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Research Findings: We examined relations of effortful control with parent emotion socialization practices and child social behavior using a person-centered approach in children ages 18 months to 5 years. A total of 76 parents (66 mothers, 10 fathers) completed questionnaires at screening and 6-month follow-up. There were no age differences in change in effortful control. K-means cluster analysis identified 2 clusters for parent emotion socialization: low-involvement parents (lower levels on emotion coaching/dismissing and positive/negative expressivity) and high-involvement parents (higher levels on all such practices). Parent socialization profile was indirectly associated with children's positive social behaviors through children's change in effortful control. These associations did not extend to aggressive behavior. Children with parents who actively engage in a variety of emotion socialization practices may increase more in regulatory capacities and engage in more positive social behavior. Practice or Policy: The present study suggests the importance of using a variety of socialization strategies with young children to foster adaptive regulatory and social behaviors.  相似文献   

Parents' and kindergarten teachers' beliefs about the effects of child care on children's adjustment to school were investigated. Using a standardized behavioral rating scale, both groups were asked to rate two hypothetical children just entering kindergarten; one with full-day child care experience and one who had only experienced care in the home by a parent or relative. There was an interaction between the experience of the believer and their ratings of the two hypothetical children. Parents who had used child care for their own children rated the ‘day care child' most positively. Parents who had kept their own children at home rated the 'home care child' most positively. Kindergarten teachers rated both hypothetical children equally, but more negatively than parents. Implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

在家庭教育中,好的教育方法可以让学生感受到父母的良苦用心,但有一些方法则出现了适得其反的效果。本文主要研究家长期望与学生行为反差之间的关系,讨论家长应该如何正确处理自己对孩子的期待,学生应该如何改善自己的行为。  相似文献   

Parents' and kindergarten teachers' beliefs about the effects of child care on children's adjustment to school were investigated. Using a standardized behavioral rating scale, both groups were asked to rate two hypothetical children just entering kindergarten; one with full-day child care experience and one who had only experienced care in the home by a parent or relative. There was an interaction between the experience of the believer and their ratings of the two hypothetical children. Parents who had used child care for their own children rated the 'day care child' most positively. Parents who had kept their own children at home rated the 'home care child' most positively. Kindergarten teachers rated both hypothetical children equally, but more negatively than parents. Implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Risk measures are commonly used to evaluate outcomes in child abuse prevention and intervention programs. This study examined whether pre-intervention to post-intervention changes on the Child Abuse Potential Inventory (CAP) Abuse Scale corresponded to actual changes in risk for future reports of maltreatment and evaluated the validity of several algorithms for classifying clinically significant change. METHOD: Participants in the study were 459 parents participating in any one of 27 community-based family preservation and family support programs. Most parents were low-income mothers with a variety of social risk indicators, about a third of whom would be classified as high-risk by the CAP Abuse Scale. Participants were administered the CAP at program enrollment, then at completion of the intervention (median time=150 days), then followed for an average of approximately 2 years for future official maltreatment reports. Dynamic predictive validity of the CAP Abuse Scale was modeled by comparing survival models using a time-dependent structure of pre- and post-intervention scores to identically structured models using only a pre-intervention score. RESULTS: Pre-intervention CAP Abuse Scale scores demonstrated incremental future predictive validity. However, score changes failed to correspond to changes in likelihood of future abuse. Models using pre-intervention scores only were more predictive than time-dependent score models, and pre-intervention scores were better predictors than post-intervention scores of post-intervention CPS referrals. Common algorithms for classifying clinically significant change yielded results that could be counter-intuitive and misleading. For example, participants classified as improved on these algorithms were actually at similar or even higher risk than those classified as unchanged or worse. CONCLUSIONS: The results strongly supported the static predictive validity of the CAP and the use of the CAP for screening purposes. The results did not support the dynamic predictive validity of the CAP. Results of exploratory analyses suggested the possibility that the changes observed on the CAP Abuse Scale reflected changes in subscales assessing subjective distress or parenting attitudes, which may be markers for initial risk but when changed, do not necessarily translate into actual changes in future maltreatment behavior. Although replication and extension are needed before drawing firm conclusions, the current study raises questions about the common practice of using risk instruments as proxy measures for child maltreatment risk in intervention and prevention programs.  相似文献   

儿童适应行为研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
儿童适应行为的研究无论是对于探讨认知发展及其与环境的关系问题,还是对于促进儿童的心理健康都具有重要意义。本文综述了国内外有关研究的主要内容,并分析了研究中的局限,为今后的研究提出了设想。  相似文献   

研究者采用整群随机抽样方法,从深圳市各类幼儿园随机抽取了606名4~7岁儿童及其母亲,用《4~12岁儿童行为量表(CBCL)》和《中国人婚姻质量问卷》分别对两者进行了调查.结果显示:(1)不同年龄段儿童在多动、体诉及性问题方面具显著性差异,不同性别儿童在抑郁、攻击性及多动等8个方面具显著性差异.(2)行为发展正常的儿童,其父母在婚姻质量、经济安排、业余活动、子女与婚姻等10项体现婚姻质量的指标方面均好于行为发展偏异儿童的父母.(3)父母的婚姻质量,尤其是在性格相容性、经济安排及业余活动安排和计划性等方面越好,儿童行为发展越健康.据此,研究者提出了相关教育建议.  相似文献   

Effortful control (EC), or the trait‐like capacity to regulate dominant responses, has important implications for children’s development. Although genetic factors and parenting likely influence EC, few studies have examined whether they interact to predict its development. This study examined whether the DRD4 exon III variable number tandem repeat polymorphism moderated the relation between parenting and children’s EC. Three hundred and eighty‐two 3‐year‐olds and primary caregivers completed behavioral tasks assessing children’s EC and parenting. Children’s DRD4 genotypes moderated the relation between parenting and EC: Children with at least one 7‐repeat allele displayed lower EC in the context of negative parenting than children without this allele. These findings suggest opportunities for modifying early risk for low EC.  相似文献   

为了解父母的头胎性别、焦虑、孤独心理对其生育二胎意愿的影响,以《二胎意愿调查表》、《UCLA孤独量表》、《状态-特质焦虑量表》为调查工具,对分层抽样选取的75名独生子女的父母进行问卷调查。研究结果发现:(1)父母在二胎意愿上都稍偏向于不生二胎且头胎性别为男孩时,父母对二胎意愿多持否定态度,而头胎为女孩时,父母多倾向于生二胎。(2)特质焦虑对母亲的二胎意愿有影响,但总的来说,焦虑程度越高,父母对二胎意愿越持否定态度。孤独程度越高,父亲对二胎意愿越持肯定态度。(3)头胎为男孩,父母焦虑程度高,头胎为女孩,父母孤独程度高。(4)父母的状态焦虑分数越高,特质焦虑分数也就越高;母亲的焦虑分数越高,孤独分数也就越高。  相似文献   

Child maltreatment remains a serious public health issue in the United States. Therefore, it is important to engage in quality control of the assessment, prevention, and treatment services for families affected by maltreatment. Parenting capacity assessments (PCAs) are typically an integral part of service delivery for families affected by maltreatment and can carry serious consequences for the referred parent. The Child Abuse Potential Inventory (CAPI) is a measure that is widely used in PCAs; however, socially desirable responding on the CAPI can serve to invalidate the important information derived from this assessment, as well as lead to negative impressions of the parent. Using data collected via multiple methods (including a non-face valid behavioral measure, intelligence screening, and self-report) from a predominantly at-risk sample of parents, the aim of this study was to better understand factors that may predict socially desirable responding on the CAPI. Results indicated that lower parental intelligence, a “positivity bias” (i.e., the tendency to learn and attend to positive over negative information during the non-face valid behavioral task), and lower reported depressive symptoms were associated with higher socially desirable responding. These findings suggest that assessors should thoughtfully consider the possibility that invalid CAPI scores may be more related to low intelligence and a positivity bias than to psychopathy and manipulation (e.g., purposefully trying to present oneself in a positive light to gain favor in a PCA).  相似文献   

Registered Reports (RRs) are an emerging format for publishing empirical journal articles in which the decision to publish an article is based on sound conceptualization, methods, and planned analyses rather than the specific nature of the results. This article introduces the Special Section on Registered Reports in Child Development by describing what RRs are and why they are necessary, outlining the thought process that guided the Special Section, describing key thematic insights across the eight articles included in the collection, and providing recommendations for developmental researchers interested in publishing via the RR format. This article also serves as a formal announcement that RRs will be a standard publishing option at Child Development, effective immediately.  相似文献   

This study examined the theory of change of the ACT Raising Safe Kids parenting program, including whether intervention effects on children's behavior problems were explained by improvements in mothers’ reported parenting practices, as well as whether baseline child behavior problems moderated these relations. Adult mothers of 3-to 8-year-old Brazilian children were assigned to the intervention (n = 97) or control (n = 46) groups. Results showed that the intervention improved mothers' perceptions of their parenting practices (positive discipline, emotional and behavioral regulation, and communication). Intervention-induced reductions in children’s internalizing and externalizing behavior problems were mediated by improvements in mothers’ emotional and behavioral regulation. Program effects were strongest for children with high levels of baseline behavior problems.  相似文献   

行为矫正技术在今天已深入到各个领域 ,但在我国的聋、盲校却很少有人运用它来解决儿童的行为问题 ,是否聋、盲儿童就没有行为问题 ?本研究对此作了深入的调查 ,发现聋、盲校儿童存在多种异常行为且表现频率较高 ;同时两者所表现的异常行为又有较大的差异。因此 ,应培养聋盲校的老师应用科学的方法有针对性地去矫正这些异常行为。  相似文献   

A heterogeneous group of elementary school children referred for psychoeducational diagnosis were rated on the Devereux Child Behavior Rating Scale and the Bender Visual-Motor Gestalt Test, scoring for Koppitz Emotional Indicators. Projective implications of the EIs were not supported by the DCB factors; however, five DCB factors correlated significantly with total number of EIs. This finding suggests that cerain DCB factors may be more predictive of emotional problems than others in the scale.  相似文献   

该研究旨在对一名11岁智障儿童的打人、大喊"安静"这两项课堂干扰行为进行干预,采用单一个案研究法(ABA设计),以积极行为支持方案进行为期四个月的干预。研究发现:个案课堂干扰行为的功能是引起他人注意;积极行为支持能有效减少个案的课堂干扰行为;积极行为支持能增强个案正向行为。  相似文献   

94 mothers with 2-year-old children were interviewd about their employment, role satisfaction, and social support and were observed in their homes at dinnertime and in a laboratory compliance task. Hierarchical multiple regressions were used to test main effects of employment, hours employed, and their interactions. Maternal employment adversely affected maternal behavior when satisfaction with social support or with the work role was low, but only in the laboratory. Positive main effects of employment on maternal behavior were observed in the home: employed mothers used less power assertion with their children. Mothers who worked longer hours used more guidance and were more responsive to their children in both settings. In both settings, the effect of poor-quality care on child behavior was greater when mothers were employed, and, in the laboratory, boys of employed mothers were more defiant than boys of nonemployed mothers and girls of employed mothers. Boys with more than one current arrangement were more likely than similarly situated girls to be defiant in the laboratory, but they were also less likely than girls to be cared for by fathers.  相似文献   

This study examined whether exposure to changes in peer aggression predicted changes in child physical aggression (PA) in preschool children attending Norwegian Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) centers. Data from the Behavior Outlook Norwegian Developmental Study were used, including 956 children. In fixed effects models, within-child changes in exposure to peer aggression predicted changes in teacher-rated child PA across ages 2, 3, and 4. Moreover, changes in exposure to a peer group with two or more externalizing children increased teacher-rated child PA over time, but only for boys. No significant peer effects on parent-rated child PA were found. Findings point to the importance of avoiding the congregation of several problematic children, particularly boys, in the same ECEC groups.  相似文献   

研究者采用自编《父母教养行为问卷》对上海市7区县743位0~3岁婴幼儿的父母进行问卷调查,以了解父母教养行为现状.研究者还采用《Devereux婴幼儿评估诊断量表》评估这743位婴幼儿的社会性行为,以此分析父母教养行为与婴幼儿社会性行为的关系.结果表明:(1)0~3岁婴幼儿父母教养行为总体表现良好,比较重视对婴幼儿的感情表达,但父母参与婴幼儿教养的时间偏少,尤其是父亲.(2)父母对不同月龄婴幼儿的教养行为有所不同,对不同性别婴幼儿的教养行为则不存在显著差异.(3)父母学历及家庭收入不同,其教养行为存在显著差异.(4)父母的教养行为对婴幼儿的社会性行为有显著预测作用.由此可见,父母应当积极参与0~3岁婴幼儿教养,相关部门可为父母参与0~3岁婴幼儿教养提供科学指导.  相似文献   

考察学龄前流动儿童行为问题的现状及其与父母婚姻质量的关系。方法:采用Rutter儿童行为问卷和Olson婚姻质量问卷对学龄前流动儿童及其父母进行了测查。结果:(1)学龄前流动儿童行为问题的检出率为32.6%;(2)行为问题组和行为正常组儿童的父母婚姻质量在过份理想化、夫妻交流、解决冲突的方式、经济安排、子女和婚姻、与亲友的关系以及角色平等性上都存在显著的差异;(3)学龄前流动儿童行为问题与父母婚姻质量呈显著负相关;夫妻交流、子女和婚姻两个因子对学龄前流动儿童的行为问题具有显著负向预测作用。结论:学龄前流动儿童行为问题与父母婚姻质量之间关系密切,婚姻质量越低,学龄前流动儿童发生行为问题的概率就越高。  相似文献   

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