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In order to explore possible impacts of changing information technology on the role of the decision support intermediary, that is, the institutional research analyst, three institutional research foundations, measurement, human information processing, and decision support technology are examined. The results of surveys of institutional research directors at Canadian and United States universities indicate high levels of information technology implementation including perceptible use of decision support systems on at least one-third of the campuses. The paper concludes that the role of the intermediary is probably not threatened by existing information technology but that the intermediary should expand traditional activities to include aid for management's user-driven computing for decision support.Presented at the 23rd Annual Forum of the Association for Institutional Research, Toronto, May 1983.  相似文献   

论我国股市的制度成本及其控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国现阶段利用股市这一筹资机制的制度成本颇高,主要表现在上市公司过度融资所造成的社会资本浪费,业绩信号失真所带来的社会资源配置失当,以及上市公司管理层经营动能的弱化等,要提高股市的制度收益,就必须压缩和控制其制度成本,因此,需要纠正一些不当的指导思想和认识,规范股市中的行为。  相似文献   

质量与效率历来是管理工作的灵魂 ,本文从管理的角度论述了建立学位与学科建设信息管理系统的重要性 ,以学位与学科建设处信息数据库为例着重探讨了学位与学科建设信息管理系统的具体实现方案、总体框架和功能等 ,并简要讨论了以后的应用和功能扩展。  相似文献   

本文从实验室管理的角度,介绍了该系统的网络拓扑结构,系统的功能模块,并综合采用了JSP,数据库,javaBean连接数据库等技术对实验室管理信息系统进行设计。  相似文献   

以科研管理系统平台为例,针对新建本科院校科研管理信息化建设问题,分别就科研管理系统概况、科研管理系统对新建本科院校科研管理的影响做了分析,并在此基础上就科研管理信息化建设问题提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

There are many studies about the experiences of higher education students, but few analyse their representations of the governance and the management of their institutions. Our study will describe, analyse and compare students' representations of institutional evaluation at three institutions in Portugal and Brazil. Our results, based on an open questionnaire which sought to collect students' views on institutional evaluation, show that students' views are neither homogeneous nor do they simply reproduce the dominant external perspectives on the subject. A significant amount of students thought that evaluation is a legitimate exercise, resulting from a political decision, which is useful to improve the quality of universities and the relationship between students and academic staff. Some students also recognize that evaluation will lead to institutional comparisons, functioning as a mechanism of control, regulation, monitoring, and possibly of standardization. It is also noted to be ‘an impossibility’, since it can never comprehend the existing diversity of institutional performance.  相似文献   

科技人力资源开发管理的根本制度是职称制度。长期以来,我国的科技人力资源开发管理存在诸多问题,我们应对科技人力资源开发管理的标准体系,即职称系列标准、职称评定标准、职务结构比例标准等进行改革完善,从而提高我国科技人力资源开发管理的标准化和科学化水平。  相似文献   

企业之间的竞争表现在众多方面,但最终表现在核心竞争力上。核心竞争力就是一个企业不同于其他企业,而不能被其他企业模仿的能够持续发展的能力,尤其指企业在发展壮大过程中表现出来的制度创新能力、管理创新能力、技术创新能力和先进的企业文化培育能力。如何提升核心竞争力是一个企业发展的必由之路。  相似文献   

高校图书馆构建机构知识库的问题及对策分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
机构知识库的建设现已倍受关注。高校图书馆在构建机构知识库过程中存在内容收集不完整、质量低下、版权问题、标准化问题及长期保存等问题。高校在构建机构知识库时应扩大宣传,争取相关部门及政策支持;不断丰富知识库内容;严把质量控制关;通过多途径解决版权问题;利用开源软件解决标准化问题;定期备份知识库中数据。  相似文献   

实证研究显示,董事会特征对管理质量和公司价值具有显著的解释力:对于全样本公司而言,董事会规模和董事长与CEO的两职合一对公司绩效具有显著的积极影响力,外部董事比例具有显著的消极影响力。对于法人股东控股的公司,董事会结构对公司管理质量普遍具有更强的解释力。企业规模和股权结构对董事会规模具有显著的影响力;而且,第一大股东的性质以及董事长与CEO的两职合一对董事会规模也具有显著的影响。  相似文献   

CMM2级是一个软件业界衡量软件开发能力的标准,被广泛应用于改进软件制作过程.需求管理KPA是CMM2级中的一个关键过程域,用来指导软件开发需求阶段的管理工作.本文提出裁剪需求管理KPA适应课件开发的思路,说明需求管理的目标是基线化管理;阐述针对课件开发的需求获取策略,从必要性、可行性、使用对象及环境、开发运行平台五个方面进行需求获取.  相似文献   

高职院校的学生工作纷繁复杂,难度较大,这里有深刻的主客观原因,同时也与我们在学生工作中存在的认识不足有关。文章分析了高职院校学生工作在管理对象、管理主体以及管理方法等方面容易出现的一些误区,提出相应的对策,探索高职院校学生管理的思路与办法,促进高职院校和谐发展。  相似文献   

Student assessment should not be undertaken as an end in itself but as a means to educational and institutional improvement. The purpose of our study is to provide systematic empirical evidence of how postsecondary institutions support and promote the use of student assessment information in academic decision making. We use linear regression to determine which institutional variables are related to whether student assessment data is influential in academic decisions. Our conclusion is that student assessment data has only a marginal influence on academic decision making. Our data show there is slightly more influence on educationally related decisions than on faculty-related decisions, but in neither case is student assessment data very influential. Nonetheless, we did find several significant predictor variables in our model, including: the number of institutional studies relating students' performance to their interactions with the institution; conducting student assessment to improve internal institutional performance; involving student affairs personnel in student assessment; the extent of student assessment conducted; and the extent of professional development related to student assessment that is offered to faculty, staff, and administrators. These findings vary by institutional type.  相似文献   

借助拉卡托斯的结构性思想,可知技术范式的内容中存在“硬核”与“保护带”二层结构,分别作为技术范式形成的技术支撑和技术社会运行的信息“传送带”。通过打开技术范式内部结构,可更为清晰的整理与展现技术范式与社会制度之间存在紧密互动与协同发展的关系:首先,社会制度通过参与技术范式二层结构内容的建构,完成对技术范式属性的干预;其次,技术范式作为一种制度性事实,在构成性规则的迭代规律运行下,既可以因其形成的需求促逼制度的建构,又可以作为一种制度背景塑造制度的更新。由此,技术范式形成过程对制度的需求以及对制度建构释放的效用,可以共同理解为技术范式的制度属性。  相似文献   

《企业会计准则第5号——生物资产》为规范我国生物资产的会计核算提供了基本的依据,但如何实施将是一个难题。在生物资产的内涵及特点进行简要介绍的基础上,对生物资产的会计确认、会计计量及信息披露作了重点探讨,试图按照我国会计准则的要求,建立起与我国经济发展相适应的生物资产核算和信息披露体系,从而真实反映经营主体生物资产的价值,为会计信息使用者提供相关可靠的信息。  相似文献   

在使用元搜索引擎进行检索的过程中,由于返回结果的数量较大,不利于用户快速、准确地找到所需信息.本文提出一种基于Agent的元搜索引擎结果优化技术,旨在通过建立需求模型对检索结果进行优化,从而针对用户各自不同的需求提供更具个性化的信息.  相似文献   

教师教学的积极性不高,必将影响到学校教学质量的提高,进而影响到学校培养的人才的质量.学校管理的目标之一就是要调动教师的工作积极性.调动老师的积极性,必须从领导管理因素、物质因素、精神因素、个人因素四个方面入手.  相似文献   

习近平同志始终高度重视党的建设工作。党的十八大以来,他围绕着思想建设、组织建设、作风建设、反腐倡廉建设和制度建设提出了一系列新思想、新观点、新论断和新要求,为全面提高党的建设科学化水平提供了新的行动指南。  相似文献   

Concerns about quality and accountability in higher education have led the majority of states to mandate student outcomes assessment. While many institutions have begun to address these requirements as matters of accountability, discussion in most state capitals seems to be more about program improvement than about summative evaluation. These dichotomous perspectives frame a fundamental debate over the nature and direction of the assessment movement in the United States. Accountability and improvement are twin concerns of effective assessment, but their coexistence depends upon the resolution of suspicions and different interpretations of the mission of higher education between state and institutional authorities.  相似文献   

Higher Education Institutes (HEIs) worldwide are investing significant resources in strategic planning and self-evaluation programs to improve institutional performance and to meet external stakeholder demands. Little empirical evidence exists however which demonstrates that these programs are effective in leading to improvements in institutional performance, let alone shed light on the reasons why. This paper reports on the systematic evaluation of the effectiveness of a strategic planning program in an Irish HEI over a 5-year-period in leading to improvements in institutional performance.  相似文献   

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