21世纪中国教学论发展趋向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国的教学论发展面临人主义和创新教育的巨大冲击,其发展应避免走向三个误区:(一)从研究“教”向研究“学”转变;(二)从注重理论体系建构的学科重心向注重教学实践的问题中心转变;(三)从教学论研究向元教学论研究转变。  相似文献   

Participants at a recent Futures Assembly urged a reassessment of values when establishing perspectives for direction of community college development in the new century. The author affirms that there are five fundamental values that have given guidance in the past and can serve well in future decision-making: (1) People: This is the beginning point and the continuing point of reference. All aspects of what is done and how it is done derive from the people who are in the community; (2) Learning: The learning college will be part of a learning community. Learning must be perceived as an educational enterprise that extends beyond the schools and colleges to all people in the community during the span of their lives; (3) Connections: Community colleges do not do it alone. They need to connect in two ways. First with the conditions in the community that bear upon the lives of the people there, and second, when relating to other community organizations; (4) Opportunity: Former community college students declare that ''the college was the door to my future.'' The times in which we live require more than ever that colleges offer learning experiences described by students as essential to what they have become; and (5) Better lives: Better lives are what learners in community colleges are seeking and the way to what they want is through learning.  相似文献   

Through the centuries, universities have reflected the spirit of contemporary societies. Demographic and technological projections for the 21st century will require restructuring for the institutions to survive. Specifically, forecasters predict that continued declining birth rates and widespread adoption of distance learning will translate into fewer young campus residents. At the same time, we can expect more adult learners to head back to campus in order to update skills. In addition, university residential facilities appear to be well suited for the needs of aging baby boomers. An increasing number of institutions now offer retirement facilities on campus to retired graduates. Other institutions will find that that they can survive declining youth enrollments by converting their facilities for use by the aging. This article summarizes emerging trends and describes how institutions can best adapt their campus to an aging society.  相似文献   

20世纪中国写作理论所取得的成绩是繁富的、多方面的。一是突出其本体与融合相关学科的新知;二是理论与实践的密切结合;三是“古为今用”、“洋为中用”;四是“合编”与“专著”互补。它遗存的问题是:(1)写作理论的学科地位;(2)写作理论体系的建构;(3)写作理论的本源;(4)写作理论的功能。  相似文献   

新世纪中国后现代文化美学踪迹   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
后现代主义引发了当代中国多种问题,如中心与边际问题、价值平面问题、化观念特型等,讨论后现代主义问题己不是一个思路引进的问题,而是人类面临的一个共同的问题。面对后现代主义所引发的多种问题,新世纪当代中国学从哲学、政治学、心理学、学艺术等方面对其进行了研究探讨。  相似文献   

The seventh-grade standard deviations on the Iowa Tests of Basic Skills (ITBS) and the intercorrelations among the tests reported by Merenda and Jackson (Journal of Educational Measurement, 1968, 5, 163–165) seemed unusual enough for their accuracy to be questioned. Corresponding statistics possessing markedly different values are presented for another sample. Contrary to the findings of Merenda and Jackson, the present data indicate a high degree of stability for the ITBS for a 3-year interval.  相似文献   

学校体育改革必须以素质教育为导向,以终身体育思想为指导,建立和完善以适应全民健身运动的体育教学模式,使高校体育符合现代教育对人才培养的需要。  相似文献   

《Educational gerontology》2013,39(7):617-626
Due to an overwhelming increase in the population of older Americans in the next 30 years, many professions are preparing to meet the demands of an increasingly older clientele. This research was conducted to assess whether recreation professionals' level of education in gerontology is adequate to meet the demands of older adults in the future. It was found that opportunities for education in gerontology are abundant in many recreation and leisure studies programs. Most recreation curricula have gerontology classes and opportunities for minors in gerontology. Those that were lacking in this area were at least found to cover the topics in courses on lifespan development. However, it remains somewhat unclear how many students are taking advantage of these opportunities.  相似文献   

试论新世纪我国公派留学的指导方针及政策选择   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文较系统地论证了新世纪与我国国家公派留学政策相关的重大理论 ;提出了国家公派留学应当坚持的基本价值取向 ;并就若干方面具体留学政策的调整提出了意见和建议 ,主要包括 :尽快扩大公派出国留学人员的规模 ;加大国家投入 ,提高国家公派留学人员的资助水平 ;提高派遣人员的质量 ,形成“国家队”的品牌 ;积极鼓励留学人员回国或为国服务等  相似文献   

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