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考试中蕴含着自我实现的价值目标。将考试演化成一个既封闭又开放的道德试验室,从现实与潜在价值实现的哲学角度观照考试,揭示考试过程中蕴含的价值因素,使以诚信为表现方式的人性深度得以从潜在状况中显现出来,进而反思其中的诚信冲突,有利于我们构建良好的考试秩序、端正考试风气。  相似文献   


Contract cheating happens when students commission someone else to do assessed work for them. While it is already illegal in 18 jurisdictions, others are considering making the provision of contract cheating services illegal. To date, legal approaches to addressing contract cheating have faced little scrutiny in the peer reviewed literature. This article outlines some challenges with the legal approach to combating contract cheating. To this end it examines a segment of the contract cheating market to determine if contractors operate in localities where contract cheating services have been made illegal. The results suggest that contractors operate in plain sight, offering services to and from localities where services are prohibited by law. On the basis of the current challenges with enforcement of legal rules, this article recommends some alternative strategies for addressing contract cheating.  相似文献   

端正学生的学习态度和杜绝考试作弊是各大高校普遍面临的问题。基于此,以四川省内的一所医学院校和工科院校的学生为对象,调查了在校大学生的学习态度和考试作弊的实际情况,并针对反映出的问题进行原因分析与对策探索,以期促进大学生进一步端正学习态度,进而形成良好的学风和考风。  相似文献   

根据博弈论,考生之间的囚徒困境博弈使得考生尤其是绩优生陷入"不作弊即吃亏"的心理怪圈,混合策略的监考博弈与处理作弊行为的动态博弈揭示了影响考生作弊行为及监考教师处理作弊行为的主要因素。基于此,应对考生加强诚信教育,进行诚信激励;应对监考老师进行监考激励,减小其秉公处理作弊行为的机会成本,鼓励其树立良好的职业声誉。  相似文献   

当前,自考存在着教育功利主义及应试教育倾向,存在着专业课程设置僵化、考试评价方式和自学媒体单一等弊端。新世纪,必须进一步改革和完善自考制度,明确教育培养目标,克服自考的应试教育倾向,改革考试内容,建立多元化评价体系,实行开放的课程设置体系,加强对自学媒体的建设,以促进考生综合素质的提升和全面发展。  相似文献   

试论考试作弊的应对策略与监控措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,考试作弊现象已相当严重,已经引起了社会广泛关注。针对当前我国考试作弊现状,进行认真研究,提出有效解决对策,具有重要意义。论文分析了考试作弊的现状、特点,提出了有效的应对策略及监控措施。  相似文献   

The separation of examining from teaching, pushed furthest in the ‘examining university’ of which London University, founded in 1836, was the model, was a much-debated principle in nineteenth-century Britain. This separation was generally rejected in Scotland, but only after complex controversies that illustrate how Scots defined their university tradition in comparative terms, and how Scottish developments interacted with those in England and Ireland. Among the issues involved were proposals for a National University or central examining board, and claims that graduates should have a right to give ‘extramural’ teaching in competition with professors. The paper traces this aspect of university reform in Scotland from the 1820s to the 1890s, and argues that the professorial model and the integration of teaching and examining were successfully consolidated and defended.  相似文献   

National tests, public examinations, and vocational qualifications in England are used for a variety of purposes, including the certification of individual learners in different subject areas and the accountability of individual professionals and institutions. However, there has been ongoing debate about the reliability and validity of their results. This debate prompted the Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual), the regulator of qualifications and examinations in England, to initiate its Reliability of Results Programme in 2008 to investigate the reliability of results from regulated assessments. The purpose of this programme was to gather evidence to develop regulatory policy on assessment reliability in order to improve the national assessment systems in England. This paper provides a brief introduction to the Reliability Programme, discusses its main findings to date and their implications, and explores the impact of the development of regulatory policy on reliability for regulated assessments in England.  相似文献   

明末清初小说家大多为社会中下层知识分子,由于科举是他们步入仕途,改善自身窘迫的唯一途径,因而他们的一生与科举结下了不解之缘。然而,官场科场的腐败,使得绝大多数小说家难以步入仕途,盖世才华与生活窘况的巨大反差,以及传统士人的社会心态,使他们及易产生孤愤心理。  相似文献   

In this paper we compare the representation of texts in a sample of Advanced Level English Language examination papers set over the past decade in order to explore the changes in ‘what constitutes English and its assessment’. Prior to the year 2000, texts used in most A Level Language examination papers were usually typeset in a word processed format stripped of original font, layout, accompanying images, and colour, and devoid of the material marks of the texts' ‘history’ and materiality. From 2001, the texts for AQA B examination papers1 have been reproduced in facsimile form to include the original graphology used. This shift in production in the materiality of embodiment has led to a corresponding shift in assessment in the codes of recognition of what constitutes English text, and what counts as English response. The sample of texts that we discuss present an ‘ecology of text’ and an ‘ecology of texts and literacy practices’ on a ‘continuum of multimodality’: from the heavily edited, word processed, linguistically circumscribed texts of the 1990s examination papers, through to the more visually‐dependent texts of 2004 with their manner of writing, typographic detail, colour, and sometimes even complete with creases and stains. Taking a multimodal approach to these texts, we discuss the implications of this change for what is being required of students analysing texts for examination assessment and more broadly for the subject ‘English’ ‐ ‘what English is’. We also consider how this shift problematizes the English work of students, teachers, examiners, and the institutions in which these agents operate.  相似文献   

随着现代远程开放教育的不断发展,基层电大在其教学和管理上出现了一些问题与不足。本文立足于开放式教学基点,从教学理念、教学方式、教学人才组合、教学计酬方式和教学课件制作等方面进行制度安排与创新,以求完善基层电大的教学机制。  相似文献   

我国教师教育已经呈现出终身化、多元化、高层化、专业化、综合化、信息化等发展趋势,教育专业自学考试必须拓展考试功能,提升考试层次,调整专业设置和学科比例,变更培养目标,优化课程体系,变革考核方式。只有这样,教育专业自学考试才能更加适应时代、社会发展的需要,保持可持续发展。  相似文献   

就高校档案如何实行文件级管理问题,分别从"立件"整理的意义、"立件"的范围、件的界定、件的分类以及件的排列编号五个方面进行了阐述。  相似文献   

电视大学开放教育毕业论文教学存在的问题及其对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
毕业论文是广播电视大学远程开放教育学生在学习过程中的最后一个实践性教学环节,也是检查学生学习成果、评价教学质量的重要环节。本文在剖析存在问题的基础上,探讨解决问题的途径,对提高毕业论文的质量有现实意义。  相似文献   

《曲江集》中张九龄代唐玄宗所拟的敕书,比较详细地记载了开元二十二年至二十四年唐与突骑施苏禄之间战争的史实和唐王朝针对突骑施苏禄犯边而展开远交近攻的谋略,可补两《唐书》和《资治通鑑》记载之缺,具有非常重要的历史文献价值。从唐代散文发展史的角度看,《曲江集》敕书继承上古散文“尚用”和“辞达”的传统,以意遣词,思路精密,文辞朴实简练,引领盛唐开元中后期朝廷下行公文的文风,具有较高的文学价值。《曲江集》敕书值得治唐代文史者重视。  相似文献   

高校体育教学应充分考虑学生在身体条件、兴趣爱好和运动技能等方面的个体差异,并根据这种差异确定不同的学习目标、内容、方法、难度和要求,使每一个学生都能体验到学习和成功的乐趣,以满足自我发展的需要。体育分项目教学就是一种很好的教学方式。  相似文献   

面对新世纪知识经济时代社会发展趋势,及随着我国市场经济体制的逐步建设与发展,高校图书馆在逐步实现自动化、网络化之时,在管理上已开始引进市场经济竞争机制,并促进其在组织结构、服务职能、人力资源开发等内部管理机制方面的改革与创新,变文献管理为知识管理,以适应知识经济时代社会发展的需要。  相似文献   

档案利用与保护个人隐私是一对矛盾,在高校档案利用活动中如何处理好两者的关系,即做到最大限度地满足学校对档案信息的需求,又能有效地保护个人隐私不受侵犯,这是高校档案工作发展过程中遇到的新课题,也是档案工作法制化建设中必然涉及的.就高校档案利用中涉及个人隐私权保护的现状及其对策进行分析探讨,对搞好高校的档案管理工作具有重要的作用.  相似文献   

《工伤保险条例》颁布和实施是我国工伤保险制度法制建设的一个里程碑,也是我国社会保险法制建设取得阶段性成果的一个重要标志。新的《工伤保险条例》扩大了工伤保险制度的主体适用范围和事故范围;工伤认定程序更为规范化、合理化;理顺了工伤保险关系,划分了工伤保险责任;有利于促进企业安全管理和安全文化理念的形成;有利于我国应对国际新形势;但也存在的一些局限性,如工伤保险的覆盖范围还应当继续扩大;没有明确工伤保险主管部门和安全生产监督管理部门之间的衔接、配合机制。  相似文献   

教育要为国家经济和社会发展服务,这是任何一种教育制度建立和发展的宗旨。高等教育自学考试制度开放性、平等性、大众化的本质特征符合我国"发展中国家办大教育"的国情。在新农村建设的旗帜领引下,自学考试要发挥优势服务于"三农",为农村培养"留得住、用得上"的高层次人才,为推动农村地区高等教育、终身教育的发展做出贡献。  相似文献   

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