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学校作为一类社会组织,同时也是典型的利益相关者组织,学校的管理与发展不是孤立的,而是与其相关联的各种利益相关者的支持和配合密不可分。而在其中,家长作为利益相关者中的重要组成部分,其作用在当今学校管理中经常被忽视。本文拟从利益相关者理论视角出发,对家长在参与学校管理中的地位和作用、途径以及给学校管理带来的相应变化进行初步探讨。  相似文献   

张永 《全球教育展望》2021,50(3):106-117
家长与社区组织成员等外部利益相关者参与学校治理是调整学校与政府、社会关系的重要策略,也是建设现代学校制度的重要路径之一.家校社合作的层次理论着重于研究外部利益相关者参与学校治理的深度与限度等一系列问题.美国教育研究界提出了两种具有代表性的有关家校社合作的层次理论,即三层次论与四层次论.前者以家庭和社区组织成员参与学校教...  相似文献   

高校利益相关者的边界与属性识别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
借助Mitchell的三维细分法,分别从合法性、影响力和紧迫性对利益相关者的边界和属性进行分析,得到确定型利益相关者有学生、教师、学校行政管理人员和项目单位四类,预期型利益相关者有用人单位、政府部门、校友、捐赠者、社区、家长、贷款者、公众和其他高校九类。研究证实,高校中的众多利益相关者在多个维度上具有特征差异,人们对利益相关者的认识也是有差异的。  相似文献   

通过分析网络教育信息资源的主要利益相关者作用,同时利用层次分析法计算出各利益相关者体对网络教育信息资源建设的影响权重,发现在主要利益相关者中,政府和教师的权重最高,学校管理者次之,学生和家长亦有明显的影响。并提出强化政府统筹功能、发挥教师主体作用、加强学校管理评价、引入学生和家长参与的网络信息资源建设途径。  相似文献   

学校发展计划(School Development Planning),在国外称为SDP。20世纪90年代末,学校发展计划首次通过中英之间的发展性督导评价项目引入上海,而后在英国资助的中英甘肃基础教育项目中广泛实验和推广。SDP管理理念和技术引进我国后,国内的学者对SDP的理论与实践方面的探讨从未停止,并取得了许多成果。但是,从目前相关的方面来看,主要是集中于分析SDP的实践过程中的相关经验的总结,对西方SDP及其相关社会文化本质的探讨与理性分析较少,从我国特定社会历史文化或从中  相似文献   

从教育人类学的视角出发,运用质的研究方法,探寻布局调整后中心学校管理模式与原先的镇教育委员会管理模式存在的差异,发现中心学校管理模式存在以下问题:中心学校校长的双重身份导致其对镇中心学校中学部(原镇中学)过度干预;镇中心学校校长碍于情面难以解聘不称职教师;中心学校处理上级下拨的经费时有所变通;布局调整后校舍管理不善;学校合并后产生大量冗员.这些问题的产生有着农村文化背景和时代背景,即是在持续推进城市化进程的前提下,农村人口大幅减少,出现学校布局调整的背景下产生的.为此,镇中心学校应该改名为镇教育办公室,校长应该把主要精力放在全镇的教育发展上,镇中心学校校长应该认真处理不称职教师的问题、退休教师的住房问题和冗员问题,以便更好地推行乡镇学校布局调整.  相似文献   

学校发展计划(School Development Planning,简称SDP)是近年来在国际上兴起的一种改进学校管理、提高学校绩效水平的学校管理理念。其实质是以学校发展为切入点。采取一些优化的方案来调适组织与环境之间的关系,达到学校办学绩效不断改善的目的。通过认真设计和全面实施学校发展计划,强化校本管理机制,可提高社区参与程度,  相似文献   

校长领导力:背景、内涵及实践   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
张爽 《中国教育学刊》2007,(9):42-47,54
领导力问题是当前企业组织研究领域的重要问题。企业组织领域是现代管理理论的摇篮,从而影响到教育领域中的理论研究。校长领导力研究获得重视正是遵循了这条路经。领导力是在实现组织目标的过程中,领导者影响被领导者及利益相关者的能力以及领导者与被领导者和利益相关者之间的相互作用;领导力本身,既是一种能力,又是一个作用的过程。校长领导力,就是校长在实现学校目标、推动学校发展的过程中影响全校师生员工和以家长为代表的利益相关者的能力,以及与全校师生员工和以家长为代表的利益相关者之间的相互作用。校长在实践中要树立正确的教育观,重视学校能力建设。  相似文献   

9月26日.成都市升平街小学校长邹军成为全国首个由社会公推直选产生的小学校长。所谓由社会公推直选。是指由学校民主管理委员会(简称民管会)直接选举产生学校校长。民管会由社区、家长和教育界的代表组成,代表了社会各个利益群体.直接接受来自家长、社区、社会的监督。  相似文献   

本文对旅游目的地营销中涉及到的利益相关者进行了初步研究。目的地营销利益相关者主要包括目的地旅游管理部门、旅游企业、旅游行业组织、目的地社区、目标市场等,它们有不同的利益,并对目的地营销实施产生不同的影响。目的地营销管理应重视对利益相关者的管理,对特殊的利益相关者群体采取特殊的策略,并建立平衡他们之间冲突的一般准则。  相似文献   

本文介绍西方教育发达国家最近20年有关学校发展规划的研究,主要从三个方零去论述:一是西方中小学学校发展规划的产生背景;二是学校发展规划的定义和特征;三是学校发展规划的指导思想和基本原则。  相似文献   

James Comer's educational philosophy and his ideas for school reform place child development and human relationships at the center of school change. These ideas, and the School Development Program (SDP) that he founded in 1968, have had considerable influence on school reform and school improvement strategies in the United States and abroad. The notion of creating and maintaining a caring and supportive community, in which the climate of the school supports the total development of the child, is fast becoming a universal aspect of school reform. Many schools across the country are now placing a greater focus on the nature and quality of their climate and on changing climate factors to enhance the development of their students. The result of this progression is that traditional evaluations comparing Comer SDP schools with other schools as non-SDP controls are no longer effective as an approach to studying SDP effects. A more meaningful and practical form of evaluation must now be utilized to pay closer attention to the quality of SDP implementation, the relationships between faithful replication of the SDP process and intervening and distal outcomes, and the varied contextual factors that can facilitate or restrain implementation.  相似文献   

This article brings together stories of how the School Development Program (SDP) is working at three different high schools. West Mecklenburg and Myers Park in Charlotte, North Carolina, and Timberland High School in Berkeley County, South Carolina, all had to reexamine their educational programs as well as the entire school environment when new groups of at-risk students transferred into the schools. The SDP provided a means of bringing all members of the various school communities together--parents, students, teachers, and administrators--to manage appropriate changes. The processes of team formation, committee work, and collaboration with the community are described as well as the various scheduling changes and new academic programs that were created to address student needs. The cumulative growth of experience with the SDP through personal contacts, national training events, and interdistrict consultation is also emphasized.  相似文献   

There remain research gaps concerning how community participation in school management leads to educational outcomes. This paper explores the following research question: how do managerial and pedagogical factors in school management affect educational outcomes from the viewpoint of relational trust? The qualitative case study in Ghana revealed that low community participation, provoked by conflicts over a chieftaincy issue, affected learning outcomes owing to a lack of relational trust among actors and factors in school management. This points to the significance of community development, which plays a foundational role in community participation in school management.  相似文献   

The current study, based on all births in Sweden from 1983 to 1991 ( N  =   654,707), explored the processes underlying the association between smoking during pregnancy (SDP) and offspring school grades and mathematic proficiency at age 15. The analyses compared relatives who varied in their exposure to SDP and who varied in their genetic relatedness. Although SDP was statistically associated with academic achievement (AA) when comparing unrelated individuals, the results suggest that SDP does not cause poorer academic performance, as full siblings differentially exposed to SDP did not differ in their academic scores. The pattern of results suggests that genetic factors shared by parents and their offspring help explain why offspring exposed to SDP have lower levels of AA.  相似文献   

The various ways ‘nature’ and ‘nurture’ interact to shape school pupils' lives are examined from the perspective of recent biologically informed studies. The idea of a highly predictive, genetically based inheritance is strikingly upheld by research in infancy and early childhood. Research evidence also shows how pupil individuality develops within non-shared as well as shared environments (non-shared environments being those where unique experiences rather than shared norms, values and so on affect individual development). Asset-based (rather than deficit-based) pedagogy, within a partnership paradigm, would respect the diverse ways in which school pupils learn.  相似文献   

目前我国关于情绪表达规则认知的研究,还主要集中在语言表达能力已经有了一定发展的学龄儿童或成人,对3~6岁儿童情绪表达规则认知的研究还比较少。本研究借鉴国外研究范式,探讨在中国文化背景下年龄、性别、情境这三个因素对学前儿童情绪表达规则认知的影响。研究结果表明,年龄和情境对儿童情绪表达规则认知存在影响,但性别不是影响儿童情绪表达规则认知的因素。  相似文献   

如何办好高水平运动队,怎样才能使高水平运动员既不耽误文化学习,又能提高运动成绩,这一矛盾眼下尚未解决好.探析高水平运动队教学管理的理论基础,旨在进一步认识高校办高水平运动队的可行性、教学管理的科学性,使教学管理更加细致、全面.  相似文献   

This study uses rich empirical data from Brazil to assess how a government program (PDE) that decentralizes school management decisions changes what goes on in schools and how these changes affect student outcomes. It appears that the PDE resulted in some improvements in management and learning materials, but little change in other areas including evaluation and community relations. However, we find no evidence that schools’ participation in the PDE improved student achievement. The results for grade passing are stronger. Students in PDE schools saw greater increases in grade passing rates than students in non-PDE schools during the period of our study. We also estimate a positive relationship between PDE spending and student gains for those schools in the program, especially for spending on teaching and learning materials and furniture. We find no benefit of electronics spending or spending on teacher training, two of the three largest areas of school investment.  相似文献   

School effectiveness or the horizon of the world as a laboratory   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The present paper aims to provide an account of the genesis and development of a collection of scientific work that has received strong international recognition – the paradigm of school effectiveness. It shows how this theory, based on the design of measurement tools, has gradually influenced educational management and policies in promoting the effectiveness and quality of educational systems. In mobilising allies, setting up laboratories and extending its networks into major international organisations, school effectiveness research has contributed to the emergence of a new form of governance of education systems at a European level and to the promotion of new assessment methods of research in education.  相似文献   

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