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In this study, we compared the kinematic variables of the split triple twist with those of the split double twist to help coaches and scientists understand these landmark pair skating skills. High-speed video was taken during the pair short and free programmes at the 2002 Salt Lake City Winter Olympics and the 2003 International Skating Union Grand Prix Finals. Three-dimensional analyses of 14 split double twists and 15 split triple twists from eleven pairs were completed. In spite of considerable variability in the performance variables among the pairs, the main difference between the split double twists and split triple twists was an increase in rotational rate. While eight of the eleven pairs relied primarily on an increased rotational rate to complete the split triple twist, three pairs employed a combined strategy of increased rotational rate and increased flight time due predominantly to delayed or lower catches. These results were similar to observations of jumps in singles skating for which the extra rotation is typically due to an increase in rotational velocity; increases in flight time come primarily from delayed landings as opposed to additional height during flight. Combining an increase in flight time and rotational rate may be a good strategy for completing the split triple twist in pair skating.  相似文献   

花样滑冰单人滑和双人滑节目编排的研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
节目的编排在花样滑冰运动中越来越占有重要地位,根据节目编排的原则,从节目编排的构思到方法进行研究,旨在有效提高花样滑冰整体水平,为训练和比赛提供参考.  相似文献   

通过对2004年世界花样滑冰大奖赛总决赛与全国锦标赛单人滑旋转技术的对比分析,找出中国花样滑冰单人滑运动员目前所存在的差距和不足,为中国运动员有针对性地备战第20届冬奥会进行科学训练提供参考.  相似文献   

通过对参加2004年四大洲花样滑冰锦标赛女子单人滑短节目比赛的前6名选手和我国参赛运动员的对比分析,找出我国运动员存在的差距,总结出提高成绩的途径及需要努力的方向,旨在缩短与世界先进水平的差距,提高中国女子单人花样滑冰的整体水平.  相似文献   

浅析音乐在花样滑冰动作编排中的运用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
音乐是花样滑冰运动的灵魂,只有音乐与动作达到完美结合,才能展现出花样滑冰的艺术魅力之所在。通过对音乐在编排中的运用的论述,阐明音乐在花样滑冰动作编排中的地位与作用,为全面提高花样滑冰整体水平提供参考。  相似文献   

冯春娣 《冰雪运动》2002,(2):31-31,36
艺术素养的培养在花样滑冰运动中有着极其重要的作用.为了有效地提高花样滑冰运动的整体水平,对花样滑冰运动员表现力及其乐感的培养进行探讨,为取得优异成绩打下坚实的基础.  相似文献   

通过对花样滑冰的艺术标准的研究与分析,有利于深刻理解花样滑冰的艺术本质,促进运动员自觉按规则的规定进行编排节目,进而提高裁判员对艺术的评价能力和水平。  相似文献   

目前我国花样滑冰存在的主要问题及其对策   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
通过调查研究,指出目前我国花样滑冰存在的主要问题,并提出对策与建议,目的在于提高我国花样滑冰运动整体水平,为保持双人滑领先地位和其他项目名次进一步提升提供理论依据,使我国尽早步入花样滑冰强国行列.  相似文献   

花样滑冰发展新动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2002~2003年是中国花样滑冰历史的辉煌年份:申雪/赵宏博蝉联世界锦标赛双人滑冠军,李成江取得世锦赛男单第4名的好成绩;我国成功地举办了四大洲花样滑冰锦标赛和世界花样滑冰成年大奖赛.2002~2003年是花样滑冰历史上发展变化的年份:新示分系统和新裁判系统的试行带来了裁判规则上的一场革命,对花样滑冰发展起着冲击和推动作用.  相似文献   

花样滑冰跳跃动作的原理与标准   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:7  
就花样滑冰的跳跃技术进行系统的总结,旨在今后的技术训练中有明确的科学依据和定量的检测标准.在世界多样化技术面前,建立起自己的技术体系,从而使我国的花样滑冰技术训练能够在科学理论的指导下,达到事半功倍的训练效果.  相似文献   

陈玲 《冰雪运动》2006,(2):36-37
现代花样滑冰融力与美,体育与艺术于一身,技术动作与音乐、舞蹈相结合,三者相互依存,相互促进,形成不可分割的有机的整体,即健身性、竞技性、表演性、观赏性等融为一体的快乐体育,从其自身价值及其在高校中开展的意义等方面探讨花样滑冰课在高校中开设的可行性,旨在全面培养和提高大学生的综合素质奠定基础。  相似文献   


This study investigated whether self-modeling plus physical practice would improve intermediate level figure skaters’ jump performance, as well as their self-efficacy, motivation, and state anxiety, when compared to physical practice alone. Twelve female figure skaters (M=13.4 years of age, SD=1.4) participated in a within-participant design where they received a self-modeling intervention for one jump and a control condition for another jump. They were also compared with a separate control group of 7 skaters (M=14.2 years of age, SD=2.35) who received no intervention. We hypothesized that skaters would show greater improvement in physical and psychological performance scores for jumps in the self-modeling condition than for jumps in the control conditions. We also hypothesized that increased self-efficacy and motivation and decreased state anxiety would mediate the relationship between self-modeling and physical performance. Counter to our predictions, no differences existed between the two conditions for the self-modeling group or between the self-modeling group and the control group. Despite the lack of statistical support for our hypotheses, skaters’ evaluation of the intervention was very positive and suggests possible explanations for the results.  相似文献   

滕青 《冰雪运动》2004,(1):16-17
我国花样滑冰运动与世界强国相比有差距也有优势.主要差距是艺术表现力不强,发展不均衡.原因主要是,对现代花样滑冰的规律、特点及发展方向研究不够,认识不足,在实践中存在重技术轻艺术的倾向.通过研究探索提出几点建议,旨在促进我国花样滑冰运动整体水平的全面提高.  相似文献   

通过对有关文献资料的研究及对比赛观察,从3个方面论述了花样滑冰运动员在比赛中的心理障碍的产生原因及自我心理调控的方法.  相似文献   

通过对2004年花样滑冰世界锦标赛冰上舞蹈规定舞、创编舞、自由舞比赛前3名运动员和中国运动员的技术及艺术表现成绩进行统计与综合分析,表明欧洲优秀选手优势显著,亚洲选手只有经过长期的不懈努力才能与之相抗衡.  相似文献   

高琦光 《冰雪运动》2005,(2):21-21,49
通过花样滑冰运动本身的特点及对少年儿童的身心特点的分析,探讨在少年儿童阶段开展花样滑冰运动的训练,使他们在增进健康、陶冶情操和意志品质等方面受到积极的影响,从而有利于少年儿童综合素质的提高和更好地普及花样滑冰运动,为增强我国花样滑冰后备力量提供理论依据.  相似文献   

花样轮滑比赛计算机评分系统的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了满足我国花样轮滑比赛成绩计算的需要,设计开发了该项比赛的计算机评分系统。该系统采用Visual Basic 6.0开发编程,理念新颖,技术成熟,其设计思想、结构、功能和特点对体育竞赛计算机应用软件的设计及实现具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

通过对参加2004年花样滑冰世界锦标赛男子单人滑三项比赛的前3名运动员和我国参赛选手的比赛成绩的报告,及技术的综合分析,指出提高我国运动员比赛成绩的对策及建议.  相似文献   

对2004年世界花样滑冰锦标赛女子单人滑资格赛、短节目与自由滑比赛中运动员技术得分与艺术表现分进行统计分析,指出由于亚洲选手动作难度高,占有技术优势,而欧美选手艺术展现能力则优于亚洲选手.并就如何提高我国女子花样滑冰运动水平提出建议.  相似文献   

Technical evaluation in the sport of figure skating is characterized by a subjective marking system. Figure skating judges are responsible for quickly and accurately discerning the quality of technical elements as well as assigning a score to the overall aesthetic appearance of a performance. Traditionally, overall placement marks are assigned for the entire performance; however, the landing of a jump is widely acknowledged as one of the most critical elements of a skater's program. Therefore, our aims were to identify the biomechanical variables that contribute to technical success in executing landings and to establish whether landings rated as biomechanically optimal are also awarded high technical merit scores by judges. Ten nationally ranked competitive figure skaters were asked to execute on-ice, double and triple revolution jumps and to try to land the jumps void of technical faults within a calibrated space. Data were collected at 60 Hz using standard three-dimensional videography. Data reduction was done using the APAS system (Ariel Dynamics Inc). Concurrently, videotapes were viewed and evaluated by 42 accredited judges to determine the perceived technical quality of the landing performances. Judges were asked to evaluate the landing phase of each jump against a landing criteria document. A comparative criteria model was developed to facilitate an assessment of excellence in landing performances through both empirical and subjective analyses. Results of these analyses were twofold: a biomechanical profile of on-ice landings was obtained, and on-ice jump landing strategies rated by empirical evaluations were in agreement with judge's perceptions of the same performances.  相似文献   

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