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In the last 30 years, major changes have taken place in the public sector worldwide under the rubric of New Public Management [NPM]. The education sector is perhaps one of the key areas drawing an intense interest and discussion in the wake of NPM. The Russian State seems to be no longer an exception to this global trend. In line with this, the Russian education sector was declared as a large-scale top priority national project in the late summer of 2005, which was aimed to help raise the living standards of each Russian citizen. This empirical paper seeks to reveal the major institutional and legal changes taking place in Russian higher education over time. This insight is vital as it points to the contexts in which Russian public universities operate. To make the acquaintance of a system of Russian higher education, this research sketches its evolution. It commences from the Soviet era to the present time, highlighting the most significant government initiatives.  相似文献   

文章以某粮食港口为例,根据该项目的实际情况,介绍了该粮食港口的工艺流程并应用组态软件RSViewSE对该港口粮流系统操作员站进行了设计。人机界面简洁友好,操作使用方便,体现了RSView SE在实际应用中的灵活性以及卓越特性。  相似文献   

This article introduces readers to some of the cultural characteristics of education and educational development in Russia. Action Research is as yet a new influence on Russian educational thinking, and so this article makes a beginning by tracing the connection between the ‘Action Research’ approach and Russian ‘Activity Theory’ in the teacher training process. The assumption of the Russian participants in an international project devoted to action research in teacher training was that the facilitation of the ‘Activity Theory’ approach would make a relevant contribution to an understanding of action research. The practical implications of this link in various different contexts are described in the article.  相似文献   

The article reviews the general context of the situation that has arisen in Russian education after the new provisions of the Federal Law of 29 December 2012 “On Education in the Russian Federation” went into effect. The law has been enacted in response to the need to develop a new concept of teacher education. Currently, about 270 institutions of higher education, about 30 percent of Russian universities, are implementing programs in the field of teacher education, and the proportion is growing. The author presents the main results of monitoring the activities of teacher training institutions in Russia and notes the new content and organizational challenges facing the project of modernizing teacher education.  相似文献   

文章选取国内24所高校的教育技术学硕士研究生培养方案作为样本,从课程体系的框架结构和开设的具体课程两个方面展开调查,发现当今的课程体系存在板块组合特征明显,缺乏灵活性、课程设置"学科化"趋向明显,社会适应性不足等问题。针对这些问题,文章给出了构建柔性课程体系、以就业为导向开设课程等建议,希望能对当前本专业的课程体系改革有一定的启示和帮助。  相似文献   

A small group of Russian teachers who were interested in adopting aspects of the US science educational reform movement, participated in a constructivist science teaching project. Baseline data from translated classroom observations were scored using the science classroom observation rubric from the expert science teaching educational evaluation model (ESTEEM) and compared with a traditional (teacher centered) group of US science teachers and a group of US constructivist (student centered) science teachers. The purpose of the research is to investigate how Russian teachers who were beginning a US science education reform project compared with two US groups of science teachers, a traditional and a reform group. Analysis of variance was used to analyse the total rubric score and four categories for the Russian/traditional US and the Russian/constructivist US studies in order to examine closely the traditional and the constructivist teaching practises. In the first study US traditional teachers were statistically higher on 'facilitating the learning process' and 'context-specific pedagogy'. Russian teachers were higher on the 'content' category. In the second study the experienced constructivist US teachers were statistically higher on all four categories and the total rubric score. The educational culture of both countries is very traditional. However, the reform movement in science education has changed some US teachers, and is in the process of changing some Russian teachers. Both countries are working on the reform process. The results of this study provide baseline information on a small group of Russian teachers, who have chosen to be a part of the ideas contained in the US science education reform movement. The study also promotes the mutual understanding of both cultures among teachers, administrators, and researchers, which should ultimately form a bond for working together on common educational issues.  相似文献   

One of the goals of higher professional education is to develop generic student competencies across a variety of disciplines that play a crucial role in education and that provide wider opportunities for graduates in finding good jobs and more chance of promotion. In this article a list of generic competencies developed in Russian universities is compared with a similar list developed by a consortium of Russian and European universities (project TUNING-RUSSIA). Then there is a second comparison with a list of competencies taken from the CDIO Syllabus. This comparison indicates the degree of similarity among the lists and the possible convergence among universities all over the world. The results are taken from a survey carried out among Russian employers, academics, and graduates. The survey asked to rate each listed competence by its importance and the degree of achieving goals in the process of the education.  相似文献   

《Support for Learning》2005,20(4):195-202
In this article Laura Ann Currie and Victoria Prudnikova describe a three–year Russian/Scottish partnership designed to take forward an inclusive educational policy in the Samara Region of Russia. Education staff from West Lothian Council and Barnardo's visited the Samara Region to train staff there to help take forward their inclusion programme. It was an ambitious project for our Russian colleagues. Their starting position was one where young disabled children were sent away to be ‘corrected’ in institutions miles from their family and friends. Disability was feared and shameful and the prevailing medical model presented philosophical and practical difficulties in taking forward an inclusive approach. Despite these difficulties colleagues in Samara have picked up the baton and are running with it. For West Lothian staff it has been an affirming, often humbling, but challenging experience.  相似文献   

《汽车制造工艺学》是工科高校中一门实践性强、涉及面广、灵活性大又十分重要的专业课,对培养学生工程实践能力起着重要的作用。为此对车辆工程专业的《汽车制造工艺学》课程教学方法进行了探讨,提出了组织教学内容,改进教学方法,提高教学质量的措施。  相似文献   

Recent research, undertaken using participative observation methods within the Leonardo Da Vinci project ‘Open-Dynamic-Design’, provides evidence that EU industrial practice continues to value the flexibility of physical models across a range of disciplines. This research is placed within the philosophical educational framework established by Schon and examples of implementation within the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering disciplines at the University of Glasgow are discussed. It is argued that physical models support the concurrent optimisation of design and manufacturing processes and that they represent a continuing generic tool to support engineering design education.  相似文献   

建设创新型高校是俄罗斯国家未来发展计划的重要内容,为此联邦政府通过拨款资助采取了"全国高等学校创新型教学计划竞赛"等具体措施来建设创新型高校,对我们创新型人才的培养提供了有益的借鉴。  相似文献   


Currently, Russian academics are facing significant demands because of a new, urgent requirement to pursue their research in accordance with international standards. Until recently, these academics were used to working within a familiar community and communicating their research via the Russian language, but now, they are expected to move beyond that and function on a global level, which can challenge their academic identities. A qualitative study was carried out in a research-intensive Russian university. The aim was to explore academics’ experiences and perceptions of the dynamic changes in their academic work with a particular focus on the limitations and pressures they meet in their career path towards global research. The data were collected by means of reflective journals during a course on English for academic purposes. Thematic analysis was employed for data analysis. The results showed that global trends turned out to be unachievable for Russian academics due to the lack of specific knowledge, attributes and skills required to do research globally. This might be the first study from Russia contributing to the literature on academic identity construction. The article provides insights into the experiences and perceptions of Russian academics and offers a research agenda for further investigation to bridge identity shifts in academia. In terms of practical purposes, the results will be used as a source of preliminary data within a broader research project aimed at supporting Russian academics in their research in an international English-speaking academic context.  相似文献   

虚拟实验的设计与实现   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
李鸣华 《现代教育技术》2007,17(12):100-103
虚拟实验是网络课程的重要组成部分,也是开发与设计的难点。本文在分析虚拟实验的特点、使用现状及虚拟实验系统构成的基础上,提出了利用仿真软件设计开发综合性、设计性虚拟实验的方案。采用该方案,具有灵活性、鲁棒性、动态匹配性好、共享方便等特点,便于实验的灵活变更与快速实施。以数字电路课程为例,给出了设计中的关键技术和相关实现结果。  相似文献   

Consumer preference for flexible education   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Sam Ayer and Catherine Smith of the School of Health at the University of Hull, England, present the findings of a market research project to identify consumer preferences for flexible education. The research con‐centrated on two major aspects of flexible education: access to learning and choices within courses. It explores what specific aspects of flexibility within education and training provision are most relevant to prospective students of flexible education and thus highlights potential market opportunities.  相似文献   

美国社区教育的政府支持、服务性、多功能性、灵活性、开放性及网络化等发展特点启示我们:我国社区教育的发展需要政府的高度关注和支持,同时社区教育自身在发展过程中要体现服务社区,功能多样;自我调整,适应需求;立足社区,开放办学;依托信息支持,实施网络化等特色,更要关注农村社区教育的发展。  相似文献   

俄罗斯民族是一个伟大的民族,东正教是现今俄罗斯民族信仰的最主要的宗教,东正教对俄罗斯文化影响巨大,其宗教思想已深入到人们的日常生活中,成为俄罗斯传统思想的重要组成部分。本文通过对影响俄罗斯民族基督教化的各种因素剖析,加深对俄罗斯民族向封建社会转化过程中的宗教的发展变化缘由,即从多神教向一神教东正教的变化缘由的认识,以增进对俄罗斯宗教文化的进一步了解。  相似文献   

赵云中先生曾在《回顾?期望》 一文中提出关于中国俄语界的研究对象是什么的设问, 涉及“俄语研究者” 、“俄语作为外语”、“中国俄语学”等概念。对赵先生的思想进行感悟与解读, 并对相关概念进行分析与对比, 有助于摆脱某些认识上的误区, 明确中国俄语工作者的自我定位, 把体现中国俄语教学与研究的特色、构建赋有实践性与创新性的中国俄语学作为国内俄语界共同努力的方向。  相似文献   

针对工程类大学毕业设计中普遍存在的学生运用知识能力不足、工程意识不强、选题与工作意向不对应、毕业设计课题缺乏工程性质等问题,提出加强辅导、加强教育、形成针对性毕业设计文件、提高选题的灵活性等对策。  相似文献   

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