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Baby:小手脏了该怎么办? Panpan:当然要洗手喽! Baby:该怎么洗手呀? PanDan:我的洗手步骤是: 1.打开龙头,把手冲湿。然后关上龙头。 2.把手抹上肥皂。 3.洗洗手掌心。  相似文献   

出生才5天的点点,在经过医生检查同意后,妈妈为他预约了婴幼儿的游泳项目。早上9点,点点被抱到新生儿洗澡室洗澡。此时,负责婴幼儿游泳项目的工作人员也忙开了,他们在专为婴幼儿游泳设计的泳池里套上了一次性塑料薄膜袋,然后往里注入37℃的恒温水,接着又将一包特制的水疗溶质倒进泳池中,并解释说加了水疗溶质的水就跟妈妈肚子里的羊水的水质一样,宝宝畅游时能找到昔日在妈妈肚肚里的熟悉感,这能使宝宝更加舒服!这边准备就序,那边的点点也洗的千干净净啦!护士阿姨给点点套上了游泳圈,还给小肚脐上贴上了防水肚脐贴,然后将他轻轻地放入水中。初入水中的点点似乎有些害怕,眉头皱皱、小嘴扁扁,哭声随即而来。护士阿姨连忙摸摸他的小脚,柔声地安慰"宝宝乖,宝宝不怕!"很快,点点就安静下来,也似乎找到了感觉,两条小腿自然地拨动起来,时不时地还转个弯呢,可把一旁的爸爸妈妈逗得哈哈大笑。大概是游的太带劲,约十分钟后,小家伙就以哭声来抗拒了,护士阿姨看看时间差不多了,就将他从水里轻轻地抱出来,卸下泳圈、撕掉防水肚脐贴、给小肚脐消毒、穿衣,不一会儿小点点就穿戴整齐地出现在爸爸妈妈面前了,眯着眼,一副极其享受的样子!  相似文献   

咦?活泼好动的宝宝怎么发恹了,是不是发热了呀,赶快量量体温!拿着体温计,该从何处入手呢?今天我们就来学习宝宝的体温测量。Let's go!测量体温不仅能够帮助你确定宝宝是否得病,而且在患病过程中的体温测量,也可以告之你宝宝的病情变化。一般来说,早晚各一次的体温测量,就可以有效地把握宝宝的病情。宝宝身体的四个部位可以反应出确切的体温:嘴、直肠、腋窝和耳道。3岁以下的宝宝,安全意识还很薄弱,给我吃的吗?  相似文献   

宝宝4个月起,辅食就要担负起宝宝成长的大梁了。能吃的东西倒是有很多,可是哪些是适合宝宝吃的?什么时候吃?这些都是大问题。每个阶段宝宝所需要的营养成分不同,消化机能也不同,所以辅食添加还得一步一步来,根据宝宝的月龄来添加合适的辅食。  相似文献   

Pigeons were reinforced for pecking a key following one signal duration (S+) but not following another signal duration (S?). The S+ and S? were 2.52 and 5.67 sec, respectively, counterbalanced across birds. Subsequent generalization tests with a range of signal durations revealed a step function, with high response rates for all durations on the S+ side of the distribution, low response rates for all durations on the S? side, and an intermediate rate for the intermediate duration. A comparison group of pigeons trained with only the S+ duration showed a flat generalization function. For the discrimination-trained birds, the delay between signal termination and opportunity to respond was subsequently varied during generalization testing. A step function again appeared, and no evidence of subjective shortening over the delay was found. The overall pattern of results suggests that the birds categorized the temporal signal into two classes and retained a categorical code over the delay.  相似文献   

婴幼儿游泳有益于baby的身体健康和智力开发, 那让baby在家里的浴缸游泳? 还是去外边的游泳池游泳? NO NO NO……小baby必须在特制的游泳池里游泳才是,这个特制的游泳装备不仅有一个玲珑可爱的小泳池,还配备有一些专门的附件呢!  相似文献   

A new teaching aid—exergames—is increasing in popularity in schools and is regarded as an interesting, varied and effective way of improving students’ fitness. These exercise television games often contain references to physical activities carried out in different outdoor landscapes. The purpose of this article is to examine the views of landscape and nature offered by the games and the consequences this may have for students’ relationships with nature and future environmental commitment. The methodological approach used is companion meaning analysis: the meaning of nature that follows when playing the games. The results show a controlled landscape that is perfectly arranged for the activity (functional specialisation). It is an obvious anthropocentric base and commands an instrumental value where nature is valuable because it satisfies our felt preferences (demand value). Exergames can thus be seen as a further step in an ongoing detachment process from the physical landscape (indoorisation).  相似文献   

今天,小雨点满月啦!爸爸买回来了婴幼儿游泳的全套用品,准备让小雨点以“游泳”来庆祝这个特别的日子。咨询了医生、研读了婴幼儿游泳手册,小爸小妈像模像样地准备起来……  相似文献   

Gay men are often rendered feminized males according to masculine, heterosexual ideologies. This research demonstrates that gay men are actually more creative and active agents in their gender performance, simultaneously resisting and reinforcing dominant ideologies around gender and sexuality. One context where the creative agency of gay men is readily prevalent is in their leisure. Leisure contexts, used to shift the goalposts of cultural domination, are important locations where both social control of individuals and social strategies for change are prevalent. Using ethnographic methods, the author investigated a country‐western gay bar to identify those practices that reveal how gay men shape and assign meaning to the bar as a leisure context, the structures that exist to facilitate and/or prohibit gendered practices, and how gay men negotiate hegemonic and counter‐hegemonic gendered practices. This paper focuses on two‐step dancing, the most visible and popular activity that occurs in this country‐western gay bar. Yet, despite its popularity, analysis and interpretation reveal that two‐stepping, a heterosexually based, gender‐defined activity, provides gay men with a unique recreational opportunity to both challenge and reinforce dominant gender and sexual ideologies.  相似文献   

“They are whose books?”,“This is her a purse.”作为一名小学英语教师,我想你难免会在学生的口头或笔头练习中遇到类似的句子。或Chinese English,或句子成分多余,有时甚至会出现一些无厘头的“句子”,等等。面对这样并不是个别的情况,难道不值得我们好好思索吗?  相似文献   

Counting abilities have been described as determinative precursors for a good development of later arithmetic abilities. Mastery of the stable order, the one–one-correspondence and the cardinality principles can be seen as essential features for the development of counting abilities. Mastery of the counting principles in kindergarten was assessed in a large group of children with a broad range of arithmetic abilities (N = 423). Not all children mastered the counting principles by the end of kindergarten. Mastery of the counting principles in kindergarten was predictive for arithmetic abilities one year later in first grade, especially for scores on arithmetic achievement tests. Children sharing a common educational background tend to have more similar scores on arithmetic tests, yet the importance of mastery of the essential counting principles in the prediction of later arithmetic achievement was the same for all classrooms.  相似文献   

Ⅰ.词汇。A)根据句意和所给首字母完成句子。1.What’s the w________like today? 2.It often s________in the north of China in winter.3.My sister is a very p_______,girl.  相似文献   

Ⅰ.根据句意和首字母提示完成句子。1.M______is the capital(首都)of Russia(俄罗斯).2.The girl likes listening to music.She wants to be a m______.  相似文献   

This article concerns the origins of the idea of action learning, especially the claim by Revans that his Memorandum on ‘The Entry of Girls into the Nursing Profession’ in Essex hospitals written in 1938 was the first step in the development of action learning. Whilst Revans repeatedly made this claim, there is no evidence in the actual words of the Memorandum to support it, and he never explained the basis for his belief. Why Revans saw this paper as a first step is therefore a mystery. In this paper we examine the circumstances of the production of the Memorandum to find possible answers. After discussing the evidence we conclude that Revans’ claim is based on the ideas and insights which occurred to him in 1938 in his research and thinking, rather than upon what he actually wrote. We also suggest some defining aspects of action learning can be traced back to ideas first stimulated in the research and production of the 1938 Memorandum, including the importance of first-hand knowledge in tackling organisational problems; the limitations of expert knowledge in complex conditions; the impact of hierarchy on the flow of knowledge; the importance of problem ownership in bring about action for improvement and the primacy of learning in the processes of problem-solving and innovation.  相似文献   

在名词词组中,不定冠词a/an的位置通常位于前置修饰语之前。如:a difficult problem to solve一个难以解决的问题,aninteresting book一本有趣的书。  相似文献   


The APA Task Force on Statistical Inference recently recommended reporting effect sizes alongside results of statistical significance tests. The purpose of this article is to investigate effect size usage in gifted education research and to follow up on a similar investigation published by Plucker (1997). A content analysis of effect size reporting was conducted of articles published in the Journal for the Education of the Gifted, Roeper Review, and Gifted Child Quarterly from 1995–2000. Results of the present study were similar to the findings of Plucker (1997): No statistical difference in reporting was found across journals or across years, and a moderate difference was found between effect size reporting in univariate versus multivariate statistics. The benefits to gifted education research of understanding the relationship among sample size, effect size, and statistical power are discussed.  相似文献   

Reforms in undergraduate engineering curriculum to produce engineers with entrepreneurial skills should address real-world problems relevant to industry and society with active industry support. Technology-assisted, hands-on projects involving experimentation, design simulation and prototyping will transform graduates into professionals with necessary skills to create and advance knowledge that meets global standards. To achieve this goal, this paper proposes establishing a central facility, ‘Centre for Engineering Experimentation and Design Simulation’ (CEEDS) in autonomous engineering colleges in India. The centre will be equipped with the most recent technology resources and computational facilities where students execute novel interdisciplinary product-oriented projects benefiting both industry and society. Students undertake two projects: a short-term project aimed at an engineering solution to a problem in energy, health and environment and the other a major industry-supported project devoted to a product that enhances innovation and creativity. The paper presents the current status, the theoretical and pedagogical foundation for the centre's relevance, an activity plan and its implementation in the centre for product-based learning with illustrative examples.  相似文献   

Within the emerging field of research on education for sustainability (EfS), case studies are an important if not the predominant research approach, although often criticised for its lack of internal and external validity and a tendency to draw conclusions with insufficient rigour. While, basic concerns have been expressed and discussed in an early issue of this journal, main assumption still hold true after more than 10 years of research in the field. Only a few approaches so far have tackled the challenge to provide cross-case comparison and the synthesis of case-study results still remains a research desideratum. In this paper, we argue that developments in the field of qualitative and quantitative meta-analysis in educational science offer a framework, which can be used to overcome that shortcoming. After describing the idea of research synthesis, different types of such a meta-analysis are identified and their potential is discussed for existing case studies in higher EfS. This paper concludes with recommendations for further case-study research in the field.  相似文献   

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