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付艳萍 《中学教育》2019,16(5):103-112
随着拔尖人才对于国家发展重要性的日益凸显,美国作为英才教育强国,其发展经验值得借鉴。美国联邦政府和州政府分别为英才教育师资培养制定了相关支持政策。在英才教育师资培养过程中,存在直接性培养、替代性培养以及碎片化培养三种实践路径。据此启示,我国可以探索制定英才教育师资培养的支持政策,逐渐建立职前与职后一体化的英才教育师资培养体系,尤其需要重视英才教育教师教学实践能力的培养。  相似文献   

美国于1868年制定了“天才儿童教育计划”,1901年建立第一所“天才儿童学校”,实施英才教育已有100多年历史,积累了不少经验:一是要有培养拔尖人才的危机感和紧迫感;二是要破除思想观念上的障碍;三是政府重视,加强立法;四是高度关注5%优秀学生的选拔和培养;五是有完善的选拔和培养体系。美国之所以成为世界头号经济强国、科技强国,与其英才教育密不可分。我国基础教育在“以人为本,立足全体”“大面积丰收”上,取得了很大成绩,但忽视了对5%优秀学生的选拔和培养、忽视了英才教育,是一大缺憾和失误。中国基础教育应打破在英才教育方面的沉闷,理直气壮地对“超常”儿童、天才学生实施英才教育;充分发挥我国制度优势,既要关注全体学生的全面发展,实现“大面积丰收”,更要立足5%优质学生的早期选拔与培养,为建设社会主义现代化强国培养大批创新人才、杰出人才、领军人才。  相似文献   

韩国的英才教育大致经历了三个历程,从20世纪80年代的起步,到90年代的速进英才教育,再到21世纪的英才学校,在探索英才教育的道路上积累了不少的经验,主要体现在全社会高度重视英才教育、有组织地识别和选拔英才、开发辨别英才的测量工具并使之科学化、多种角度多渠道地培养英才、开放课程领域和内容等方面。我国作为教育公平和英才教育同时发展的国家,在推进基础教育改革的过程中,可以从中得到启示,要认识到实施英才教育,理念必须先行;实施英才教育,制度立法是保障;实施英才教育,课程与师资是关键。  相似文献   

奥地利历史上英才辈出,形成并沿袭了英才教育的传统.20世纪90年代以来英才教育渐成奥地利公共政策关注的话题.目前,奥地利在英才界定和选拔、英才教育的形式和英才教育的支持体系建构方面均取得了一定的成效并形成了自身的特色.有鉴于奥地利英才教育的架构,中国应当科学界定英才并着力开发英才鉴别的有效工具,致力于英才教育形式的多样化和系统化,打造全方位联动的英才教育体系.  相似文献   

英才儿童的内涵确定了英才儿童的数量及范围,为英才教育各方面发展提供了基础。美国联邦政府、州政府和学者从不同的角度对英才儿童的内涵做了界定。总体上来说,美国英才儿童内涵的演变呈现出了一种从单一的智商为标准向多元化标准转变的特征。这种多元化的英才儿童的内涵对我国培养更多多样化的拔尖人才有极大的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

杨岚 《中国特殊教育》2021,(2):33-38,51
英才是创新人才中最具创新能力的群体.科学有效的英才选拔是实施英才教育与提升我国自主创新能力的前提.尽管我国在创新人才选拔方面已有长期探索,但这一群体的选拔和培养仍有待完善.俄罗斯是世界上建立英才教育体系的先驱之一,其顶尖高校对创新人才的选拔以附属于高校的专业教学科研中心为基础.专业教学科研中心在半个多世纪的英才选拔实践...  相似文献   

英才教育·素质教育·学科结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、英才教育和素质教育 英才教育,指专门选拔和培养优秀人才的教育。美国有英才教育的政策和法律,1958年颁布的《国防教育法》指出:“为了国家的安全必须选拔我国大批的天才儿童,并努力进行天才教育。”1973年3月又通过《天才教育法》,通过多中取胜,严格筛选,好中选优,精心培养。英才教育和群众教育相对而言,它  相似文献   

澳大利亚新南威尔士州的现代英才教育开始于20世纪70年代,目前已经形成了较为完善的英才学生教育培养体系.在英才学生的甄别方面,新南威尔士州建立了包容、公平的选拔政策与流程.对于英才学生的教育培养,新南威尔士州形成了以普通学校为主,以选拔性中学和机会课堂为辅的学校体系.与此同时,英才教育教师的培养问题在近年来不断凸显,如何完善英才教育教师的职前教育与在职培训,成为新南威尔士州英才教育发展面临的重要问题.此外,社会民众对英才教育公平性问题的质疑仍然存在.  相似文献   

1美国:英才儿童选拔不只看成绩美国堪萨斯州有一所断箭英才儿童提升中心,该中心采用推选和测验相结合的方法选拔英才儿童。幼儿园等低年级阶段多采用推选的方法,教师、家长、校长、心理咨询师都可以参与推选,但是大多数情况下,家长和教师参与推选。当教师发现学生具有某些天赋,或当家长发现自己的孩子具有某些天赋,他们便可以推选学生为英才儿童。同时,教师会使用一些辅助方法,例如贾尼斯提出的以聪明学生与英才学生检核表来区分学生的不同。该中心对英才儿  相似文献   

美、德、法、日等国职业教育的教师资格   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
一、美国职业技术教育的教师资格 美国职业技术教育层次和种类多种多样,其教师的情况也各不相同,对教师的实践性和技术性的要求比普通课程教师高得多,其教师资格除州政府颁布的有关颁发教师证书的规定外,特别强调职业技术教师的实践经验。1、教师资格的一般要求 教师应当胜任他们的教学工作,一般应在他们所教范围取得学士学位,并对所教技术课程有1年以上实际工作经验,在合适的技术领域有5年以上经验的可以代替学士学位要求。 负责安排和监督执行教育计划的人,必须有硕士学位或其它高等训练,并有相应领域的工作经验。 教师要有工…  相似文献   

In this article, the author compares the potential academic and attitudinal gains of a gifted and talented population using different instructional methods. It has been found that instruction for identified high-achieving students must be different than that of general education students. Gifted and talented students cannot maximize learning opportunities unless they are appropriately challenged and motivated to learn. When gifted learners are lethargic and disinterested in learning, better-matched instruction is needed. Using contract activity packages with a gifted and talented population will support high-end learners in the classroom. During this project, the contract activity packages method of instruction provided the children with choice, flexibility, and challenged them at a higher level than they experienced through traditional lessons.  相似文献   

Hurricane Katrina had, and continues to have, a devastating effect on every student who was living in the southeastern quadrant of Louisiana at the beginning of the 2005–2006 school term. African American public school students who were enrolled in gifted and talented programs were particularly impacted by the storm, although they comprised a healthy proportion of gifted and talented students statewide before Katrina struck. Following the hurricane, 20% of all of the gifted and talented students in Louisiana were displaced. Because the majority of that displacement occurred among the predominantly African American public school population in New Orleans, gifted and talented program enrollment among African American students was reduced by 47%. This article examines the circumstances in 4 Southeastern Louisiana parishes before and after Hurricane Katrina that contributed to the drastic reduction in gifted and talented African American participants. Included are suggestions for recovering this population of students, and for increasing proportional distribution of identified gifted and talented students statewide.  相似文献   

What recent research has been conducted about gifted and talented students and their learning experiences in school? As we complete the first decade of the new century we are entering a time when much attention is focused on remediation and test preparation; it only seems appropriate to reflect upon what has been learned about gifted education during the last few decades and consider the compelling evidence that may or may not support special services for gifted and talented. Consensus on which research themes and studies should be included in this type of examination would difficult to reach, but we have identified six important themes that are discussed in the article. This review of research strongly suggests that the need for gifted education programs remains critical during the current time period in American education when our nation's creative productivity is being challenged by European and Asian nations.  相似文献   

要素主义的天才教育观及其启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
要素主义特别重视天才教育 ,在天才儿童的鉴别 ,培养及目标等方面提出了独特的见解。天才教育经过半个世纪的发展有了很大进步 ,表现为天才的定义、鉴别更全面科学 ,培养过程更注重个体差别。我国天才儿童教育还存在一些不足 ,应该更加重视对天才儿童的研究和培养。  相似文献   

Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), a set of US higher education institutions historically tasked with educating African–American students, receive both state and federal funding. However, state governments often assert operational control through the political process, potentially influencing how key resources are used. Do these different sources of publicness have competing effects on efficiency? Using a 5-year panel of financial and organisational data of HBCUs, this study explores the relative effect of each of these revenue sources on efficiency. The study finds that the efficiency of HBCUs is negatively impacted by higher proportions of state revenue, and that higher proportions of federal revenue have a positive effect on efficiency. This suggests that state governments should consider their political roles in assessing the performance of HBCUs, and that HBCUs might look to lessons from other organisations for methods to reduce the impact of state external control.  相似文献   

本文通过对“超常教育”“英才教育”“天才教育”“资优教育”等概念的辨析 ,认为“超常教育”过于偏重智力而忽视其它方面的能力 ;“英才教育”是为“少数人集团”服务的教育 ,而他们中间不一定个个都是“英才” ;“天才教育”则过于强调先天遗传的因素 ;而“资优教育”则相对较为科学与合理。因此 ,笔者建议 :统一使用“资优教育”这一概念。  相似文献   

Over a decade ago the UK government launched its gifted and talented education policy in England, yet there has been very little published research which considers how schools and teachers are interpreting and implementing the policy. By seeking the views of the gifted and talented co‐ordinators (For ease of reference, the term gifted and talented (G&T) co‐ordinator is used throughout the paper as a generic shorthand for the research participants who were either designated school gifted and talented co‐ordinators or teachers or head teachers with responsibility for policy implementation) with responsibility for addressing the requirements of the policy, the study reported in this paper explored how primary schools in England responded to the policy. Drawing on data gathered using questionnaires with a national sample of primary schools as well as follow‐up in‐depth interviews with a sample of G&T co‐ordinators, the authors report their findings. The study found that there was considerable unease about the concept of identifying and ‘labelling’ a group of pupils as ‘gifted and talented’. G&T co‐ordinators found it difficult to interpret the policy requirements and were responding pragmatically to what they considered to be required by the government. Curriculum provision for the selected group of gifted and talented pupils was patchy. The paper concludes by identifying a need for further professional development for teachers and by challenging the policy's over‐emphasis on identifying and labelling gifted and talented pupils. We posit whether the gifted and talented education policy would have been better introduced and enjoyed greater success by leaving the identification of pupils to one side and by placing greater emphasis on developing effective learning and teaching strategies instead.  相似文献   

The recognition, understanding, and identification of gifted and talented behaviors in students with exceptionalities has become an increasingly important issue in the management of classrooms, yet, for the most part, the literature continues to ignore this important aspect of teacher education. The present study reports on the results of an instrument that asked preservice and in‐service teachers to categorize a set of characteristics and behaviors according to whether each described a student identified with an Emotional/Behavior Disability (EBD), who is gifted, both, or neither. Results of this survey revealed stereotypical thinking in the identification of characteristics of the student labeled EBD. The degree of teachers’ training and experience also played a role in the understanding and categorization of the characteristics/behaviors used on the survey in this project.  相似文献   

One of the principle reasons responsible for the fact that nurturing the gifted and talented in Germany has (once again) advanced to a pedagogic concern in the 1990’s lies in the dichotomy of equality and excellence. Are these two pedagogic goals actually incompatible, as often maintained in open discussions? After a long period of oscillation between these two poles, in the age of information a new emphasis has increasingly been placed on excellence. “It becomes more and more important for bright students to be using their abilities to stimulate this new era with economic and political productivity. But this will not happen if the current ‘laissez faire’ approach to gifted students continues into the next decade”(Gallagher, 2000, p. 691). Following a short definition of giftedness and related conceptions, arguments for gifted education stemming from the areas of learning psychology and instructional psychology will be discussed. The central problems concerning identification and programming will then be addressed in greater detail. Hypotheses will be developed, on the basis of the ATI model that gifted students need creative, stimulating learning environments. Various approaches will be presented here and discussed in the context of TIMSS and PISA. The second part of the article will deal with guidance and counseling issues with respect to the special needs of gifted children and adolescents and their social contact persons (peers, parents, teachers). In conclusion, German program evaluation, studies in the fields of gifted education, counseling and nurturing giftedness and talent will be presented. The outcomes of these studies and their consequences for improvements for the quality of gifted and talented education and counseling in Germany will be discussed. Excellence is one of the most important educational-psychological challenges of the new century.  相似文献   

美国的一些重点学校非常重视资优生的培养,并确实做到了因材施教.由于中美中小学教师从不同的视角进行教学,中美数学教育的研究方向和焦点及教师的教学方法有很多不同的地方.中国的教育应该思索和继承中华民族好的教学传统,同时学习和吸收发达国家培养优秀人才的经验,以保证和提升基础教育在世界的领先地位,同时,要在中学阶段因材施教,充分重视数学资优生的培养.不能以美国有多少诺贝尔奖获得者来抨击中国的中小学教育.  相似文献   

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