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Languageisnotonlyatoolofcommunication ,butalsoameanstoreflectculturalfeaturesofana tion.(Halliday ,1973:p .41) .Itisamixedem bodimentofthatculture.InB .W .Robinett’sview ,languageusagereflectsthecultureofasoci ety (1978:p .133) .Languageusagecannotexistoutsideacertainsoc…  相似文献   

Teaching in context can be defined as teaching a mathematical idea or process by using a problem, situation, or data to enhance the teaching and learning process. The same problem or situation may be used many times, at different mathematical levels to teach different objectives. A common misconception exists that assigning/teaching applications is teaching in context. While both use problems, the difference is in timing, in purpose, and in student outcome. In this article, one problem situation is explored thoroughly at different levels of understanding and other ideas are suggested for classroom explorations.  相似文献   

孟莉 《巢湖学院学报》2007,9(4):139-142
收听英语广播在英语学习具有不可低估的作用,是广大学生学习英语中可以利用的有效途径。英语广播有利于英语听说能力的培养;英语广播有利于英语阅读能力的培养。只要技术条件允许,收听在线英语广播是最佳选择,我们应该善于利用。  相似文献   

语用学对外语教学的启示   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文结合外语教学就语用的正确与得体、语用知识与语言知识以及语用能力进行分析和论述 ,阐明语用学对外语教学的启示。强调外语教学既要培养学生的语言能力 ,又要培养语用能力。同时 ,让学生了解中西文化差异及交际准则差异 ,尽量少犯语用错误 ,避免语言表达不得体或交际失误  相似文献   

A bstract .  In this essay Andrew Metcalfe and Ann Game argue that although the term "dialogue" is commonly used in educational theory, its full significance is diluted if it is seen as a matter of exchange or negotiation of prior positions and identities. As a meeting point, they argue, dialogue suspends the senses of time, space, and ontology on which identities are based. It is therefore not simply metaphorical to say that dialogue changes lives and opens minds. Using empirical material from interviews with Australian students and teachers, Metcalfe and Game draw out the relational qualities of genuine dialogue and the significance they have for how we understand everyday classroom life.  相似文献   

电磁振荡是高中物理<电磁振荡和电磁波>一章的重点内容,本文叙述了"图象"对分析电磁振荡过程中,各物理量之间的变化及对应关系的作用,并通过实例进一步指明利用图象分析物理现象的重要性.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess receptivity to peer teaching and peer learning about the safe and appropriate use of medications among communitydwelling older adults. The sample was predominately White (88.5%), female (75.9%) older adults with an average age of 80.2 ( - 9.1) years. On average, the participants perceived their health status as good (2.8 - 0.6). In addition, participants reported using an average number of 4.4 ( - 3.3) prescribed medications. The majority (75%) of participants also reported no problems with their medications. With respect to receptivity to peer teaching and peer learning, the participants, on average, were neutral to peer teaching (6.0 - 2.4), but were somewhat receptive to peer learning (6.7 - 2.2). The number of prescribed medications that a participant reported taking and the age of a participant were identified as significant predictors of receptivity to peer teaching and accounted for 14.5% of the total variance ( F = 5.84, df = 2, p = 0.005). For receptivity to peer learning, the number of prescribed medications also was a significant predictor ( F = 7.50, df = 1, p = 0.008). This study provides the initial step to identifying community-dwelling older adults who would be receptive to peer teaching and peer learning about the safe and appropriate use of medications.  相似文献   

The use of the computer and in particular the micro‐computer, by the student provides the opportunity for a significant review of the syllabus and the way in which it is taught. The commercial use of the computer should make us re‐evaluate the content of certain syllabuses, particularly those dominated by mathematical modelling.

Structural Analysis, in the disciplines of Civil and Structural Engineering is a particular case in point since virtually all of the professional numerical analysis of structures is now carried out by a computer. If this is the case, we must seriously ask ourselves why we are teaching the students to carry out lengthy calculations which will never be used in practice.

The computer may be the engine of change for the syllabus content but it offers in return facilities for learning, particularly in formative assessment, unavailable before.

The student may use the computer to test various ideas about the way a structure works under various loading conditions and thereby acquire an understanding of structural behaviour which may not be available in the design office.  相似文献   

本文从时代背景及教育现代化发展需求 ,探讨如何结合外语教育目的、语言学习特点及学校的实际 ,构建多媒体语言教学环境  相似文献   

This paper reviews recent research evidence on formative (developmental) and summative (judgemental) evaluation of teaching in North American universities. The major conclusions of the review are as follows: (1) student ratings are the most common method of evaluating teaching in North American universities, and their popularity appears to be increasing; (2) student ratings have been found to provide reliable and valid information on limited aspects of teaching competence; (3) teaching evaluations make a difference in decisions on faculty salary, tenure and promotion; (4) evaluation of teaching has been shown to produce modest improvements in teaching effectiveness; (5) faculty satisfaction with teaching evaluation practices ranges from very high to very low, depending on institutional context; and (6) there is consensus that several specific improvements are needed in the current teaching evaluation system.  相似文献   

艺术设计教学过程评价方案的研制和实施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
过程评价方案是实施过程评价的方法和途径,方案制订的好坏,直接影响过程评价的实施效果和艺术设计人才培养的质量。研制过程评价方案要以艺术设计创新人才培养为目标,以培养创新精神和实践能力为目的。以学生全面发展为根本,以艺术设计教学要求为依据。突出重发展、重创新、重综合、重过程的特色;实施过程评价方案要以提高师生认识为前提,建立保障措施为基础。使过程评价方案的研制和实施成为艺术设计创新人才培养的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

在新的形势下,仅就物理教学实践,谈谈学法,以图提高物理教学质量。  相似文献   

Considerable controversy has existed concerning the utility of experimental design in educational evaluation. The polar positions are that experimental design has no utility in educational evaluation and that experimental design is the only valid evaluation strategy. This article examines these positions in terms of conceptualizations of evaluation according to the'LCIPP Evaluation Model "and of experimental design according to the "true comparative experiment." An alternative position including three main points is developed: (a) The methodology of educational evaluation includes much more than the methodology of experimental design; (b) Experimental design does have potential utility in the areas of input and product evaluation, but not within the areas of context and process evaluation; (c) The utility of experimental design can be increased by following a set of procedures that do not require the use of common criterion instruments and uniform decision rules for all students in an experiment; this allows judgment of a program in terms of the number of students for whom it was successful.  相似文献   

问题本位学习要求教师充分激发学生主动学习的意愿,通过师生交流引导学生主动学习,以提升学生的问题解决能力.本研究探讨问题本位学习的教学方法在法学教学中的应用,结合教学实际提出问题本位学习导向下的教学步骤.问题本位学习教学方法能调动学生的学习自主性与积极性,提高法学教学质量.  相似文献   

教学认识过程中的"错误"问题   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
文章讨论了对待教学认识过程中学生所犯错误的两种态度:一种视其为教学的失败,另一种则视其为学习主体性的表征。文章分析了这两种态度支配下的课堂生活及其引发的教学危机,并从人性论、认识论和政治哲学三个角度进一步论述了教学认识过程中错误的深刻根源、认识论意义及上述两种态度可能造成的政治后果, 最后提出以理性批评的态度来对待教学认识过程中的错误。  相似文献   

当今大学英语教学仍然摆脱不了传统的“灌输“式模式,学生在教学活动中仍处于被动地位。本文从建构理论和认知学角度出发,阐述了在当今语言教学中自主学习的重要性,强调学生在教学中的主体地位,以及对我们进行外语教学模式改革所起的意义。  相似文献   

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