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Using data collected up to age 26 in the Chicago Longitudinal Study, this cost-benefit analysis of the Child-Parent Centers (CPC) is the first for a sustained publicly funded early intervention. The program provides services for low-income families beginning at age 3 in 20 school sites. Kindergarten and school-age services are provided up to age 9 (third grade). Findings from a complete cohort of over 1,400 program and comparison group participants indicated that the CPCs had economic benefits in 2007 dollars that exceeded costs. The preschool program provided a total return to society of $10.83 per dollar invested (18% annual return). The primary sources of benefits were increased earnings and tax revenues and averted criminal justice system costs. The school-age program had a societal return of $3.97 per dollar invested (10% annual return). The extended intervention program (4-6 years) had a societal return of $8.24 (18% annual return). Estimates were robust across a wide range of analyses including Monte Carlo simulations. Males, 1-year preschool participants, and children from higher risk families derived greater benefits. Findings provide strong evidence that sustained programs can contribute to well-being for individuals and society.  相似文献   

Conclusion One of the most gratifying returns was a chance comment offered by a teacher as we walked across the lawn toward a local fast food restaurant. We were chatting about what he had experienced during the preceding two years. You know, he said, when we began this, I didn't see many hopeful signs, but I think that most of us (teachers) feel now that we work in the best high school in the city. The source may have been biased, and rigorous controls were obviously lacking, but that is the way one teacher perceived the changes. Many gained planning, leadership, problem solving, and other important behavioral and coping skills that contributed in interactively subtle, but nevertheless real ways.Can good things be made to happen in urban schools? The quantified data are equivocal, but we believe that the associations among interventions and perceived changes support cautious optimism.  相似文献   

A National Science Foundation-sponsored energy education inservice project was conducted during thirty, weekly sessions for twenty-seven elementary school teachers throughout the 1979–1980 school year. Time was devoted to studying energy sources, demand for energy, and energy policy and decision making. Energy education curriculum materials were examined for each of these content areas, and an energy education unit was taught by each participant in his or her own classroom. The Energy Inventory, developed by The Biological Sciences Curriculum Study, was used with a pretest-post-test control group design to determine if the participants gained a significant amount of knowledge about energy and significantly changed their opinions about energy. Analysis of covariance indicates that significant changes in knowledge possessed and opinions held about energy were achieved during the thirty weekly sessions. Since most current energy education materials require a considerable amount of teacher knowledge about energy and modeling of good energy practices, it is assumed that teachers participating in this project will do a better job of teaching energy education materials than they might otherwise have done.  相似文献   

Student self‐documentation is an effective approach to program evaluation. It measures student growth and compares performance standards to actual learner performance.  相似文献   

This paper describes a randomised controlled trial conducted with 10 secondary schools in England to evaluate the impact and feasibility of Fresh Start as an intervention to help new entrants with low prior literacy. Fresh Start is a synthetic phonics programme for small groups of pupils, here implemented three times per week over 22 weeks. The intervention was led by the schools themselves and assessed in cooperation with the independent evaluators. A group of 433 year 7 pupils (first year of secondary school) were identified by schools as having literacy attainment below “secure” KS2 level 4, and individually randomised to a treatment group or a waiting-list control. The pupils were assessed via GL’s New Group Reading Test. Missing data at pre- and post-test amounted to 3% of the total. The overall “effect” size in terms of gain scores from pre- to post-test was +0.24, and this was repeated in a sub-group analysis involving only FSM-eligible pupils. However, there was some imbalance between the two groups at the outset, and this must lead to a slight caution about the findings, and to some doubts about whether one or more schools unwittingly subverted the randomisation. Other than this, the aggregated trial shows that schools can conduct evaluations of their own interventions with firm guidance from experts, and under favourable conditions such as individual randomisation and lack of extended involvement by developers with a conflict of interests.  相似文献   

过犹不及,能而不为:现代城市家庭教育问题探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
家庭是社会的单元,家庭生活受到时代冲击,家庭教育的内容与方式也发生着诸多变化。现代城市家庭教育"过犹不及,能而不为",对后代发展有很大影响。以下是家庭教育何为的切入点:传统家庭伦理文化惯习省思;家庭具有教育的本然功能;家庭教育与学校教育的耦合;父母与孩子共同成长等。  相似文献   

城乡教师继续教育统筹发展是集结城乡优势资源互惠互利的融合发展.是城乡布局与资源配置的城乡一体联动发展,也是高端更高以及低端追高的均衡发展。城乡教师继续教育统筹发展内涵解析需要解决城乡的内涵界定与人口的统计范式以及城乡教师继续教育差异表征等问题。  相似文献   

大学生职业发展教育是高校思想政治教育的深化和延伸,是高校德育工作的新途径。高校辅导员是德育教师,是大学生思想政治教育的骨干力量,是大学生健康成长的指导者和引路人,这一宏观角色决定了辅导员必然是大学生职业发展教育的主要执行者之一。因而高校辅导员如何有效开展这一工作,充分发挥其特殊作用,成为需要认真探讨的新课题。文章试从加强自身培训、做好入学教育、抓好课程教学、搞好校园文化活动、创新教育新载体、创建实践体系、建立长效机制等七个方面来探讨。  相似文献   

教育评价中的敏感性问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教育评价中存在许多导致评价结果不确定性的因素,本文分析了教育评价中影响评价结果合理性的敏感性问题,如指标属性值的标准化、评价专家的组成、群体评价结果的合成、评价模型的选取等。  相似文献   

卡内基高等教育机构分类法透视   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
建设研究型大学已经成为中国政府和社会关注的问题,可是,中国目前尚未有关于中国研究型大学的分类方法,本文对美国研究型大学的卡内基分类进行评述,以此为中国研究型大学的研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

The present study examined the effects of combining full-time on-the-job learning with full-time course work for a group of 26 students enrolled in the University Year for Action Program. Results indicated that, although students perceived the agency learning environments much more positively than parallel classroom learning environments, participating in the program had relatively little impact on variables such as concept knowledge and moral judgment, which were hypothesized as relevant outcome dimensions. Students' direct evaluations of their year-long experience provided information which has been used in modification of the program.  相似文献   

Doyle D 《Death education》1982,6(3):213-226
The need for further improved professional training in the care of the dying is now being recognized by doctors themselves, and increasingly they are turning to hospices for such education. The ways in which such training might be provided are outlined and some of the problems discussed in the light of British experience. It is suggested that no major hospice program should ever be initiated unless it incorporates an education program aimed to meet the deficiencies revealed in recent studies.  相似文献   

我国城市贫困人口状况分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文将从城市贫困人口的地域、行业、所有制及人口结构分布现状,和城市贫困人口的主体特征,财产、消费、医疗保健、生活态度、心理状况等方面进行分析,意在从城市贫困群体所具有的特殊性出发,以求探讨城市扶贫解困的积极措施。  相似文献   

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