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With the purpose of improving teaching quality and studying efficiency through the improving of their learning strategies,this study investigated the college English learning strategies in normal universities in China,which tries to give account of status quo of strategy use among these students in this relatively input-poor environment.  相似文献   

运用中介语对比分析法。对比SECCL和BNC两个口语语料库中的词汇及词项。结果表明:中国英语专业学生在非词汇化动词、模糊词及模棱两可话语词等词项使用方面存在显著差异。并提出时英语口语教学的启示。  相似文献   

as one of most important sources of input,teacher's talk plays a quite important role in the studyof Chinese students.This study attempts to probe into the less charted field,t eacher's interlanguage talk,tofind some common characteristics.  相似文献   

翟玉贞 《大学时代》2006,(9):116-117
本文介绍了大学生在英语学习中常犯的错误,并根据Richards的错误分析理论对同学们写作中出现的各种错误进行探源究根。错误分析是语言学习中的一个重要环节,对同学的学习和老师的教学有重要的启示作用。  相似文献   

Listening is important for college students,especially for students who are majoring in English and it is also the most difficult part of English study.So it is quite important to choose a good listening textbook,however,traditional listening textbooks have so many disadvantages that it's hard for students to form a good habit for listening.Firstly,some disadvantages of traditional listening textbooks will be stated.And some suggestions will be given for a good listening textbook.Finally,the writer will give some advice to teachers who are teaching listening.  相似文献   

郑俊兰 《海外英语》2013,(3X):283-284
In modern society,good communicative ability is very important;it plays an important part in communication.But as college students,who enter into the society newly,their interpersonal range is expanded constantly;to a certain extent,there are some communication disorders which many students’worries in life and study are relevant to.So this text will analyze the poor communicative ability from internal and external factors.And then give several suggestions about how to cultivate the college students’communicative ability.  相似文献   

近年来,高校中的心理危机事件逐年增多,这些心理危机事件的出现多与大学生的抑郁、焦虑、冲动等不良情绪有关。情绪为行为提供动力,直接影响到大学生的认知、行为选择、社会交往和身心健康。受不良情绪的影响,大学生常常表现出缺乏自信、紧张、对学习没有热情、对同学冷漠无情甚至失去理智、毁物伤人。引导大学生在现实生活中用正确的态度认识问题,用积极的心态面对问题,用有效的方式解决问题是至关重要的。优化教育环境是大学生情绪管理能力培养途径中最为重要的,教育环境主要包括教师的人格魅力与榜样作用,管理与服务部门的人文关怀与育人理念,校园文化的教育功能,校园自然环境的情绪修复功能等。  相似文献   

刘菊 《海外英语》2014,(19):232-233
Language and culture have influenced each other. They cannot be separated as isolated one. Culture finds a better representation through language use. Language is an indispensible carrier of culture. Many words have their origins in religion, mythology stories and literary works. Looking at English vocabulary from an etymological perspective is a good way to go in teaching college English vocabulary. This paper gives a brief introduction about the characteristics of English vocabulary and some advantages of teaching vocabulary from an etymological perspective, also, suggestions in using etymological perspective to teach college English vocabulary.  相似文献   

Shakespeare’s“Macbeth”has a dual tragic effect. This paper aims to analyze the play part by part to show how Shake?speare gets this special effect through the arrangement of plot and creation of char...  相似文献   

The paper mainly uses the attitude sub-system of the appraisal theory combining with rank scale to analyze the a wakening process of Edna,the heroinein the novel"Awakening".The article uses the emotion system to analyze Edna’s different love views before and after her awakening,resorts to the judgment system to show Edna’s deep loneliness accompanying her during her whole awakening process,and employs the appreciation system to explore the awakening of Edna’s sexuality.  相似文献   

谭敏 《海外英语》2014,(11):153-154
Su Shi is known for his poems of haofang style as well as wanyue style. The author takes a comparative reading of three English renderings ofWater Dragon Song; both achievements and problems in each version are discussed regarding imagery, meaning, poet's sentiments and poetic atmosphere, for the purpose of working out a better rendering.  相似文献   

In modern Chinese, the structure of "Yue Lai Yue X" is a common one, normally denoting X to have changes in degree, number, content and emotion. Construction Grammar has provided us with new method and perspective to study linguistic phenomena. The thesis will give a thorough explanation of the structure of "Yue Lai Yue X" from the perspective of cognitive linguistics. The thesis consists of the following two parts. Part One: It analyzes the constructive meaning and semantic category of "Yue Lai Yue X" construction. Part Two: By analyzing the structure in the way of syntax, the words occupying the position of X must fulfill two rules: they can express the meaning of change in degree, number, extent and emotion of time and they can be modi?ed by adverb "hen" in grammar.  相似文献   

The spread of online courses and programs in community colleges across the nation has contributed to a redefinition of open-access education. Accordingly, the growth in online courses has drawn attention to the value of different instructional modalities, particularly with regard to their effectiveness in learning, retention, and success. As a result, this study sought to determine whether or not there were differences in students’ academic success and course retention for community college men by racial/ethnic affiliation. This study used institutional data on men enrolled in California’s community college system to provide greater insight into the effect of online learning on student success. Findings illustrated that Asian, Black, Latino, and White men were more likely to have higher success outcomes when engaged in face-to-face modalities. There were no clear patterns in which online modality was better than others with regards to success, except for Black men. For these men, asynchronous with multimedia was identified as the second most effective online modality pertaining to success. This research has demonstrated the manifold benefits of face-to-face instruction. As such, face-to-face courses seemed to be the best type of modality for community college men. For that reason, careful consideration must be taken when promoting online learning to Asian, Black, Latino, and White men in community colleges. Though, further research is needed to better understand variation in the presentation of online learning materials and the structure of interactions within online classrooms.  相似文献   

徐文洋 《海外英语》2014,(9):253-254
This thesis aims to analyze the means of cohesion in"of Studies"by Francis Bacon.According to the systemic-functional linguistics,the paper is intended to explore cohesion means applied in Of Studies by Francis Bacon.It gives an account of the functions in grammatical cohesion in the several fields,they are reference,substitution,ellipsis,and conjunction respectively.Finally,it is expected that these analyses can help readers gain a better and deeper comprehension of the structure and content of the text.  相似文献   

The quality of course books decides the quality of teaching. It is important to evaluate course books. The author analyzes "Reading and Writing Book" of "21st Century College English" based on the Nuttal’s reading model. Firstly, this model is presented in the open- ing part. Secondly, then the author discusses suitability of the course book from its content variety, authenticity and the training of language skills. Thirdly, how Nuttal’s reading prin- ciples and reading skills are reflected in such book is analyzed. Based on the discussion and analysis, conclusions are drawn that it is suitable for reading instruction; many of the reading principles and reading skills are well embodied and trained in this book. Finally suggestions are presented in the conclusion part. These suggestions include: 1) this book should be adopted more authentic materials such as poems, advertisements, recipes, travel guidebooks and so on; 2) teachers may present and train students’ reading skills systematically; 3) teachers should provide more and better non-linear text, such as col- ored pictures, reference book list, etc.  相似文献   

钱微 《华章》2007,(3):124-124
The awareness of individualism can be traced back to the period of American Revolution when the Declaration of Independence was produced.It expressed basic beliefs concerning freedom,equality,democracy,privacy and the relationship between people and government,which were exactly what the philosophy of individualism mostly dealt with at that time.This paper is to exploit the essence of individualism by analyzing the Declaration .The analysis enables us to reconsider its significance to the issue of America human rights and foreign policies.  相似文献   

孟鸿雁 《海外英语》2013,(7X):109-110
The article discusses issues related to listening autonomy including the definition of listening and autonomy.The foster of listening involve the collaborated effort of the listening teacher and student.Meanwhile three specific ways to improve listen ing autonomy are presented-keeping a listening diary,extensive listening and forming a listening online community.  相似文献   

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