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Through hard work , fierce competitiveness (激烈的竞争) and an unmatched (无人可比的) desire to succeed , Arnold Schwarzenegger embodies(体现) the American dream. Coming to America at the age of 21 with  相似文献   

赵洁 《海外英语》2013,(21):243-244
"The Great Gatsby",a fiction by Fitzgerald,is about the failure of the American dream.For the protagonist Gatsby,He is the true heir to American dream.He devotes his whole life to pursues his dream of romantic success without ever understand ing that it has escaped him.Finally,he dies in his pursuit.His failure symbolizes the disillusion of American dream.  相似文献   

Motto(箴言真谛)“Gatsby lived for one goal,only to be betrayed by the cruel world,and buried with hisdisillusioned green dream.”(盖茨比只为了一个目标而活,然而这个残酷的世界背叛了他,他只能和他幻灭的绿色梦想长眠地下。)Questions(边想边读)·What’s your dream in your life?·Why does Gatsby want to get rich?·What kinds of character make you like or dislike him?Reading(阅读欣赏)All summer,Nick Carraway wonders about the fantastic parties frequently1held at his neighbor’s large house.Jazz music…  相似文献   

Five years ago, Taiwanese singer Fan Fan (Fan Weiqi) quit her studies at Harvard University to pursue her dream of singing. It's a bold decision that most would not dare to make. "If I live to be 70 years old, I will go back to school to learn at age 50," said Fan. "But this chance to sing might be the only one. I want to do things I truly love doing, stick to my dream and leave no regrets."  相似文献   

Once a m an had a dream.H e dream ed of a land of peace and har-m ony.H e dream ed of a place where people were not judged by their skincolor.H e dream ed of a country w here children of different races couldplay together.H e dream ed of a nation w here all people w ere equal.Som epeople didn tlike his dream.They said itwould never happen.Som e peo-ple applauded his dream.They w anted to m ake it happen.This noble vi-sion has com e true for som e.For others,its stilljusta fantasy.从前有一个…  相似文献   

Ateam of Japanese and Russian scientists is pursuing a dream of resurrecting (复兴) long-extinct mammoths to roam free in a Siberian safari park(野生动物园) sanctuary. They want to resurrect the animals using the DNA from frozen remains of the ancient beasts, although they have yet to unearth (掘出) usable material in Siberia.But the man who came up with the idea, scientist Kazufumi Goto, will not be deterred(阻止)."It is technically possible (to produce mammoth calves) if we can get healthy DNA, " said Goto, a former professor of reproductive physiology at  相似文献   

A false start, a hobble (蹒跚,跛行) and the face of China’s ath- letics walked away from the Bird’s Nest, shattering (打碎) billions of people’s dream. Liu Xiang entered the track to cheers from flag- waving fans around 11:45 am, Aug. 19th.  相似文献   

Bruce got on the bus early in the morning. He was going to the next town to visit one of his friends. He had got up very early, and he felt tired. Soon he fell asleep. A short while later, he woke up in the middle of a dream. In his dream, he was in a busy street. People were pushing him hard and pulling at his clothes. As he woke up, he found that it wasn't only a dream.Somebody was really pulling at his coat pocket.  相似文献   

Arthur Miller's masterpiece Death of a Salesman is regarded as American myth and a contemporary tragedy. Its theme is closely related to American dream. The leading character Willy Loman is a traveling salesman, who lives a life chiefly in pursuit of the dream. This paper mainly probes into the disillusionment of Willy Loman'S dream from different roles he plays in society as a common people, and in the family as a husband and as a father.  相似文献   

The persona of this story was a boy in a gutter(贫民区)of San Francisco.Because of cacotrophia(营养不良),he got sick with his leg.H e couldn’t stand with his legstraight.A nd his calf(小腿)was even worse shrink(萎缩).But in his little soul,he got a dream only believed byhim self—he would becom e an all-powerful(全能的)playerof A m erican football.The boy was a fan of Jim Brown,a legendary foot-ball player.H e always went to the court to cheer his i-dol.But he was too poor to buy a ticket…  相似文献   

考题回放 Frank's dream was to have his own shop __ to produce the workings of his own hands.(2005湖南)  相似文献   

My Dream     
I had a dream last night. It was a funny dream! In my dream, Sun Wukong was flying in the sky. I said to him: "Sun Wukong! I want to fly too!" Sun Wukong said: "O.K. I will help you!" Heblew(吹) one breath(气) and I began torise(升起)slowly(慢慢地). Then I was flying into the sky. I was very happy and excited.  相似文献   

李蹊 《海外英语》2012,(6):185+187
Most of us know The Great Gatsby written by F.Scott Fitzgerald.Through the novel,the writer shows us how Gatsby pursues his dream and his dream finally is shattered by his death.Gatsby’s tragedy comes from the society of that time.The writer wants to disillusion people.Don’t be Gatsby.Face the real life and try to find the courage and hope for life.  相似文献   

正A Bruce got on the bus early in the morning.He was going to the next town to visit one of his friends.He had got up very early,and he felt tired.Soon he fell asleep.A short while later,he woke up in the middle of a dream.In his dream,he was in a busy street.People were pushing him hard and pulling at his clothes.As he  相似文献   

I have a dream that one day I will be a most needed person-a teacher. Does it sound strange? I began to have this dream when I was only a child. I love children. I don't think it just a waste of time to deal with them all the year round. On the contrary, it will make me happy.  相似文献   

I have a dream that one day I will he a most needed person-a teacher. Does it sound strange? I began to have this dream when I was only a child. I love children. I don't think it a waste of time to deal with them all the year round. On the contrary, it will make me happy.[第一段]  相似文献   

American dream represents a wonderful wish of pursuit of better life, it attracts not only American, but also people all over the world to realize their dreams through hard-working. Focusing on people ...  相似文献   

Everyone has his or her dream.Someone said,“Success is based on dreams.”No matte how difficult it is,I will try best to do make it come ture.My dream is to be a basketbal player.From now on,I will play it hard.I regard basketball as part of my life.If I become a  相似文献   

To many people, the word Hollywood has two meanings. Hollywood is an area in Los Angeles. Hollywood is also the American movie industry. In 1918, after four years of war, which had left millions of people dead, the people alive began to look for a better and happier world. The cinema supplied an answer. With little money, people could forget their unhappy lives and dream(向往) of better ones. In Hollywood, the warm climate(气候) and  相似文献   

Section A (第一课时) Ⅰ. 用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。 1. The League ______ (found) in May, 1922. 2. Many new buildings ______ (build) in this city every year. 3. What’s this jacket ______ (make) of? 4. Computer is a great ______ (invent). 5. This kind of machine can ______ (operate) easily, so you don’t need much skill to do the job. 6. Many young people dream of ______ (become) famous basketball players. 7. Basketball is a game that is ______ (play) indoors and outdoors. 8. I want to…  相似文献   

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