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社会交换理论认为人类的行为是一种互惠交换的过程,通过社会交换理论对大学生积极参与体育赛事志愿者的行为进行分析研究,结合理论中的价值命题和剥夺与满足命题来解读体育赛事志愿者与赛事组织者之间的互惠互利关系,更好地推动大学生志愿者行为的健康发展.  相似文献   

认知结构理论与体育教学   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过文献资料的研究,结合体育教学的特点和规律,揭示了认知结构理论与体育教学的内在联系,提出了运用认知结构和认知策略改革体育教学活动的新观点和新作法,为有效地组织和完成体育教学任务提供了心理学依据。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine whether the relationships between contextual factors (i.e., autonomy-supportive vs. controlling coaching style) and person factors (i.e., autonomous vs. controlled motivation) outlined in self-determination theory (SDT) were related to prosocial and antisocial behaviors in sport. We also investigated moral disengagement as a mediator of these relationships. Athletes' (n = 292, M = 19.53 years) responses largely supported our SDT-derived hypotheses. Results indicated that an autonomy-supportive coaching style was associated with prosocial behavior toward teammates; this relationship was mediated by autonomous motivation. Controlled motivation was associated with antisocial behavior toward teammates and antisocial behavior toward opponents, and these two relationships were mediated by moral disengagement. The results provide support for research investigating the effect of autonomy-supportive coaching interventions on athletes' prosocial and antisocial behavior.  相似文献   

We draw upon transformational leadership theory to develop an instrument to measure transformational parenting for use with adolescents. First, potential items were generated that were developmentally appropriate and evidence for content validity was provided through the use of focus groups with parents and adolescents. We subsequently provide evidence for several aspects of construct validity of measures derived from the Transformational Parenting Questionnaire (TPQ). Data were collected from 857 adolescents (M(age) = 14.70 years), who rated the behaviors of their mothers and fathers. The results provided support for a second-order measurement model of transformational parenting. In addition, positive relationships between mothers' and fathers' transformational parenting behaviors, adolescents' self-regulatory efficacy for physical activity and healthy eating, and life satisfaction were found. The results of this research support the application of transformational leadership theory to parenting behaviors, as well as the construct validity of measures derived from the TPQ.  相似文献   

通过社会实践对高等体育教育的导向作用,论述与分析了社会实践对人才培养的意义和作用,即:拓宽学生的知识面,培养管理能力及社交能力,扩大教育领域等.  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2017,20(5):483-496
This article presents the results of an in-depth case study of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), a global cross-sector social partnership (CSSP) through which governments and sport collaborate to address the social issue of doping in sport. The authors specifically explore how WADA has managed two key issues (securing financial contributions and the 2007 presidential election) using institutional and resource-dependence theories to better understand the question of why and how a sport CSSP responds strategically to its environmental and resource constraints in its precursory, establishment, and continuance phases. In doing so, the authors contribute to the sport management literature by providing new theoretical insights in the context of an international CSSP whose governance model challenges traditional management theories (Selsky & Parker, 2005) and is increasingly relevant in the current era of global management of social issues (Scherer & Palazzo, 2010). Findings suggest that for global CSSPs internal and external legitimacy is imperative through securing moral and geopolitical legitimacy, and there is value in considering resource-dependence and institutional theories as complementary rather than competing frameworks.  相似文献   

探讨道德认同、自我定向、道德推脱对大学生体育学习偏差行为的影响,检验多重中介模型适配性。采用道德认同的内在化分量表、运动中任务定向和自我定向问卷的自我定向分量表、体育道德推脱量表和大学生体育学习偏差行为量表,对1537名大学生(年龄20.42±0.532岁;男874人,女663人)进行调查。结果显示:道德认同对大学生体育学习偏差行为的负向影响显著(F=76.668),自我定向、道德推脱对偏差行为的正向影响分别显著(F自我定向=186.899,F道德推脱=137.076);在道德认同影响大学生体育学习偏差行为时,自我定向、道德推脱分别具备部分中介效应,而且,二者的多重中介效应也显著,中介效应分别占总效应的38.10%、5.04%和9.88%,即:道德认同对大学生体育学习偏差行为的间接影响效应占总效应的53.02%。结论:道德认同是改善大学生体育学习偏差行为的心理特质,自我定向、道德推脱是诱发体育学习偏差行为的前因要素;道德认同既可以直接的方式改善大学生体育学习偏差行为,还可以通过抑制道德推脱机制来缓解自我定向,进而有效避免产生体育学习的偏差行为。本研究可为防范和解决体育教学中的诸多潜在问题提供理论参考和实践启示。  相似文献   

通过马克思社会冲突论原理,从社会学角度对体育与社会分层的关系及其来源进行了分析。研究认为:体育与社会分层相互作用的媒介是体育与经济的关系,该媒介一方面赋予了社会分层促进体育多样性的工具角色,另一方面也让体育参与了社会分层的再生产过程,并充当掩盖社会分层真相的烟雾弹。而在两者交互作用的整个历程中,无不渗透着各阶级间冲突的发生与发展。  相似文献   

体育与社会资本研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
仇军  杨涛 《体育学刊》2012,(5):14-21
社会资本是社会经济活动中重要角色和重要变量,也是社会学、经济学和管理学领域研究的重点。受社会学、经济学和管理学社会资本研究的影响,近10年来,体育与社会资本的研究也逐渐为体育学界所关注。从研究的分类来看,国外学者对体育与社会资本的研究归纳起来主要有3个方面:体育组织、团体与社会资本之间的关系研究,体育参与与社会资本生成研究,体育参与对社会资本的负面影响研究;国内学者对体育与社会资本的研究类型有:社会资本在体育领域中的影响研究、体育作为重要变量对社会资本形成的影响研究。从研究的范式来看,体育领域所做的体育与社会资本的研究属于基于观察访谈获得事实性材料的经验性研究。从研究的问题域来看,体育与社会资本在研究上还有不少盲点,有很多值得深入研究的问题。  相似文献   

Mentoring programs are evolving as common practice in athletic departments across national collegiate athletic association member institutions in the USA as means to address sociocultural issues faced by their student-athletes and to enhance their holistic development. There is a dearth of research exploring mentoring in the contexts of intercollegiate student-athlete development with consideration of the role of race and racism. Drawing upon the framework and analytical lens of critical race theory, this qualitative case study investigates a student-athlete mentoring program at an American institution of higher education to illuminate how black student-athletes (N = 15) make sense of the role of race and racism in their lived experiences. Data analysis revealed two emergent themes identified as (1) navigating privilege and property interests and (2) advocacy. The findings suggest the case of student-athletes was challenged and encouraged by their mentors as well as through discussion with others in the mentoring program to critically consider the presence and impacts of Whiteness, to elevate their sociocultural consciousness of how race manifested in their experiences, develop their social capital and become greater self-advocates. Additionally, an interesting finding in this study was how social capital and educational resources were framed as entitled rights to black student-athletes. Implications from this research are expected to contribute to scholars' critical understandings of black student-athlete mentoring and improve practitioners' programmatic and curricula design of future student-athlete mentoring programs.  相似文献   

采用心理症状自评量表(SCL-90)、身体自尊量表、体育锻炼态度量表等,对大学生心理健康水平与身体认知结构和体育锻炼状况的相关性进行比较研究。结果表明:大学生的身体认知结构、体育锻炼态度、锻炼行为和心理健康状况之间存在较高程度的正相关性。  相似文献   


Established in 2012, ‘the Seekers’ are a football club in Melbourne, Australia. Initially set up to provide social recreation for various refugees and asylum seekers, the Seekers have more recently entered a team in the mainstream league competition. Based on ethnographic fieldwork, this paper considers how football facilitates forms of social inclusion for team members, both in relation to the action of the sport and the political and social context of Australian society more broadly. In many ways the field of sport is highly contested as players engage with the mainstream; however the solidarity forged through playing creates the possibility for moments of social inclusion in other ways. The capacity of sporting interactions to facilitate social inclusion for male team members is vexed, though there is evidence to suggest that, in the correct conditions, sport can contribute to an individual’s capacity to access employment and educational opportunities.  相似文献   


To better understand doping-related attitude change, it is important to consider not only the amount of thinking (i.e., elaboration) done by message recipients, but also the favourability of their thoughts in response to the proposal, as well as the perceived validity in their thoughts. The main goal of the present study was to analyse the effects of a meta-cognitive process (i.e., thought validation) on attitudes related to doping. Thus, we randomly assigned participants to read a message either against or in favour of legalising several doping behaviours. Participants listed their thoughts regarding the proposal and indicated the perceived validity in their thoughts, then reported their attitudes. As hypothesised, the message against legalisation elicited more unfavourable thoughts and attitudes than the message in favour of legalisation. Most relevantly, the effects of the message direction on attitudes were greater for participants with higher (vs. lower) levels of thought validity. Furthermore, consistent with the thought validation process, results revealed that thought favourability was a better predictor of attitudes for participants with higher (vs. lower) perceived thought validity, indicating that perceiving one’s thoughts as valid plays an important role in persuasion. These findings provide novel insights for research and interventions regarding doping in sports.  相似文献   

There is an abundance of social issues, both health-related and otherwise, that health professionals and sport managers can address using sport as a mechanism. However, there is much debate regarding the impact sport is making in achieving development goals. In this study, the authors utilised a case study design to explore how stakeholders perceive the management of health-focused sport for development (SFD) programmes to contribute to the achievement of desired programmatic goals. The authors provided a side-by-side assessment of a sport-plus and sport-plus programme, through a qualitative case study design. Results indicate that while stakeholder perceptions of goal achievement are similar, the strengths of each type of programme vary. The authors discuss implications for these differences and the importance of stakeholder perspective in SFD.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of aerobic exercise, fluid loss and rehydration on cognitive performance in well-trained athletes. Ten endurance-trained males (25 ± 5 years; 175 ± 5 cm; 70.35 ± 5.46 kg; VO2max, 62.95 ± 7.20 ml · kg.min?1) lost ~2.5 ± 0.6% body mass via continuous cycling exercise at ~65% peak sustainable power output (60 min duration) before consuming different beverages (Water = W1 and W2, Sustagen Sport = SS, Powerade = PD) and food ad libitum on four separate occasions. Cognitive function using a four-choice reaction time task (CRT), body mass, fluid consumption volumes, urine samples and subjective ratings (alertness, concentration, energy) were obtained before and after exercise, and hourly during recovery (for 4 h). CRT latency was significantly reduced immediately after exercise compared to pre-exercise measures for all trials (W1 = ?16 ± 18 ms, W2 = ?22 ± 21 ms, PD = ?22 ± 22 ms, SS = ?19 ± 26 ms). However, this effect was short-lived with subsequent measures not different from pre-exercise values. No difference in CRT accuracy was observed at any time across all trials. Subjective ratings were not different at any time across all trials. Aerobic exercise, hypohydration or an interaction between these two may provide a small cognitive performance benefit. However, these effects are temporary and confined to the immediate post-exercise period.  相似文献   


In policy contexts, social exclusion can be experienced through the systematic marginalization of groups by inhibiting their ability to access resources and support. In this article, we consider the context of community sport development in rural Canada to discuss the implications of rationalized policy systems for rural citizens. We discuss instances where engagement with the sport system was constrained as well as the way that rural people responded in order to continue engagement in sport both within and outside of policy frameworks. A more inclusive sport policy system requires the acknowledgement of diverse social outcomes which may be realized through sport. But, in order for this to take place, policy makers and practitioners must acknowledge that these outcomes can exist outside of athlete development and must re-consider the ways that resources and support can be allocated.  相似文献   

The potential for physical activity and fitness to improve cognitive function, learning and academic achievement in children has received attention by researchers and policy makers. This paper reports a systematic approach to identification, analysis and review of published studies up to early 2009. A three-step search method was adopted to identify studies that used measures of physical activity or fitness to assess either degree of association with or effect on a) academic achievement and b) cognitive performance. A total of 18 studies including one randomised control trial, six quasi-experimental and 11 correlational studies were included for data extraction. No studies meeting criteria that examined the links between physical activity and cognitive function were found. Weak positive associations were found between both physical activity and fitness and academic achievement and fitness and elements of cognitive function, but this was not supported by intervention studies. There is insufficient evidence to conclude that additional physical education time increases academic achievement; however there is no evidence that it is detrimental. The quality and depth of the evidence base is limited. Further research with rigour beyond correlational studies is essential.  相似文献   


This study was a test of Deci and Ryan's (1985) cognitive evaluation theory in a fitness testing situation. More specifically, it was a test of Proposition 2 of that theory, which posits that external events that increase or decrease perceived competence will increase or decrease intrinsic motivation. Seventh and eighth grade schoolchildren (N = 105) volunteered for an experiment that was ostensibly to collect data on a new youth fitness test (the Illinois Agility Run). After two untimed practice runs, a specially adapted version of the Intrinsic Motivation Inventory (IMI) was administered as a pretest of intrinsic motivation. Two weeks later when subjects ran again, they were apparently electronically timed. In reality, the subjects were given bogus feedback. Subjects in a positive feedback condition were told their scores were above the 80th percentile, while those in a negative feedback condition were told their scores were below the 20th percentile. Those in a control condition received no feedback. The IMI was again administered to the subjects after their runs. Multivariate and subsequent univariate tests were significant for all four subscale dependent variables (perceived interest-enjoyment, competence, effort, and pressure-tension). Positive feedback enhanced all aspects of intrinsic motivation, whereas negative feedback decreased them. In a further test of cognitive evaluation theory, path analysis results supported the prediction that perceived competence would mediate changes in the other IMI subscales. Taken together, these results clearly support cognitive evaluation theory and also may have important implications regarding motivation for those who administer youth fitness tests.  相似文献   

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