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We compared the effects of (1) accurate and (2) surreptitiously augmented performance feedback on power output and physiological responses to a 4000 m time-trial in the heat. Nine cyclists completed a baseline (BaseL) 4000 m time-trial in ambient temperatures of 30°C, followed by two further 4000 m time-trials at the same temperature, randomly assigning the participants to an accurate (ACC; accurate feedback of baseline) or deceived (DEC; 2% increase above baseline) feedback group. The total power output (PO) and aerobic (Paer) and anaerobic (Pan) contributions were determined at 0.4 km stages during the time-trials, alongside measurements of rectal (Trec) and skin (Tskin) temperatures. There were no differences (P > 0.05) in any of the variables between BaseL, ACC and DEC, despite increases (P < 0.05) in Trec and Tskin. Typical pacing profiles were demonstrated; however, there was no interaction (P > 0.05) between feedback condition and time-trial stage. Providing surreptitiously augmented performance feedback to well-trained cyclists did not alter their performance or physiological responses to a 4000 m time-trial in a hot environment. The assumed influence of augmented performance feedback was nullified in the heat, perhaps reflecting a central down-regulation of exercise intensity in response to an increased body temperature.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to determine whether an exogenous sodium lactate infusion increases blood lactate concentration and decreases performance during a 20-km time-trial. Highly trained male cyclists performed a 20-km time-trial with a saline (control) or sodium lactate infusion. Sodium lactate was infused at rates previously observed to raise blood lactate concentration by 2 mmol·l?1 in trained individuals cycling at 65% of maximum oxygen uptake. Blood lactate concentration increased (P≤0.0001) during both the control and sodium lactate trials compared with rest, with peak values of 9.6 and 10.6 mmol·l?1, respectively. The increase in sodium lactate over time was not significantly different from the control (P=0.34). Time to complete the time-trial and average power for the time-trial were not significantly different between the control (25.72±0.80 min; 348.0±32.4 W) and sodium lactate trials (25.58±0.93 min; 352.6±39.3 W). In addition, rating of perceived exertion, heart rate, and respiratory parameters did not differ between trials. In conclusion, when exogenous lactate is infused during a 20-km cycling time-trial, an exercise bout performed above the maximal lactate steady state, blood lactate concentration did not increase. Furthermore, exogenous lactate infusion did not decrease exercise performance, increase perceived exertion, or change respiratory parameters. Because lactate per se did not change performance outcomes or measured perceived exertion, we suggest that alternative objective measures of exercise intensity and performance be explored.  相似文献   

This investigation compared the effects of external pre-cooling and mid-exercise cooling methods on running time trial performance and associated physiological responses. Nine trained male runners completed familiarisation and three randomised 5 km running time trials on a non-motorised treadmill in the heat (33°C). The trials included pre-cooling by cold-water immersion (CWI), mid-exercise cooling by intermittent facial water spray (SPRAY), and a control of no cooling (CON). Temperature, cardiorespiratory, muscular activation, and perceptual responses were measured as well as blood concentrations of lactate and prolactin. Performance time was significantly faster with CWI (24.5 ± 2.8 min; = 0.01) and SPRAY (24.6 ± 3.3 min; = 0.01) compared to CON (25.2 ± 3.2 min). Both cooling strategies significantly (< 0.05) reduced forehead temperatures and thermal sensation, and increased muscle activation. Only pre-cooling significantly lowered rectal temperature both pre-exercise (by 0.5 ± 0.3°C; < 0.01) and throughout exercise, and reduced sweat rate (< 0.05). Both cooling strategies improved performance by a similar magnitude, and are ergogenic for athletes. The observed physiological changes suggest some involvement of central and psychophysiological mechanisms of performance improvement.  相似文献   

Time-to-exhaustion (TTE) trials are used in a laboratory setting to measure endurance performance. However, there is some concern with their ecological validity compared with time-trials (TT). Consequently, we aimed to compare cycling performance in TTE and TT where the duration of the trials was matched. Seventeen trained male cyclists completed three TTE trials at 80, 100 and 105% of maximal aerobic power (MAP). On a subsequent visit they performed three TT over the same duration as the TTE. Participants were blinded to elapsed time, power output, cadence and heart rate (HR). Average TTE was 865 ± 345 s, 165 ± 98 s and 117 ± 45 s for the 80, 100 and 105% trials respectively. Average power output was higher for TTE (294 ± 44 W) compared to TT (282 ± 43 W) at 80% MAP (P < 0.01), but not at 100 and 105% MAP (P > 0.05). There was no difference in cadence, HR, or RPE for any trial (P > 0.05). Critical power (CP) was also higher when derived from TTE compared to TT (P < 0.01). It is concluded that TTE results in a higher average power output compared to TT at 80% MAP. When determining CP, TTE rather than TT protocols appear superior.  相似文献   


This study investigated the effects of oral taurine supplementation on cycling time to exhaustion at a fixed-intensity and thermoregulation in the heat. In a double-blind, randomised crossover design, 11 healthy males participated in a time to exhaustion test in the heat (35°C, 40% RH), cycling at the power output associated with ventilatory threshold, 2?h after ingesting: Taurine (50?mg?kg?1) or placebo (3?mg?kg?1?maltodextrin). Core and mean skin temperature, mean sweat rate, heart rate, rating of perceived exertion (RPE), thermal comfort and thermal sensation were measured during exercise and blood lactate concentration (B[La]) was measured after exercise. Taurine supplementation increased time to exhaustion by 10% (25.16 min vs. 22.43 min, p?=?0.040), end sweat rate by 12.7% (687?nL?min?1 vs. 600?nL?min?1, p?=?0.034) and decreased B[La] by 16.5% (5.75?mmol?L?1 vs. 6.85?mmol?L?1, p?=?0.033). Core temperature was lower in the final 10% of the time to exhaustion (38.5°C vs. 38.1°C, p?=?0.049). Taurine supplementation increased time to exhaustion and local sweating, while decreasing RPE and core temperature in the later stages of exercise, as well as reducing post-exercise B[La]. This study provides the evidence of taurine's role in thermoregulatory processes. These findings have implications for the short-term preparation strategies of individuals exercising in the heat. Based on these findings, a single dose of taurine 2?h prior to training or competition would provide an ergogenic and thermoregulatory effect.  相似文献   


The aims of this study were to compare the physiological demands of laboratory- and road-based time-trial cycling and to examine the importance of body position during laboratory cycling. Nine male competitive but non-elite cyclists completed two 40.23-km time-trials on an air-braked ergometer (Kingcycle) in the laboratory and one 40.23-km time-trial (RD) on a local road course. One laboratory time-trial was conducted in an aerodynamic position (AP), while the second was conducted in an upright position (UP). Mean performance speed was significantly higher during laboratory trials (UP and AP) compared with the RD trial (P < 0.001). Although there was no difference in power output between the RD and UP trials (P > 0.05), power output was significantly lower during the AP trial than during both the RD (P = 0.013) and UP trials (P = 0.003). Similar correlations were found between AP power output and RD power output (r = 0.85, P = 0.003) and between UP power output and RD power output (r = 0.87, P = 0.003). Despite a significantly lower power output in the laboratory AP condition, these results suggest that body position does not affect the ecological validity of laboratory-based time-trial cycling.  相似文献   


Mechanical models of cycling time-trial performance have indicated adverse effects of variations in external power output on overall performance times. Nevertheless, the precise influences of the magnitude and number of these variations over different distances of time trial are unclear. A hypothetical cyclist (body mass 70 kg, bicycle mass 10 kg) was studied using a mathematical model of cycling, which included the effects of acceleration. Performance times were modelled over distances of 4–40 km, mean power outputs of 200–600 W, power variation amplitudes of 5–15% and variation frequencies of 2–32 per time-trial. Effects of a “fast-start” strategy were compared with those of a constant-power strategy. Varying power improved 4-km performance at all power outputs, with the greatest improvement being 0.90 s for ± 15% power variation. For distances of 16.1, 20 and 40 km, varying power by ± 15% increased times by 3.29, 4.46 and 10.43 s respectively, suggesting that in long-duration cycling in constant environmental conditions, cyclists should strive to reduce power variation to maximise performance. The novel finding of the present study is that these effects are augmented with increasing event distance, amplitude and period of variation. These two latter factors reflect a poor adherence to a constant speed.  相似文献   


Mobile power meters provide a valid means of measuring cyclists’ power output in the field. These field measurements can be performed with very good accuracy and reliability making the power meter a useful tool for monitoring and evaluating training and race demands. This review presents power meter data from a Grand Tour cyclist’s training and racing and explores the inherent complications created by its stochastic nature. Simple summary methods cannot reflect a session’s variable distribution of power output or indicate its likely metabolic stress. Binning power output data, into training zones for example, provides information on the detail but not the length of efforts within a session. An alternative approach is to track changes in cyclists’ modelled training and racing performances. Both critical power and record power profiles have been used for monitoring training-induced changes in this manner. Due to the inadequacy of current methods, the review highlights the need for new methods to be established which quantify the effects of training loads and models their implications for performance.  相似文献   


Triathlon is a popular outdoor endurance sport performed under a variety of environmental conditions. The aim of this study was to assess physiological variables before and after a half-ironman triathlon in the heat and to analyse their relationship with performance. Thirty-four well-trained triathletes completed a half-ironman triathlon in a mean dry temperature of 29 ± 3ºC. Before and within 1 min after the end of the race, body mass, core temperature, maximal jump height and venous blood samples were obtained. Mean race time was 315 ± 40 min, with swimming (11 ± 1%), cycling (49 ± 2%) and running (40 ± 3%) representing different amounts of the total race time. At the end of the competition, body mass changed by ?3.8 ± 1.6% and the change in body mass correlated positively with race time (= 0.64; < 0.001). Core temperature increased from 37.5 ± 0.6ºC to 38.8 ± 0.7ºC (< 0.001) and post-race core temperature correlated negatively with race time (= ?0.47; P = 0.007). Race time correlated positively with the decrease in jump height (= 0.38; = 0.043), post-race serum creatine kinase (= 0.55; = 0.001) and myoglobin concentrations (= 0.39; = 0.022). In a half-ironman triathlon in the heat, greater reductions in body mass and higher post-competition core temperatures were present in faster triathletes. In contrast, slower triathletes presented higher levels of muscle damage and decreased muscle performance.  相似文献   


The effects of acute ingestion of nitrate on short-duration repeated sprint performance (RSP) are unclear. This study investigated the effect of acute ingestion of beetroot juice on a test of RSP in team sport athletes. Sixteen male team sport athletes undertook four trials using a 40 m maximum shuttle run test (MST), which incorporates 10 × 40 m shuttle sprints with 30 s between the start of each sprint. Two familiarisation trials, followed by nitrate-rich beetroot juice (BR; ~6 mmol nitrate) and nitrate-depleted beetroot juice (PLA; ~0.0034 mmol nitrate) trials were completed in a randomised, double-blind manner. Ingestion of beetroot juice 3 h prior to exercise elevated plasma nitrate concentrations ~6-fold in BR (BR, 413 ± 56 μM; PLA, 69 ± 30 μM; P < 0.001). RSP, assessed by sprint performance decrement (Sdec; %), did not differ (P = 0.337) between BR (5.31 ± 2.49%) and PLA (5.71 ± 2.61%). There was no difference between trials for total sprint time (P = 0.806), fastest sprint (P = 0.341), slowest sprint (P = 0.787), or post-exercise blood lactate concentration (BR, 11.8 ± 2.5 mM; PLA, 12.2 ± 2.3 mM; P = 0.109). Therefore, acute ingestion of beetroot juice did not improve a test of short-duration RSP in team sport athletes.  相似文献   


In this study, we assessed initial hydration status (stadium arrival urine specific gravity), fluid balance (pre- and post-game nude body weight, fluid intake, urine collection), and core temperature changes (pre-game, half-time, post-game) during a professional soccer game. We monitored 17 male players (including goalkeepers) between arrival at the stadium and the end of the game (3 h), playing at 34.9°C and 35.4% relative humidity, for an average wet bulb globe temperature (WBGT) heat stress index of 31.9°C. Data are reported as mean±standard deviation (range). Initial urine specific gravity was 1.018±0.008 (1.003–1.036); seven players showed urine specific gravity ≥ 1.020. Over the 3 h, body mass loss was 2.58±0.88 kg (1.08–4.17 kg), a dehydration of 3.38±1.11% body mass (1.68–5.34% body mass). Sweat loss was 4448±1216 ml (2950–6224 ml) versus a fluid intake of 1948±954 ml (655–4288 ml). Despite methodological problems with many players, core temperatures ≥ 39.0°C were registered in four players by half-time, and in nine players by the end of the game. Many of these players incurred significant dehydration during the game, compounded by initial hypohydration; thermoregulation may have been impaired to an extent we were unable to measure accurately. We suggest some new recommendations for soccer players training and competing in the heat to help them avoid substantial dehydration.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate if drinking ad-libitum can counteract potential negative effects of a hypohydrated start caused by fluid restriction during a 40-km time trial (TT) in the heat. Twelve trained males performed one 40-km cycling TT euhydrated (EU: no water during the TT) and two 40-km cycling TTs hypohydrated. During one hypohydrated trial no fluid was ingested (HYPO), during the other trial ad-libitum water ingestion was allowed (FLUID). Ambient temperature was 35.2 ± 0.2°C, relative humidity 51 ± 3% and airflow 7 m·s?1. Body mass (BM) was determined at the start of the test, and before and after the TT. During the TT, power output, heart rate (HR), gastrointestinal temperature, mean skin temperature, rating of perceived exertion (RPE), thermal sensation, thermal comfort and thirst sensation were measured. Prior to the start of the TT, BM was 1.2% lower in HYPO and FLUID compared to EU. During the TT, BM loss in FLUID was lower compared to EU and HYPO (1.0 ± 0.8%, 2.7 ± 0.2% and 2.6 ± 0.3%, respectively). Hydration status had no effect on power output (EU: 223 ± 32 W, HYPO: 217 ± 39 W, FLUID: 224 ± 35 W), HR, gastrointestinal temperature, mean skin temperature, RPE, thermal sensation and thermal comfort. Thirst sensation was higher in HYPO than in EU and FLUID. It was concluded that hypohydration did not adversely affect performance during a 40-km cycling TT in the heat. Therefore, whether or not participants consumed fluid during exercise did not influence their TT performance.  相似文献   


To assess the effect of cold water immersion and active recovery on thermoregulation and repeat cycling performance in the heat, ten well-trained male cyclists completed five trials, each separated by one week. Each trial consisted of a 30-min exercise task, one of five 15-min recoveries (intermittent cold water immersion in 10°C, 15°C and 20°C water, continuous cold water immersion in 20°C water or active recovery), followed by 40 min passive recovery, before repeating the 30-min exercise task. Recovery strategy effectiveness was assessed via changes in total work in the second exercise task compared with that in the first. Following active recovery, a mean 4.1% (s = 1.8) less total work (P = 0.00) was completed in the second than in the first exercise task. However, no significant differences in total work were observed between any of the cold water immersion protocols. Core and skin temperature, blood lactate concentration, heart rate, rating of thermal sensation, and rating of perceived exertion were recorded. During both exercise tasks there were no significant differences in blood lactate concentration between interventions; however, following active recovery blood lactate concentration was significantly lower (P < 0.05; 2.0 ± 0.8 mmol · l?1) compared with all cold water immersion protocols. All cold water immersion protocols were effective in reducing thermal strain and were more effective in maintaining subsequent high-intensity cycling performance than active recovery.  相似文献   

To assess the effect of cold water immersion and active recovery on thermoregulation and repeat cycling performance in the heat, ten well-trained male cyclists completed five trials, each separated by one week. Each trial consisted of a 30-min exercise task, one of five 15-min recoveries (intermittent cold water immersion in 10 degrees C, 15 degrees C and 20 degrees C water, continuous cold water immersion in 20 degrees C water or active recovery), followed by 40 min passive recovery, before repeating the 30-min exercise task. Recovery strategy effectiveness was assessed via changes in total work in the second exercise task compared with that in the first. Following active recovery, a mean 4.1% (s = 1.8) less total work (P = 0.00) was completed in the second than in the first exercise task. However, no significant differences in total work were observed between any of the cold water immersion protocols. Core and skin temperature, blood lactate concentration, heart rate, rating of thermal sensation, and rating of perceived exertion were recorded. During both exercise tasks there were no significant differences in blood lactate concentration between interventions; however, following active recovery blood lactate concentration was significantly lower (P < 0.05; 2.0 +/- 0.8 mmol . l(-1)) compared with all cold water immersion protocols. All cold water immersion protocols were effective in reducing thermal strain and were more effective in maintaining subsequent high-intensity cycling performance than active recovery.  相似文献   

This study investigated the influence of external load training (ELT) on static and dynamic balance. Nineteen females stratified into two groups (ELT = 9, control = 10) completed three testing sessions over 6 weeks. The ELT group wore weighted vests (WV) of ~8% body mass for 32 h/week during daily living and three training sessions/week for 3 weeks. Following completion of ELT, a 3 week detraining (DET) phase was completed. Bilateral and unilateral static balance were assessed with eyes open and closed. Dynamic balance was assessed using the star excursion balance test (SEBT). Static and dynamic balance variables were analysed using a 2 (group) x 3 (time) between participants repeated measures ANOVA (p < 0.05). Results revealed significant reductions in average centre of pressure (COP) velocity in the control group on the non-dominant limb with eyes closed, and significantly greater reach distances in the ELT group on the SEBT for the posteromedial and medial directions on the dominant limb (p < 0.05). These findings suggest the ELT group did not significantly improve their balance in comparison to the control group. However, future research should further examine this unique, supplemental training method and the impact on balance performance.  相似文献   


Thirty-six male rats were used; divided into 6 groups (n = 6): saline; creatine (Cr); eccentric exercise (EE) plus saline 24 h (saline + 24 h); eccentric exercise plus Cr 24 h (Cr + 24 h); eccentric exercise plus saline 48 h (saline + 48 h); and eccentric exercise plus Cr 48 h (Cr + 48h). Cr supplementation was administered as a solution of 300 mg · kg body weight?1 · day?1 in 1 mL water, for two weeks, before the eccentric exercise. The animals were submitted to one downhill run session at 1.0 km · h?1 until exhaustion. Twenty-four and forty-eight hours after the exercise, the animals were killed, and the quadriceps were removed. Creatine kinase levels, superoxide production, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) level, carbonyl content, total thiol content, superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase, interleukin-1b (IL-1β), nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kb), and tumour necrosis factor (TNF) were analysed. Cr supplementation neither decreases Cr kinase, superoxide production, lipoperoxidation, carbonylation, total thiol, IL-1β, NF-kb, or TNF nor alters the enzyme activity of superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione peroxides in relation to the saline group, respectively (P < 0.05). There are positive correlations between Cr kinase and TBARS and TNF-α 48 hours after eccentric exercise. The present study suggests that Cr supplementation does not decrease oxidative stress and inflammation after eccentric contraction.  相似文献   

目的:探讨高温环境下混合预冷对男性中长跑运动员体温调节和有氧耐力运动表现的影响。方法:10名男性中长跑运动员随机分为对照组(PC)5人和混合预冷组(MP)5人。2组被试在标准热身后,进行20 min预冷,PC组每5 min摄入1.5 g/kg,共7.5 g/kg的25℃运动饮料,MP组每5 min摄入1.5 g/kg,共7.5 g/kg的5℃运动饮料,并在预冷期间持续使用手部负压冷却设备CoreControlTM。预冷结束后10 min在30℃~31℃的相对湿度为57%的室外标准田径场进行5 km跑步测试。采用独立样本t检验分析5 km测试成绩和出汗率,采用双因素重复测量方差分析在不同时间点测得的核心温度、皮肤温度等数据,用Bonferroni进行两两比较,P<0.05为具有显著性差异。结果:预冷期间,预冷和时间的交互作用对胃肠温度(Tgi),体温(Tb)和生理应激指数(PSI)具有显著性差异(P<0.001,ES=2.96;P<0.001,ES=2.41;P=0.001,ES=1.6),预冷结束时MP与PC的Tgi,PSI具有显著性差异(P=0.003,P=0.001)。预冷和时间的交互作用对皮肤温度(Tsk),热量储存(HS),心率(HR)无显著性差异(P=0.975,P=0.263,P=0.071)。5 km测试期间,预冷和时间的交互作用对Tgi、Tsk、Tb、HS、PSI、HR均无显著性差异义(P>0.05),预冷对Tgi、PSI的主效应具有显著性差异(P=0.028,ES=1.68;P=0.013,ES=2.11)。MP与PC的SW无显著性差异(P=0.63)。MP与PC的5 km完成时间具有显著性差异(P=0.035)。结论:高温环境下,预冷摄入冷饮结合手部负压冷却降低运动前的核心温度和生理应激程度,能够在5 km测试期间延缓核心温度升高和生理应激程度,提高有氧耐力运动表现。  相似文献   


The study examined the effect of caffeine supplementation on match activities and development of fatigue during a football match. In a randomised, double-blind cross-over design, two experimental football games separated by 7 days were organised between the junior teams of two professional football clubs (17.6 ± 1.1 years (±s), 71.7 ± 6.9 kg, 13.9% ± 5.0% body fat). The players ingested either a capsule of 6 mg · kg?1 b.w. caffeine or placebo (dextrose) 65 min prior to the matches. Match activities were assessed using the ZXY match analysis system, and a Yo-Yo intermittent recovery test–level 2 (Yo-Yo IR2) was conducted immediately post-game. Heart rate was monitored throughout the game, and blood samples were obtained at baseline, half-time and after the game. There were no differences between caffeine and placebo regarding total distance covered (10,062 ± 916 vs 9854 ± 901 m), high-intensity running (557 ± 178 vs 642 ± 240 m), sprinting distance (109 ± 58 vs 112 ± 69 m) or acceleration counts (123 ± 31 vs 126 ± 24). In both trials, players displayed lower (< 0.05) values in total distance and acceleration counts in the last 15 min compared to all other 15-min periods of the matches. Post-game Yo-Yo IR2 performance was not different between game trials (caffeine: 829 ± 322 m; placebo 819 ± 289 m). In conclusion, oral caffeine administration does not appear to have an ergogenic effect in young football players during match play.  相似文献   

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