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韦程飞 《海外英语》2011,(11):279+281
The Man Without a Temperament,one of Katherine Mansfield’s classic short stories,is written in the modernist mode,without a set structure,and with many shifts in the narrative.  相似文献   

苏曼殊是近代文学史上一个奇异的变体。他清空淡远、哀婉欲绝的作品,惊世骇俗、离经叛道的行为曾一度倾倒众生无数。但鲜花铺就的途中,也撒满了荆棘。悲凉的身世、动荡的时代以及由此铸造而成的萧索孤愤的心情是他生命中在劫难逃的梦魇。当斑斓的霓虹不再闪烁,所谓的文化导师、所谓的绝代奇人便从世间消遁了,有的只是一个失落了精神家园、四处漂泊的流浪者,一个被揉碎的软弱而平凡的年青人。  相似文献   

职业生涯设计是人力资源管理中一个重要的组成部分,在整个设计过程中职业生涯经典理论起到指导性和纲领性的作用。有效地进行职业生涯规划是实现成功的必要手段,而经典生涯理论则是实现这一手段的桥梁。本文选取经典生涯理论中的职业人格——工作环境类型理论做简要介绍,并探讨该理论对当前人力资源开发与生涯发展的启示。  相似文献   


In the critical tradition, environmental education discourse interrogates how knowledge constructs experience. But environmental education also emphasises perceiving, understanding and responding to “more-than-human” beings and processes. These two motivations are in tension. One problem is that the epistemological orientation driving the critique of knowledge seems to render access to something more-than-human a priori impossible. But environmental education squanders its promise and its dream if only ever permitted to talk about the natural world with scarequotes. Our field urgently needs to develop a realism robust against epistemologies that construct impassable barriers between humans and the rest of creation. I propose that this starts with radically reconceiving the nature and relationship between similarity and difference, interpreted in this article as the dynamic between theme and variations. Reworking Windelband’s distinction between idiographic and nomothetic research, I suggest that the relationship between theme and variation manifests a fundamental ontological pattern that pervades all things. “Theme and variation” proposes a unifying metaphysical duality in which the more-than-human reveals itself in how things suggest, conform to, modulate, and violate generalisation. Acknowledging and investigating this is part of restoring to other beings and processes their metaphysical, aesthetic, and ethical status, from the skies to the psyche.  相似文献   

1982年,尼克·武伊契奇降生在澳大利亚的墨尔本市,既没有双臂,也没有双腿,这一点在医学上无法作出解释或提出警告。在整个童年时期,尼克不仅要应付学校和青春期常有的挑战,比如遇到恶霸同学和自尊心受到伤害,他还要与沮丧和孤独抗争,因为他  相似文献   

Debate continues about the relationship between schools divided on ethno-religious lines and their implications for social cohesion. One argument against the existence of separate schools is that they limit opportunities for children from different groups to engage with each other, promoting intergroup suspicion and sectarianism. Using intergroup contact theory we examine the impact on outgroup attitudes of pupils attending mixed and separate post-primary schools in Northern Ireland. Data were collected through a survey of more than 3,500 pupils and analyses show that, irrespective of school type, intergroup contact at school is strongly associated with more positive orientations to the ethno-religious outgroup. The policy implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Real physical objects (e.g., a chair) can be distinguished from mental entities (e.g., a thought about a chair) on the basis of a number of criteria. 3 of these are behavioral-sensory evidence--whether the entity can be seen, touched, and physically acted upon; public existence--whether other persons experience the entity; and consistent existence--whether the entity consistently exists over time. Two studies tested 3-5-year-old children's ability to distinguish real versus mental entities on the basis of these criteria and to categorize such entities suitably. Even 3-year-olds were able to judge real and mental entities appropriately on the basis of the 3 criteria, to sort such entities as explicitly real and not-real, and to provide cogent explanations of their choices as well. A further distinction between real and mental entities is that mental entities can be about physically impossible, nonexistent things (e.g., a dog that flies). A third study demonstrated that 3-5-year-olds also appreciated this distinction. Taken together, these results contradict a common characterization of the young child as unaware of the fundamental ontological distinction between the internal mental world and objective reality. The implications of these findings are discussed for 3 other bodies of research: Piaget's characterization of young children as realists, Keil's theory of ontological development, and recent research on children's understanding of the mind.  相似文献   

This paper is about utopia and utopianism and the relevance of both to thinking analytically and practically about the form and content of education policy. Specifically, it commends a particular application of the utopian imagination - utopian realism - which entails envisaging possible futures in terms of detectable trends in actual social development. It also assesses the merits for education policy of a recent attempt to translate this kind of utopianism into a mode of practical politics known as the ‘Third Way’.  相似文献   

威廉·格拉塞以人本主义和存在主义为基础,创立了现实疗法.笔者在对现实疗法的基本理论观点进行阐释的基础上,提出了现实疗法对于青少年道德教育的几点启示:(1)树立尊重受教育者道德需要的德育观念;(2)确立以"责任感"为核心的德育内容;(3)采用以"肯定赏识"为主的德育方法;(4)坚持将道德教育贯穿于道德实践的德育途径.  相似文献   

该文从两方面对内隐面孔再认的研究进行了回顾:(1)行为研究;(2)神经基础及其运行机制。该文指出,内隐面孔再认多集中在启动的研究上,并发现了面孔的重复启动和语义启动,但面孔熟悉性对二者的影响不同。面孔启动的产生与大脑不同区域的神经活动存在着密切的关系。文章描述了两种与面孔启动有关的效应:重复抑制和重复增强效应。并讨论了对内隐面孔再认影响较大的IAC模型。最后该文提出了对未来研究的展望。  相似文献   

在对传统经济学中"经济人"假说的缺陷所作的批判性分析的基础上,阐释了马克思的"生态经济人"思想的主要内涵及其与生态文明建设、科学发展观的内在契合性,提出了"生态经济人"就是追求经济利益、促进社会经济发展的同时,必须兼顾自然的利益和人的利益,以实现生态环境的优化及社会的全面、协调、可持续发展的经济行为主体的概念。  相似文献   

《套中人》是契诃夫短篇小说中的经典。传统观点认为这是一篇现实主义的作品。这里有别于这一观点,认为《套中人》是现实主义与象征主义的完美结合。在这篇小说中,契诃夫大量运用了象征、暗示、隐喻、对比等手法来暗示小说的主题及事件的发展,并赋予鲜明的社会内容和深刻的现实意义。中还对契诃夫的象征与象征主义流派的象征加以区别,认为契诃夫的象征是一种健康的象征,一种健康的美,这种美唤起人们心中光明向上的情感,饱含着真和善的品质和力量。  相似文献   

《Infancia y Aprendizaje》2013,36(75):49-58

The relative scarcity of studies of cultural variations in peer interaction served as impetus for the present study. In this investigation, differences in peer interaction (child age: about 5 years) in Andalusia and Holland were examined both in an urban and a rural settings. Observational data were analysed with special interest on the collectivism-individualism dimension. Results showed that Andalusian children displayed a stronger tendency than Dutch children to function as part of a social group. However, this tendency was more clearly present in the Andalusian rural than in the urban setting. No cultural differences were found with respect to sociometric ratings. Results were discussed in terms of ecological factors in cross-cultural research.  相似文献   

教育部颁布的《全日制义务教育语课程标准》(以下简称“新课标”)首次将“人性”确定为语的基本属性之一。因此,如何理解“人性”就成了广大中小学教师深入理解和自觉执行课程标准的前提条件。但在专家们的解读中,大多将“人性”理解为“化性”,这显然是错误的。本主要从“人性”含义的历史演变中概括出其基本内涵,并最终认为“人”作为道德哲学范畴的化概念,与“化”并不等同,新课标有关语“人性”的表述也应予以修改。  相似文献   

This article offers a defence of critical realism in the face of objections Nash (2005) makes to it in a recent edition of this journal. It is argued that critical and scientific realisms are closely related and that both are opposed to statistical positivism. However, the suggestion is made that scientific realism retains (from statistical positivism) a number of elements that result in misleading accounts of social processes and events: indicators are used which do not reflect the close relationship between structure and agency; indicators refer to reified and not real properties of both structures and agents; and indicators do not refer to causal properties of objects and entities. In order to develop a narrative of causal processes, as Nash argues researchers should, then some adjustments need to be made to the principles that underpin scientific realism.  相似文献   

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