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'●r—1.词汇俱乐部。A.请根据句意和首字母提示补全所缺单词,完成下列句子。可要注意适当形式哟.1.1 study in the l every weekend.It’s very quiet there.2.It’s P cold today.Please put on your coat.3.It’s too late and no bus call take us home.We have to look for a h to rest.4.The teacher often asks us questions at the b 5.The address ofthe post office is 667 Main S ofclass..It’s easy to find it.B.根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成句子。1.Tim is thin and medium嘶ghl.2…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.词汇。A.根据句意及首字母提示,补全单词。1.This is a big school.There are at l______5000students in it.2.As we all know,there are four s______in a year.3.These books are all interesting.It’s hard for me toc______one.4“.Be c______!The car nearlyhit you,”the policemanshoutedtotheboy.5.My mother went to London two years ago.How Im______her!B.根据句意及汉语提示,写出单词。6.—Wouldyoumind______(关上)thewindow?—Not at all.I’ll do it right away.7.It’sveryimportantforustoprotectour______(…  相似文献   

I.重点词汇检测A)根据句意和首字母提示,拼写单词。1.Look at the b__sky.It’s fine today.2.——What colour is the flower? ——It’s l__red.  相似文献   

Ⅰ.词汇运用。( 20 分) A.请根据句意及首字母提示补全下列单词。(10 分) 1. You must wear your u at school. 2. He opened the box and found n in it. 3. Don’t give food to big animals at the zoo because it is d . 4. The teacher tells us not to f with each other. 5. Boys like wearing T- shirts in s . 6. Chinese people have b hair, and Americans have brown hair. 7. He is from Japan. He can speak J . 8. I study in the l every weekend, it’s very quiet there. 9. Li Yong is the h of“Six and Two”.…  相似文献   

丁小兰 《中学生英语》2002,(21):28-31,32
Ⅰ.词汇A)根据句意及首字母提示,补全单词。1.The t—— month of the year is December.2.The w—— in China is quite different fromthat in Australia.3.It rained the whole day yesterday.The radiosays it’s w—— today than yesterday.4.What kind of p——aye you going to givehim for his birthday?  相似文献   

I.词汇A)根据句意和首字母或中文提示,拼写单词。1.Don’t play with the machine.It’s too d__.2.Football is becoming more and more p__ in China.Many young people like to play it  相似文献   

请根据对应句子的提示补全表格内的单词,然后再填空,使句子通顺、完整、正确。1. She is an Englishteacher,_____name is Gao Hui. 2.The twins are not here.They are____there. 3.—Is that pencil?—No,it isn’t.It’s a____.  相似文献   

I.重点词汇检测A)根据句意和首字母提示,拼写单词1.How cold it is!What’s the t__today?2.Here is the weather r__for some big cities.  相似文献   

Ⅰ.词汇。(10分)A.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示,完成句中所缺单词。1.We have an Art______(节日).2.The second month of a year is F______.3.The p______of the sweater is good.I willtake it.4.—W______to our school.—Thank you.5.The______(天气)in Guangdong is veryhot now.6.It’s one of the most______(可怕的)storiesI heard.7.I think the food is very______(美味的).8.I’m h______.Please give me something toeat.9.Be q______,please.It’s time for class.10.Look!A boy is sleeping in the______(角落).B.…  相似文献   

I.词汇(30%)A.看图写词(看图写出下列单词)。(10%)2.w4.e蠹 牵9.r 10.bB.读句填词(根据首字母和句意,补全单词)。(10%)1.Mum is good at cooking and food that she cooks is very d2.My grandpa likes Beijing-overy much.3.Billlikes loud music,but I Carl’t S it.4.HeiS(}ftenlfor class and Miss Li is 0ften angry with him5.I can not get onthe bus.forit’Stoo c6.We cannot see anything in the box——there is n7.Smile at him and hemay a8.Lucy and Lily are t9.My sister likes music,Wsisterswith you.I like sp…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.词汇。 A)根据句意和首字母提示, 完成下列单词拼写。 1. Kitty is 12 years old. Her b____ is September 16th. 2. Jack was born on A____ 18th. 3. September is the n____ month of the year. 4. What sports e____ do you have at your school? 5. Monday is the s___  相似文献   

Ⅰ.根据句意及首字母提示, 完成单词拼写。 1. The bank is a_____ from the supermarket. 2. She’s from New York, a famous city of A_____. 3. Joan’s b____ is March 16th. 4. There are many people on the bus, and it’s c____. 5. The students are taking photos with a nice c_____. 6. I atealot, because the foodwasso d_____. 7. Koalas sleep d_____ the day, but at night they get up to get food. 8. I don’t like math, because it is too d____. 9. Don’t play soccer on the street. It’s too d_____. 10.…  相似文献   

课堂观摩:1.T:Look at the book.S:It’s new.Work in pairs:Look at the…It’s…2.T(指着月亮图片):Look at the picture.What’s this?引导S:It’s a moon.(熟读并拼写单词moon。)3.T:Look at the moon.引导S:Oh,it’s big/bright/round/yellow.4.T(画一轮小月亮):Look at the moon.引导S:Oh,it’s small.5.同法教学单词sun,star,并操练句型"Look at the…Oh,it’s…"。  相似文献   

I.重点词汇检测A)根据句意和所给的首字母提示,补全下列单词。1.——Where’s my shirt,mummy? ——Look!It’s on the l__.  相似文献   

1.,点词汇检侧。A)根据句意和首字母提示,补全单词。1 .Wei Hua 15即ing to the scieneem— 袱th her州ends tomon”w.2.一Hello,伽y lspeak to Mr Wang? 一Oh,俪ta单一一一一,禅ease·3.Then~sth叱pital 15公均ut fourk— 日way·4.You ean watehPI叮5 in at—.It’s叨ite differentfl”m a einema.5.A few Peo讨e can丽te诫th theirl— hands.B)用所给单词的适当形式填空。6.Mr Green finds ith田月_(s tudy) Chinese well.7.How~y_(gu est) ean 1 have?8.Don’t open the衍ndow.Please keep it (c lose).9.一How far 15 it加m y…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单词拼写根据句意和汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词。1.She(打算)to catch the earlytrain,but she didn’t get up in tim e.2.It’s a good story,but I find som e ofthe(人物)rather unbelievable.3.I(感激)it if you w ould turnthe radio dow n.4.D on’t m ake(取笑)of them atter because it’s a serious business.5.H e speaks with a strong southern(口音).6.R ichard is A m erican,John isBritish—they have different(国籍).7.O n the B.B.C.you can hear the clockwhen it is(实际上)strikingbecause m icrophones ar…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.根据句意及所给首字母的提示,填上适当的单词完成句子1.Please t these new books to yourclassroom.2.—W here is your hat?—It is on the f.3.Look。The soccer ball is u the chair.4.Please put the desk b the sofa andthe dresser.5.Put the broom(扫帚)b the door,please.6.Can you b som ething to school?Ⅱ.根据句意用所给的介词填空in,on,behind,next to,under,between(...and...),infront of,at,near,beside1.The boy John is m y cousin,Ian.2.Look at the photo.I’m sitting m yfather m y m other.3.the blackbo…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.词汇俱乐部A.请用框中汉语所对应的英文单词完成下列句子(其中有两项多余)。1.I like listening to____________.2.My birthday_________is September10th.3.Today is the__________of her birth.4.We have an Art___________every year.5.The___________month is December.B.请根据句子意思和首字母提示补全所缺单词,完成下列句子。可要注意适当形式哟。1.M____________is the third month of the year.2.Could you come to my b party tonight?3.The red shorts on s are very cheap.4.I o_________watch CCTV news at7:00in t…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单词拼写。根据句意和首写字母或汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词。1.Som e of m y r ,m y m other’s auntand uncle,live in A m erica.2.The weather is m today;it isneither hot nor cold.3.G lass has a s surface.4.This school is m for boys;thereare only a few girls in it.5.It’s not s that the com pany’s indebt now that it’s been com pletelym ism anaged.6.W ool is one of the chief e ofA ustralia.7.H ave they decided on the l(地点)of the new building yet?8.W e have s (解决)who will payfor the m eal.9.…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.词汇。A)根据句意和首字母或汉语提示,拼写单词。1.If I have a good pen,I’ll be a ——towrite flaster.2.He is an i——.He has invented manythings.Ⅰ3.Christmas Day is the b——of Jesus Christ.  相似文献   

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