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Isometric tests have been used to assess rate of force development (RFD), however variation in testing methodologies are known to affect performance outcomes. The aim of this study was to assess the RFD in the isometric squat (ISqT) using two test protocols and two testing angles. Eleven participants (age: 26.8 ± 4.5 years, strength training experience: 7.1 ± 3.03 years) completed test and retest sessions one week apart, whereby two test protocols with respect to duration and instructions were compared. Isometric peak force (ISqTpeak) and isometric explosive force (ISqTexp) tests were assessed at two joint angles (knee flexion angle 100° and 125°). Force-time traces were sampled and subsequently analysed for RFD measures. Average and instantaneous RFD variables did not meet reliability minimum criteria in ISqTpeak at 100° or 125°. The ISqTexp test at 100° met reliability criteria in the RFD 0–200 and 0–250ms variables. The ISqTexp test at 125° met reliability criteria in the RFD 0–150, 0–200 and 0–250ms variables. Force-time characteristics were optimized at the higher knee joint angle. Average and instantaneous RFD measures obtained using a traditional peak force test do not meet basic reliability criteria. Researchers assessing multi-joint RFD should employ the explosive RFD test protocol as opposed to the traditional isometric peak force protocol.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to identify how changes in the stability conditions of a back squat affect maximal loads lifted and erector spinae muscle activity. Fourteen male participants performed a Smith Machine (SM) squat, the most stable condition, a barbell back (BB) squat, and Tendo-destabilizing bar (TBB) squat, the least stable condition. A one repetition max (1-RM) was established in each squat condition, before electromyography (EMG) activity of the erector spinae was measured at 85% of 1-RM. Results indicated that the SM squat 1-RM load was significantly (p = 0.006) greater (10.9%) than the BB squat, but not greater than the TBB squat. EMG results indicated significantly greater (p < 0.05) muscle activation in the TBB condition compared to other conditions. The BB squat produced significantly greater (p = 0.036) EMG activity compared to the SM squat. A greater stability challenge applied to the torso seems to increase muscle activation. The maximum loads lifted in the most stable and unstable squats were similar. However, the lift with greater stability challenge required greatest muscle activation. The implications of this study may be important for training programmes; if coaches wish to challenge trunk stability, while their athletes lift maximal loads designed to increase strength.  相似文献   

This study aimed to compare the load-velocity and load-power relationships of three common variations of the squat exercise. 52 strength-trained males performed a progressive loading test up to the one-repetition maximum (1RM) in the full (F-SQ), parallel (P-SQ) and half (H-SQ) squat, conducted in random order on separate days. Bar velocity and vertical force were measured by means of a linear velocity transducer time-synchronized with a force platform. The relative load that maximized power output (Pmax) was analyzed using three outcome measures: mean concentric (MP), mean propulsive (MPP) and peak power (PP), while also including or excluding body mass in force calculations. 1RM was significantly different between exercises. Load-velocity and load-power relationships were significantly different between the F-SQ, P-SQ and H-SQ variations. Close relationships (R2 = 0.92–0.96) between load (%1RM) and bar velocity were found and they were specific for each squat variation, with faster velocities the greater the squat depth. Unlike the F-SQ and P-SQ, no sticking region was observed for the H-SQ when lifting high loads. The Pmax corresponded to a broad load range and was greatly influenced by how force output is calculated (including or excluding body mass) as well as the exact outcome variable used (MP, MPP, PP).  相似文献   

We studied the effect of psyching-up on one-repetition maximum (1-RM) performance and salivary cortisol responses during the squat exercise. Ten men (age 21.6?±?1.4 years; mean?±?s) and ten women (age 22.4?±?2.8 years) with weight training experience of 4.5?±?2.0 years participated in this study. One-repetition maximum squats were performed on a Smith machine during each of two different intervention conditions that were counterbalanced and consisted of a free choice psych-up and a cognitive distraction. Saliva samples were obtained at the beginning of each test session and immediately after the final 1-RM attempt. No significant difference in 1-RM was identified between psyching-up (104?±?50?kg) and cognitive distraction (106?±?52?kg). Performing a 1-RM in the squat exercise significantly increased salivary cortisol concentrations during both conditions (P <?0.05). There was no significant difference in salivary cortisol responses between conditions. These results suggest that psyching-up does not increase 1-RM performance during the squat exercise in strength-trained individuals.  相似文献   


This study analysed whether a significant relationship exists between the torque and muscle thickness and pennation angle of the erector spinae muscle during a maximal isometric lumbar extension with the lumbar spine in neutral position. This was a cross-sectional study in which 46 healthy adults performed three repetitions for 5 s of maximal isometric lumbar extension with rests of 90 s. During the lumbar extensions, bilateral ultrasound images of the erector spinae muscle (to measure pennation angle and muscle thickness) and torque were acquired. Reliability test analysis calculating the internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha) of the measure, correlation between pennation angle, muscle thickness and torque extensions were examined. Through a linear regression the contribution of each independent variable (muscle thickness and pennation angle) to the variation of the dependent variable (torque) was calculated. The results of the reliability test were: 0.976–0.979 (pennation angle), 0.980–0.980 (muscle thickness) and 0.994 (torque). The results show that pennation angle and muscle thickness were significantly related to each other with a range between 0.295 and 0.762. In addition, multiple regression analysis showed that the two variables considered in this study explained 68% of the variance in the torque. Pennation angle and muscle thickness have a moderate impact on the variance exerted on the torque during a maximal isometric lumbar extension with the lumbar spine in neutral position.  相似文献   

Muscle imbalance and deficit are key parameters for guiding rehabilitation and sports sessions and avoiding injuries. However, the high cost and non-portable nature of most instruments employed for muscle strength assessment frequently hamper an affordable evaluation in field conditions. This study evaluated the validity and reliability of a low-cost digital dynamometer to assess the maximal isometric strength of upper limb muscles. Fourteen physically active volunteers performed the main movements of the upper limb at maximal isometric strength: flexion-extension, internal-external rotation and abduction-adduction of the shoulder; and flexion-extension of both elbow and wrist. Validity was examined by comparing the strength values from the low-cost digital dynamometer and those measured by an isokinetic dynamometer, assumed as the gold standard. The correlation between both devices was perfect (r > 0.913), while Bland-Altman plots showed absolute agreement between both devices, the maximum range of the values of bias was ?0.99–1.00 N in wrist extension. Inter-tester and intra-tester reliability were excellent for all movements (ICC ≥ 0.855). The low-cost digital dynamometer showed strong validity and excellent reliability in assessing maximal isometric strength during the main movements of the upper limb. Professionals may use it for an affordable isometric muscle strength assessment in field situations.  相似文献   


This research assessed the influence of various heel elevation conditions on spinal kinematic and kinetic data during loaded (25% and 50% of body weight) high-bar back squats. Ten novice (mass 67.6 ± 12.4 kg, height 1.73 ± 0.10 m) and ten regular weight trainers (mass 66.0 ± 10.7 kg, height 1.71 ± 0.09 m) completed eight repetitions at each load wearing conventional training shoes standing on the flat level floor (LF) and on an inclined board (EH). The regular weight training group performed an additional eight repetitions wearing weightlifting shoes (WS). Statistical parametric mapping (SPM1D) and repeated measures analysis of variance were used to assess differences in spinal curvature and kinetics across the shoe/floor conditions and loads. SPM1D analyses indicated that during the LF condition the novice weight trainers had greater moments around L4/L5 than the regular weight trainers during the last 20% of the lift (P < 0.05), with this difference becoming non-significant during the EH condition. This study indicates that from a perspective of spinal safety, it appears advantageous for novice weight trainers to perform back squats with their heels slightly elevated, while regular weight trainers appear to realize only limited benefits performing back squats with either EH or WS.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine the peak sagittal plane joint angles and joint moments of the lower extremity during the deep squat (DS) movement of the Functional Movement Screen (FMS) to assess differences between the classifications (1,2,3). Twenty-eight participants volunteered for the study and were screened to assess their FMS score on the DS task. All participants underwent a quantitative movement analysis performing the FMS DS movement at a self-selected speed. The participants in Group 3 exhibited greater dorsiflexion excursion compared to those in Group 1. Participants in Group 3 had greater peak knee flexion and knee flexion excursion than those in Group 2 who exhibited more than the participants in Group 1. Group 3 also exhibited a greater peak knee extension moment compared to Group 1. At the hip, Groups 3 and 2 exhibited greater peak hip flexion, hip flexion excursion and peak hip extension moment compared to Group 1. Thus, it appears that individuals who score differently on the deep squat as determined by the FMS exhibit differences in mechanics that may be beneficial in assessing strategies for interventions. Future research should assess how fundamental changes in mobility and stability independently affect DS performance.  相似文献   

Lower limb isometric strength is a key parameter to monitor the training process or recognise muscle weakness and injury risk. However, valid and reliable methods to evaluate it often require high-cost tools. The aim of this study was to analyse the concurrent validity and reliability of a low-cost digital dynamometer for measuring isometric strength in lower limb. Eleven physically active and healthy participants performed maximal isometric strength for: flexion and extension of ankle, flexion and extension of knee, flexion, extension, adduction, abduction, internal and external rotation of hip. Data obtained by the digital dynamometer were compared with the isokinetic dynamometer to examine its concurrent validity. Data obtained by the digital dynamometer from 2 different evaluators and 2 different sessions were compared to examine its inter-rater and intra-rater reliability. Intra-class correlation (ICC) for validity was excellent in every movement (ICC > 0.9). Intra and inter-tester reliability was excellent for all the movements assessed (ICC > 0.75). The low-cost digital dynamometer demonstrated strong concurrent validity and excellent intra and inter-tester reliability for assessing isometric strength in the main lower limb movements.  相似文献   

Citrulline-malate (CM) is a precursor to nitric-oxide (NO) in the NO synthase (NOS) pathway and is suggested to increase exercise performance in younger individuals. With age, NO production decreases and augmented NO production may provide beneficial effects on sports performance among masters athletes (MAs). Purpose: To examine the effects of acute CM supplementation on grip strength, vertical power, and anaerobic cycling performance in female, MA tennis players. Methods: Seventeen female MA (51?±?9 years) completed two double-blind, randomized trials consuming CM (12?g dextrose?+?8?g CM) and placebo (PLA) (12?g dextrose). One hour after consumption, subjects completed grip strength, vertical power, and Wingate anaerobic cycling assessments in respective order. Maximal and average grip strength, peak and average vertical power, anaerobic capacity, peak power, explosive power, and ability to sustain anaerobic power were calculated from the tests. Results: When consuming CM, participants exhibited greater maximal (p?=?.042) and average (p?=?.045) grip strength compared to PLA. No differences existed between trials for peak (p?=?.51) or average (p?=?.51) vertical power. For the Wingate, peak power (p?p?p?Conclusions: These data suggest that consuming CM before competition has the potential to improve tennis match-play performance in masters tennis athletes. However, this study utilized a controlled laboratory environment and research evaluating direct application to on-court performance is warranted.  相似文献   

The aim of this article was to understand how active power is used in squat and countermovement jumps. A simple empirical model comprising a mass, a spring, an active element and a damper, together with an optimisation principle, was used to identify the mechanical factors that maximise performance of jumps without countermovement (squat jumps, SJ) and with countermovement (CMJ). Twelve amateur volleyball players performed SJ from two initial positions and CMJ with two degrees of counterbalancing, while kinematic data were collected (jump height, push-off duration and position of the centre of mass). The model adjusted well to real data of SJ through all the impulse phase, and slightly less adequately at the end of this phase for CMJ. Nevertheless, it provides a satisfactory explanation for the generation and utilisation of active power for both type of jumps. On average, the estimated power of the active elements, the spring, and the damper were greater in the SJ. Based upon the result obtained with this model, we suggest that active power is best evaluated with SJ. The reason for this is that, during this kind of jump, the elements associated with the damper consume much of the energy produced by the active elements. The participation of the elements that consume the energy generated by the active elements is less in CMJ than in SJ, allowing for a better utilisation of this energy. In this way it is possible to achieve a better performance in CMJ with less active power.  相似文献   

郑宏伟  闫苍松 《体育与科学》2004,25(1):66-69,59
研究目的:以提高短跑的途中跑能力为目的,考察采用普通下蹲姿势、宽足间距下蹲姿势、髋关节伸展下蹲姿势三种不同下蹲姿势的力量训练,记录下肢主要运动肌的肌电图反应和地面反作用力所产生的影响,从生理和力学的角度进行分析。研究方法:采用表面双相诱导法的肌电图检测及应用录像轨迹系统对三种下蹲动作进行三次元解析。主要结果和结论:采用髋关节伸展下蹲动作的下肢力量训练对短跑选手提高途中跑能力起到一定的作用;采用初动负荷法中的超等长收缩的蹲起方法对提高短跑选手的肌肉爆发力是有效的。  相似文献   


This study examined the validity of various scaling methods, isometric mid-thigh pull (IMTP) peak force using various scaling methods, and the relationships between IMTP peak force and countermovement jump height. Fifty-one collegiate baseball and soccer athletes performed two maximal IMTPs. Absolute peak force was compared between teams and when data were scaled using ratio (RS), traditional allometric (ALLOTrad), and fitted allometric (ALLOFit) scaling. ALLOTrad and ALLOFit validity was violated because different derived exponents existed for baseball (b = 0.20) and soccer (b = 1.20). Soccer athletes produced greater RS peak force compared to baseball (p = 0.012), while no difference existed with absolute, ALLOTrad or ALLOFit (all p > 0.05) peak force. Moderate relationships existed between body mass and absolute (r = 0.402, p = 0.003) and RS (r = -0.328, p = 0.019) peak force, while trivial relationships existed with ALLOTrad and ALLOFit (both r < -0.10, p > 0.05). Trivial relationships existed between countermovement jump height and absolute, RS, ALLOTrad, and ALLOFit (all r < 0.20, p > 0.05) peak force. The current dataset violated allometric scaling assumptions, making it inappropriate to use ALLOTrad and ALLOFit scaling. Practitioners must understand the assumptions, limitations, and purpose of scaling methods.  相似文献   

As hill jumps are very time-consuming, ski jumping athletes often perform various imitation jumps during training. The performed jumps should be similar to hill jumps, but a direct comparison of the kinetic and kinematic parameters has not been performed yet. Therefore, this study aimed to correlate 11 common parameters during hill jumps (Oberstdorf Germany), squat jumps (wearing indoor shoes), and various imitation jumps (rolling 4°, rolling flat, static; jumping equipment or indoor shoes) on a custom-built instrumented vehicle with a catch by the coach. During the performed jumps, force and video data of the take-off of 10 athletes were measured. The imitation and squat jumps were then ranked. The main difference between the hill jumps and the imitation and squat jumps is the higher maximal force loading rate during the hill jumps. Imitation jumps performed on a rolling platform, on flat ground were the most similar to hill jumps in terms of the force–time, and leg joint kinematic properties. Thus, non-hill jumps with a technical focus should be performed from a rolling platform with a flat inrun with normal indoor shoes or jumping equipment, and high normal force loading rates should be the main focus of imitation training.  相似文献   

为探索一种简便有效的评价人体心血管系统功能的定量运动负荷方法,采用3种不同负荷的蹲起试验方法对30名普通大学生的累积、即刻心功指数与他们的VO2max进行相关性研究,以相关系数的大小来判别各自的效度。发现60s60次蹲起测得的心功指数与VO2max的相关系数最高,45s45次蹲起的心功指数次之,30s30次最低,而3种不同负荷方法各自的即刻心功指数与VO2max的相关性均高于累积心功指数。认为60s60次蹲起试验测试心功能的方法(即刻心功指数)简单实用、评价效度高、易于实施与控制,有望成为简便有效的评价人体心血管系统功能的定量运动负荷方法。  相似文献   


This study analysed the effect of imposing a pause between the eccentric and concentric phases on the biological within-subject variation of velocity- and power–load isoinertial assessments. Seventeen resistance-trained athletes undertook a progressive loading test in the bench press (BP) and squat (SQ) exercises. Two trials at each load up to the one-repetition maximum (1RM) were performed using 2 techniques executed in random order: with (stop) and without (standard) a 2-s pause between the eccentric and concentric phases of each repetition. The stop technique resulted in a significantly lower coefficient of variation for the whole load–velocity relationship compared to the standard one, in both BP (2.9% vs. 4.1%; P = 0.02) and SQ (2.9% vs. 3.9%; P = 0.01). Test–retest intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) were r = 0.61–0.98 for the standard and r = 0.76–0.98 for the stop technique. Bland–Altman analysis showed that the error associated with the standard technique was 37.9% (BP) and 57.5% higher (SQ) than that associated with the stop technique. The biological within-subject variation is significantly reduced when a pause is imposed between the eccentric and concentric phases. Other relevant variables associated to the load–velocity and load–power relationships such as the contribution of the propulsive phase and the load that maximises power output remained basically unchanged.  相似文献   

Paralympic throwing events for athletes with physical impairments comprise seated and standing javelin, shot put, discus and seated club throwing. Identification of talented throwers would enable prediction of future success and promote participation; however, a valid and reliable talent identification battery for Paralympic throwing has not been reported. This study evaluates the reliability and validity of a talent identification battery for Paralympic throws. Participants were non-disabled so that impairment would not confound analyses, and results would provide an indication of normative performance. Twenty-eight non-disabled participants (13 M; 15 F) aged 23.6 years (±5.44) performed five kinematically distinct criterion throws (three seated, two standing) and nine talent identification tests (three anthropometric, six motor); 23 were tested a second time to evaluate test–retest reliability. Talent identification test–retest reliability was evaluated using Intra-class Correlation Coefficient (ICC) and Bland–Altman plots (Limits of Agreement). Spearman’s correlation assessed strength of association between criterion throws and talent identification tests. Reliability was generally acceptable (mean ICC = 0.89), but two seated talent identification tests require more extensive familiarisation. Correlation strength (mean rs = 0.76) indicated that the talent identification tests can be used to validly identify individuals with competitively advantageous attributes for each of the five kinematically distinct throwing activities. Results facilitate further research in this understudied area.  相似文献   


The velocity and magnitude in which the eccentric phase of an exercise is completed directly affects performance during the concentric phase. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to investigate the effects of eccentric phase duration on concentric outcomes at 60% and 80% of one-repetition maximum (1RM) in the squat and bench press. Sixteen college-aged, resistance-trained males completed 1RM testing, established normative eccentric durations, and performed fast (0.75 times normative) and slow (2.0 times normative) metronome-controlled eccentric duration repetitions. Outcome measures assessed during the concentric phase were: average concentric velocity (ACV), peak concentric velocity (PCV), rating of perceived exertion (RPE), range of motion (ROM), and barbell path. Eccentric duration was significantly and inversely correlated with ACV at 60% (r = ?0.408, p = 0.004) and 80% (r = ?0.477, p = 0.001) of 1RM squat. At 60% of 1RM squat, both fast and slow eccentric conditions produced greater (p < 0.001) PCV than normative duration with fast also producing greater PCV than slow (p = 0.044). Eccentric duration had no impact on RPE, ROM, or barbell path. Our results report for the first time that resistance-trained males performing a deliberately faster eccentric phase may enhance their own squat and bench press performance.  相似文献   

CONCONI和PALIER测试均可用于评定足球运动员最大有氧能力。比较两种测试方式,同一受试者PALIER测试时的心率反应及运动距离均高于CONCONI测试。这一生理机能反应与两种运动设计方式不同有关,CONCONI递增强度梯度大于PALIER测试可能是导致受试者不同机能反应的基本原因。  相似文献   

体质健康测量中耐力素质测试指标的有效性述评   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李萍 《体育学刊》2005,12(5):36-38
耐力素质测试的指标主要有3种,其中台阶试验与运动耐力和最大耗氧量之间无高度相关,且与中跑得分之间是否存在显著差异,需要再次研究论证,不宜作为耐力素质测试指标;定量计时法(长跑)简便易行,健身价值较高,但影响成绩的因素较多,有时难以反映真实水平;20m节奏往返跑,既可有效测量人体的耐力水平,又有一定的健身价值,比较适宜。  相似文献   

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