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“The Technical University of Budapest and the University of Karlsruhe, guided by a common desire to promote mutual academic and cultural relations and convinced that cooperation in teaching and research will be mutually beneficial, have agreed to the following:

that both universities declare their desire to institute and promote academic and cultural cooperation; that the areas and structure and the means for cooperation shall be decided by mutual consent.”  相似文献   

The Siemens International Practical Programme was set up in 1975 by SIEMENS AG upon the recommendation of its national office in Sweden. The purpose of the programme is to give students of electrical engineering at technical universities the chance to gain experience related to their areas in a foreign country, an experience which they, in turn, can convey to their fellow students. Through their own observations in the Federal Republic of Germany the students also have the opportunity to learn more about Siemens — its history, its wide variety of electro-technical products, and its production facilities — than would otherwise be possible in their home countries.  相似文献   

This paper explores the setting up of the partnership across the Mauritian and South African higher education contexts with respect to the development of a postgraduate PhD doctoral studies programme. The Mauritian Institute of Education (MIE) aims to develop staffing capacities through engagement with doctoral studies, especially in the context of limited experience in doctoral supervision. The South African model of doctoral cohort supervision at The University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) School of Education is a recent alternative model of delivery in the building of these student and staff capacities through shared ownership of the process and products of doctoral education and development. This paper highlights the expectations, constraints and enabling features of the setting up of the UKZN-MIE PhD programme across international boundaries, driven by mutual reciprocity through valuing of indigenous local knowledges, a non-colonising engagement and innovative methodologies for postgraduate education. Adapting the UKZN cohort model for the international context is the subject of this paper. The paper draws on the experiences of the designers and deliverers as well as users of this programme. The paper explores what drives this form of international collaboration for both contracting partners in the context of shifting conceptions of a teacher education institution.  相似文献   

The external degree programme at the University of Zambia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Former Head of the Department of Correspondence Studies at the University of Zambia, as well as lecturer/course adviser in the same department.  相似文献   

Using data published in UNESCOStatistical Yearbooks (1972 & 1991) on the 50 countries with the largest number of exchange students, this article describes the international student exchange network and its changes between 1970 and 1989. The results indicate that the network changed significantly over this 20-year period. While the United States and some Western developed countries have remained at the center of the network, Asian and Middle Eastern countries have become more central and African countries have become more peripheral. The role of colonial and linguistic factors has become less important, while economic development has a more important role in international student exchanges. The international student exchange network suggests an academic hegemony consistent with that of economics and politics. The changes of the network reflect the hierarchical structure of the hegemonic powers in the modern world system.  相似文献   

Anne Bremer 《Interchange》1973,4(2-3):99-105
A programme of professional training for prospective elementary school teachers was proposed and set up in September 1972, to run for one year. The programme was structured so that the learning activities of students, including continuous planning and evaluation, were metaphors of the experiences they wished to engender as professional teachers. The metaphorical principle is elaborated.
Résumé En septembre 1972, un programme de formation professionnelle pour les futurs professeurs de niveau élémentaire fut instauré pour un an. D'après ce programme, les activités d'apprentissage des étudiants, y compris la planification et l'évaluation continues, furent envisagées comme métaphores des expériences qu'ils désiraient effectuer en tant que professeurs. Cet article fait l'exposé de ce procédé métaphorique.

Dalhousie University  相似文献   

The Erasmus Programme for higher education students is supposed to play an important socio-economic role within Europe. Erasmus student mobility flows have reached a relevant level of two million since 1987, boosted in recent years by the enlargement of the programme to eastern countries. Thereafter, it seems that flows have staggered. In this context, the article analyses the determinants of Erasmus student mobility establishing relevant hypotheses, which arise from the migration theory and gravity models. A panel data set of bilateral flows for all the participating countries has been used in order to test the factors influencing these student flows. Country size, cost of living, distance, educational background, university quality, the host country language and climate are all found to be significant determinants. Results also reveal that there are other determinants, like a country’s characteristics and time effects, which can affect mobility flows. Based on these findings, some general recommendations are put forward to enhance these flows.  相似文献   

The "input-output" debate, which Ralf Dahrendorf set into motion, will probably now receive new nourishment although Wilhelm Strobel deals here only with a seemingly local phenomenon: "The reformers in Hamburg are experiencing their 'input-output' Waterloo."  相似文献   

十、人员交流、培训、留学与中外合作办学 1.人员交流 (含国外和境外) 随着世界银行贷款项目的步步深入,电大对外交流日趋活跃,涉及到更多的地方电大,如武汉电大1985年会同市教委与加拿大国际开发署(CIDA=Canadian International Development Agency)及加拿大成人教育协会(CAAE=Canadian Association for Adult Education) 签署无偿援助武汉市电大的协议,用于引进电教演播系统和派遣22名教师、技术与管理人员赴加拿大学习;  相似文献   

Since its inception in 1992, the University of the North's,1 Science Foundation Year (UNIFY) Programme has provided access to higher education to over 1500 previously disadvantaged2 students. However, there has always been doubt about whether the concept of a foundation programme is a worthwhile endeavour. To date, government has not yet fully acknowledged the value of programmes such as UNIFY. This may be attributed, amongst others, to insufficient evidence on the crucial role of programmes of this nature. This paper gives a view of the valuable contribution UNIFY has played in increasing the quality and the quantity of science graduates at the University of the North in the Limpopo Province of South Africa. A tracer study of the performance of ex-UNIFY3 students to that of direct entry4 students, in the science programmes at the University of the North shows that ex-UNIFY students perform better than the direct entry students. This reflects the importance of foundation programmes in higher education.  相似文献   


This article provides an analysis of the integration of assessment for learning principles in the newly revised five-year Master of Education programme at the University of Oslo, Norway, across didactic subjects, pedagogy and school practice. The analysis draws on lecture notes, student videos and student exam papers among 143 student teachers, aiming to identify (a) the operationalisation of the assessment curriculum at the university campus, and in school practice, (b) how the student teachers use assessment principles as tools in their instructional designs and (c) how they self-assess their teaching practice. Our main finding is that student teachers seem to be more concerned with assessing their students than using self-assessment to improve their instruction. Based on the findings, we argue the importance of relating the teaching and learning activities with the assessment situations used in the teacher education programme.  相似文献   

近年来经济全球化,国家之间的经济交流也日益加深,我国的很多涉外企业仍然和国际经济市场保持着频繁的交流和联系。但是,在新形势的影响下,国际经济贸易中存在着很大的问题和风险,而这些因素将会直接影响到企业未来的发展效益,不利于国家经济健康发展。所以,必须加强对国际贸易中的外汇风险分析,明确掌握风险的成因,从而制定出有效的防范方案,确保企业可以顺利健康的发展,帮助我国的经济快速发展。  相似文献   

By the early 1970s, the Sierra Leone government realized that the educational system was not meeting the developmental needs of the country. In an attempt to reverse the increasing trend of migration to urban areas, to improve rural productivity and the quality of rural life, and to counteract other deleterious effects of this system, in 1974 the government collaborated with Unesco, UNDP and the African Development Bank in launching the Bunumbu project to train primary school teachers for rural areas. This linked a training college with 20 pilot schools and the local community. This paper critically examines the role played by each of the international organizations in executing the project. It gives examples of resources wasted in supplying inappropriate equipment and expensive building materials, and argues strongly for more consideration of local conditions, and for the involvement of local training agencies and local labour, in any similar future plans. The paper concludes with a discussion of who really benefits from international aid and resolves that both recipients and donors should abandon grandiose schemes.
Zusammenfassung In den frühen 70er Jahren stellte die Regierung von Sierra Leone fest, daß das Bildungssystem nicht den Entwicklungsbedürfnissen des Landes entsprach. Um die ständig wachsende Abwanderung in städtische Bereiche rückgängig zu machen, die ländliche Produktion und die Qualität des ländlichen Lebens zu verbessern, und um den nachteiligen Auswirkungen des Bildungssystems entgegenzuwirken, arbeitete die Regierung mit Unesco, UNDP und der Afrikanischen Entwicklungsbank zusammen, um das Bunumbu-Projekt ins Leben zu rufen, das Grundschullehrer für ländliche Bereiche ausbilden sollte. Dadurch wurde eine Lehrerbildungsanstalt mit 20 Pilotschulen und der lokalen Gemeinschaft verbunden. In diesem Bericht wird die Rolle untersucht, die jede der Organisationen bei der Durchführung dieses Projekts spielte. Beispiele werden dafür angeführt, wie Ressourcen durch die Lieferung ungeeigneter Geräte und teuren Baumaterials vergeudet wurden. Der Verfasser betont, daß die lokalen Bedingungen und die Einbeziehung lokaler Ausbildungsstellen, sowie lokaler Arbeitskräfte bei vergleichbaren künftigen Plänen mehr zu berücksichtigen seien. Der Bericht schließt mit einer Diskussion darüber, wer bei internationaler Entwicklungshilfe der Nutznießer sei, und kommt zu dem Schluß, daß sowohl die Geber als auch die Empfänger grandiose Vorhaben aufgeben sollten.

Résumé Au début des années 1970, le gouvernement du Sierra Leone s'est rendu compte que son système éducatif ne répondait pas aux besoins nationaux en matière de développement. Dans une tentative faite pour freiner l'exode croissant vers les zones urbaines, pour améliorer la productivité des campagnes et la qualité de la vie rurale, et afin de refréner les effets délétères de ce système, le gouvernement a lancé, en 1974, en collaboration avec l'Unesco, le PNUD et la Banque Africaine de Développement le Projet Bunumbu dont l'objectif consistait à former des enseignants pour les écoles primaires des zones rurales. Ce projet a établi des liens entre une école normale, 20 écoles pilotes et la communauté locale. Le présent article procède à l'examen critique du rôle joué dans l'exécution du projet par chacune des organisations internationales. Il met en relief le gaspillage des ressources dans l'achat d'un matériel inadéquat ou de matériaux de construction très onéreux, et plaide vigoureusement en faveur d'une prise en considération des conditions locales, de la participation des organisations de formation et de la main-d'oeuvre locales aux plans similaires qui seront mis en oeuvre à l'avenir. L'auteur ouvre enfin un débat pour savoir à qui profite réellement l'aide internationale et en conclut que bénéficiaires comme donateurs devraient abandonner toute idée de projet grandiose.

The financial support of the IDRC (Ottawa) in providing air ticket and living expenses in Sierra Leone is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

根据教育部于2003年颁布实施的《中华人民共和国中外合作办学条例》的规定:中外合作办学通常是指外国教育机构同中国教育机构在中国境内合作举办的以中国公民为主要招生对象的教育机构,目前所称的中外合作办学一般是指国家鼓励的在高等教育、职业教育领域开展的中外合作办学。  相似文献   

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