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1·黔梦number雀。盟黑嘿卿36·121,].00,爪协D81,64492 .A fallaeious argU中如娜事二三立公 A·d‘S‘urbiap3 .1士all Zip事劫仁碑B{众司如公拍坛色p加续卖邻写a印琴亘自日)牵幼i坦司咚草牵翅娜句澳多如酥娜裁娜颤加)!礴中冬月re definite珍Zonkers·的如聋舜雄续i乘聋浏自颐赎奏U戛廿d亡氏几伪砖毒C{自奋用j蔽i{e几岌阳价A4加自延乒中红帅户醉iri士X七礴茸动雄奖如翼坠棘略i{鑫赎帅幸草擎奏自奔乌g珍))华勃醉r hour to point暮粼拾戳瓦翼:翼嚣撇篡霭霖翼纂筹{{{即穿珍er hour‘nb。‘h 万丸Jack.B.Sandu.O几CVfllC 15 One WllO…  相似文献   

How Old Are You?     
A mother and her young son got into a bus in a small city and sat down.The bus conductor came to them for their money.The mother said, "I want one ticket to London, "and gave her a shilling(先令,英国货币单位,1先令等于12便士)..The conductor looked at the small boy for a few seconds and then said to him, "How old are you,young man?  相似文献   

How Old Are You?     
A mother and her young son got into a bus in a small city and sat down. The bus conductor came to them for their money. The mother said, "I want one ticket to London,"and gave  相似文献   

中国人见面,要寒喧几句才言归正传。但有些外国人却不同,只要说声“Hi”,就算打过招呼了。有人说,这太没礼貌了。其实,这是词语和观念上的差别造成的误会。  相似文献   

Are You Clever?     
If you can answer every question right, you are obviously a genius. But any mortal with the normal complement of brains should get between 5 and 6 right out of the 10.  相似文献   

Smith College initiated an ePortfolio pilot project to guide students in documenting key learning experiences and in linking those experiences to Smith's institutional mission of “developing leaders for society's challenges” (Smith College, 2011 Smith College. 2011. Mission of Smith College. Retrieved from http://www.smith.edu/about_mission.php. [Google Scholar]). Twenty-one college students volunteered to participate in the pilot, based on the integrative knowledge portfolio process and informed by research in the fields of narrative psychology, integrative learning theory and ePortfolio theory. This article discusses the process of guiding students in integrative learning through the development of ePortfolios and through a curriculum, which engaged them in understanding and articulating their own learning, as well as in connecting it to the college mission.  相似文献   

"唧喳口语角"又与大家见面了!这里是同学们用英语交流的大舞台,这里为提高你的口语水平创造好机会,这里还为即将参加口语考试的伙伴们提供实战指导。欢迎将你的"唧喳口语角"录音带、录像带或DV寄给《英语大王》!  相似文献   

A blonde girl goes to work one day crying because she finds out her mom has just died.Her boss asks her,"What相似文献   

一天.丁丁放好 自行车去上班了。 于是,第二天他又买了一 辆自行车。他还在上面安上了 三把锁.留下一张纸条:How can you steal? '■■■r 当他下班时.发现自行车不见了。 谁知那个小偷也在这辆车 上安了一把锁.也留了一张纸 条:How canyouⅢ∽How Can You Ride?@王秋月  相似文献   

How Do You Do?     
Hello!Hello! Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? My name is Fred. I'm a bear. How do you do? How do you do?  相似文献   

There are a number of phrases built on the word “put”, such as put by, put for, put across, put over and so forth. The expression“putting one on”is among them. You tell a person something that he finds difficult to believe, and he may look at you closely and ask:“Are you putting me on?”He does-n蒺t think you are serious. Perhaps, you are joking with him, teasing him, try-ing to test his reaction(反应).The expression “putting one on”is closest to the phrase “to put one over on a perso…  相似文献   

我贫穷吗?我富裕吗?两个幼小的孩子给了我答案———They crowded inside the storm door —two children in ragged outgrown coats.“Any old papers, lady?”I was busy. I wanted to say no —until I looked down at their feet.Thin little sandals(凉鞋), wet with sleet(冰雪).“Come in and I蒺ll make you a cup of hot cocoa.”There was no conversation. Their soggy(浸水) sandals left marks upon the hearthstone. I served them cocoa and toast(烤面包)with jam to fight a-gainst the cold outside. Then I went b…  相似文献   

Mr Cook had a big shop in the centre of the city. Hewas 1____ at managing (管理) it. He made 2_____money and was one of the richest men there. Bad 3_____!One day a truck hit his car on a bridge and it fell into theriver. He lost his life in the accident. He left a lot of mon-ey to his 4____. The old woman lived in the beautifulhouse and had many valuable (值钱的) things. She 5______did any housework and 6____ an easy life.Several years later Mrs Cook died. And there was abig funeral(葬礼). All her relatives(亲戚) and 7____were told about it. They 8____ from far and near to the  相似文献   

你是FREE GIRL吗?你知道有本杂志就叫作FREE吗?由Easy精英团队打造的超炫女生潮流志FREE将全面改版,近期推出。Easy和FREE杂志将联手展开Fashion Model大评选,从广大读者MM参选中,选出极具风格的FREE GIRL,作为杂志的特约模特,通过大片形式,在Easy和FREE上一展你的Beauty靓影。那么你想知道什么样的女人会让男人在乎得恋恋不舍?她应该头脑清醒,明白感情和两性间的微妙,不狂喜,不狂躁,让男人沐浴在她的善解人意中。本期我们就会告诉你20句,FREE&Clever的Fashion恋爱法则。  相似文献   

你是FREE GIRL吗?你知道有本杂志就叫作FREE吗?由Easy精英团队打造的超炫女生潮流志FREE将全面改版,近期推出。Easy和FREE杂志将联手展开Fashion Model大评选,从广大读者MM参选中,选出极具风格的FREE GIRL,作为杂志的特约模特,通过大片形式,在Easy和FREE上一展你的Beauty靓影。从本期开始,将在Easy杂志上连载共100条宝典法则让你从此变得更FREE,那么你想入选成为自在、靓眼、性感、炫COOL……的FREE GIRL吗?要不要对照下自己,符合多少条?本期我们将告诉你FREE&COOL的Fashion法则。  相似文献   

宙 St吸Per Shoppef‘ 、由Ua阳an eXCel!enl ShoPPing girl be- eause you always find time to shoP! Barg3i。日abe二 ShoPPing 15 fun,but only when there isa great sale,50 you Csn SC0r6 all the stuff you want. Not A Mal告Rat: If VOU havs to ShOD.了 VOUa沦In anQ OUt SU·l Per!ast一tnere名no工n一’ ing you like less than hanging at the mall.公 锄。,;·。墓,中学版Are You A Supev Shoppev?@Hilary Duff~~…  相似文献   

你是FREE GIRL吗?你知道有本杂志就叫作FREE吗?由Easy精英团队打造的超炫女生潮流志FREE将全面改版,近期推出。Easy和FREE杂志将联手展开Fashion Model大评选,从广大读者MM参选中,选出极具风格的FREE GIRL,作为杂志的特约模特,通过大片形式,在Easy和FREE上一展你的Beauty靓影。那么你想入选成为自在、靓眼、炫酷、Charming……的FREE GIRL吗?要不要对照下自己,符合多少条?本期我们将告诉你FREE&Charming的Fashion法则。  相似文献   

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