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A postural tremor appears whenever someone attempts to maintain a steady position against gravity. We examined the postural tremor that occurred while air pistol shooters were taking aim so as to compare the coordinative control of the shooters and to identify the features critical to successful shooting. Ten elite and ten pre-elite athletes participated in pistol shooting at 10 m, and the postural tremors in the pistol and upper limb were recorded with lightweight accelerometers. Exploratory analysis showed that the elite shooters had smaller tremor amplitudes than the pre-elite shooters in the pistol and distal arm segments. Compared with the pre-elite shooters, the elite shooters had a smaller tremor amplitude in the lateral direction relative to that in the vertical direction, together with weaker tremor coupling in the lateral direction and stronger vertical coupling of the pistol–hand complex. The resulting shot performance was inversely related to the amplitude of the tremor and to the 8–12 Hz spectral peak of the lateral tremor in the pistol–hand complex. We conclude that the postural tremors of air pistol shooters are associated with the skill of the shooters, and that the elite shooters could optimize the control of the pistol–hand complex, which strongly determined success in shooting.  相似文献   

Golf requires proper dynamic balance to accurately control the club head through a harmonious coordination of each human segment and joint. In this study, we evaluated the ability for dynamic balance during a golf swing by using the centre of mass (COM)–centre of pressure (COP) inclination variables. Twelve professional, 13 amateur and 10 novice golfers participated in this study. Six infrared cameras, two force platforms and SB-Clinic software were used to measure the net COM and COP trajectories. In order to evaluate dynamic balance ability, the COM–COP inclination angle, COM–COP inclination angular velocity and normalised COM–COP inclination angular jerk were used. Professional golfer group revealed a smaller COM–COP inclination angle and angular velocity than novice golfer group in the lead/trail direction (P < 0.01). In the normalised COM–COP inclination angular jerk, the professional golfer group showed a lower value than the other two groups in all directions. Professional golfers tend to exhibit improved dynamic balance, and this can be attributed to the neuromusculoskeletal system that maintains balance with proper postural control. This study has the potential to allow for an evaluation of the dynamic balance mechanism and will provide useful basic information for swing training and prevention of golf injuries.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare the kinetic and kinematic parameters of standing and crouch sprint starts. Parallel starts (PS), false starts (FS), jump starts (JS) and crouch starts (3PS) were compared. Eighteen participants performed each start on a force plate and six infrared cameras captured the three-dimensional coordinates of 36 retro-reflective markers. Performance during a five-metre sprint (T5m) was analysed. Duration of the start phase (Tstart), mean values of horizontal and total ground reaction forces (GRFs) (Fx_mean and Ftot_mean), ratio of force (RF), maximal power (Pmax) and kinetic energy (KE) of each limb were calculated. Significant differences were found for T5m, Tstart, KE, Pmax, Fx_mean, Ftot_mean and RF for the crouch start compared to the other starts (P ≤ 0.05). Significant correlations were found between T5m and Tstart (r = 0.59; P ≤ 0.001), and T5m and Pmax, Fx_mean and RF (?0.73 ≤ r ≤ ?0.61; P ≤ 0.001). To conclude, the crouch start resulted in the best performance because Tstart was shorter, producing greater Pmax, Fx_mean with a more forward orientation of the resultant force. Greater KE of the trunk in each start condition demonstrated the role of the trunk in generating forward translation of the centre of mass (CM).  相似文献   

对篮球运动节奏的涵义进行了论述,阐明了影响篮球运动的技术、战术、比赛节奏的各个因素,提出了加强技术动作节奏控制,提高个人攻击能力,实施灵活多变并针对实战和比赛形势等若干提高篮球运动节奏控制水平的对策。  相似文献   


Quiet eye training (QET) may be a more effective method for teaching children to catch than traditional training (TT) methods, but it is unclear if the benefits accrued persist in the long term. Thirty children were randomly allocated into a QET or TT group and, while wearing a mobile eye tracker, underwent baseline testing, training and two retention tests over a period of eight weeks, using a validated throw and catch task. During training, movement-related information was provided to both groups, while the QET group received additional instruction to increase the duration of their targeting fixation (QE1) on the wall prior to the throw, and pursuit tracking (QE2) period on the ball prior to catching. In both immediate (R1) and delayed (R2, six weeks later) retention tests, the QET group had a significantly longer QE1 duration and an earlier and longer QE2 duration, compared to the TT group, who revealed no improvements. A performance advantage was also found for the QET compared to the TT group at both R1 and R2, revealing the relatively robust nature of the visuomotor alterations. Regression analyses suggested that only the duration of QE1 predicted variance in catch success post-training, pointing to the importance of a pre-programming visuomotor strategy for successful throw and catch performance.  相似文献   


The effects of stance angle on postural stability and shooting processes were studied using eight national-standard male air-pistol shooters. Each shooter performed 60 shots each in four stance angles (0°, 15°, 30° and 45° from the line of fire). Postural stability was determined by measuring change in centre of pressure with a dual-force platform system assessing centre-of-pressure (COP) excursion (average difference of the centre of pressure from the mean) and COP speed (total COP path divided by time). Shooting process measures were determined by using a NOPTEL ST-2000 optoelectronic system. Score was assessed with a Sius Ascor S10 electronic scoring system. The results revealed no significant difference among the various stance angles; COP excursion or COP speed, p>0.05. Results indicated a significant stance angle effect with the shooting process measure, hit fine (percentage of hold within an area the size of the 10-ring when centred over the actual shot; p = 0.025) and the shooting performance measure adjusted score (raw score adjusted for true zero; p=0.008). Moreover, best overall performance was with a stance angle of 15°. These findings suggest that stance angle may affect pistol stability and performance in air-pistol athletes.  相似文献   

We examined changes in the usage of muscular and motion-dependent moments during the long-term practice of a complex, multijoint movement. Seven participants practiced a cyclic movement of the upper limbs until their joint angular movements conformed to those of an expert. The motions of the participants were digitally recorded using four high-speed infrared cameras, and the joint kinematics and kinetics of the right arm were calculated. Practice brought about changes in the patterns of the net joint moment and in the contributions of the muscular and motion-dependent moments to the net moments. Practice also brought about a growing opposition between the directions of the two moments. These changes seemed to be important for improving the dynamic equilibrium of the movements.  相似文献   


In tennis, a “split-step” is a small vertical jump or hop that is commonly used as a preparatory motion for a lateral step when receiving the ball. The purposes of the present study were (1) to determine whether a split-step increases the velocity of the subsequent lateral step, and (2) to investigate when the landing should occur in order to obtain the maximum benefit from a split-step. Ten male collegiate tennis players performed a choice reaction step-and-reach task with and without a split-step. The participants could reach the target earlier by taking a split-step (split: 764 ± 106 ms, no-split: 868 ± 63, P < 0.001). A risk–benefit relationship of a split-step depended on the timing of the landing. If the interval between the activation of the direction signal and the landing was shorter than mean minus standard deviation of the participant's response time, participants sometimes achieved very quick step to the target but could not reach the target in 7.8% of the trials. On the contrary, if the interval between the activation of the direction signal and the landing was within the mean plus-minus standard deviation of the participant's response time, participants achieved quick and reliable (percentage of error: 0.8%) step.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the differences in coordination variability in running gait between trained runners and non-runners using continuous relative phase (CRP) analysis. Lower extremity kinematic data were collected for 22 participants during the stance phase. The participants were assigned to either a runner or non-runner group based on running volume training. Segment coordination and coordination variability were calculated for selected hip–knee and knee–ankle couplings. Independent t-tests and magnitude-based inferences were used to compare the 2 groups. There were limited differences in the CRP and its variability among runners and non-runner groups. The runners group achieved moderately lower coordination compared with non-runners group in the phase angle for hip abduction/adduction and knee flexion/extension. The runners tended to show moderately lower coordination variability in the phase angle for knee flexion/extension and subtalar inversion/eversion in comparison to non-runners group. These results suggested that levels of experience as estimated from weekly training volume had little influence on coordination and its variability.  相似文献   


When learning swinging skills on a bar there has been conflicting advice in the research literature regarding whether to coach the “gold standard” technique to novices. The present study aimed to determine how technique (joint angle time histories) and (inter-limb) coordination changed as novice gymnasts learned a fundamental gymnastics skill (the upstart). It was hypothesised that both technique and coordination would become more like an expert as learning progressed. Eight novice gymnasts, unable to perform an upstart, underwent four months of training, with the number of successful upstarts out of 10 recorded at the start and then every month subsequently. In the first and last sessions motion capture was used to determine joint kinematics. Root mean squared differences for the joint angle time histories and continuous relative phase at the shoulder and hip were calculated between the novices and an expert gymnast. As training progressed technique and coordination became more like the expert gymnast. The more successful novices were better able to time their actions within the swing than the less successful novices. Gymnastics coaches teach towards a “gold standard” technique since being successful at the skill is not the only goal, as considerations for future skill development are made.  相似文献   

The rowing stroke is a leg-driven action, in which forces developed by the lower limbs provide a large proportion of power delivered to the oars. In terms of both performance and injury, it is important to initiate each stroke with powerful and symmetrical loading of the foot stretchers. The aims of this study were to assess the reliability of foot force measured by footplates developed for the Concept2 indoor ergometer and to examine the magnitude and symmetry of bilateral foot forces in different groups of rowers. Five heavyweight female scullers, six heavyweight female sweep rowers, and six lightweight male (LWM) rowers performed an incremental step test on the Concept2 ergometer. Vertical, horizontal, and resultant forces were recorded bilaterally, and asymmetries were quantified using the absolute symmetry index. Foot force was measured with high consistency (coefficient of multiple determination>0.976 ± 0.010). Relative resultant, vertical, and horizontal forces were largest in LWM rowers, whilst average foot forces significantly increased across stroke rates for all three groups of rowers. Asymmetries ranged from 5.3% for average resultant force to 28.9% for timing of peak vertical force. Asymmetries were not sensitive to stroke rate or rowing group, however, large inter-subject variability in asymmetries was evident.  相似文献   


The objectives of this study were to determine the impact of different instructional constraints on standing board jump (sbj) performance in children and understand the underlying changes in emergent movement patterns. Two groups of novice participants were provided with either externally or internally focused attentional instructions during an intervention phase. Pre- and post-test sessions were undertaken to determine changes to performance and movement patterns. Thirty-six primary fourth-grade male students were recruited for this study and randomly assigned to either an external, internal focus or control group. Different instructional constraints with either an external focus (image of the achievement) or an internal focus (image of the act) were provided to the participants. Performance scores (jump distances), and data from key kinematic (joint range of motion, ROM) and kinetic variables (jump impulses) were collected. Instructional constraints with an emphasis on an external focus of attention were generally more effective in assisting learners to improve jump distances. Intra-individual analyses highlighted how enhanced jump distances for successful participants may be concomitant with specific changes to kinematic and kinetic variables. Larger joint ROM and adjustment to a comparatively larger horizontal impulse to a vertical impulse were observed for more successful participants at post-test performance. From a constraints-led perspective, the inclusion of instructional constraints encouraging self-adjustments in the control of movements (i.e., image of achievement) had a beneficial effect on individuals performing the standing broad jump task. However, the advantage of using an external focus of attentional instructions could be task- and individual-specific.  相似文献   

篮球运动中制空权的掌握并不仅仅在于对空间高度的控制,还在于对高度控制的持续时间上,因而连续起跳就显得颇为重要;对篮球运动中连接起跳技术的结构、运用及影响因素进行了探讨,并设计了相应的训练方法。  相似文献   

包大鹏  胡扬  何家林  周俊鸿  张珏  陈岩 《体育科学》2012,32(7):18-21,38
目的:现代五项实施"跑射联项"新规则后彻底改变了原有射击比赛的制胜规律,使原有气手枪慢射改变为跑步后速射,跑步对于运动员重心变化的影响将决定着运动员的射击命中率。采用复杂度分析方法剖析"跑射联项"后运动员重心变化对于射击命中率的影响,进而提出最佳重心摆动模式。方法:模拟"跑射联项"过程,测试运动员在安静状态下及1 000m跑后瞄区变化轨迹,同时测试重心摆动。对运动前、后结果采用配对t检验(方差齐)和秩和检验(方差不齐)来衡量两者之间的显著性差异,同时采用非线性动力学的复杂度分析及Pearson相关分析来探讨重心变化的特征,以及其同射击命中率变化之间的关系。结果:在1 000m跑后运动员身体系统的复杂度同平静状态下相比有显著提高(P<0.05);运动前、后重心变化与其射击的命中率变的Pearson相关系数高达0.78,说明重心与运动员的命中率相关;重心轨迹变化呈现三类典型结果,即前后一字式、水平一字式和散点式,3种类型的优劣排序是前后一字式优于水平一字式优于散点式。结论:利用非线性动力学的相关知识发现了运动员运动后身体系统的复杂度同运动前相比显著性升高,而其变化的程度可能与运动员的竞技状态有关。同时,运动员在运动后命中率的显著下降同其运动后重心的变化有很高的相关性,并且重心的变化分为三种类型,是有一定规律的。  相似文献   

This study examined age-related differences in the role of visual proprioception during a lower limb interceptive action and how this varies as a function of skill and practice. In Experiment 1, skilled and less-skilled 8-, 10-, and 12-year-old boys controlled a soccer ball using their preferred foot under full vision and when sight of the effector was occluded. With the exception of the high-skilled 12-year-olds and low-skilled 8-year-olds, participants showed a decrement in peformance when denied access to visual proprioception. In Experiment 2, the effect of practicing under different informational constraints was examined for 12 year-old boys. Children performed varying amounts of practice under full vision, or in a condition where sight of the foot was occluded, before being transferred to the alternative viewing condition. Participants who practiced under occluded viewing conditions showed greater relative improvement in performance over practice and transfer sessions compared with a full vision control group. Some support is provided for the manipulation of visual informational constraints as an effective pedagogical approach to motor learning.  相似文献   

The initial stance position (ISP) has been observed as a factor affecting the execution technique during taekwondo kicks. In the present study, authors aimed to analyse a roundhouse kick to the chest by measuring movement coordination and the variability of coordination and comparing this across the different ISP (0°, 45° and 90°). Eight experienced taekwondo athletes performed consecutive kicking trials in random order from every of the three relative positions. The execution was divided into three phases (stance, first swing and second swing phase). A motion capture system was used to measure athletes’ angular displacement of pelvis and thigh. A modified vector coding technique was used to quantify the coordination of the segments which contributed to the overall movement. The variability of this coordination (CV) for each ISP was also calculated. Comparative analysis showed that during the stance phase in the transverse plane, athletes coordinated movement of the trunk and thigh with a higher frequency of in-phase and lower frequency of exclusive thigh rotation in the 0° stance than the 90° stance position (< 0.05). CV was also influenced by the different ISP. During the first swing and the majority of the second swing phase, predominant in-phase coordination of the pelvis and thigh was observed. Including exercises that require in-phase movement could not only help athletes to acquire coordination stability but also efficiency. The existence of a constraint such as ISP implies an increase of the variability when the athletes have to kick from ISP they are not used to adopt (i.e., 0° and 90° ISP) as an evidence of adaptability in the athletes’ execution technique.  相似文献   

This study aimed to correlate, compare, and determine the reliability of force, velocity, and power values collected with a force plate (FP) and a linear transducer during loaded jumps. Twenty-three swimmers performed an incremental loading test at 25, 50, 75, and 100% of their own body weight on a FP. A linear velocity transducer (LVT) was attached to the bar to assess the peak and the mean values of force, velocity, and power. Both the peak variables (r = 0.94 – 0.99 for peak force, r = 0.83 – 0.91 for peak velocity, and r = 0.90–0.94 for peak power; p < 0.001) and the mean variables (r = 0.96–0.99 for mean force, r = 0.87–0.89 for mean velocity, and r = 0.93–0.96 for mean power; p < 0.001) were strongly correlated between both measurement tools. Differences in the shape of the force-, velocity-, and power-time curves were observed. The LVT data showed a steeper increase in these variables at the beginning of the movement, while the FP recorded larger values in the latter part. Peak values were more reliable than mean values. These results suggest that the LVT is a valid tool for the assessment of loaded squat jump.  相似文献   

对跳投技术生物力学特征之探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文运用生物力学理论知识,对篮球跳投技术各环节的力学特征进行分析和探讨.指出跳投技术动量产生主要来自起跳,起跳所产生的向上的惯性力,应与其它几个技术环节发出的力协调汇合,并流畅地将其体现在整个动作中,从而有效地完成跳投技术动作.  相似文献   


Several researchers have demonstrated that an external focus of attention (about movement’s effects) during movement execution allowed better performances and learning of various motor tasks than an internal focus of attention (about movement itself). However, attentional focus effects have not been studied in tasks requiring explosive actions preceded by fast reaction time to a signal, such as a sprint start. We hypothesised that the beneficial effect of external focus of attention would be observed in the different stages of the sprint start (i.e. reaction time, block clearance and running) for both expert and novice sprinters. Novice and expert sprinters performed sprint starts followed by a 10 m sprint under three conditions: external focus instructions; internal focus instructions; and neutral instructions. The reaction time and the running time were significantly shorter in the external focus condition than in the internal focus condition, for both expert and novice participants. These results confirm the beneficial effect of an external focus of attention on the speed of movement execution. Moreover, they revealed that attentional focus influences movement preparation. Several hypotheses are proposed to account for these results, with reference to the processes that could be responsible for the observed effects.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to establish the characteristics of the movement patterns common to flutter kicking of skilled swimmers and to determine how the movement patterns of swimmers at different levels of a "learn-to-swim" programme differ from those of skilled swimmers. Also, the nature of the skill afforded the opportunity to investigate learning of a cyclical multi-joint task from a motor control perspective. The underwater motion of nine children representing three levels of a "learn-to-swim" programme and 10 skilled swimmers were video-recorded while performing nine cycles of prone flutter kicking. Kinematics including joint angular motion and coordination of joint actions were calculated. Fourier analysis was applied to determine the frequency composition of the vertical undulations of the hip, knee, and ankle and to calculate the velocity of the body wave travelling caudally from hip to ankle. Fourier analysis also enabled investigation of biological noise, as distinct from variability. The results indicated the desired joint angles and coordination towards which learners could be guided. An index based on the ratio of hip - knee and knee - ankle body wave velocities showed that the inter-joint coordination of most learners was not appropriate for effective flutter kicking. There was strong evidence to suggest that skilled performance in flutter kicking is characterized by sequencing of joint actions to produce a single sinusoidal body wave moving caudally with not decreasing and preferably increasing velocity, low biological noise, and small variability.  相似文献   

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